Where is the scrutiny?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
When a video is shown wherre whittes beat up blacks most of the "conservatives" here clamor for context aand must need more information. But when videos of blacks doing it are shown, it's automatic. This is anoother example of the virulent white racism in this forum. So don't sit on your asses telling me how it's in the past. This forum was not made in the 1800's.

He is not a well man and is also ultra obsessive .
He needs professional help and could become a real danger to others if not treated .imho .
More projection. Gaslighting doesn't work on me.

I posted 2 links showing the behavior. I expect the lies and personal attacks because it's all you've got. You gotta cover your ass sommehow.
He is not a well man and is also ultra obsessive .
He needs professional help and could become a real danger to others if not treated .imho .


You just described 90% of the Leftists on this website.

I challenge you directly quote anyone here clamoring for content when a white beats up a black for no legit reason.

Link to the exact post or it's a straman, moron.
Now looky here, man. Ya’ll cain’t be axin my man fo proof. Dat there is racist as sheeyit!
When a video is shown wherre whittes beat up blacks most of the "conservatives" here clamor for context aand must need more information. But when videos of blacks doing it are shown, it's automatic. This is anoother example of the virulent white racism in this forum. So don't sit on your asses telling me how it's in the past. This forum was not made in the 1800's.

Keep whining and play the victim. Maybe it will work out for you some day.
When a video is shown wherre whittes beat up blacks most of the "conservatives" here clamor for context aand must need more information. But when videos of blacks doing it are shown, it's automatic. This is anoother example of the virulent white racism in this forum. So don't sit on your asses telling me how it's in the past. This forum was not made in the 1800's.

Are you aware of an internet forum called Stormfront?

It was de-platformed a few years ago due to its associations with, and promotion of, violent White supremacist ideology.

USMB is sometimes, and sad to say accurately, compared to Stormfront, and undoubtedly hosts posters who formerly participated there.

Arguing with deranged racist extremists is a waste of time; as the Gutfeld show on Fox likes to say:

Mock it and move on.
More projection. Gaslighting doesn't work on me.

I posted 2 links showing the behavior. I expect the lies and personal attacks because it's all you've got. You gotta cover your ass sommehow.
Learn to see considered criticism as such when it is put fairly in front of you .
Squash your big fat head a little and make room in it for a drop of humility and greatfulness .
Or, as we say here in Merry England , stop behaving like a spoiled angry brat .

BTW What do you imagine these dark forces are projecting ?

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