When men don’t want sex

btw....most dont post their pics publicly because it IS the net. Some folks' cheese has slid off their cracker and nothing is worse than having a fruitloop having a pic of ya. I did post mine awhile back but removed them. I never leave pics up. Unless its in my private profile. Even then I get antsy with one online. Why? Because some have a tendency to steal pics, warp them into something gross, or worse..use them and try to pass themself off as that person.

Just sayin'.
"When men don’t want sex"

It's time to look at yourself in a mirror??

Sometimes. More often in the mirror of the soul, rather than the mirror on the wall, though.

... womens is more trouble dan dey's worth.

In a lot of cases, you're totally right, waltky.

btw....most dont post their pics publicly because it IS the net. Some folks' cheese has slid off their cracker and nothing is worse than having a fruitloop having a pic of ya. I did post mine awhile back but removed them. I never leave pics up. Unless its in my private profile. Even then I get antsy with one online. Why? Because some have a tendency to steal pics, warp them into something gross, or worse..use them and try to pass themself off as that person.

For some of us that's not a problem. When you have a face that shatters plexiglass, wrecks cameras and breaks petrified wood with a single strong stare, like I do, that's not too much of a problem. Not a whole lot of people out there stealing my photo for their facebook profile or anything like that.
"When men don’t want sex"

It's time to look at yourself in a mirror??

Sometimes. More often in the mirror of the soul, rather than the mirror on the wall, though.

... womens is more trouble dan dey's worth.

In a lot of cases, you're totally right, waltky.

btw....most dont post their pics publicly because it IS the net. Some folks' cheese has slid off their cracker and nothing is worse than having a fruitloop having a pic of ya. I did post mine awhile back but removed them. I never leave pics up. Unless its in my private profile. Even then I get antsy with one online. Why? Because some have a tendency to steal pics, warp them into something gross, or worse..use them and try to pass themself off as that person.

For some of us that's not a problem. When you have a face that shatters plexiglass, wrecks cameras and breaks petrified wood with a single strong stare, like I do, that's not too much of a problem. Not a whole lot of people out there stealing my photo for their facebook profile or anything like that.
Well now, it seems to me that you're in need of a little advice. Now our friend Huggy, here, is a real pro, but I can assure you, he didn't get there without a little practice. Neither did I. I know, right about now, you're asking yourself "How can I compete with guys like that?" Better than you might think. Of course, by his own account, he has certain advantages, with regard to looks, and so on. However, while the beautiful people do tend to flock to one another, I can tell you that those of us who are more frog than prince, can still manage to catch a princess, or two, or three. I'm certainly no 6'4" Hollywood "hunk", and even in my younger days, I was a bit rough and tattered myself; stuff happens. In spite of that, when I was just a bit younger and single, I've gone up against Huggy's type in more than one bar, and come out with the girl, so it can be done. A lot of it is in the presentation, and while a lot of Huggy's basics still apply, there are some details we frogs can add to improve our odds. With that in mind, let's see if we can improve your morale a bit. Grace, if you and Athena and the other ladies here can chime in with the feminine perspective on these comments, please do so, it will be helpful.

Now, the first thing we need to do, is improve that dreadful confidence level of yours; faint heart never won fair maiden, and as the French say, whether in love or battle, "L'Audace, l'Audace, toujours, l'Audace! . Let's make the best of what you have first. Handsome or not , we can all be fit and trim, so if need be, slim down, and shape up. You can't do your best through a night in the sack if you're out of shape anyway, so that's objective number one.

Next, there's the wardrobe. Clothes don't totally make the man, but they help. The three piece suit, well-taiored, is a must, for those places it's needed, but you can be well packaged in a polo shirt, sport coat, and chinos in more casual surroundings; well-pressed, and neat, of course, not slovenly. Your dress shoes should be properly shined, and not run down at the heels. I suggest you get your dress shirts with French cuffs, and wear cufflinks (I'lll explain why later). Do learn to wear black tie when appropriate; it looks good on almost all of us, is no trouble at all with practice, and the ladies like it; besides, it's become something of a lost art these days. In this connection, learn to hand tie the bowtie that goes with it; only a pimp in a cheap whorehouse would wear a clip-on tie. Always wear formal and dress trousers with suspenders, they hang better that way, and there's another reason we'll discuss later. It should go without saying, but personal hygiene is a must; shower before you go out, find a deodorant, and a cologne that suits you ( preferably something light, so as not to overwhelm the lady's perfume) and wear it. Remember, the lady is the centerpiece; your function (as a desirable accessory) is to make HER look stunning, and the center of attention!

No matter what your face looks like, find a good stylist, and get a haircut that suits you (it should look good, even if a bit windblown; you don't want to be fiddling with it). Consider a beard and/or mustache (neatly trimmed, of course) to cover imperfections. If at all possible, wear contacts instead of eyeglasses. Huggy's advice on sunglasses is good when you need them, a basic aviator style is usually best. Now that you look better, stand and walk like it; head up, eyes front, shoulders squared, confident walk, NO SLOUCHING! Do this until it becomes natural, not stiff or forced; it's called "bearing" and indicates confidence (which you should be starting to feel, now). The ladies spend considerable time fixing themselves up, and so, your date (or target, as the case may be), expects a modest effort on your part; do NOT disappoint her!

Now that we have you cleaned up, well dressed, and confident, I'll tell you in the next post what to do with that.
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"When men don’t want sex"

It's time to look at yourself in a mirror??

Sometimes. More often in the mirror of the soul, rather than the mirror on the wall, though.

In a lot of cases, you're totally right, waltky.

btw....most dont post their pics publicly because it IS the net. Some folks' cheese has slid off their cracker and nothing is worse than having a fruitloop having a pic of ya. I did post mine awhile back but removed them. I never leave pics up. Unless its in my private profile. Even then I get antsy with one online. Why? Because some have a tendency to steal pics, warp them into something gross, or worse..use them and try to pass themself off as that person.

For some of us that's not a problem. When you have a face that shatters plexiglass, wrecks cameras and breaks petrified wood with a single strong stare, like I do, that's not too much of a problem. Not a whole lot of people out there stealing my photo for their facebook profile or anything like that.
Well now, it seems to me that you're in need of a little advice. Now our friend Huggy, here, is a real pro, but I can assure you, he didn't get there without a little practice. Neither did I. I know, right about now, you're asking yourself "How can I compete with guys like that?" Better than you might think. Of course, by his own account, he has certain advantages, with regard to looks, and so on. However, while the beautiful people do tend to flock to one another, I can tell you that those of us who are more frog than prince, can still manage to catch a princess, or two, or three. I'm certainly no 6'4" Hollywood "hunk", and even in my younger days, I was a bit rough and tattered myself; stuff happens. In spite of that, when I was just a bit younger and single, I've gone up against Huggy's type in more than one bar, and come out with the girl, so it can be done. A lot of it is in the presentation, and while a lot of Huggy's basics still apply, there are some details we frogs can add to improve our odds. With that in mind, let's see if we can improve your morale a bit. Grace, if you and Athena and the other ladies here can chime in with the feminine perspective on these comments, please do so, it will be helpful.

Now, the first thing we need to do, is improve that dreadful confidence level of yours; faint heart never won fair maiden, and as the French say, whether in love or battle, "L'Audace, l'Audace, toujours, l'Audace! . Let's make the best of what you have first. Handsome or not , we can all be fit and trim, so if need be, slim down, and shape up. You can't do your best through a night in the sack if you're out of shape anyway, so that's objective number one.

Next, there's the wardrobe. Clothes don't totally make the man, but they help. The three piece suit, well-taiored, is a must, for those places it's needed, but you can be well packaged in a polo shirt, sport coat, and chinos in more casual surroundings; well-pressed, and neat, of course, not slovenly. Your dress shoes should be properly shined, and not run down at the heels. I suggest you get your dress shirts with French cuffs, and wear cufflinks (I'lll explain why later). Do learn to wear black tie when appropriate; it looks good on almost all of us, is no trouble at all with practice, and the ladies like it; besides, it's become something of a lost art these days. In this connection, learn to hand tie the bowtie that goes with it; only a pimp in a cheap whorehouse would wear a clip-on tie. Always wear formal and dress trousers with suspenders, they hang better that way, and there's another reason we'll discuss later. It should go without saying, but personal hygiene is a must; shower before you go out, find a deodorant, and a cologne that suits you ( preferably something light, so as not to overwhelm the lady's perfume) and wear it. Remember, the lady is the centerpiece; your function (as a desirable accessory) is to make HER look stunning, and the center of attention!

No matter what your face looks like, find a good stylist, and get a haircut that suits you (it should look good, even if a bit windblown; you don't want to be fiddling with it). Consider a beard and/or mustache (neatly trimmed, of course) to cover imperfections. If at all possible, wear contacts instead of eyeglasses. Huggy's advice on sunglasses is good when you need them, a basic aviator style is usually best. Now that you look better, stand and walk like it; head up, eyes front, shoulders squared, confident walk, NO SLOUCHING! Do this until it becomes natural, not stiff or forced; it's called "bearing" and indicates confidence (which you should be starting to feel, now). The ladies spend considerable time fixing themselves up, and so, your date (or target, as the case may be), expects a modest effort on your part; do NOT disappoint her!

Now that we have you cleaned up, well dressed, and confident, I'll tell you in the next post what to do with that.

All good advice. I had a mustache in my twenties and thirties. Had the Tom Selleck look DOWN!

Ya confident LOOKING is real important. Never sit at the bar. Why? because your feet don't lay flat on the ground from a bar stool unless you are 6'8". Sit in a chair and NEVER cross your legs.

No matter how "groovy" the music is NEVER tap your fingers or hands to the beat on your table or body.

Women ALWAYS check out your hands and feet. Don't ask why. You will find out later.

If you spot a hottie in a club and she is sitting with a few other gals..introduce yourself to ALL of them with equal interest and ask their names. Take note of what they are drinking and send them a round with your compliments..try to have the drinks delivered while you are dancing with miss hottie. Don't be pushy. Maintain your own spot until THEY offer for you to join them. If they still seem friendly ask the ugliest girl to dance next. That will force a response from miss hottie if she has any interest. What she will see in that is that you are there to have a good time and you are not a snob.

If the occasion arises help miss hottie or any other girl at the table to seat herself but ONLY after you just danced with them. It's a nice touch. A step higher than opening a door for a woman. Don't make a big deal of it. Do it like you are a waiter and it is expected of you as part of your job. It is. If she turns and says she would rather seat herself ..no big...just sit down and carry on like nothing happened. Not every woman is used to being treated that way. They all LOVE it when they are comfortable with it.

Every woman wants to be treated specially. Be nice to ALL of them as long as you can stand to. :lol:

If it doesn't work out after a good effort on your part do not give up. Try to be aware of feedback you get so you can learn what makes a woman feel more comfortable and desirable and soon your batting percentage will be better than you have time to fulfill.
Well now, it seems to me that you're in need of a little advice. Now our friend Huggy, here, is a real pro, but I can assure you, he didn't get there without a little practice. Neither did I. I know, right about now, you're asking yourself "How can I compete with guys like that?" Better than you might think. Of course, by his own account, he has certain advantages, with regard to looks, and so on. However, while the beautiful people do tend to flock to one another, I can tell you that those of us who are more frog than prince, can still manage to catch a princess, or two, or three. I'm certainly no 6'4" Hollywood "hunk", and even in my younger days, I was a bit rough and tattered myself; stuff happens. In spite of that, when I was just a bit younger and single, I've gone up against Huggy's type in more than one bar, and come out with the girl, so it can be done. A lot of it is in the presentation, and while a lot of Huggy's basics still apply, there are some details we frogs can add to improve our odds. With that in mind, let's see if we can improve your morale a bit. Grace, if you and Athena and the other ladies here can chime in with the feminine perspective on these comments, please do so, it will be helpful.

Oh, this ought to be REALLY good..... I'm generally told that I'm a great DATE and a terrible BOYFRIEND / RELATIONSHIP PARTNER.

Now, the first thing we need to do, is improve that dreadful confidence level of yours; faint heart never won fair maiden, and as the French say, whether in love or battle, "L'Audace, l'Audace, toujours, l'Audace! . Let's make the best of what you have first. Handsome or not , we can all be fit and trim, so if need be, slim down, and shape up. You can't do your best through a night in the sack if you're out of shape anyway, so that's objective number one.

I'm 5'-6" and weigh 153 lbs. I'm in the best shape of my life, and work out 4-5 times a week. I'm stronger, fitter, quicker, and have better stamina than any other time in my life. That's not a problem, thankfully.

Next, there's the wardrobe. Clothes don't totally make the man, but they help. The three piece suit, well-taiored, is a must, for those places it's needed, but you can be well packaged in a polo shirt, sport coat, and chinos in more casual surroundings; well-pressed, and neat, of course, not slovenly. Your dress shoes should be properly shined, and not run down at the heels. I suggest you get your dress shirts with French cuffs, and wear cufflinks (I'lll explain why later). Do learn to wear black tie when appropriate; it looks good on almost all of us, is no trouble at all with practice, and the ladies like it; besides, it's become something of a lost art these days. In this connection, learn to hand tie the bowtie that goes with it; only a pimp in a cheap whorehouse would wear a clip-on tie. Always wear formal and dress trousers with suspenders, they hang better that way, and there's another reason we'll discuss later. It should go without saying, but personal hygiene is a must; shower before you go out, find a deodorant, and a cologne that suits you ( preferably something light, so as not to overwhelm the lady's perfume) and wear it. Remember, the lady is the centerpiece; your function (as a desirable accessory) is to make HER look stunning, and the center of attention!

The "black tie" or "dressed up" look is one thing that I can do pretty well. I generally go for the 2 piece rather than the 3 piece suit, and I've never even owned a pair of cufflinks. I used to have a job that required a tie every day. I can tie a tie without any problem. Never really been into suspenders, but then again they generally cause issues with the main accessory I do have when going out.... a gun. That does require a little more attention to what one is wearing and how one moves when dressed up. I've never really found a cologne that I terribly care for.

The idea of the lady being the centerpiece of the evening is not a problem for me.

No matter what your face looks like, find a good stylist, and get a haircut that suits you (it should look good, even if a bit windblown; you don't want to be fiddling with it). Consider a beard and/or mustache (neatly trimmed, of course) to cover imperfections. If at all possible, wear contacts instead of eyeglasses. Huggy's advice on sunglasses is good when you need them, a basic aviator style is usually best. Now that you look better, stand and walk like it; head up, eyes front, shoulders squared, confident walk, NO SLOUCHING! Do this until it becomes natural, not stiff or forced; it's called "bearing" and indicates confidence (which you should be starting to feel, now). The ladies spend considerable time fixing themselves up, and so, your date (or target, as the case may be), expects a modest effort on your part; do NOT disappoint her!

I don't have enough hair left to style it. What small amount is left goes straight back and ever week I look a little more like a German monk. Facial hair is a disaster. It grows in red, and not a shade that is complimentary to the color of the birthmark. It looks AWFUL. I don't need glasses, thankfully. I have a couple pairs of sunglasses that I wear from time to time. My posture is decent, though not always perfect. I should probably put a little more time into my preparations, but most of the time these days I'm not hunting, so I don't bother.

Now that we have you cleaned up, well dressed, and confident, I'll tell you in the next post what to do with that.

I'm looking forward to it.
Ya confident LOOKING is real important. Never sit at the bar. Why? because your feet don't lay flat on the ground from a bar stool unless you are 6'8". Sit in a chair and NEVER cross your legs.

No matter how "groovy" the music is NEVER tap your fingers or hands to the beat on your table or body.

Women ALWAYS check out your hands and feet. Don't ask why. You will find out later.

I rarely sit at the bar. Generally the larger tv screens, which are better for viewing the game are not AT the bar. I generally look for an empty 2-4 person table somewhere in the area around the bar.

If you spot a hottie in a club and she is sitting with a few other gals..introduce yourself to ALL of them with equal interest and ask their names. Take note of what they are drinking and send them a round with your compliments..try to have the drinks delivered while you are dancing with miss hottie. Don't be pushy. Maintain your own spot until THEY offer for you to join them. If they still seem friendly ask the ugliest girl to dance next. That will force a response from miss hottie if she has any interest. What she will see in that is that you are there to have a good time and you are not a snob.

Generally I'm not looking for miss hottie. Miss hottie is generally the last person who is going to have anywhere near the personality or attitude that I'm looking for in a woman. I'm generally looking for the one who is as uncomfortable there as I am. The one whose dress is not too long but not too short. Who is probably being dragged out by her gf's or co-workers.

Probably not a bad idea on pay attention to the whole crowd, though my memory for names tends to kill me at times. I try not to act like "all that" at any time, so that's not a real big deal.

If the occasion arises help miss hottie or any other girl at the table to seat herself but ONLY after you just danced with them. It's a nice touch. A step higher than opening a door for a woman. Don't make a big deal of it. Do it like you are a waiter and it is expected of you as part of your job. It is. If she turns and says she would rather seat herself ..no big...just sit down and carry on like nothing happened. Not every woman is used to being treated that way. They all LOVE it when they are comfortable with it.

I've done that in the past with some very mixed reactions. Though you're right it's a step up from opening the door, and it does take a little practice.

Every woman wants to be treated specially. Be nice to ALL of them as long as you can stand to. :lol:

I try. I don't always succeed, but I try.

If it doesn't work out after a good effort on your part do not give up. Try to be aware of feedback you get so you can learn what makes a woman feel more comfortable and desirable and soon your batting percentage will be better than you have time to fulfill.

The problem being that the feedback is generally on my appearance, or my attitude/personality; two things that I really don't have much of an opportunity to change.
OK, Anachronism, we've actually got a pretty good foundation here, You're in shape, you know how to dress; doesn't look like you're terribly shy; so actually we have a lot of positives to work from; so most of this is going to be fine-tuning some things.

Some little things: If the gun is a professional requirement you may not have much choice in what you carry; if you do, one of the smaller Glocks, or even a Walther PPK works in a shoulder holster, or perhaps even an ankle holster.

I had to look up S-W. How's you mobility? If that's OK, how about your dancing skills? If OK you could work on improving those, can't hurt.

Cologne-can you think of something you almost liked? Maybe we can work from there.
Hair-any chance you could use a hairpiece or weave; some they have now, you can even swim in; they've gotten better.

Now on to some more important issues. How about we take your appearance as what it is, and focus on personality and attitude. What have you gotten positive feedback on? Do you have a good sense of humor? Women love guys who can make them laugh. Have you got a quick wit?Can you put a woman at ease in conversation? Do you maintain eye contact when conversing? How are your converation skills-can you converse intelligently on a variety of subjects? I'm betting the answer on some of these are yes, so let's focus first,on what makes you a "great date", and see if we can polish those up just a bit. By the way, while there ARE shallow women, women generally look beyond the superficial better than we guys do. See, we frogs, have a prince inside, and the key is to get them focusing on that, instead of the frog exterior. It can be done. I have a friend who's totally blind, yet within five minutes of being around him, most people forget Chris can't see; he has them focused on what he's saying, not his eyes.The thing is, you want them to focus on YOUR strong points; if that's personality, that's where you want them to focus.

One more little thing. You should NEVER be "Not hunting". Of course you are. Even when not at a bar or a party, opportunities arise, and you want to be prepared for them. Don't laugh; I know one guy, who met his "dream girl" (now his wife), quite literally by bumping into her when he rounded a corner on a busy sidewalk. He helped her pick up some things she dropped, asked her to have a cup of coffee, and the rest, as they say, is historyAlways be ready...because you just never know.

Oh and by the way, the girl you think you want, out of a group of women, isn't your only target. Huggy's advice still applies. Approach her first; if she responds dance with her, buy them all a round, then dance with one of her friends. Don't obviously zero in on one right away; instead, spread some attention and conversation around the group, and watch her reaction. The key to the door to a woman's heart is often the comments of her friends Make them all feel special, and the focus of your attention, one at a time, while observing your primary target's body language. Look for things like leaning toward you when you speak, "preening gestures" like playing with her hair, and so on. Watch the others too; there's always the possibility the one you really want, is not the first one you picked out.
Ya confident LOOKING is real important. Never sit at the bar. Why? because your feet don't lay flat on the ground from a bar stool unless you are 6'8". Sit in a chair and NEVER cross your legs.

No matter how "groovy" the music is NEVER tap your fingers or hands to the beat on your table or body.

Women ALWAYS check out your hands and feet. Don't ask why. You will find out later.

I rarely sit at the bar. Generally the larger tv screens, which are better for viewing the game are not AT the bar. I generally look for an empty 2-4 person table somewhere in the area around the bar.

If you spot a hottie in a club and she is sitting with a few other gals..introduce yourself to ALL of them with equal interest and ask their names. Take note of what they are drinking and send them a round with your compliments..try to have the drinks delivered while you are dancing with miss hottie. Don't be pushy. Maintain your own spot until THEY offer for you to join them. If they still seem friendly ask the ugliest girl to dance next. That will force a response from miss hottie if she has any interest. What she will see in that is that you are there to have a good time and you are not a snob.

Generally I'm not looking for miss hottie. Miss hottie is generally the last person who is going to have anywhere near the personality or attitude that I'm looking for in a woman. I'm generally looking for the one who is as uncomfortable there as I am. The one whose dress is not too long but not too short. Who is probably being dragged out by her gf's or co-workers.

Probably not a bad idea on pay attention to the whole crowd, though my memory for names tends to kill me at times. I try not to act like "all that" at any time, so that's not a real big deal.

I've done that in the past with some very mixed reactions. Though you're right it's a step up from opening the door, and it does take a little practice.

Every woman wants to be treated specially. Be nice to ALL of them as long as you can stand to. :lol:

I try. I don't always succeed, but I try.

If it doesn't work out after a good effort on your part do not give up. Try to be aware of feedback you get so you can learn what makes a woman feel more comfortable and desirable and soon your batting percentage will be better than you have time to fulfill.

The problem being that the feedback is generally on my appearance, or my attitude/personality; two things that I really don't have much of an opportunity to change.

Think Gorbachev. That guy looked like he had the map of China tattooed on his head in red. Still women found him attractive.

Ya the young ones are still looking for the guy that will spawn good looking children and provide for them to some extent. If you are past the prime breeding years you don't have to look perfect. Women still have dreams as they age into the mid 30's-40's plus..they are just different and more realistic than the baby makers.

The women you might find most fun can be pretty...they have received the most attention so they have seen all the games.

They want to wake up with someone they can feel comfortable with.

They don't care about your balding head or blemishes as long as they are not directly attributable to bad hi-gene.

Accentuate your best features. A sincere smile...an infectious laugh... sensitive eyes.

Shave close and for gods sakes trim those eyebrows down a bit. Don't forget nose and ear hair! Pluck if necessary..but do it early on enough that you don't have red marks showing the damage from your maintenance.

Keep those nails clean and trimmed..a professional manicure is not a bad idea.

A three piece suit is out of place in most sports bars...unless it is late and you could be coming from a place where it is more appropriate. In which case it does make you stand out from the crowd in a good way. The important part is that your clothes fit you well and that they are clean and don't look like you have been wearing them for a week straight. :lol: Always check your clothing for B O BEFORE you put them on. That's a deal killer and one that can ruin your chances in an establishment. You might be surprised to discover a "scent" you have grown accustomed to is offensive to a stranger.
Ya confident LOOKING is real important. Never sit at the bar. Why? because your feet don't lay flat on the ground from a bar stool unless you are 6'8". Sit in a chair and NEVER cross your legs.

No matter how "groovy" the music is NEVER tap your fingers or hands to the beat on your table or body.

Women ALWAYS check out your hands and feet. Don't ask why. You will find out later.

I rarely sit at the bar. Generally the larger tv screens, which are better for viewing the game are not AT the bar. I generally look for an empty 2-4 person table somewhere in the area around the bar.

Generally I'm not looking for miss hottie. Miss hottie is generally the last person who is going to have anywhere near the personality or attitude that I'm looking for in a woman. I'm generally looking for the one who is as uncomfortable there as I am. The one whose dress is not too long but not too short. Who is probably being dragged out by her gf's or co-workers.

Probably not a bad idea on pay attention to the whole crowd, though my memory for names tends to kill me at times. I try not to act like "all that" at any time, so that's not a real big deal.

I've done that in the past with some very mixed reactions. Though you're right it's a step up from opening the door, and it does take a little practice.

I try. I don't always succeed, but I try.

If it doesn't work out after a good effort on your part do not give up. Try to be aware of feedback you get so you can learn what makes a woman feel more comfortable and desirable and soon your batting percentage will be better than you have time to fulfill.

The problem being that the feedback is generally on my appearance, or my attitude/personality; two things that I really don't have much of an opportunity to change.

Think Gorbachev. That guy looked like he had the map of China tattooed on his head in red. Still women found him attractive.
Ya the young ones are still looking for the guy that will spawn good looking children and provide for them to some extent. If you are past the prime breeding years you don't have to look perfect. Women still have dreams as they age into the mid 30's-40's plus..they are just different and more realistic than the baby makers.

The women you might find most fun can be pretty...they have received the most attention so they have seen all the games.

They want to wake up with someone they can feel comfortable with.

They don't care about your balding head or blemishes as long as they are not directly attributable to bad hi-gene.

Accentuate your best features. A sincere smile...an infectious laugh... sensitive eyes.

Shave close and for gods sakes trim those eyebrows down a bit. Don't forget nose and ear hair! Pluck if necessary..but do it early on enough that you don't have red marks showing the damage from your maintenance.

Keep those nails clean and trimmed..a professional manicure is not a bad idea.

A three piece suit is out of place in most sports bars...unless it is late and you could be coming from a place where it is more appropriate. In which case it does make you stand out from the crowd in a good way. The important part is that your clothes fit you well and that they are clean and don't look like you have been wearing them for a week straight. :lol: Always check your clothing for B O BEFORE you put them on. That's a deal killer and one that can ruin your chances in an establishment. You might be surprised to discover a "scent" you have grown accustomed to is offensive to a stranger.

The thing about Gorbachev is he was a man of power and had money so of course he will have women, women are attracted to power and success. Rapper Notorious B.I.G is another example, Gorbachev and Biggie broke with no money would have a hard time getting the women they did with their success and riches.
I rarely sit at the bar. Generally the larger tv screens, which are better for viewing the game are not AT the bar. I generally look for an empty 2-4 person table somewhere in the area around the bar.

Generally I'm not looking for miss hottie. Miss hottie is generally the last person who is going to have anywhere near the personality or attitude that I'm looking for in a woman. I'm generally looking for the one who is as uncomfortable there as I am. The one whose dress is not too long but not too short. Who is probably being dragged out by her gf's or co-workers.

Probably not a bad idea on pay attention to the whole crowd, though my memory for names tends to kill me at times. I try not to act like "all that" at any time, so that's not a real big deal.

I've done that in the past with some very mixed reactions. Though you're right it's a step up from opening the door, and it does take a little practice.

I try. I don't always succeed, but I try.

The problem being that the feedback is generally on my appearance, or my attitude/personality; two things that I really don't have much of an opportunity to change.

Think Gorbachev. That guy looked like he had the map of China tattooed on his head in red. Still women found him attractive.
Ya the young ones are still looking for the guy that will spawn good looking children and provide for them to some extent. If you are past the prime breeding years you don't have to look perfect. Women still have dreams as they age into the mid 30's-40's plus..they are just different and more realistic than the baby makers.

The women you might find most fun can be pretty...they have received the most attention so they have seen all the games.

They want to wake up with someone they can feel comfortable with.

They don't care about your balding head or blemishes as long as they are not directly attributable to bad hi-gene.

Accentuate your best features. A sincere smile...an infectious laugh... sensitive eyes.

Shave close and for gods sakes trim those eyebrows down a bit. Don't forget nose and ear hair! Pluck if necessary..but do it early on enough that you don't have red marks showing the damage from your maintenance.

Keep those nails clean and trimmed..a professional manicure is not a bad idea.

A three piece suit is out of place in most sports bars...unless it is late and you could be coming from a place where it is more appropriate. In which case it does make you stand out from the crowd in a good way. The important part is that your clothes fit you well and that they are clean and don't look like you have been wearing them for a week straight. :lol: Always check your clothing for B O BEFORE you put them on. That's a deal killer and one that can ruin your chances in an establishment. You might be surprised to discover a "scent" you have grown accustomed to is offensive to a stranger.

The thing about Gorbachev is he was a man of power and had money so of course he will have women, women are attracted to power and success. Rapper Notorious B.I.G is another example, Gorbachev and Biggie broke with no money would have a hard time getting the women they did with their success and riches.

Well, it is a fact that men are biologically programmed to like qualities in a woman that translate to "can bear me healthy children". Women are biologically programmed to like qualities in a man that translate to "can support and protect me and my offspring". It's not a bad thing, so long as your intellect is capable of overriding your instinct when necessary.
I rarely sit at the bar. Generally the larger tv screens, which are better for viewing the game are not AT the bar. I generally look for an empty 2-4 person table somewhere in the area around the bar.

Generally I'm not looking for miss hottie. Miss hottie is generally the last person who is going to have anywhere near the personality or attitude that I'm looking for in a woman. I'm generally looking for the one who is as uncomfortable there as I am. The one whose dress is not too long but not too short. Who is probably being dragged out by her gf's or co-workers.

Probably not a bad idea on pay attention to the whole crowd, though my memory for names tends to kill me at times. I try not to act like "all that" at any time, so that's not a real big deal.

I've done that in the past with some very mixed reactions. Though you're right it's a step up from opening the door, and it does take a little practice.

I try. I don't always succeed, but I try.

The problem being that the feedback is generally on my appearance, or my attitude/personality; two things that I really don't have much of an opportunity to change.

Think Gorbachev. That guy looked like he had the map of China tattooed on his head in red. Still women found him attractive.
Ya the young ones are still looking for the guy that will spawn good looking children and provide for them to some extent. If you are past the prime breeding years you don't have to look perfect. Women still have dreams as they age into the mid 30's-40's plus..they are just different and more realistic than the baby makers.

The women you might find most fun can be pretty...they have received the most attention so they have seen all the games.

They want to wake up with someone they can feel comfortable with.

They don't care about your balding head or blemishes as long as they are not directly attributable to bad hi-gene.

Accentuate your best features. A sincere smile...an infectious laugh... sensitive eyes.

Shave close and for gods sakes trim those eyebrows down a bit. Don't forget nose and ear hair! Pluck if necessary..but do it early on enough that you don't have red marks showing the damage from your maintenance.

Keep those nails clean and trimmed..a professional manicure is not a bad idea.

A three piece suit is out of place in most sports bars...unless it is late and you could be coming from a place where it is more appropriate. In which case it does make you stand out from the crowd in a good way. The important part is that your clothes fit you well and that they are clean and don't look like you have been wearing them for a week straight. :lol: Always check your clothing for B O BEFORE you put them on. That's a deal killer and one that can ruin your chances in an establishment. You might be surprised to discover a "scent" you have grown accustomed to is offensive to a stranger.

The thing about Gorbachev is he was a man of power and had money so of course he will have women, women are attracted to power and success. Rapper Notorious B.I.G is another example, Gorbachev and Biggie broke with no money would have a hard time getting the women they did with their success and riches.

Knowledge and moxie are also wealth and power.
Think Gorbachev. That guy looked like he had the map of China tattooed on his head in red. Still women found him attractive.
Ya the young ones are still looking for the guy that will spawn good looking children and provide for them to some extent. If you are past the prime breeding years you don't have to look perfect. Women still have dreams as they age into the mid 30's-40's plus..they are just different and more realistic than the baby makers.

The women you might find most fun can be pretty...they have received the most attention so they have seen all the games.

They want to wake up with someone they can feel comfortable with.

They don't care about your balding head or blemishes as long as they are not directly attributable to bad hi-gene.

Accentuate your best features. A sincere smile...an infectious laugh... sensitive eyes.

Shave close and for gods sakes trim those eyebrows down a bit. Don't forget nose and ear hair! Pluck if necessary..but do it early on enough that you don't have red marks showing the damage from your maintenance.

Keep those nails clean and trimmed..a professional manicure is not a bad idea.

A three piece suit is out of place in most sports bars...unless it is late and you could be coming from a place where it is more appropriate. In which case it does make you stand out from the crowd in a good way. The important part is that your clothes fit you well and that they are clean and don't look like you have been wearing them for a week straight. :lol: Always check your clothing for B O BEFORE you put them on. That's a deal killer and one that can ruin your chances in an establishment. You might be surprised to discover a "scent" you have grown accustomed to is offensive to a stranger.

The thing about Gorbachev is he was a man of power and had money so of course he will have women, women are attracted to power and success. Rapper Notorious B.I.G is another example, Gorbachev and Biggie broke with no money would have a hard time getting the women they did with their success and riches.

Knowledge and moxie are also wealth and power.

I am not saying it is not possible but a broke man has to put in more work than a guy who has his pockets right, I have seen guys living on friends coaches who pulled in women and had them paying for everything, it all depends how tight your game is.
The thing about Gorbachev is he was a man of power and had money so of course he will have women, women are attracted to power and success. Rapper Notorious B.I.G is another example, Gorbachev and Biggie broke with no money would have a hard time getting the women they did with their success and riches.

Knowledge and moxie are also wealth and power.

I am not saying it is not possible but a broke man has to put in more work than a guy who has his pockets right, I have seen guys living on friends coaches who pulled in women and had them paying for everything, it all depends how tight your game is.

Women are expensive. Entertaining is expensive. I never advocate for "scamming" a meal ticket by playing women for money.

I know times are tough ..but in these times one of the most attractive things one can do for themselves and for the perception they display is do whatever it takes to get a decent job before worrying about getting laid.

If you are truly desperate to have party money...grow some balls and rob a bank.:lol:

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Knowledge and moxie are also wealth and power.

I am not saying it is not possible but a broke man has to put in more work than a guy who has his pockets right, I have seen guys living on friends coaches who pulled in women and had them paying for everything, it all depends how tight your game is.

Women are expensive. Entertaining is expensive. I never advocate for "scamming" a meal ticket by playing women for money.

I know times are tough ..but in these times one of the most attractive things one can do for themselves and for the perception they display is do whatever it takes to get a decent job before worrying about getting laid.

100% right, you won't lose any women chasing money.
Women are attracted to power, and money and power are never too far apart; and you're right Huggy, women ARE expensive, but what that's really fine in life isn't? It just costs more to keep up a thoroughbred than a mule, but the thoroughbred is faster, and a hell of a lot more attractive to look at!

As for living off women, that's one of those items on my "don't ever" list with regard to the ladies. They are:

(1) NEVER use booze or drugs to get a woman into bed! Aside from legal ramifications, this is distinctly bad form, and besides, a drunk woman is a lousy lay.

(2) NEVER, EVER, use the THREE MAGIC WORDS to get a woman into bed. The THREE MAGIC WORDS are "I love you". Women take them far more seriously than we do, so NEVER, and I do mean NEVER, use them unless you are completely sober, have thought about it, and are absolutely sure you mean it! This is the ultimate hook into female emotions, and women get extremely hurt, angry, and irrational, if they discover you didn't mean it. "Hell hath no fury....." BELIEVE IT!

(3) NEVER leech off a woman...EVER. That's disgraceful! You deserve to lose your "Man Card" for this one!

(4) NEVER kiss(or screw) and tell! That's adolescent! Real men do not do this under any circumstances! I don't care if everyone around both of you "knows" you're sleeping together. Officially, you know nothing, you did nothing, and you say nothing! (If SHE wants to advertise it, fine, but YOU better not!)

(5) NEVER treat a lady as anything but a lady in public. Whatever you do in the bedroom, no matter how much of a freak or a whore she is there, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, she's a LADY!

(6) NEVER use a woman! They hate that! Get a reputation for it, and your romantic life is dead, anywhere in the immediate vicinity and possibly beyond; they do share information! Take good care of her needs, and you shall be rewarded; a thoroughly satisfied woman is the most giving creature known to man, and will do virtually ANYTHING to please you! Trust me on this one!

(7) NEVER put your hands on your woman except to love her, comfort her, or carry her to bed. No matter how angry you are, real men don't abuse a woman under any circumstances, EVER! Your Man Card will be permanently revoked for violating this one!
Women are attracted to power, and money and power are never too far apart; and you're right Huggy, women ARE expensive, but what that's really fine in life isn't? It just costs more to keep up a thoroughbred than a mule, but the thoroughbred is faster, and a hell of a lot more attractive to look at!

As for living off women, that's one of those items on my "don't ever" list with regard to the ladies. They are:

(1) NEVER use booze or drugs to get a woman into bed! Aside from legal ramifications, this is distinctly bad form, and besides, a drunk woman is a lousy lay.

(2) NEVER, EVER, use the THREE MAGIC WORDS to get a woman into bed. The THREE MAGIC WORDS are "I love you". Women take them far more seriously than we do, so NEVER, and I do mean NEVER, use them unless you are completely sober, have thought about it, and are absolutely sure you mean it! This is the ultimate hook into female emotions, and women get extremely hurt, angry, and irrational, if they discover you didn't mean it. "Hell hath no fury....." BELIEVE IT!

(3) NEVER leech off a woman...EVER. That's disgraceful! You deserve to lose your "Man Card" for this one!

(4) NEVER kiss(or screw) and tell! That's adolescent! Real men do not do this under any circumstances! I don't care if everyone around both of you "knows" you're sleeping together. Officially, you know nothing, you did nothing, and you say nothing! (If SHE wants to advertise it, fine, but YOU better not!)

(5) NEVER treat a lady as anything but a lady in public. Whatever you do in the bedroom, no matter how much of a freak or a whore she is there, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, she's a LADY!

I know some exceptions to this rule, but even with them, the key is to ALWAYS treat a woman like she's important. It's amazing how fast a woman who gets a thrill from being a slave can turn on a man when she's not treated like a VALUED slave.

(6) NEVER use a woman! They hate that! Get a reputation for it, and your romantic life is dead, anywhere in the immediate vicinity and possibly beyond; they do share information! Take good care of her needs, and you shall be rewarded; a thoroughly satisfied woman is the most giving creature known to man, and will do virtually ANYTHING to please you! Trust me on this one!

And never, ever forget that WOMEN TALK TO EACH OTHER! Mistreat one, and the rest of us will know about it in short order.

(7) NEVER put your hands on your woman except to love her, comfort her, or carry her to bed. No matter how angry you are, real men don't abuse a woman under any circumstances, EVER! Your Man Card will be permanently revoked for violating this one!

And do not tolerate a woman who thinks it's okay to abuse YOU, especially if she believes she should be able to do it and then hide behind the "men shouldn't hit women" thing. It may look good in the movies for a woman to slap a man for insulting her, but in real ife, that shit don't fly.

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