Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

That riot seems suspicious. David Duke is an intelligent man. But I was wondering why he had brought Pres. Trump into the scene as if Pres. Trump was with them at one time. If Pres. Trump was with him at one time, he could of had pulled the President aside, and talk to him about his comment. But instead he publicize it as if he has wanted to let the world to know it. But any way, Pres. Trump had blamed it on both groups of protesters. But it sound like David Duke was trying to make Pres. Trump into a white supremacist. KKK do not divulge any silent members.

KKK Just Announced It's Funding THIS Presidential Candidate - 'Friends With The Klan'

Stephenson had bitten her many times in his attack. The attending doctor described her condition as having a significant bite on her breast.[9] He later testified that the bite wounds Stephenson inflicted on her were a lead contributor to her death because they resulted in a staph infection that eventually reached her lungs and that she could have been saved if she had been given medical attention sooner. D. C. Stephenson - Wikipedia

Mark of the beast...


So what's suspicious about the right and why do you believe that David Duke is such an intelligent man?

David Duke is trying to make it seem to the world that the President and him had some type agreement. He knows better than that, that it will make it seem as if Pres. Trump is a White supremacist. It is just like the way Mike Flynn was told not to talk to any Russians, or else it will make as if the President was colluding with them. But he went off and did it after being told not to, and plus lied to Pence about it, knowingly that it will be divulged. They are a part of Obama's shadow government, as the same way Gloria Steinem was undercover agent for the C.I.A., that was planted into the women's movement.

Not sure if I consider myself on the right, but according to the left everyone who doesn't agree with Stalin is a Nazi, so...

I condemn the actions in full, of both sides.
I just joined this board; is everyone on here for real? This is some scary stuff.

Doesn't seem much point asking folk to condemn the ethics of the marchers because several of them support those ethics.

Either that or they hide behind perceived equivalents from a previous administration which, right or wrong, are hardly a justification.

My view: Trump showed his true beliefs and his personality over the last few days. He read a passionless prepared statement of condemnation followed by a passionate unscripted attack on the Antifa. The words were almost secondary to his level of engagement in each case. This shows that he clearly has a level of sympathy with the KKK marchers and also cannot bear being told, even by his own team, to admit that he was wrong (in his initial handling of the situation). He had to lash out and have, effectively, a tantrum live on air. Astonishing immaturity and lack of self-control from any adult, let alone one in office.

And by spending more time and energy condemning the violence he gave disproportionate attention to the secondary issue, not to the primary. Violence is really not going to win you any friends or sympathy in general, and the Antifa made a big mistake in doing this. It allowed Trump, and others, to deflect the discussion to this issue which, whilst serious, is incomparable with the far bigger issue; a KKK march being held in middle America, headed by a man who effectively said on camera that he drew strength from Trump and his endorsement.

Do i condemn the use of violence from Antifa? Yes of course.

Do I condemn the KKK march, the words of their leader and the subsequent deflection by Trump to focus on the violence rather than the root cause? Yes, far far more.

Free speech is not an absolute right without exception. Not if it transgresses other laws such as those around inciting hatred, even if done in a non-violent manner.

As to the question of Trump's time in office? First and foremost a leader is judged by the effect they have on the mood of the nation. Trump, intentional or otherwise, has presided over a period of division and unrest unparalleled in recent US history. This is unarguable, whatever you think the cause, and it is down to him to fix.
The article I provided had her quoted as not knowing of any connection and she didn't know what protest he was even attending.

My point is that maybe we ought to at least wait until the bodies have been picked up to race to judgement. But that isn't what the left wing wants, or the right when the shoe is on the other foot.

Driver in fatal Charlottesville wreck identified as James Alex Fields

Field's mother, Samantha Bloom, told The Associated Press on Saturday night that she knew her son was attending a rally in Virginia but didn't know it was a white supremacist rally.

"I thought it had something to do with Trump. Trump's not a white supremacist," Bloom said.

"He had an African-American friend so ...," she said before her voice trailed off. She added that she'd be surprised if her son's views were that far right.

Bloom, who became visibly upset as she learned of the injuries and deaths at the rally, said she and her son had just moved to the Toledo area from the northern Kentucky city of Florence. She said that's where Fields grew up. She relocated to Ohio for work.
If what this Bloom lady claims is true, then her son was radicalized by local terrorists.
Who does NOT condemn them?
Well, where's YOUR condemnation? I don't recall seeing it.

Do you have a form to fill out, to make sure it meets with your approval?

He is a moron, every thread is a game. He likes to incite racism and hate on a more subtle level.

The history of white supremacist is disgusting and I wish they would all die out. Antifa crowd is almost as despicable but not quite. To go into a town and to protest a statue coming down is absolutely hate and stupidity. The idiots that came to protest the protesters seemed to be wanting a fight. Anyone that was there is absolutely an idiot. Wish neither group existed, extremist are evil rooted in false ideas.
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?

What happened was one hate filled group of disgusting human beings went looking for a fight with another group of hate filled human beings.

When that happens, best to just let it play out.

Horrible as it sounds. It would end there and then.
Show me what a Man will Kill and Die for, and I'll show you what he values. Show me what a Man wkll not Kill and Die for, and I'll show you what he cares not about.

I have no doubt we'll find out this driver was not a Conservative, but until he's found and the investigation carried out, that's all I'm gonna say.

I'm sure he has just tons in common with conservatives and libertarians. Like the both eat breakfast and use the toilet.

Get a friggen life before it's two damn late.
The article I provided had her quoted as not knowing of any connection and she didn't know what protest he was even attending.

My point is that maybe we ought to at least wait until the bodies have been picked up to race to judgement. But that isn't what the left wing wants, or the right when the shoe is on the other foot.

Driver in fatal Charlottesville wreck identified as James Alex Fields

Field's mother, Samantha Bloom, told The Associated Press on Saturday night that she knew her son was attending a rally in Virginia but didn't know it was a white supremacist rally.

"I thought it had something to do with Trump. Trump's not a white supremacist," Bloom said.

"He had an African-American friend so ...," she said before her voice trailed off. She added that she'd be surprised if her son's views were that far right.

Bloom, who became visibly upset as she learned of the injuries and deaths at the rally, said she and her son had just moved to the Toledo area from the northern Kentucky city of Florence. She said that's where Fields grew up. She relocated to Ohio for work.
If what this Bloom lady claims is true, then her son was radicalized by local terrorists.

Or are you saying that HE was radicalized by the unlawful behavior of ANTIFA who is trying their damnist to oppose their will on everyone else?
Here is the truth, one side claims to be concerned about racism and the statues they say are a symbol of racism. The other side claims that the statue s represent freedom and rebellion and want them to stay. So how does compromise work?
I woke up this morning read more of the story and I agree the car incident, which is by far the worst incident was a white supremacist. That was unknown when I posted yesterday however I also acknowledged that it was probably a supremacist. I am just not going to jump to conclusion, there is already too much of that going on.

We still don't know other than the one incident on who the aggressor is.
I really don't understand why it took you so long to come to this conclusion, when the video spelled it out. Actually, I suspect it's due to partisanship, but that's not provable.

Even in your acknowledgement, you still have reservations, as you've called the terrorist attack an "incident", I suspect you would have never been so gracious were it a Muslim and/or black perpetrator. You know within yourself whether or not that is true.

However, I trust and hope that going forward, you would be so gracious and patient when and if it's a Muslim and/or black perpetrator in the future, and wait for the facts, not only that, but temper your fellow rightwingers who would be running to see who could be first in line to condemn all blacks and Muslims for such a terrible terrorist act by the group.

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