Where's the Keystone steel coming from?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The cheeto in chief said it would be American steel and yet, I keep reading otherwise. Most commonly, that its only future purchases that might be of American steel. Since drumpf used inferior steel from China for his buildings, since he uses illegals and foreign workers, since he lies about everything else - let's just say I'm skeptical.


Newsweek investigation: How Donald Trump ditched U.S. steel workers in favor of China

American steel unlikely to get Keystone boost despite Trump order

Is labor partially to blame for Donald Trump’s victory? Either way, they’re paying the price

Keystone Pipeline won’t have to use U.S. steel

'American steel' starts at Paulsboro port

Trump Reverses Pledge To Mandate U.S. Steel For Keystone Pipeline. A Direct Beneficiary Is A Russian Oligarch With Close Ties To Vladimir Putin | The Huffington Post

First import of Russian steel arrives at new Paulsboro port

Needless to say, there are many many thousands of links showing evidence/proof that drumpf lied about this too.

Trump flat out said that if the steel wasn't ALL American steel then no pipeline would be built... now they are saying he meant starting now, not counting steel that has already been bought and put into place. It's just a load of crap that he likes to feed to the uneducated masses to make them think he is doing a good job and looking out for Americans. He figures no one follows up with his speeches to hold him to his word. Sadly many Americans don't, or they are so brain washed by political partisanship they don't give a fuck if he lies or not.
Purchase order and the date fool. Does any liberal have a lick of sense on how business is conducted?

Do you really believe Luddly that Trump just placed a steel order on Amazon or ebay to do the pipeline?


I bet you do you freaking moron.
Purchase order and the date fool. Does any liberal have a lick of sense on how business is conducted?

Do you really believe Luddly that Trump just placed a steel order on Amazon or ebay to do the pipeline?


I bet you do you freaking moron.
They would indeed.
Purchase order and the date fool. Does any liberal have a lick of sense on how business is conducted?

Do you really believe Luddly that Trump just placed a steel order on Amazon or ebay to do the pipeline?


I bet you do you freaking moron.

Then he shouldn't make promises to the American people that he can't deliver, simple as that. Of course saying in his speech, "We'll use nothing but American Steel once all the other steel that has already been paid for is used up," doesn't sell newspapers or make him look great does it?
Microfoundries and Canuckistan. /thread

Are you saying its okay with you that drumpf lied to our steel workers? Is it okay with you that uses illegals and foreign workers instead of Americans? Even his sleazy spawn Eric hires illegals for his winery. That's okay with you?

Honestly, all of this was well known long before the election and yet, RWs voted against their own country.

There's only one possible reason for this - RWs set out to knowingly hurt the US working class.

Donald Trump Uses Foreign Steel in His Buildings

Donald Trump’s Use of Foreign Steel Undercuts a Major Campaign Theme

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump And The Victimization Of U.S. Steel

Steelworkers livid over report Trump bought Chinese steel, aluminum

Trump Built Trump Tower With Concrete, Not PA Steel, To Save Money
Purchase order and the date fool. Does any liberal have a lick of sense on how business is conducted?

Do you really believe Luddly that Trump just placed a steel order on Amazon or ebay to do the pipeline?


I bet you do you freaking moron.

I have no doubt that over the years, drumpf has placed orders for various building materials. Why don't you post where he purchased from the US? And be sure to include that purchase order and date. :rolleyes:

Quit making excuses for his lies and your hatred for your country. He lied and now you're lying for him. WTF is wrong with you people that you love Pooting, love drumpf, love anything that harms your own country.

I've concluded that RWNJs don't have kids or g-kids. If they did, surely they would not purposely vote against them. Or would they?
Luddly. Boy oh boy where do I start. I can and will condemn anyone who ever lost the "buy America first".

I never understood that anyone shouldn't. But then they changed the rules so you couldn't figure out exactly where your <product from anywhere> was coming from.

The packaging rules confound the consumer. That's on the low ticket items. In big print PACKAGED IN.....meanwhile whatever it is was produced in Tierra del Fuego.

I'm cheering on the bring back America crowd why? Because I believe America and the American worker knowing their products are going out there cares about quality.

To bring production home under our house regulations is a win win for everyone.

What pray tell Luddly is wrong with this?

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