Where is the “October Surprise“ for Biden?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Hell, you’d think it would have happened by now given Biden’s huge lead in the polls.

We already know what Trump’s is. It’s that moron getting COVID and spreading it to the rest of the WH. Hell, even Barron had it. How embarrassing. He brought that October Surprise squarely on himself.

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Hell, you’d think it would have happened by now given Biden’a huge lead in the polls.

We already know what Trump’s is. It’s that moron getting COVID and spreading it to the rest of the WH. Hell, even Barron had it. How embarrassing. He brought that October Surprise squarely on himself.
Barron is probably the one who infected his parents.
Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?
Because Biden is campaigning for the presidency, and the incumbent Administration cannot indict a political opponent. A very similar problem prevents the indictment of Hillary Clinton - she was a political oppenent.
It is an error, because of the inadequate separation of powers. The DoJ was not established until like after the Civil War, and only one person knows how to separate it from the presidency.
True Genius

Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?

Oh, it's suddenly a tabloid when it nails your favorite guy to the wall, huh? How bemusing.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
No, it's not. It's just made up crap.

According to whom? What sources say that this story is untrue? Links? Evidence?


Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?

Oh, it's suddenly a tabloid when it nails your favorite guy to the wall, huh? How bemusing.
I definitely never called it anything other than a tabloid so you sound dumb.

Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?

Oh, it's suddenly a tabloid when it nails your favorite guy to the wall, huh? How bemusing.
I definitely never called it anything other than a tabloid so you sound dumb.

Ha. Keep dodging, kid.
Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?
Because Biden is campaigning for the presidency, and the incumbent Administration cannot indict a political opponent. A very similar problem prevents the indictment of Hillary Clinton - she was a political oppenent.
It is an error, because of the inadequate separation of powers. The DoJ was not established until like after the Civil War, and only one person knows how to separate it from the presidency.
True Genius
Lol I said investigating. Hillary was investigated while she ran.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
Lol no it really isn’t. Why hasn’t Hunter been arrested? Why isn’t any law enforcement body investigating him?
1. If the Ukraine isn't blowing up then why freeze Kaylee McEneny's accounts?
2. Or why stop the story from being spread on social media?
3. Hunter got $50,000 a month from Burisma for political influence, why did he get $3,500,000 from the Moscow mayor's wife?
4. Did Hunter register as a lobbyist like they nailed Flynn for?
5. Hunter got $1,500,000,000 from China to "manage".
6. The documentation shows that the Biden's coordinated pay-for-play.

Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?
The Senate Homeland Security IS NOW INVESTIGATING.

We have seen that democrats engage in risky conduct when the cameras are off. Pelosi got her hair done in her filthy district without wearing a mask. The thing of it is that it seems that only republicans seem to be testing positive for the virus.
Hell, you’d think it would have happened by now given Biden’a huge lead in the polls.

We already know what Trump’s is. It’s that moron getting COVID and spreading it to the rest of the WH. Hell, even Barron had it. How embarrassing. He brought that October Surprise squarely on himself.

October surprise will be when Biden announces he is dropping out of the race and the Dems need to get a replacement mo ricky tick.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
Lol no it really isn’t. Why hasn’t Hunter been arrested? Why isn’t any law enforcement body investigating him?
There is nothing illegal about him taking a job as an advisor to a foreign company and getting paid $100k a month while being high on crack.

But there is the little oppsie of a little email confirming he did communicate to his father about the Ukrainians when Quid Pro Joe assured us he hadn’t talked to his son at that time. But, it’s okay when Joe lies right? His memory isn’t what it used to be.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
Lol no it really isn’t. Why hasn’t Hunter been arrested? Why isn’t any law enforcement body investigating him?
1. If the Ukraine isn't blowing up then why freeze Kaylee McEneny's accounts?
2. Or why stop the story from being spread on social media?
3. Hunter got $50,000 a month from Burisma for political influence, why did he get $3,500,000 from the Moscow mayor's wife?
4. Did Hunter register as a lobbyist like they nailed Flynn for?
5. Hunter got $1,500,000,000 from China to "manage".
6. The documentation shows that the Biden's coordinated pay-for-play.
I’m not informed too much on the specifics of this. Everything you said here sounds like republican talking points. Just bullshit you get from rightwing media. If law enforcement opens an investigation into him, then I’ll care. For now there is no reason to care. Of course, even then, it’s Hunter and not Joe. This all really just comes across as desperate.

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