Don’t Give Rosenstein a Pass Just Because He Went off on Comey

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

This video clip of Rod Rosenstein riffing on Teenage Drama Queen James Comey has been making the rounds of Twitter and the fake news media all day:

Embedded video

Ryan Saavedra ✔ @RealSaavedra Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein slams former FBI Director James @Comey: "The former director seems to be acting as a partisan pundit, selling books and earning speaking fees while speculating about the strength of my character and the fate of my immortal soul"

Very clever. Very funny, in that sniffling, slimy Rosenstein kind of way. He nails Comey’s behavior and low character, and that’s great. So, I got no problem with that.

I do, however, have a problem with the conservative commentariate turning this into a reason to make Rosenstein into some sort of a hero on all of this. Because Rod Rosenstein is the farthest thing from a hero.

Rosenstein made these remarks in the context of his being the guy who wrote the famous memo to President Donald Trump recommending Comey be fired. For that commendable act, he is certainly to be praised to some extent.

But let’s remember several things about Rosenstein, including his reasons for recommending Comey be fired, which was basically that he didn’t like the way Comey grandstanded throughout the election campaign, usurping decisions and powers that should have been reserved to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Of course, Lynch was so corrupt that she wasn’t going to make those decisions in any event, but Rosenstein was correct to say that that did not convey the right to make them onto Comey.

Let’s also remember what parts of Comey’s conduct that Rosenstein was NOT concerned about. Despite having full knowledge at that point about Comey’s disgraceful corruption of the “investigation” into the Clinton email scandal, Rosenstein cited no objection. Despite his full knowledge then of Comey’s mounting an effort to spy on the Trump Campaign and Trump Transition team (remember that Trump was fully aware of these things as early as late November, 2016), Rosenstein cited no objection.

Despite having full knowledge by then of the heinous abuse of the FISA process by Comey’s FBI, Rosenstein cited no objection to any of that. Matter of fact, Rosenstein was so unconcerned about the use of the fraudulent Steele Dossier as the basis for those FISA warrants – a usage that Comey himself admitted to in sworn congressional testimony – that Rosenstein actually signed the third extension application himself!

Next, Rosenstein made the likely illegal decision to appoint a special counsel to investigate allegations of “Trump/Russia Collusion” despite the conspicuous absence of any underlying crime, a requirement of such appointments. His pick to lead the probably-illegal Witch Hunt was Robert Mueller, a man who is not only a close friend of Rosenstein himself, but also a close friend of Comey, a key witness to any such investigation, the clearest conflicts of interest possible, and clearly disqualifying.

Rosenstein then signed not only one, but two scoping letters to Mueller that he has since worked feverishly to keep out of public view, most likely because those letters also contain clear violations of the special counsel statutes. The then spent a year and a half allowing Mueller to destroy the lives of dozens of American citizens and basically conduct himself as if he were head of an American Gestapo.

There’s much, much more here, but we’ve been through all of this several times before.

Bottom line, let’s all have a good laugh at Comey’s expense, since he is even more despicable than Rosenstein. But let’s don’t forget what a despicable snake Rosenstein truly is while we’re chuckling......


OR Rod KNOWS he hss been caught and is making deals and giving testimony TRYING DESPERATELY to stay out of jail himself!
Just because something is reportedly happening in your right wing blogosphere doesn’t mean it’s happening in reality
Rod KNOWS he hss been caught and is making deals and giving testimony TRYING DESPERATELY to stay out of jail himself!
I think this is an adequate assessment of the snakes predicament.

Comey, knew and intentionally defrauded the FISA court with disinformation in order to get a warrant he was not entitled to... That bit of info came out this week and he should be scared shitless about what it means for him. Felony Fraud on the FISA Court... This could be determined to be treason and he could potentially spend the rest of his natural life in prison. 100 years ago they would have set up the gallows or a firing squad.
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In less than a month after Barr was confirmed as A.G. Rosenstein offered his resignation and it was accepted. What does that tell you? . Rosenstein is caught up in Barr's probe just as Comey is.

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