Where does Truth lie when the President sees only one side


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
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Meanwhile you approve of rifling the man's pockets while he's unconscious. Hmm..., how many people did the victim strike with his machete? Was the victim really threatening or protecting himself.
Indeed, you are claiming mob beating of this man is justified?
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Politicians are not known for being unbiased sources of truth. The Bible puts it simply:

Prove all things - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV.

One thing for sure - some police are murderers, others condone these murders, and there is a union that defends such murderers. But this is nothing new. Thankfully most police try to protect us, not harm us.

Protesting in demonstrations is dangerous - one reason we do not engage in public demonstrations. See:


July 2013 | Is Protest the Answer?

Is Protest the Answer?
Well that is what the post is about what really did happen, The video that went viral just show a portion of what happen. edited for graphic content by a Blaze contributor

The longer version of the video shows the moments before the attack. The man who is injured at the end begins by rushing towards the crowd with machete in hand. 

I have not seen the video but if he rushed the group with a machete in hand, he pretty much started it. A point that nobody wants to acknowledge. Only that the group beat him with various report saying he died and others making the claim that he was protecting the neighborhood.

If the guy had a gun and was shooting, then I am sure there are those who will say he was defending himself.

Still it is wrong to go thru his pockets if that actually happen.

If someone came at you with a machete, would you defend yourself? If he got hurt is it then your fault that he got hurt.

Witness have given statements that he attacked first. A skateboarder defended himself with his skateboard and was cut but was still able to knock the machete away. That is when others join in on the attacked.

Still the point was how this story gets twisted by the right and even Trump chimed in on this as the attacker was the innocent one.

The lies are spread for political purpose even by the President who does not even bother to check his facts before making his tweeter comments. The police will have to determine who will be charged and taken to jail.

I cannot view the video but supposedly this is a second video that show more of what happen that what was reported by a right wing blogger.

another source which repeats the same thing that the a Blaze editor edited the facts to show just what he wanted to show.
Protesters blocking streets without a city permit are all of them law breakers.

Who the hell will pay attention to law breakers? Lol.

They can continue with their charade, I don't give a dime for their complaints. Bunch of losers, lol.

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Was it necessary for the black lives matter animals to beat the man to death?

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.

THAT is what you find to be of critical importance today?

Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender: “Police Free Future” is “the Goal” (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published June 8, 2020 at 10:03pm

TRENDING: Wow! Minneapolis City Council President Says Calling the Police on Burglars "Comes from a Place of Privilege" (VIDEO)


List of 35 Federal Riot Cases Charged From DOJ So Far: 45 Individuals: Homemade Explosives, Molotov Cocktails, Burning Patrol Cars, Inciting Violence, Looting and More…
By Cristina Laila
Published June 8, 2020 at 8:57pm

The DOJ has so far charged a total of 45 individuals with alleged attacks on officers, homemade explosives and Molotov cocktails, inciting violence, illegal possession of firearms, burning patrol cars, looting and damage to government property.

The damage in Minneapolis alone is alarming.

The Star Tribune obtained Minneapolis’ survey of property damage which revealed 1,000 commercial properties were damaged, including 52 businesses that were totally destroyed by rioters — the total cost of the damage is estimated at $500 million.


Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.

THAT is what you find to be of critical importance today?

Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender: “Police Free Future” is “the Goal” (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published June 8, 2020 at 10:03pm

TRENDING: Wow! Minneapolis City Council President Says Calling the Police on Burglars "Comes from a Place of Privilege" (VIDEO)


List of 35 Federal Riot Cases Charged From DOJ So Far: 45 Individuals: Homemade Explosives, Molotov Cocktails, Burning Patrol Cars, Inciting Violence, Looting and More…
By Cristina Laila
Published June 8, 2020 at 8:57pm

The DOJ has so far charged a total of 45 individuals with alleged attacks on officers, homemade explosives and Molotov cocktails, inciting violence, illegal possession of firearms, burning patrol cars, looting and damage to government property.

The damage in Minneapolis alone is alarming.

The Star Tribune obtained Minneapolis’ survey of property damage which revealed 1,000 commercial properties were damaged, including 52 businesses that were totally destroyed by rioters — the total cost of the damage is estimated at $500 million.

Well he is the president and should be setting an example. Are you trying to say that a city councilwoman opinion is on the same par as the president. There will never be a police free society. unless we all hold hand and start singing "que sera sera." So take the statement with a grain of salt So she is stating her opinion as a councilwoman in one city. I find Trump statements more damaging and not what a president should be saying. He represents America and should be it shining example of Truth. This goes for any president.

Freedom of speech, yeah it good to know but in the end Truth does matter and if the President stands for what is great about America. He should not be quoting bloggers as being truthful unless he has done the research.

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Was it necessary for the black lives matter animals to beat the man to death?

Do you believe in a gun owners right to protect himself with his gun? From what I can see is that the guy attacked first. A guy with a skateboard supposedly fended him off using his skateboard and was able to knock the machete away. That was when he was joined by others to stop this guy. Did they get carried away probably. Yet we know Police get carried away with suspects all the time. So if police cannot seem to control themselves then people in the street aren't going to control themselves. That is mob mentality. He attacked first and got his ass kicked by a few people. He survived and now has to wonder was that really a good idea to start threatening a bunch of people with a machete.

Still do you believe that it was a good idea? He was wrong and the people who attacked probably did get carried away.

Everyone has a self defense right, did they get carried away well it will be up to the police and DA to determine that.

Still there is a complete video of what happen. Also alluding to the people in this situation being part of BLM may be a stretch.
Protesters blocking streets without a city permit are all of them law breakers.

Who the hell will pay attention to law breakers? Lol.

They can continue with their charade, I don't give a dime for their complaints. Bunch of losers, lol.

Then do you believe that a single citizen with a machete should attack a group of people?

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Well, let us look at "the other side." We have in the inner-cities a culture that glorifies and praises criminals that keep committing crimes. When these lowlifes die at the hands of cops, the negative inner-city culture, wails and calls them martyrs, rather than trying to distance themselves from criminals. When someone calls for the police in the inner-city, they are met with "din see nuffin," "snitches get stitches" and those seeing the cops, hurl insults at them. End result...criminals don't get caught, crime escalates and it just continues repeating itself.
The reason falls solely on that "NEGATIVE" inner-city culture and those that make up the vast majority of that culture are.......blacks. The men go around impregnating any woman dumb enough to spread her legs for them and don't accept responsibility, instead, go out and sell drugs, strong-arm proprietors of small shops, rob stores and pedestrians, use illegal drugs, and murder other blacks. These are the people that are praised and celebrated in their communities.
This other side is....crap, just like white-trash is crap and white-supremacists are crap. In this case however, they celebrate being crap.
So, if these criminals die at the hands of the cops, I'm not entirely sympathetic. Should George Floyd died at the hands of the cops? No. But then again, his rap-sheet made him a habitual criminal and once someone continually commits crimes, it's time to just lock them away and never let them out, no matter what...George Floyd included.

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.

TDS thread 1,699

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Yea, he tried to chase off pond scum looters, what a terrible guy.

His only mistake was he didn’t use a gun instead of a fucking blade.

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Remember, he only believes alternate-universe media, so he's going through his administration with only half of any story.

Worse, he's only getting half the story, and a distorted view of the other half. Just like his Trumpsters.

So none of his actions or behaviors can be a surprise.

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Yea, he tried to chase off pond scum looters, what a terrible guy.

His only mistake was he didn’t use a gun instead of a fucking blade.

Well the only reason he didn't have a gun was probably because he was denied based on on the three reason below choice one

  • You are subject to a restraining order, protection order, anti-harassment order or any other order prohibiting contact with a person or prohibiting possessing a firearm. ...
  • You have ever been committed to a mental institution or deemed mentally defective.
  • You have a felony conviction in this State or elsewhere.
Poor guy was stuck waving his machete at people, I guess they just didn't accept that he was just showing people how big his machete is. No harm in that.

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Yea, he tried to chase off pond scum looters, what a terrible guy.

His only mistake was he didn’t use a gun instead of a fucking blade.

no this guy with a machete made a mistake


You would be surprised how many people attack with a machete

Still there are reports that the guy admits his stupidity of trying to protect his favorite bar.
Last edited:

Interesting story of a machete welding vigilante. Incident was recorded by at least two people. The one person edited the video to show what he wanted to show. A man beaten by protesters lying in the streets. Shown on Blaze TV and circulated in the right wing media.

The edited clip was the work of a freelance producer for Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV and a pro-Trump political activist who hosts a YouTube talk show dedicated to mocking left-wing protesters according to the story.

It was a half truth to support his view that the protesters are all bad people. A story that sounds to good to be true. The president who professes to be a law and order guy jumped on this bandwagon.

Yet another person who recorded the same attack show the full account of what happen. It was a different story. The man attacked them with a machete first. They defended themselves but now they are the bad guys. Maybe they got carried away in defending themselves?

Even the police agree that the Machete man instigated the attack.

Yet Trump was quick to view this right wing video and make his own comment to spread a totally biased story. It is funny the way the news is biased in his mind and he is quick to point that out. Yet he embellishes points of view, that he wants to believe as the Truth, with no attempt to find out what is the Truth. I will just take his word for it which is a matter of convenience for the law and order President.

Trump tells the nation that "innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas, Texas, who was left dying on the street." There's quite a bit missing from that version of the story. Trump Boosts Video of Dallas Clash Edited to Cast Machete-Wielding Vigilante as Victim pic.twitter.com/xHjORjL4XT

Trump view is that this man was beaten by the protesters. End of story as show by the video. Simple enough for a simple mind. No understatement that the Truth is sometimes more complex that an edited video.

Still the blogger says that the man was left dying on the street to make it sound more dramatic. Yet the police came and he was transported to the hospital where he is recovering. Happy ending not mentioned.

The machete man will be a hero to some and to the law and order president, Yet people defended themselves but then again they were the protesters. Trump can't seem to handle the nuances of a good protester and those who are in it for the violence. He waffles between blaming the locals for allow this to happen and blaming anyone that needs to be blamed according to the Trump Doctrine.

The law and order president who only sees one side. Justice may be blind but Trump holds no pretenses, He is on one side and justice be damned. Truth is in the eye of the beholder but with Trump he is clearly truth challenged.
Well, let us look at "the other side." We have in the inner-cities a culture that glorifies and praises criminals that keep committing crimes. When these lowlifes die at the hands of cops, the negative inner-city culture, wails and calls them martyrs, rather than trying to distance themselves from criminals. When someone calls for the police in the inner-city, they are met with "din see nuffin," "snitches get stitches" and those seeing the cops, hurl insults at them. End result...criminals don't get caught, crime escalates and it just continues repeating itself.
The reason falls solely on that "NEGATIVE" inner-city culture and those that make up the vast majority of that culture are.......blacks. The men go around impregnating any woman dumb enough to spread her legs for them and don't accept responsibility, instead, go out and sell drugs, strong-arm proprietors of small shops, rob stores and pedestrians, use illegal drugs, and murder other blacks. These are the people that are praised and celebrated in their communities.
This other side is....crap, just like white-trash is crap and white-supremacists are crap. In this case however, they celebrate being crap.
So, if these criminals die at the hands of the cops, I'm not entirely sympathetic. Should George Floyd died at the hands of the cops? No. But then again, his rap-sheet made him a habitual criminal and once someone continually commits crimes, it's time to just lock them away and never let them out, no matter what...George Floyd included.
Constantly, bad people in poor areas when killed are uplifted as heroes. They are not role models. It is tragic for real people you never hear of who tirelessly volunteer their time to help others. They do not have to be known to the general public, but they should be known to the locals in the neighborhood.

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