When is Moscow Mitch going to quit being a whore for Tramp?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
and working for Putin, and is he the head of the Senate, because he has best make up his mind, if not apply for a job in the administration or get out of congress (like Rep Kildee said) and quit making the Senate a graveyard for the House bills, he is sure proud of being the Grim Reaper, he is death, looks like death, and he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

"If the President is in favor of a number of things that he has discussed openly and publicly, and I know that if we pass it, it will become law, I'll put it on the floor," McConnell said on the radio show.

McConnell says he won't take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it - CNNPolitics
Your narrative is wrong...if Mitch was what you suggest we would of had a wall and our troops would have been home and we would have a good healthcare plan...after trump wins in 2020 he will come around and your narrative may come true...I hope...
and working for Putin, and is he the head of the Senate, because he has best make up his mind, if not apply for a job in the administration or get out of congress (like Rep Kildee said) and quit making the Senate a graveyard for the House bills, he is sure proud of being the Grim Reaper, he is death, looks like death, and he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

"If the President is in favor of a number of things that he has discussed openly and publicly, and I know that if we pass it, it will become law, I'll put it on the floor," McConnell said on the radio show.

McConnell says he won't take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it - CNNPolitics
How is that any different from Harry Reid tabling hundreds of bills passed by the House on Obamacare, that he knew Obama would not even look at?

You need to do something about that selective memory of yours.
and working for Putin, and is he the head of the Senate, because he has best make up his mind, if not apply for a job in the administration or get out of congress (like Rep Kildee said) and quit making the Senate a graveyard for the House bills, he is sure proud of being the Grim Reaper, he is death, looks like death, and he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

"If the President is in favor of a number of things that he has discussed openly and publicly, and I know that if we pass it, it will become law, I'll put it on the floor," McConnell said on the radio show.

McConnell says he won't take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it - CNNPolitics
Sounds like Mitch does what Pelosi does-plays politics
How is that any different from Harry Reid tabling hundreds of bills passed by the House on Obamacare, that he knew Obama would not even look at?

You need to do something about that selective memory of yours.

I think Obama knew what was the main points of the ACA, the main points. Upon passing the Republicans did everything they could to end it, that was the main problem and its not really a problem. It will be back or universal healthcare, take your pick. Moscow Mitch is nothing like Reid. He just is not introducing any bills of the House and like the name of "Grim Reaper"

Obviously there is a lot wrong with the Constitution that a maj speaker can elect to introduce bills or not, and also the with the power of the executive branch, that it has unlimited power as evidenced since 2017 esp when he has Barr and Moscow Mitch as whores.

Jenkins said that in the "do-nothing Senate," there are 352 House bills "sitting on Harry Reid’s desk awaiting action," including 55 introduced by Democrats.

In some cases, committee chairs -- not Reid -- may be blocking or moving slowly on these bills. In other cases, senators are working on their own alternative bills on the same topic. Meanwhile, the claim oversells the degree of bipartisanship in the House; a majority of the Democratic-sponsored bills she cites are relatively minor pieces of legislation.

Ultimately, Jenkins places all the blame on the Democrats and the Senate, but experts agree that it takes two to tango. Both parties and chambers have played a role in creating the current legislative dysfunction. On balance, we rate the claim Half True.
Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate'
and working for Putin, and is he the head of the Senate, because he has best make up his mind, if not apply for a job in the administration or get out of congress (like Rep Kildee said) and quit making the Senate a graveyard for the House bills, he is sure proud of being the Grim Reaper, he is death, looks like death, and he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

"If the President is in favor of a number of things that he has discussed openly and publicly, and I know that if we pass it, it will become law, I'll put it on the floor," McConnell said on the radio show.

McConnell says he won't take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it - CNNPolitics
Don't you ever get tired of posting stupidity? "Moscow Mitch"? Seriously? You live in a fantasy world.
This goes beyond McConnell. Anytime a Speaker or a Senate Majority leader FROM EITHER PARTY tables a bill, they demonstrate how feckless our legislative branch is. It should be viewed as a form of obstruction. As it is, our elected reps focus too much on special interest groups and re-election campaigns. The least they can do is cast an up or down vote. If it involves “poison pills”, too bad, it’s your job.
and working for Putin, and is he the head of the Senate, because he has best make up his mind, if not apply for a job in the administration or get out of congress (like Rep Kildee said) and quit making the Senate a graveyard for the House bills, he is sure proud of being the Grim Reaper, he is death, looks like death, and he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

"If the President is in favor of a number of things that he has discussed openly and publicly, and I know that if we pass it, it will become law, I'll put it on the floor," McConnell said on the radio show.

McConnell says he won't take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it - CNNPolitics

Well McConnell did learn from Reid and Obama, so ya know it get what you give...
All bills should be voted on in a reasonable time frame instead of dying from inaction, a tactic both parties use. It would likely take a constitutional amendment clearly stating the time frame. Too bad getting an amendment won't happen, anymore than the obstructionists in Congress will end the practice currently occurring in Congress. I also believe bills should be on one subject only and not tagged with multiple amendments that have nothing to do with the bill's subject.
and working for Putin, and is he the head of the Senate, because he has best make up his mind, if not apply for a job in the administration or get out of congress (like Rep Kildee said) and quit making the Senate a graveyard for the House bills, he is sure proud of being the Grim Reaper, he is death, looks like death, and he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

"If the President is in favor of a number of things that he has discussed openly and publicly, and I know that if we pass it, it will become law, I'll put it on the floor," McConnell said on the radio show.

McConnell says he won't take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it - CNNPolitics
Don't you ever get tired of posting stupidity? "Moscow Mitch"? Seriously? You live in a fantasy world.

I was about to ask ----what is "moscow" about mitch ????
and working for Putin, and is he the head of the Senate, because he has best make up his mind, if not apply for a job in the administration or get out of congress (like Rep Kildee said) and quit making the Senate a graveyard for the House bills, he is sure proud of being the Grim Reaper, he is death, looks like death, and he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

"If the President is in favor of a number of things that he has discussed openly and publicly, and I know that if we pass it, it will become law, I'll put it on the floor," McConnell said on the radio show.

McConnell says he won't take up gun bill unless Trump says he will sign it - CNNPolitics

Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't even get past your first sentence before hearing this noise in my head...

Seriously, do you have to start every thread you post with "Putin". "Russia", or "the Russians"?

Do you even know the definition of "obsessive-compulsive"? Here: Let me point you in the right direction:

  1. denoting or relating to a disorder in which a person feels compelled to perform certain stereotyped actions repeatedly to alleviate persistent fears or intrusive thoughts.
    "some people spend less than an hour engaged in obsessive-compulsive behavior— for others it may consume their whole day"
he should take his old 77 year aged body into retirement !!

Wouldn't that be the average age of a Biden-Sanders ticket?

Physical age, yes. But as far as emotional development, Biden and Sanders both have a five-year old living inside their brains. Particularly Sanders, whose emotional growth was stunted because of ideas like socialism. And like a five year old, its "gimmee gimmee gimmee" with no thought as to where everything comes from, or should should pay for it.

BIden on the other hand, just has a wrecked brain, probably from when that surgeon accidentally left his scalpel in his right hemisphere.

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