$10 billions as compensation for Erdogan?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NYC
Erdogan will became very very rich guy soon. Due to his high office he can claim compensation for insult until $50 or $100 billions from German tax payers.Or probably a little bit lesser, only ridiculous $10 billions.It will be a line of all world dictators soon who will sue German MSM for insults and demand compensations.German tax payers will be happy to use the entirely German GDP as compensations for insults of dictators.

Tellingly Merkel wants to destroy economically Germany as revenge for Holocaust. Her Jew relatives in Poland suffered persecution while WWII.
Anything she made while last ten years was against German Industry and native Germans.

Lessons learned: Germans shall change their laws and Constitutions to avoid new merkels and hitlers in the future.

Is "comedian" Jan Böhmermann jewish. He has the trademark schnoz. If so maybe "israel" should pay the fees. Sure the USA would get the chargeback grossed up to cover taxes, but still.
They've elected an enemy.

Germany has not a fair election system, the mainstream 'parties' use the state to cheat and punish concurrent. Even if 99% of Germans will be against Merkel she will nevertheless continue to run the country.
Is "comedian" Jan Böhmermann jewish. He has the trademark schnoz. If so maybe "israel" should pay the fees. Sure the USA would get the chargeback grossed up to cover taxes, but still.

Sure is that Germany will pay to all dictators its entirely GDP as compensations for insults.And Merkel laugh.
Erdogan transforms Turkey into a dictatorship with the help of the Nato, the USA and Europe. And our politicians from all political parties here in Germany do exactly what their chiefs in Washington or other places in the USA tell them to do, because everyone is susceptible to blackmail. The NSA hears every mouse farting in Germany. We - and I guess whole Europe too - are totally under control of the big brother USA. So what is the USA doing in Turkey and why? Do you like to start a new world war?

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Is "comedian" Jan Böhmermann jewish. He has the trademark schnoz. If so maybe "israel" should pay the fees. Sure the USA would get the chargeback grossed up to cover taxes, but still.

I don't know wether Mr. Jan Böhmermann is a Jew or not - and I do not even like to know this. But I know if you like to get a hotter place in hell then you are on the right way, Antisemite.

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