When is The Left Going To Renounce Hatred?

Show me an all Muslim Ban.
How about you prove your rhetorical accusations for a change.

I am tired of lies and rhetoric.

I noted that not once did you address the question I posed.

When will the Left denounce Poltical Violence?

Your refusal to do so indicates that you think political violence is justified.

Of course you do.

"Achieve power by any means necessary"......

is right out of The Saul Alinsky Playbook... Rules For Radicals...
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When will the Left denounce Poltical Violence?

We've always done so. You're lying, because TheParty tells you to lie, and you're a fanatical party apparatchik.

Now, Looking back at your posts, I see how you're consistently a hateful little turd. So why shouldn't we all just laugh at your hypocrisy?

What's not funny is the way you're using Hitler's playbook.
The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?

When Republicans renounce racism, misogyny, xenophobia and homophobia. Until then, suck it up Buttercup.
When will you as an individual renounce the political violence and hateful rhetoric being used by the Left?

Don't look at your talking points. Answer for yourself.

When will the Left denounce Poltical Violence?

We've always done so. You're lying, because TheParty tells you to lie, and you're a fanatical party apparatchik.

Now, Looking back at your posts, I see how you're consistently a hateful little turd. So why shouldn't we all just laugh at your hypocrisy?

What's not funny is the way you're using Hitler's playbook.
It's a simple thing to ask of a person to renounce the political violence and hateful divisive rhetoric being used by The Left.

You can backslide tomorrow or next month, but perhaps just once in your life for one night you could have the courage to disagree with where your party is taking you.

The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?

When Republicans renounce racism, misogyny, xenophobia and homophobia. Until then, suck it up Buttercup.
Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .

My take from the sidelines is that the left TALKS a great game, but has no real playbook and no execution. The right simply wants you to understand they are NOT anti-immigrant. Just anti ILLEGAL immigrant. That they don't hate minorities, they just don't PANDER to them, They want them treated all the same and as equals. Women? Really?

This little stand-off isn't attracting new recruits at all. It's not pretty from EITHER angle. It's getting annoying and meaningless.
When will you as an individual renounce the political violence and hateful rhetoric being used by the Left?

I renounce all violence, even the violence you imagined.

Didn't expect that, eh? You're a weasel who loves violence, so you can't imagine anyone being different.

Don't look at your talking points. Answer for yourself.

Here's some are very recent "talking points" from your hateful buddies right here.

Is the Main Stream Media Burning Itself Down to Get Trump?
"Why do I need a reason to hate a Democrat? Because you say so? I will hate who I want the way I want and I don't need to give you a reason. Got that shit for brains?" -- Darkfury

Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.
"We are at war right now. We are beyond words. Can't wait to see the left get exactly what is coming to all of them. I fucking hate them." -- TheOwl32

You will renounce them for displaying such hatred, right?

It gets worse. Some conservatives here are openly calling for people to be murdered for having opinions that they don't like.

Mississippi lawmaker apologizes for calling for lynching

"They should be lynched" -- Tipsycatlover

"They should be lynched" -- koshergrl

You will criticize your very violent conservative friends for calling for such violence, right? I mean, you don't have to, but you'd look like a hypocrite of epic proportions if you didn't.

It's not tough to find such posts, you know. Conservatives on this board are remarkably hateful and violent. You don't see the liberals screaming out such hate and blood lust.
When will you as an individual renounce the political violence and hateful rhetoric being used by the Left?

I renounce all violence, even the violence you imagined.

Didn't expect that, eh? You're a weasel who loves violence, so you can't imagine anyone being different.

Don't look at your talking points. Answer for yourself.

Here's some are very recent "talking points" from your hateful buddies right here.

Is the Main Stream Media Burning Itself Down to Get Trump?
"Why do I need a reason to hate a Democrat? Because you say so? I will hate who I want the way I want and I don't need to give you a reason. Got that shit for brains?" -- Darkfury

Now watch as the sheep on the left love James Comey.
"We are at war right now. We are beyond words. Can't wait to see the left get exactly what is coming to all of them. I fucking hate them." -- TheOwl32

You will renounce them for displaying such hatred, right?

It gets worse. Some conservatives here are openly calling for people to be murdered for having opinions that they don't like.

Mississippi lawmaker apologizes for calling for lynching

"They should be lynched" -- Tipsycatlover

"They should be lynched" -- koshergrl

You will criticize your very violent conservative friends for calling for such violence, right? I mean, you don't have to, but you'd look like a hypocrite of epic proportions if you didn't.

It's not tough to find such posts, you know. Conservatives on this board are remarkably hateful and violent. You don't see the liberals screaming out such hate and blood lust.

No kidding, so the riots in Berkeley (excuse me, the protests), burning of Ferguson and Baltimore, the "fry-em like bacon"...there are more...really didn't happen?
The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

That's the list of the top ten the GOP hates the most. We know gays are number one by the number of Republican pastors that call for the murder of gay people. Remember the nightclub in Florida? How many right wingers say "not enough died". That's who the GOP is. That's today's Republican Party.
The left renounces hatred while committing acts of violence against anyone who voices an opposing opinion.

Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
There's a difference between speech and burning down towns and blocking traffic.

Overdramatize much ?

Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .

Not since the Republicans took over the South ....there hasn't

No kidding, so the riots in Berkeley (excuse me, the protests), burning of Ferguson and Baltimore, the "fry-em like bacon"...there are more...really didn't happen?

Why would you say that?

I would say they were hilariously exaggerated, for the purpose of getting the bedwetters to wet themselves. And saying that anarchists are liberals is a big ol' lie. And saying that the violence is escalating is an even bigger lie, as quite the opposite is happening.

I imagine that lack of any violence is very upsetting to conservatives, being they get a thrill from being afraid. And how can they justify violence against liberals if they can't point to any violence? We liberals, of course, are made of sterner stuff. We have to, due to the distressing frequency of conservative violence.
The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

That's the list of the top ten the GOP hates the most. We know gays are number one by the number of Republican pastors that call for the murder of gay people. Remember the nightclub in Florida? How many right wingers say "not enough died". That's who the GOP is. That's today's Republican Party.

You enjoy lying? So now katlyn Jenner is a Democrat..

28 LGBT Republicans | Advocate.com

This little stand-off isn't attracting new recruits at all. It's not pretty from EITHER angle. It's getting annoying and meaningless.

The death threats I've gotten here say that phony equivalence song and dance is bullshit. The two sides here are nothing alike. The conservatives are much more violent than the liberals, and denying that is effectively running cover for the violent crowd.
Unless you are a committed leftist, the left wants you dead. They don't mind at all using muslims to achieve their goals. The Manchester terror attack makes them salivate. The majority dead are white, maybe even Christians. The only thing making it better would be if it happened in the US. Preferably in the South.
When is The Left Going To Renounce Hatred?

never it is part of who they are

or what they have become

can you or anyone remember a political party

attempting to sue congress because

they could not continue to hang

a painting of Cops as pigs

or associate themselves with the Fuck the Police group

should tell ya all you need to know about these fascists
Nice list of false accusations

Meanwhile we have In Black and White the Hateful Racist comments made by Clinton & Podesta and The Obama Regime made against Jews, Gays, Hispanics, Blacks, Christians, Farmers, Coal Miners, & Conservatives.

I'll leave it to someone else to produce a Real List of Real Racist and Biggoted things said by The Left. It's a damn long list.....

Or you can just herd everyone in to the same Lefty concentration camp and call us all a Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables.

The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

That's the list of the top ten the GOP hates the most. We know gays are number one by the number of Republican pastors that call for the murder of gay people. Remember the nightclub in Florida? How many right wingers say "not enough died". That's who the GOP is. That's today's Republican Party.
The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

That's the list of the top ten the GOP hates the most. We know gays are number one by the number of Republican pastors that call for the murder of gay people. Remember the nightclub in Florida? How many right wingers say "not enough died". That's who the GOP is. That's today's Republican Party.

You enjoy lying? So now katlyn Jenner is a Democrat..

28 LGBT Republicans | Advocate.com

Right wing pastors calling for the deaths of gays:

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

Unless you are a committed leftist, the left wants you dead.

Says the proud psychopath who just called for lynching.

You literally want your political enemies dead. Decent people spit on the ground as you walk by, and hide their children away.

And you're not unusual. About half the conservatives here are just as depraved. You may have to poke 'em a bit, but they'll eventually let their death-lust shine through.

Almost all the calls for violence on this board come from conservatives. If anyone says the two sides are alike, or that liberals are violent, they're making excuses for and enabling conservative violence.

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