When will the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

The topic was why does Leftist media give him air time,
They don't. FOX did. He is too big a sissy to go on any respectable media outlet and sit for an interview, now. So the rest of the global media is left reporting the storm of bootlicking republicans, a violent cult, and a disgraced exPresident who still retains outsized power and is exposed to criminal investigations from his criminal life before the Presidency and his corruption while President. That is historic, international news, and outlets are going to keep covering this story. That includes the right wing pandering networks.

Seems like you want it both ways. You want the exposure of the mentally ill exPresident to go away, but you also want to carry his water and contribute to keeping him in a position of real power. When his power fades, so will the coverage of him. Look at any of your comments or anywhere on this board: it hasn't happened, yet.
The topic was why does Leftist media give him air time,
They don't. FOX did. He is too big a sissy to go on any respectable media outlet and sit for an interview, now. So the rest of the global media is left reporting the storm of bootlicking republicans, a violent cult, and a disgraced exPresident who still retains outsized power and is exposed to criminal investigations from his criminal life before the Presidency and his corruption while President. That is historic, international news, and outlets are going to keep covering this story. That includes the right wing pandering networks.

Seems like you want it both ways. You want the exposure of the mentally ill exPresident to go away, but you also want to carry his water and contribute to keeping him in a position of real power. When his power fades, so will the coverage of him. Look at any of your comments or anywhere on this board: it hasn't happened, yet.
Nope. I am curious why leftist media gives him exactly what he wants. He doesn’t have any power sans the power of ratings. You need to stop acting crazy and get a hold of yourself. Why are you so easily offended by a simple question? Aren’t you embarrassed?
I am curious why leftist media gives him exactly what he wants.
No you aren't. You are trying to craft that narrative in the first place. But you seem wont to skip over the work of doing it and of having your effort be scrutinized, and to jump right to assuming as true your own claims. You want people to agree with your narrative and feed your own preconceptions back to you. And, frankly, you are in the right place for that. Enjoy!
I am curious why leftist media gives him exactly what he wants.
No you aren't. You are trying to craft that narrative in the first place. But you seem wont to skip over the work of doing it and of having your effort be scrutinized, and to jump right to assuming as true your own claims. You want people to agree with your narrative and feed your own preconceptions back to you. And, frankly, you are in the right place for that. Enjoy!
I am genuinely curious. You don't speak for me, leftist troll. Don't even try. If you cannot have a civil discussion then don't respond.
I am curious why leftist media gives him exactly what he wants.
No you aren't. You are trying to craft that narrative in the first place. But you seem wont to skip over the work of doing it and of having your effort be scrutinized, and to jump right to assuming as true your own claims. You want people to agree with your narrative and feed your own preconceptions back to you. And, frankly, you are in the right place for that. Enjoy!
I am genuinely curious. You don't speak for me, leftist troll. Don't even try. If you cannot have a civil discussion then don't respond.
Go back to your country Azog ,Israel They and Netenyaho miss you
I am curious why leftist media gives him exactly what he wants.
No you aren't. You are trying to craft that narrative in the first place. But you seem wont to skip over the work of doing it and of having your effort be scrutinized, and to jump right to assuming as true your own claims. You want people to agree with your narrative and feed your own preconceptions back to you. And, frankly, you are in the right place for that. Enjoy!
I am genuinely curious. You don't speak for me, leftist troll. Don't even try. If you cannot have a civil discussion then don't respond.
Go back to your country Azog ,Israel They and Netenyaho miss you
I am from Boston. That is in America. You won't be around much longer. Thankfully.
I am curious why leftist media gives him exactly what he wants.
No you aren't. You are trying to craft that narrative in the first place. But you seem wont to skip over the work of doing it and of having your effort be scrutinized, and to jump right to assuming as true your own claims. You want people to agree with your narrative and feed your own preconceptions back to you. And, frankly, you are in the right place for that. Enjoy!
I am genuinely curious. You don't speak for me, leftist troll. Don't even try. If you cannot have a civil discussion then don't respond.
Go back to your country Azog ,Israel They and Netenyaho miss you
I'm gonna be around long enough to piss on trumps grave and hopefully yours if I can find the swamp they bury you in
Any time you want to PM me and compare finance and investment knowledge you’re free to do so. I am for real, you’re a fraud.

Actually, when it comes to you and Mac, I'm of the "A pox on both your houses" kind of guy, but Mac seems like he know what he's talking about more than you do, if I had a big stack of money I wanted to invest in something, he'd be the guy I'd go to.

Of course, Mac has me on ignore for destroying his arguments too many time.
I’ll admit it, I find your bizarre philosophical positions extremely fascinating. I’m all for a sub-forum dedicated to “good ole Mac”, I’m thankful for the free entertainment you provide.

Sadly, the guy thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, because he's so above it all...

Until someone points out the flaws in his premises, then he gets upset.
Didn’t read after the first sentence. “You guys”. I have Told you 1000x I am an Independent. You didn’t even read the OP. You’re such a waste of life.

Well, I clearly did read the OP because I responded to your points... And no one believes you are an independent. You like Trump because you and he are kindred spirits...
Again...”no one believes “. You mean you do not believe. So you’re saying not one Independent voter voted for Trump? State that now unequivocally. Let’s see if you’re man enough. And you didn’t address any points.
Any time you want to PM me and compare finance and investment knowledge you’re free to do so. I am for real, you’re a fraud.

Actually, when it comes to you and Mac, I'm of the "A pox on both your houses" kind of guy, but Mac seems like he know what he's talking about more than you do, if I had a big stack of money I wanted to invest in something, he'd be the guy I'd go to.

Of course, Mac has me on ignore for destroying his arguments too many time.
Actually, you’re so self centered it’s funny. Mac claims he has 350+ clients while an average CFP has 96. How do you explain that. Our jobs are also vastly different. So you would trust someone with your money who puts you on ignore because he is too stupid to beat you in a debate? Dude, you have issues.
Again...”no one believes “. You mean you do not believe. So you’re saying not one Independent voter voted for Trump? State that now unequivocally. Let’s see if you’re man enough. And you didn’t address any points.

Trump got the exact same percentage of the vote that Romney got.. That McCain got... and less than what Bush got.

I wish there were "independents" out there who said, "Gee, you know what, I supported McCain, but this guy is too much."

Nope. You guys just started hating on McCain for not approving your choices.
Actually, you’re so self centered it’s funny. Mac claims he has 350+ clients while an average CFP has 96. How do you explain that. Our jobs are also vastly different. So you would trust someone with your money who puts you on ignore because he is too stupid to beat you in a debate? Dude, you have issues.

I would trust him because he seems to know what he is talking about.... and he's doesn't have the maturity of a spoiled 5 year old like you do.

Of course, that was if you two knuckleheads were the only two investment advisors left on the planet.
Again...”no one believes “. You mean you do not believe. So you’re saying not one Independent voter voted for Trump? State that now unequivocally. Let’s see if you’re man enough. And you didn’t address any points.

Trump got the exact same percentage of the vote that Romney got.. That McCain got... and less than what Bush got.

I wish there were "independents" out there who said, "Gee, you know what, I supported McCain, but this guy is too much."

Nope. You guys just started hating on McCain for not approving your choices.
You’re dodging. Are you saying that not one Independent voted for Trump? Yes or No? Don’t dodge. Answer the question.
Actually, you’re so self centered it’s funny. Mac claims he has 350+ clients while an average CFP has 96. How do you explain that. Our jobs are also vastly different. So you would trust someone with your money who puts you on ignore because he is too stupid to beat you in a debate? Dude, you have issues.

I would trust him because he seems to know what he is talking about.... and he's doesn't have the maturity of a spoiled 5 year old like you do.

Of course, that was if you two knuckleheads were the only two investment advisors left on the planet.
I am not an investment advisor. If he knows what he is talking about then why did you claim you crushed him in debates? Show me proof that he knows what he is talking about when it comes to investment advice. You again didn’t answer the question. Seems to be a pattern. Average CFP has 96 clients. Mac says he has 350+. How do you explain that?
You’re dodging. Are you saying that not one Independent voted for Trump? Yes or No? Don’t dodge. Answer the question.

I didn't say that. I said that no one believes you are an independent...
Trump got the same percentage of the Repuke vote the Republican always gets. Unlike, let's say, Bush, who actually managed to grown the percentage.
So you’re saying no one on this board believes I am an Independent? Yes or no?

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