When will white people admit it.......the world is laughing at YOU, not us!!

You know, I grew up in a nice suburb. Left home at a young age. I've lived in cities and out in the sticks. And you know what, there are "welfare queens" and "disability moochers" in both environments. I don't know if there were more in the city or more in the country, or more blacks or whites, because I don't care and it's a stupid fucking thing to argue about. The reality is that there are areas were people are poor and on welfare. The conversation should be about how to try and fix this, not looking down on the poor and pitting them against each other in some kind of this race of poor is better than that race of poor blame game.
I know niggas like our white and pretty ladies.

So do horses and pre teen little boys....But how does it make you feel, Mr. White man, that a nigga on a bike, fresh out of prison, with no job, one good tooth, pants hangin from his ass, with 4 baby mama's on his heels for child support has a better chance of pulling a white chic, than a Harvard educated, corn fed, 6 figure earning blue eyed white boy pushing a Benz? I mean, I don't know about you, but I'd be ordering me my dates from a Asian catalog....oh, that's right, that's what you losers are now doing, LOLOLOLOLO
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
I love this shit when you white mf's start talking about how hard life had been and how much you struggled in that job interview and how rough it was to make it to supervisor and move into that posh new home, yada yada yada....cry me a fuckin river, even with my boot straps. Look if it makes you hard working, tax paying white saps feel better, than so be it. It wasn't your white skin, it was the texture of your hair, feel better?
You talk a lot about what you know so little about. I would bet my bank account I've busted my ass way more than you ever dreamed possible. Bitching and whining seems to be your calling in life, you don't get paid for that unless you are Al Sharpton.

Impossible. I've served 10 years in the US Navy, raised 5 kids by myself, all married, hard working, college educated and making good money. I've worked Union my whole life...struggled with racism and pay inequality, been with my current job almost 20 years and because of the big crash...now doing the job of 3 people...all at the old age of almost 60...and I did all this as a BLACK WOMAN LIVING IN RACIST FUCKED UP AMERICA....TRUST ME, my resume of struggle would make even the likes of you cry...now sit the fuck down privilege white fuck and thank god for your white skin!!
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
I love this shit when you white mf's start talking about how hard life had been and how much you struggled in that job interview and how rough it was to make it to supervisor and move into that posh new home, yada yada yada....cry me a fuckin river, even with my boot straps. Look if it makes you hard working, tax paying white saps feel better, than so be it. It wasn't your white skin, it was the texture of your hair, feel better?
You talk a lot about what you know so little about. I would bet my bank account I've busted my ass way more than you ever dreamed possible. Bitching and whining seems to be your calling in life, you don't get paid for that unless you are Al Sharpton.

Oh and by the way, how much money does one have in the bank....place to send it, follows. OLOLOOLO
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
I love this shit when you white mf's start talking about how hard life had been and how much you struggled in that job interview and how rough it was to make it to supervisor and move into that posh new home, yada yada yada....cry me a fuckin river, even with my boot straps. Look if it makes you hard working, tax paying white saps feel better, than so be it. It wasn't your white skin, it was the texture of your hair, feel better?
You talk a lot about what you know so little about. I would bet my bank account I've busted my ass way more than you ever dreamed possible. Bitching and whining seems to be your calling in life, you don't get paid for that unless you are Al Sharpton.

Impossible. I've served 10 years in the US Navy, raised 5 kids by myself, all married, hard working, college educated and making good money. I've worked Union my whole life...struggled with racism and pay inequality, been with my current job almost 20 years and because of the big crash...now doing the job of 3 people...all at the old age of almost 60...and I did all this as a BLACK WOMAN LIVING IN RACIST FUCKED UP AMERICA....TRUST ME, my resume of struggle would make even the likes of you cry...now sit the fuck down privilege white fuck and thank god for your white skin!!
A military and union lacky? LOL, give me a break. You were protected, had you mandated breaks, vacations, etc. 10 years in the Navy you weren't doing much more than gulping coffee and ordering pions around. I did my time too but had to work. I've run my own business for 30 years and there's no money for no work, you get what you earn.

We've had pay inequality laws since the 70s so bullshit on the lesser pay mantra. No sale. And if you had five kids without a husband around you brought that on yourself, don't blame whitey.
You know, I grew up in a nice suburb. Left home at a young age. I've lived in cities and out in the sticks. And you know what, there are "welfare queens" and "disability moochers" in both environments. I don't know if there were more in the city or more in the country, or more blacks or whites, because I don't care and it's a stupid fucking thing to argue about. The reality is that there are areas were people are poor and on welfare. The conversation should be about how to try and fix this, not looking down on the poor and pitting them against each other in some kind of this race of poor is better than that race of poor blame game.
A few months into the new year, my company went on this ramped hiring frenzy...hiring just about anything that moved. We got this new contract and we needed workers bad, all colors all genders, etc....of the 218 people hired....we have less than 80 left. Most left because the pay was shitty, but the majority quit or got fired because they were lazy, didn't want to show up half the time, wasn't use to hard work and was just too comfortable sitting on thier ass....bottom line is this....contrary to popular beliefs, SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T WANT TO WORK. SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST LAZY...AND TRUST ME, THIS HAPPENED TO WW, BW, BM AND WM....SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T WANT TO WORK...END OF STORY!!
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
I love this shit when you white mf's start talking about how hard life had been and how much you struggled in that job interview and how rough it was to make it to supervisor and move into that posh new home, yada yada yada....cry me a fuckin river, even with my boot straps. Look if it makes you hard working, tax paying white saps feel better, than so be it. It wasn't your white skin, it was the texture of your hair, feel better?
You talk a lot about what you know so little about. I would bet my bank account I've busted my ass way more than you ever dreamed possible. Bitching and whining seems to be your calling in life, you don't get paid for that unless you are Al Sharpton.

Impossible. I've served 10 years in the US Navy, raised 5 kids by myself, all married, hard working, college educated and making good money. I've worked Union my whole life...struggled with racism and pay inequality, been with my current job almost 20 years and because of the big crash...now doing the job of 3 people...all at the old age of almost 60...and I did all this as a BLACK WOMAN LIVING IN RACIST FUCKED UP AMERICA....TRUST ME, my resume of struggle would make even the likes of you cry...now sit the fuck down privilege white fuck and thank god for your white skin!!
A military and union lacky? LOL, give me a break. You were protected, had you mandated breaks, vacations, etc. 10 years in the Navy you weren't doing much more than gulping coffee and ordering pions around. I did my time too but had to work. I've run my own business for 30 years and there's no money for no work, you get what you earn.

We've had pay inequality laws since the 70s so bullshit on the lesser pay mantra. No sale. And if you had five kids without a husband around you brought that on yourself, don't blame whitey.

First off, I was married and divorced and two of the kids were a family members that I took charge of. And I have no complaints what so ever on that note...now with that being said, I miss spoke in my comment, but it was too late to change it. The racism I've experienced stems from my current job of 20 years....less pay, more work, white counter parts making more, doing less, etc. My truths, my reality, get over it. As for the Navy, I was a boatswan mate, 2nd class, hard work all around, until I ventured into DP, data processing, which is what I currently do today. Trust me, coffee was the least of my concerns back then...really???? As for working in the food industry union wise, yes we were protected and we paid for that protection week after week with our wages.
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
I love this shit when you white mf's start talking about how hard life had been and how much you struggled in that job interview and how rough it was to make it to supervisor and move into that posh new home, yada yada yada....cry me a fuckin river, even with my boot straps. Look if it makes you hard working, tax paying white saps feel better, than so be it. It wasn't your white skin, it was the texture of your hair, feel better?
You talk a lot about what you know so little about. I would bet my bank account I've busted my ass way more than you ever dreamed possible. Bitching and whining seems to be your calling in life, you don't get paid for that unless you are Al Sharpton.

Impossible. I've served 10 years in the US Navy, raised 5 kids by myself, all married, hard working, college educated and making good money. I've worked Union my whole life...struggled with racism and pay inequality, been with my current job almost 20 years and because of the big crash...now doing the job of 3 people...all at the old age of almost 60...and I did all this as a BLACK WOMAN LIVING IN RACIST FUCKED UP AMERICA....TRUST ME, my resume of struggle would make even the likes of you cry...now sit the fuck down privilege white fuck and thank god for your white skin!!
You were dumped by five black boyfriends? My sympathies.
First off, I was married and divorced and two of the kids were a family members that I took charge of. And I have no complaints what so ever on that note...now with that being said, I miss spoke in my comment, but it was too late to change it. The racism I've experienced stems from my current job of 20 years....less pay, more work, white counter parts making more, doing less, etc. My truths, my reality, get over it. As for the Navy, I was a boatswan mate, 2nd class, hard work all around, until I ventured into DP, data processing, which is what I currently do today. Trust me, coffee was the least of my concerns back then...really???? As for working in the food industry union wise, yes we were protected and we paid for that protection week after week with our wages.
Deckapes did manual labor, no doubt but the tough stuff goes to the new guys, which happens frequently, let's not kid around. I was in engineering and as an electrician sometimes did a 4-8 watch in the morning, 8-4 duty, then 4-8 watch in the evening. No deckies did that.

You may have white people getting better pay but they probably have higher positions. If racism were as rampant as you claim, suits would have flown long long ago.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.

And this is your race's only accomplishment: name calling, lying, butthurt, and revisionist history.

Your jealous hatred and envy is quite strong.
No one ever gave me shit.

Your assumption that white people have it easy is your racism.
I love this shit when you white mf's start talking about how hard life had been and how much you struggled in that job interview and how rough it was to make it to supervisor and move into that posh new home, yada yada yada....cry me a fuckin river, even with my boot straps. Look if it makes you hard working, tax paying white saps feel better, than so be it. It wasn't your white skin, it was the texture of your hair, feel better?

No one ever gave me shit.

You do not know what you are talking about.
This is a personal response to the thread attacking blacks as usual, of whites having accomplished more in this country than everybody, including God himself.

The topic in itself, is ridiculous, but I can't let it slide without schooling this ass hole along with others who co signed onto his bullshit of reality.....

Here we have a race, ie white people, especially white men, who throughout our history, from the boat ride to a meth clinic down the street, who has been free his whole life, has had every door propped wide open for nothing but opportunity and success for the entire history of this nation, who did just about everything possible to keep everybody, including women and minorities from the table of opportunity while standing on the necks....and this motherfucker wants to brag about and thump his chest??? Uh, ya think maybe just maybe, ya gotta just a little bit help along the way>>

I do contend however, that despite the attempts to keep minority and women as second class citizens, we've done pretty good for ourselves, especially that black under achiever currently in the white house, who trust me, despite your thoughts will go down as one of the greatest presidents in our history and you heard it hear first, cracker!!

U.S. election: How the world sees it - CNN.com
BECAUSE OF STUPID WHITE ACHIEVING REDNECKS.....WE LEAVE 8 YEARS OF THIS:View attachment 71695View attachment 71696
to this empending shit......
View attachment 71697
View attachment 71698and all this is because of over achieving, God blessed, ignorant white motherfuckers..and you want to brag? Really? Your race is a laughing stock of the world...get the fuck outta here.
Stfu ghetto hag. Your own race sold you into slavery. You hate it here leave, we would be better off without you.
Given the "Black" illegitimacy rate in this country, American Black Men can lay claim to the title of being the most irresponsible demographic in the world.

Live with it. You earned it.

the old bitter crakas are dying off and soon will be the minority, my kids and grand-kids are laughing at your kind, this may help in your transition , as a public service of course

Given the "Black" illegitimacy rate in this country, American Black Men can lay claim to the title of being the most irresponsible demographic in the world.

Live with it. You earned it.

the old bitter crakas are dying off and soon will be the minority, my kids and grand-kids are laughing at your kind, this may help in your transition , as a public service of course

Wow. what a load of crap.
.........contrary to popular beliefs, some of my dearest and nearest friends are white.

Contrary to ANYONE'S belief. You are as vile, cowardly, filthy, and stupid as your fellow racists like Batshit Boy, steve McGutless, Shitshispeedos, Meathead, DGS49, bobomengele, and the rest.

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