When anti-vaxxers die of Covid

Many times the family is all in on the crazy as well. I actually just started reading about antivaxxers dying of covid and it's fascinating how many there are. I mean i knew it had to be happening with so many unvaccinated dying, but it doesn't hit you until you read all the stories. This one man lost his entire family to antivax conspiracy theories. They all got covid and died. He was the only non antivaxxer.
LOL, what bullshit.
Add Marc Bernier, Phil Valentine, and Dick Farrel to the list.

I have absolutely NO sympathy for the anti-vaxxers who die from Covid, although I do feel sympathy for their families who they basically betrayed by refusing to make their families' health and safety (as well as the safety of their community) their highest priority instead of pursuing a personal agenda that endangered everyone around them.

Add Caleb Wallace to the list.
Being scared can include many things. The drive for socialism and massive payments to people with benefits is based on fear. We use words of disparities for any reason to push it, but it is based on fear that people can not take care of them selves. We all live in this environment. It is incredible how the men and women lived before all of the social programs.
Yeah life expectancy was about 35, so what is your point?
LOL, what bullshit.
Fewer people means more resources for the rest of us. COVID only kills the weak. Vaccinated or not. If you’re vaccinated you only postponed the inevitable. Tik tok.

Dude, that may have been generally true of the Alpha version of this virus. It killed mostly older people with co-morbidities. That is no longer true with Delta, which is killing perfectly healthy, younger people. In fact the average victim age is down by 15 years.

QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Called COVID a Hoax Even as His ‘Lungs Stopped Functioning’​

A former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first to call COVID-19 a hoax has died from COVID-19.

Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first person to call COVID-19 a hoax, has died from COVID-19.

Steele, who was among the earliest QAnon promoters and helped the conspiracy theory move from the fringes of the internet into the mainstream, was hospitalized with symptoms of COVID-19 earlier this month. But he continued to spread anti-vaccine and COVID-denial conspiracy theories until the end.

“I will not take the vaccination, though I did test positive for whatever they’re calling ‘COVID’ today, but the bottom line is that my lungs are not functioning,” Steele wrote in his final blog post on August 17, accompanied by a picture of him hooked up to what appears to be a ventilator.

Steele helped take QAnon from fringe message board 4chan and into the mainstream in early 2018, helping the conspiracy theory reach a much wider audience.

Steele was also a frequent guest on Alex Jones’ Infowars show, spread 9/11 conspiracies, and shared deeply antisemitic opinions.

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QAnon Anti-Vaxxer Called COVID a Hoax Even as His ‘Lungs Stopped Functioning’​

A former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first to call COVID-19 a hoax has died from COVID-19.

Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer turned conspiracy theorist who claimed to be the first person to call COVID-19 a hoax, has died from COVID-19.

Steele, who was among the earliest QAnon promoters and helped the conspiracy theory move from the fringes of the internet into the mainstream, was hospitalized with symptoms of COVID-19 earlier this month. But he continued to spread anti-vaccine and COVID-denial conspiracy theories until the end.

“I will not take the vaccination, though I did test positive for whatever they’re calling ‘COVID’ today, but the bottom line is that my lungs are not functioning,” Steele wrote in his final blog post on August 17, accompanied by a picture of him hooked up to what appears to be a ventilator.

Steele helped take QAnon from fringe message board 4chan and into the mainstream in early 2018, helping the conspiracy theory reach a much wider audience.

Steele was also a frequent guest on Alex Jones’ Infowars show, spread 9/11 conspiracies, and shared deeply antisemitic opinions.

Wow, another old guy with health issues dying from influenza. How….rare.

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