When arguing against SNAP for single mothers, why do repubs ignore the children themselves?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.
"The children" long ago replaced patriotism as the last refuge of scoundrels.
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.
"The children" long ago replaced patriotism as the last refuge of scoundrels.
Um okay.

Anybody else have something to add?
I think we need to consider our current culture and why we crapped on males that once provided enough for the mother not to be in this situation. On the otherhand, if a single mother had no choice...I have NO problem whatsoever in giving them snap/food stamps and money to help them.

I just think the problem stems from the reality that we weaken the family.
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.

Do you believe that the choice to have kids is one of those things that falls under a woman's right to privacy related to what she does with her body?
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

By and large, bleeding heart Liberals don't mind telling the rest of us to butt out of a woman's choice of what she does with her body, having kids being one of those choice, then expecting the rest of us to support the results of that choice when the woman can't do it.
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.
"They" who, sOn?
This shit with you is getting old.

Any links or quotes where someone said this shit?
of all the social welfare programs------I consider SNAP to be
the most justifiable------we should all be happy that our country
provides food for ALL

Why should I be happy that the portion of taxes taken from me that can go to my kids goes to someone else?
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.
"They" who, sOn?
This shit with you is getting old.

Any links or quotes where someone said this shit?

What someone needs to explain to Billy000 is that if the woman's choice to have kids is hers, then the responsibility of feeding them is also hers and the person that she spread her legs for that helped create them.
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

Do you think those receiving handouts to feed the kids they should be feeding give a fuck that the money had to be taken from someone else that earned it before it could be handed to them as long as they get it?
Find me a quote from a remotely mainstream, elected Republican saying we should cut off SNAP to single mothers. As far as I can determine, the only thing Republicans have tried to do with such programs, at least for the last two decades, is merely to slow their growth.

This OP is just the kind of demagoguery and mud-slinging that makes civil, intelligent debate almost impossible.

WHY aren't libs screaming about the the $700 billion that Obama cut from Medicare to help pay for Obamacare? Can you imagine if a Republican president had proposed a health care plan that involved taking that much money from Medicare? And, no, this is not a "myth." At least the Washington Post has admitted that Obamacare does reduce Medicare by $700 bill, through what it calls "savings"--yeah, like huge cuts in how much Medicare reimburses hospitals and private health insurance companies. And guess who's gonna have to pay the difference?
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By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

Do you think those receiving handouts to feed the kids they should be feeding give a fuck that the money had to be taken from someone else that earned it before it could be handed to them as long as they get it?
See? Nothing but bitterness that these children might cost them something. They go balls to the wall to protect the unborn but would just as soon drop kick them into the garbage dump than spend a dime to feed them after their birth.
Either that or we are tired of Daddy having 17 kids to 17 different women, that he never intends to support while using welfare money for liquor and titty bars. Kids having babies that they have no intention of ever working to support. Tired of watching the parents sell snap for crack, while their kids eat a bag of noodles because it is the only thing in the house except for the kids.

Want assistance? Take a drug test and then show up for community service.

Shouldn't the parents care as much about their own children as the rest of us are forced to?
ANother Billy troll thread where he makes gross generalizations, fails to support them, and flies off convinced he's heaven's gift to this board.
Hey, Billy. Troll is troll.
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.

Do you believe that the choice to have kids is one of those things that falls under a woman's right to privacy related to what she does with her body?
Obviously yes.
They say "well she shouldn't have had kids in the first place therefore she shouldn't get any ."

Of course as always republicans reason the way mentally retarded people do so you must remind them the kids themselves benefit from this welfare. It also doesn't help that low wage jobs largely outnumber higher wage jobs so this is a difficult situation for this family as you could imagine.

So repubs, shouldn't those kids born to a broke caregiver deserve food stamps assistance? After all, 83% of food stamp funding goes to households with at least one dependent living there.
I will turn this back on you....Why are YOU not writing checks?....Where is YOUR compassion?
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.

By and large, bleeding heart Liberals don't mind telling the rest of us to butt out of a woman's choice of what she does with her body, having kids being one of those choice, then expecting the rest of us to support the results of that choice when the woman can't do it.

So what choice do the kids have?
By and large republicans don't give a fuck about anything not actively involved in earning a profit for some plutocrat.
By and large you libs think that if charity does not originate from government action, charity does not exist.
Now, I ask you.....Why are YOU not writing checks?

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