When GeorgeForeman put down Joe Frasier 6 times in 2 rounds

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
In that fight - Foreman was the best boxer ever.

Would have destroyred Mike Tyson
In that fight - Foreman was the best boxer ever.

Would have destroyred Mike Tyson

How old were both of them at the time? Maybe it wasn't so much Foreman being great but Fraizer being old and not so great.
Ali used cowardely rope-adope tactics against Foreman.

Never had a freaking knockout punch even in his prime.
Ali used cowardely rope-adope tactics against Foreman.

Never had a freaking knockout punch even in his prime.


I thought this was about the greatest BOXER, not who has the best knockout punch?

In that case......Give me Marciano. When he hit you, your mother's body crumbled too.
Ali used cowardely rope-adope tactics against Foreman.


Yeah, how cowardly of Ali to let Foreman unload everything he had on him and absorb it all round after round and then knock him out.

Never had a freaking knockout punch even in his prime.

Tell that to Sonny Liston.
If you want to see cowardly check out the last couple of rounds of the De la Hoya-Trinidad fight.
In his prime, I suspect that Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali was the greatest fighter of all time.

Of course it's all conjecture, but I seriously doubt there's any boxer who could have beaten Ali when he was on top of his game.

It's a shame that Ali kept coming back to fight long after he was past that prime.
In his prime, I suspect that Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali was the greatest fighter of all time.

Of course it's all conjecture, but I seriously doubt there's any boxer who could have beaten Ali when he was on top of his game.

It's a shame that Ali kept coming back to fight long after he was past that prime.

It's even more of a shame that he lost a bulk of those prime years for refusing to go to Nam.
In his prime, I suspect that Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali was the greatest fighter of all time.

Of course it's all conjecture, but I seriously doubt there's any boxer who could have beaten Ali when he was on top of his game.

It's a shame that Ali kept coming back to fight long after he was past that prime.

It's even more of a shame that he lost a bulk of those prime years for refusing to go to Nam.

could he beat Rocky Marciano?
In his prime, I suspect that Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali was the greatest fighter of all time.

Of course it's all conjecture, but I seriously doubt there's any boxer who could have beaten Ali when he was on top of his game.

It's a shame that Ali kept coming back to fight long after he was past that prime.

It's even more of a shame that he lost a bulk of those prime years for refusing to go to Nam.

could he beat Rocky Marciano?

Why is that some white guy always has to bring up Rocky Marciano?!
In his prime, I suspect that Cassius Clay/Mohammed Ali was the greatest fighter of all time.

Of course it's all conjecture, but I seriously doubt there's any boxer who could have beaten Ali when he was on top of his game.

It's a shame that Ali kept coming back to fight long after he was past that prime.

It's even more of a shame that he lost a bulk of those prime years for refusing to go to Nam.

could he beat Rocky Marciano?

That might be the greatest fight of all time, and would pit the penultimate boxer against the penultimate knockout artist.

My money would be on Ali, but if Marciano caught him with a good one.....lights out.

Marciano could knock out Mt. Rushmore if he caught one of the chins.

But Ali was a master of the game. You couldn't hit him, unless he wanted you to.

Chuck Norris would kill them both, without breaking a sweat, then eat the title belt and screw everyone's sister.
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