When is The Left Going To Renounce Hatred?

Where does hatred and divisiveness lead if not to that?

Maybe instead of criticizing me, you and the Left should do some soul searching and ask yourselves why you are on the same angry hateful path as those that hate America..those that hate anyone who would dare disagree with them.

Maybe you should ask yourselves why you do not respect life, and why you are so full of spite and contempt for those who would caution you against holding on to such naive and foolish ideologies that are opposed to common sense and the reality that there is Evil in the world and coddling it, and paying it homage is no way to protect our families and loved ones.

Shame on the Opening Post for using the incident in Manchester to make a hateful political remark
Lock her up
The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?

"When is The Left Going To Renounce Hatred?"

When right wing nutjobs quit spewing lies
Why do you advocate and promote the killing of 50 million innoncent babies and think it is ok to profit from selling bloody baby body parts?

Such a loyal cultist you are. Lie big. Lie often. TheParty commands it.

Black Lives Matter, and Answers Coalition all which receive funding from George Soros

We get it already. You've got it a list of kook cult talking points that you chant like a mantra as a shield against the reality of how hateful and violent your side is. Good cultist.

As that's straightened out, let's get back to what you were running from. I didn't have to make any crazy shit up. I simply pointed to, with links, some of the conservatives right here on this board screaming hate and violence. And that was just in the last couple days. It's easy to find conservative hate and violence here, as the board is saturated with it. In contrast, you rarely see it coming from liberals.

So, you demanded everyone else renounce violence, even though they never embraced it. In contrast, your side is very hateful and violent, and you refuse to condemn it in any way. Instead, you run cover for it.

Sucks to be you. You're in a tight spot. Your cult is extremely hateful and violent. You know you should condemn that, but you can't. Your cult's first commandment is that no cultist shall ever criticize another cultist under any circumstances. That means you have to shower kisses on the hateful and violent people, so now everyone is laughing at you for being a coward and hypocrite.

There is a way out of your upcoming life of constant humiliation, not to mention your afterlife in the fires of Hell. Just leave your violent hate-cult. Start by condemning those violent and hateful conservatives on this board that I just pointed out, along with others here.
Why do you advocate and promote the killing of 50 million innoncent babies and think it is ok to profit from selling bloody baby body parts?

Such a loyal cultist you are. Lie big. Lie often. TheParty commands it.

Black Lives Matter, and Answers Coalition all which receive funding from George Soros

We get it already. You've got it a list of kook cult talking points that you chant like a mantra as a shield against the reality of how hateful and violent your side is. Good cultist.

As that's straightened out, let's get back to what you were running from. I didn't have to make any crazy shit up. I simply pointed to, with links, some of the conservatives right here on this board screaming hate and violence. And that was just in the last couple days. It's easy to find conservative hate and violence here, as the board is saturated with it. In contrast, you rarely see it coming from liberals.

So, you demanded everyone else renounce violence, even though they never embraced it. In contrast, your side is very hateful and violent, and you refuse to condemn it in any way. Instead, you run cover for it.

Sucks to be you. You're in a tight spot. Your cult is extremely hateful and violent. You know you should condemn that, but you can't. Your cult's first commandment is that no cultist shall ever criticize another cultist under any circumstances. That means you have to shower kisses on the hateful and violent people, so now everyone is laughing at you for being a coward and hypocrite.

There is a way out of your upcoming life of constant humiliation, not to mention your afterlife in the fires of Hell. Just leave your violent hate-cult. Start by condemning those violent and hateful conservatives on this board that I just pointed out, along with others here.

You have deflection and excuse manufacturing.

Again, why won't you denounce your party's embracing of Hate Speech, Divisive Rhetoric, Political Violence, Propaganda, and attempts to completely over turn Democracy?

Why do you have a group of people lead by your Confederate President (Obama Bin Lying) who have vowed to RESIST DEMOCRACY?

And why are you a member of that group?
Unless you are a committed leftist, the left wants you dead. They don't mind at all using muslims to achieve their goals.

Which voice inside your head told you that little ditty?

That's fucking crazy.

Explain to us then, why The Left advocates Violence as a political tool and does all it can to coddle and protect violent illegal aliens and Islamic Extremists.

The Left has made a deal with the Devil and is using these people as mules to do their dirty work, just like they paid a bunch of thugs to riot at Trump Rallies and vandalize the communities they were held in and terrorize it's citizens, and burn and urinate on our American flag and instigate violence and confrontations with rally goers and law enforcement.
Unless you are a committed leftist, the left wants you dead. They don't mind at all using muslims to achieve their goals.

Which voice inside your head told you that little ditty?

That's fucking crazy.

Explain to us then, why The Left advocates Violence as a political tool and does all it can to coddle and protect violent illegal aliens and Islamic Extremists.

The Left has made a deal with the Devil and is using these people as mules to do their dirty work, just like they paid a bunch of thugs to riot at Trump Rallies and vandalize the communities they were held in and terrorize it's citizens, and burn and urinate on our American flag and instigate violence and confrontations with rally goers and law enforcement.

Why should I have to explain crazy? It's simply crazy to think that everyone on the left hand side of the isle has made some sort of deal with the Supernatural Evil God of Christianity.
As soon as you stop beating your wife.
It's your wife I have been beating....but then again it is consensual, so I guess no harm no foul if she asks me to do it.

You must be that worthless scum whom I rescued her from 30 years ago. Guys like you have to convince yourself that beating them is consensual. Is that what men like you need to get it up?
'When is The Left Going To Renounce Hatred?'

Just as soon as they re-take the House ,the Senate, and the Presidency....
Yeah, you're right. Lets all just get along. We can put up a big empathy tent, have a group hug, and sing kumbahyah and forget about all the shit coming from the right.

What "shit" is that? The truth?
The truth and the right are about as far apart as East and West. About the only truth to come from the right was when Trump said he could shoot someone on Main Street and not lose any support.
Nuh Unh!

That's the quality of your argument. "Shit" is the perfect word to describe it.
The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?
Renounce hatred, when there is so much to hate? Was Trump over in the ME hugging terrorists of one of the Great Religions?

So Muslims are all terrorists?
To your kind they are. While Trump was kissing Saudi ass they were likely funding the next 9/11 like they did the first one.

But they weren't doing that for 8 years when Obama was kissing their asses? How bowed to the Saudi king?

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