where's all this racism???!!


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
...picking up from what rightwinger said in another post...he said my black friends said they are pulled over by police for petty things =OPPRESSION-RACISM...........................!!!!!
..that's just it !!!!!!!!!!
1. it's hearsay--NOT proof of racism...no where close!!
2. I've been pulled over for ''petty'' things ..
--just got a new ''used'' car and had old plates on it...perfectly LEGAL--the cops ran the plates and pulled me over
--etc other times
3.I remember an article in the newspaper-- headline was:
'''Blacks steered to black neighborhoods when buying houses'''--only it was like rightwinger's bullshit---it wasn't proof--they asked blacks what they THOUGHT was happening
--like when a white person said the word Black hole, some black THOUGHT it was racist
4. the Ferguson Report--ever read the details?? in one incident the black THOUGHT it was racial because the police gave him a ticket for violating the law!!

....most of this shit is not racism--like the BIG Starbucks crap...I've asked many times for proof of how these incidents are racial--and no one has even replied, much less given proof

Covington, Smollet, etc
..when you eat/shit/sleep/dream/etc race, well, you will see it everywhere--even in space terminology:

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You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
They must demonstrate/state a reason for pulling you over.

Did they have a reason?

Maybe there's a cultural thing where some folks tend to give police a reason to pull them over, like a shit ton of traffic violations?
...picking up from what rightwinger said in another post...he said my black friends said they are pulled over by police for petty things =OPPRESSION-RACISM...........................!!!!!
..that's just it !!!!!!!!!!
1. it's hearsay--NOT proof of racism...no where close!!
2. I've been pulled over for ''petty'' things ..
--just got a new ''used'' car and had old plates on it...perfectly LEGAL--the cops ran the plates and pulled me over
--etc other times
3.I remember an article in the newspaper-- headline was:
'''Blacks steered to black neighborhoods when buying houses'''--only it was like rightwinger's bullshit---it wasn't proof--they asked blacks what they THOUGHT was happening
--like when a white person said the word Black hole, some black THOUGHT it was racist
4. the Ferguson Report--ever read the details?? in one incident the black THOUGHT it was racial because the police gave him a ticket for violating the law!!

....most of this shit is not racism--like the BIG Starbucks crap...I've asked many times for proof of how these incidents are racial--and no one has even replied, much less given proof

Covington, Smollet, etc
..when you eat/shit/sleep/dream/etc race, well, you will see it everywhere--even in space terminology:

Well, you would have to:

(a) Find real-life examples of minorities who describe what it's like (not difficult right now, since you're on the "internet")
(b) Put down your ideological blinders and honestly consider the possibility that what they're saying is true
(c) Pause for a moment and honestly try to understand what their lives might be like

Just like you would want someone else to understand your perspective.

Since it's highly doubtful you will do any of those things, just keep believing what you're choosing to believe.
...picking up from what rightwinger said in another post...he said my black friends said they are pulled over by police for petty things =OPPRESSION-RACISM...........................!!!!!
..that's just it !!!!!!!!!!
1. it's hearsay--NOT proof of racism...no where close!!
2. I've been pulled over for ''petty'' things ..
--just got a new ''used'' car and had old plates on it...perfectly LEGAL--the cops ran the plates and pulled me over
--etc other times
3.I remember an article in the newspaper-- headline was:
'''Blacks steered to black neighborhoods when buying houses'''--only it was like rightwinger's bullshit---it wasn't proof--they asked blacks what they THOUGHT was happening
--like when a white person said the word Black hole, some black THOUGHT it was racist
4. the Ferguson Report--ever read the details?? in one incident the black THOUGHT it was racial because the police gave him a ticket for violating the law!!

....most of this shit is not racism--like the BIG Starbucks crap...I've asked many times for proof of how these incidents are racial--and no one has even replied, much less given proof

Covington, Smollet, etc
..when you eat/shit/sleep/dream/etc race, well, you will see it everywhere--even in space terminology:

Well, you would have to:

(a) Find real-life examples of minorities who describe what it's like (not difficult right now, since you're on the "internet")
(b) Put down your ideological blinders and honestly consider the possibility that what they're saying is true
(c) Pause for a moment and honestly try to understand what their lives might be like

Just like you would want someone else to understand your perspective.

Since it's highly doubtful you will do any of those things, just keep believing what you're choosing to believe.
I really believe, honestly, that there is a certain segment of the black population who deliberately act foolish and it makes the entire population look bad.

Humans naturally group information in their minds to save time and energy and thought process. Human brains are efficient.

I really believe what's happening is police are developing biases against an entire race of people because of the actions of a very ridiculous few.

Then, that ridiculous few bitches and complains when they know good and goddamn well they did something wrong and are just trying to get out of it.


I am not saying it's right for cops to act on their biases, regardless of how those bias is developed. There is a shared bit of responsibility in my opinion.

That is my honest take. I am sure I will be crucified for it.
...picking up from what rightwinger said in another post...he said my black friends said they are pulled over by police for petty things =OPPRESSION-RACISM...........................!!!!!
..that's just it !!!!!!!!!!
1. it's hearsay--NOT proof of racism...no where close!!
2. I've been pulled over for ''petty'' things ..
--just got a new ''used'' car and had old plates on it...perfectly LEGAL--the cops ran the plates and pulled me over
--etc other times
3.I remember an article in the newspaper-- headline was:
'''Blacks steered to black neighborhoods when buying houses'''--only it was like rightwinger's bullshit---it wasn't proof--they asked blacks what they THOUGHT was happening
--like when a white person said the word Black hole, some black THOUGHT it was racist
4. the Ferguson Report--ever read the details?? in one incident the black THOUGHT it was racial because the police gave him a ticket for violating the law!!

....most of this shit is not racism--like the BIG Starbucks crap...I've asked many times for proof of how these incidents are racial--and no one has even replied, much less given proof

Covington, Smollet, etc
..when you eat/shit/sleep/dream/etc race, well, you will see it everywhere--even in space terminology:

Well, you would have to:

(a) Find real-life examples of minorities who describe what it's like (not difficult right now, since you're on the "internet")
(b) Put down your ideological blinders and honestly consider the possibility that what they're saying is true
(c) Pause for a moment and honestly try to understand what their lives might be like

Just like you would want someone else to understand your perspective.

Since it's highly doubtful you will do any of those things, just keep believing what you're choosing to believe.
I really believe, honestly, that there is a certain segment of the black population who deliberately act foolish and it makes the entire population look bad.

Humans naturally group information in their minds to save time and energy and thought process. Human brains are efficient.

I really believe what's happening is police are developing biases against an entire race of people because of the actions of a very ridiculous few.

Then, that ridiculous few bitches and complains when they know good and goddamn well they did something wrong and you're just trying to get out of it.


I am not saying it's right for cops to act on their biases, regardless of how those bias is developed. There is a shared bit of responsibility in my opinion.

That is my honest take. I am sure I will be crucified for it.

To me, the far bigger problem comes from guilt-soaked white liberals, who have enabled the worst behaviors of minorities for generations now, by coddling them and refusing to hold them accountable.

Black Americans are born into that culture and raised in it. People tend to follow the flow, like a river.
You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
They must demonstrate/state a reason for pulling you over.

Did they have a reason?

Maybe there's a cultural thing where some folks tend to give police a reason to pull them over, like a shit ton of traffic violations?

You really should have read the links. The police were so upset that they were exposed that their initial reaction was to demand that the legislature rescind the laws requiring the police to keep the data and share it with open records requests.

Twenty million traffic stops were analyzed. Despite being searched four times as often it seems that Blacks were actually less likely to have contraband. Whites had it more often. So if they were doing this based upon statistics stopping whites to find contraband would seem to be a better strategy.

Bit it is a bad strategy to begin with. 3 traffic stops out of 10,000 result in actionable amounts of contraband.

This by the way was part of what the DOJ said was unconstitutional in their investigation into the Ferguson Police Department.

But go ahead. Keep tap dancing and finding excuses to continue the cycle of abuse and result. It is what we have been doing since the 1970’s. Over and over again the lies are exposed and the police promise reform and then the abuses continue and the people object and the reforms are promised.
You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
....twice and four times is not proof it's racism!!!!!!!!!!!
You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
your link is saying the SAME thing I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!
''''Although the officer did not allude to Jackson's race, the veteran believed that was why he was stopped''''
BELIEVED = not fact= not truth/etc

''''''for what he believed was no reason since returning to Illinois from the military in 2012''''
this is what I am saying---they THINK it's racial--but have no proof
..your own link proves what I am saying
You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
your link is saying the SAME thing I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!
''''Although the officer did not allude to Jackson's race, the veteran believed that was why he was stopped''''
BELIEVED = not fact= not truth/etc

''''''for what he believed was no reason since returning to Illinois from the military in 2012''''
this is what I am saying---they THINK it's racial--but have no proof
..your own link proves what I am saying

No. The story shows that the tickets were unwarranted. So if the cop was not appropriately enforcing the law why did he stop our Veteran? Running out of reasons quickly. It was not for traffic violations. He was found not guilty. It wasn’t for any legal reason.

you wanted proof. The cops are so sure it was proof that they demanded that the law be changed to end the tracking of traffic stops. Can’t have evidence of the bias can we?
You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
your link is saying the SAME thing I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!
''''Although the officer did not allude to Jackson's race, the veteran believed that was why he was stopped''''
BELIEVED = not fact= not truth/etc

''''''for what he believed was no reason since returning to Illinois from the military in 2012''''
this is what I am saying---they THINK it's racial--but have no proof
..your own link proves what I am saying

No. The story shows that the tickets were unwarranted. So if the cop was not appropriately enforcing the law why did he stop our Veteran? Running out of reasons quickly. It was not for traffic violations. He was found not guilty. It wasn’t for any legal reason.

you wanted proof. The cops are so sure it was proof that they demanded that the law be changed to end the tracking of traffic stops. Can’t have evidence of the bias can we?
wrong---his quotes are right there!!!!!!! he ''BELIEVED'''
Find real-life examples of minorities who describe what it's like
So they aren’t equal to you and are aliens? What don’t you understand?
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

If you're not curious enough to find out what someone else's life is like, that's not my problem.

Stick to your little world.
Find real-life examples of minorities who describe what it's like
So they aren’t equal to you and are aliens? What don’t you understand?
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

If you're not curious enough to find out what someone else's life is like, that's not my problem.

Stick to your little world.
You didn’t say someone else’s life you said someone else's race.. why do you continue to victimize African-Americans and people of color treat them equally man enough of you fucking Treating them like they are below you! Your a
Suck fuck!
...picking up from what rightwinger said in another post...he said my black friends said they are pulled over by police for petty things =OPPRESSION-RACISM...........................!!!!!
..that's just it !!!!!!!!!!
1. it's hearsay--NOT proof of racism...no where close!!
2. I've been pulled over for ''petty'' things ..
--just got a new ''used'' car and had old plates on it...perfectly LEGAL--the cops ran the plates and pulled me over
--etc other times
3.I remember an article in the newspaper-- headline was:
'''Blacks steered to black neighborhoods when buying houses'''--only it was like rightwinger's bullshit---it wasn't proof--they asked blacks what they THOUGHT was happening
--like when a white person said the word Black hole, some black THOUGHT it was racist
4. the Ferguson Report--ever read the details?? in one incident the black THOUGHT it was racial because the police gave him a ticket for violating the law!!

....most of this shit is not racism--like the BIG Starbucks crap...I've asked many times for proof of how these incidents are racial--and no one has even replied, much less given proof

Covington, Smollet, etc
..when you eat/shit/sleep/dream/etc race, well, you will see it everywhere--even in space terminology:

Well, you would have to:

(a) Find real-life examples of minorities who describe what it's like (not difficult right now, since you're on the "internet")
(b) Put down your ideological blinders and honestly consider the possibility that what they're saying is true
(c) Pause for a moment and honestly try to understand what their lives might be like

Just like you would want someone else to understand your perspective.

Since it's highly doubtful you will do any of those things, just keep believing what you're choosing to believe.
I really believe, honestly, that there is a certain segment of the black population who deliberately act foolish and it makes the entire population look bad.

Humans naturally group information in their minds to save time and energy and thought process. Human brains are efficient.

I really believe what's happening is police are developing biases against an entire race of people because of the actions of a very ridiculous few.

Then, that ridiculous few bitches and complains when they know good and goddamn well they did something wrong and are just trying to get out of it.


I am not saying it's right for cops to act on their biases, regardless of how those bias is developed. There is a shared bit of responsibility in my opinion.

That is my honest take. I am sure I will be crucified for it.

He ought to be embarrassed, but hes not

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You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
your link is saying the SAME thing I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!
''''Although the officer did not allude to Jackson's race, the veteran believed that was why he was stopped''''
BELIEVED = not fact= not truth/etc

''''''for what he believed was no reason since returning to Illinois from the military in 2012''''
this is what I am saying---they THINK it's racial--but have no proof
..your own link proves what I am saying

No. The story shows that the tickets were unwarranted. So if the cop was not appropriately enforcing the law why did he stop our Veteran? Running out of reasons quickly. It was not for traffic violations. He was found not guilty. It wasn’t for any legal reason.

you wanted proof. The cops are so sure it was proof that they demanded that the law be changed to end the tracking of traffic stops. Can’t have evidence of the bias can we?
wrong---his quotes are right there!!!!!!! he ''BELIEVED'''

So he was found guilty of traffic violations?
You really do not want proof. It was easy to find.

Twice as likely to get pulled over. Four times as likely to get searched. Perhaps the Blacks have a point?

I doubt you will click on the links. They show what you deny is actually true. And like a Flat Earth believer no evidence will convince you.
Doesn’t mention if any of the cops were black.
What’s more, since crime is committed at a significantly higher rate by blacks, blacks would more likely fit the description of suspects.
You need to do more research into how we can get blacks to reduce their crime rate.
I’ll give you a hint; need more daddies! Duh.
I often see a mother on TV crying that she must warn her sons to be very careful when they leave home, for maybe they will be beaten or killed by a police officer because of their ethnicity.

I also suspect that some cops' wives warn their husbands every morning to be especially careful when dealing with certain young gentlemen who are known to often be defiant and even violent.
I often see a mother on TV crying that she must warn her sons to be very careful when they leave home, for maybe they will be beaten or killed by a police officer because of their ethnicity.

I also suspect that some cops' wives warn their husbands every morning to be especially careful when dealing with certain young gentlemen who are known to often be defiant and even violent.
Don’t see that black kid’s dad, do ya? He only shows up after the kid is dead and tries to capitalize on the hype.

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