When did you expect to lose your virginity or when did you lost it?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
When I was a teenager I was ridiculed already at 16 for being a "virgin" for a male "virgin" or "jungfrau" is emasculating and offensive. If you are girl it is different I guess. I know guys who bragged at 11 they "fucked girls". I dont know when I expected it but anytime I became aware of sex and sexuality. So likely 11-12+ but actually it happened at 22 very late, and with a prostitute.
I was 17, girl's name was Eileen. She, too, was 17, but she had quite a bit more experience than I...
When I was a teenager I was ridiculed already at 16 for being a "virgin" for a male "virgin" or "jungfrau" is emasculating and offensive. If you are girl it is different I guess. I know guys who bragged at 11 they "fucked girls". I dont know when I expected it but anytime I became aware of sex and sexuality. So likely 11-12+ but actually it happened at 22 very late, and with a prostitute.
Wow, I admire your honesty, Mort. I was a late bloomer as well, and lost my virginity when I was 19, and a college freshman at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, in October of 1980. I'm STILL trying to find that virginity that I lost. Actually, I'm trying to find those carefree days again. They are HARD to find.
When I was a teenager I was ridiculed already at 16 for being a "virgin" for a male "virgin" or "jungfrau" is emasculating and offensive. If you are girl it is different I guess. I know guys who bragged at 11 they "fucked girls". I dont know when I expected it but anytime I became aware of sex and sexuality. So likely 11-12+ but actually it happened at 22 very late, and with a prostitute.

I didn't lost it, as you say, I threw it away. LOL And I couldn't get rid of it fast enough. In SC at the time we could get our drivers licenses at 14 and the rest just kinda follows naturally.
I told my son I'm still a virgin and that he should never worry about when he has sex for the first time. . .
I couldn't have been more than 3. It was in preschool and it happened right after I pulled her pigtail and she kicked me. It's been so long ago and I can't remember what it was that we did. It's so hazy...........
16. She was 16.

She was my girlfriend all through high school.

we are friends on facebook, and even after 50 years, her face seems the same to me.
It's nice to hear from the guys, finally. All of the moralizing types in my lifetime seem to have always focused on girls and connected this to notions of "morality." I'd like to know whether you guys ever thought about "morality" in the context of losing your virginity, as in "what does God think of me." and "I must save myself for marriage." We girls got the whole "morality" thing laid on us thickly and constantly. The people who did this never thought that, just maybe, we females just might want to get laid sometimes. Skip the sap about Virginity! Virginity! I went to a Catholic college. We girls used to joke that we would have heard from an archangel by then if we were slated to give birth to a messiah.

So just what is the connection between "morality" and "not doing it"?
When I was a teenager I was ridiculed already at 16 for being a "virgin" for a male "virgin" or "jungfrau" is emasculating and offensive. If you are girl it is different I guess. I know guys who bragged at 11 they "fucked girls". I dont know when I expected it but anytime I became aware of sex and sexuality. So likely 11-12+ but actually it happened at 22 very late, and with a prostitute.
I was raped by my sisters best friend at 13 ...she was 17 at the time

Oh wait that's right you can't rape the willing
I was 13 when I decided to take my first lover. He was twice my age and not at all interested. He was an outlaw biker and I wanted on the back of that bike. I finally aggravated him enough to teach me a lesson I would never forget. We were together for the next five years and two of my marriages.
I was 13 when I decided to take my first lover. He was twice my age and not at all interested. He was an outlaw biker and I wanted on the back of that bike. I finally aggravated him enough to teach me a lesson I would never forget. We were together for the next five years and two of my marriages.
What? Together for five years and two marriages...???
I was 13 when I decided to take my first lover. He was twice my age and not at all interested. He was an outlaw biker and I wanted on the back of that bike. I finally aggravated him enough to teach me a lesson I would never forget. We were together for the next five years and two of my marriages.
What? Together for five years and two marriages...???
Does that not make sense? I married twice. Once at 15 and again at 16. I kept my lover until I was 18. Then events conspired to break us apart. We never married. It's not rocket science.
A wise older woman told me to never try to seduce a woman. Make her seduce you. She was right! And it wasn't with that lady - rather another 18 year old (yes I made sure to confirm her age weeks before...knowing, at the time, that "17 will get you 20".

So pleasing that old age seems to only bother short term memory. Those long term ones........oh yeah!

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