What's worse Dems, a couple hundred taxpayers breaking into the Peoples House to take a stand or 100,000 illegals breaking into America every month?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Tax payers. Half of them were ANIFA idiots. Non producers
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Tax payers. Half of them were ANIFA idiots. Non producers

It's just odd....the level of angst and hostility that Democrats have shown over the actions of a couple hundred american taxpayers breaking into the house they pay for yet no mention of the 100,000 per month breaking in from Mexico....FUCKING BIZZARE!
"100,000 a month"?

I think your figure is off. I'll tell you why.

Four years ago Rump blamed his losing the popular vote by three million to "three million illegal immigrants voted", even though that's impossible and he had no proof.

But this round Rump lost that vote by seven million, which means he let in more than twice as many illegal immigrant voters as O'bama did, and he let them in to vote against him.

Sure it doesn't make sense but that's Rumpian logic for ya.

So let's see, four years equals seven million, I make it 145.833 and a third illegal immigrant voters that Rump let in, per month, just to vote against him. Still, it's nice to know they were able to vote from their cages.

Oh and I love the farce of posting a Googly Image as if it's some sort of "source". Nice touch.
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Tax payers. Half of them were ANIFA idiots. Non producers

Linky winky?
"100,000 a month"?

I think your figure is off. I'll tell you why.

Four years ago Rump blamed his losing the popular vote by three million to "three million illegal immigrants voted", even though that's impossible and he had no proof.

But this round Rump lost that vote by seven million, which means he let in more than twice as many illegal immigrant voters as O'bama did, and he let them in to vote against him.

Sure it doesn't make sense but that's Rumpian logic for ya.

So let's see, four years equals seven million, I make it 145.833 and a third illegal immigrant voters that Rump let in, per month, just to vote against him. Still, it's nice to know they were able to vote from their cages.

WTF are illegal immigrant voters, are those the ones you ass-wipes claim aren't "allowed" to vote.
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Insurrection and treason is worse.

That's fact that you don't know that is worse still.
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Tax payers. Half of them were ANIFA idiots. Non producers
Well that's a lie.
"100,000 a month"?

I think your figure is off. I'll tell you why.

Four years ago Rump blamed his losing the popular vote by three million to "three million illegal immigrants voted", even though that's impossible and he had no proof.

But this round Rump lost that vote by seven million, which means he let in more than twice as many illegal immigrant voters as O'bama did, and he let them in to vote against him.

Sure it doesn't make sense but that's Rumpian logic for ya.

So let's see, four years equals seven million, I make it 145.833 and a third illegal immigrant voters that Rump let in, per month, just to vote against him. Still, it's nice to know they were able to vote from their cages.

WTF are illegal immigrant voters, are those the ones you ass-wipes claim aren't "allowed" to vote.

Don't axe me. It's Rump's idea. At least it was four years ago sooooooooooooo.............

As long as you're here posing questions about numbers you might wanna axe the OP why he's trying to minimize the seditious Rumpbot Brigade down to "hundreds".
Last edited:
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Let me explain what doesn't work. What doesn't work is Three hundred low-life
criminals breaking into the peoples' house because they think that they entitled to do that.
When possible, they are entitled, without weapons and murderous intent, to enter and enjoy without weapons, not enter and destroy. Six people were murdered by this out of control mob and many beaten. Now the cowards are on the lamb and when caught, will pay one hell of a price because they never considered the consequences of their actions. A bunch of uneducated, imbeciles who were conned by Trump, who knows how to manipulate weak-minded people, and any of you trump supporters who think that this attack on our democracy was justified for ANY reason, fall into this low-life, imbecile, uneducated criminal group.
It's just odd....the level of angst and hostility that Democrats have shown over the actions of a couple hundred american taxpayers breaking into the house they pay for yet no mention of the 100,000 per month breaking in from Mexico....FUCKING BIZZARE!

It surprises you that dishonest Democrats are blowing this all out of proportion and broad brushing Trump and 75 million Americans? Democrats love lying and propaganda, they are dishonest to their core.
If one day you will vote for or donate to dems there is no law you can't break....laws are for the law abiding fools like us....maybe we can disobey tax law....lets see what happens then....
This leftist hypocrisy will never bring the two sides together....
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Let me explain what doesn't work. What doesn't work is Three hundred low-life
criminals breaking into the peoples' house because they think that they entitled to do that.
When possible, they are entitled, without weapons and murderous intent, to enter and enjoy without weapons, not enter and destroy. Six people were murdered by this out of control mob and many beaten. Now the cowards are on the lamb and when caught, will pay one hell of a price because they never considered the consequences of their actions. A bunch of uneducated, imbeciles who were conned by Trump, who knows how to manipulate weak-minded people, and any of you trump supporters who think that this attack on our democracy was justified for ANY reason, fall into this low-life, imbecile, uneducated criminal group.

Because you say so or because intent can and will be proven in court?
So you believe those 300 American taxpayers/ patriots have and will inflict more damage on America and Americans than will the millions of illegals breaking into America with your support and blessing?
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
...what's worse is BLM/Dems destroying/stealing from INNOCENT people's businesses AND strong arming INNOCENTS--that's NAZI crap
....if you are going to protest police brutality you DON'T do that shit to INNOCENT people
...if you are going to protest, you SHOULD protest against the Capitol jackass--they are NOT innocent
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Let me explain what doesn't work. What doesn't work is Three hundred low-life
criminals breaking into the peoples' house because they think that they entitled to do that.
When possible, they are entitled, without weapons and murderous intent, to enter and enjoy without weapons, not enter and destroy. Six people were murdered by this out of control mob and many beaten. Now the cowards are on the lamb and when caught, will pay one hell of a price because they never considered the consequences of their actions. A bunch of uneducated, imbeciles who were conned by Trump, who knows how to manipulate weak-minded people, and any of you trump supporters who think that this attack on our democracy was justified for ANY reason, fall into this low-life, imbecile, uneducated criminal group.

Because you say so or because intent can and will be proven in court?
So you believe those 300 American taxpayers/ patriots have and will inflict more damage on America and Americans than will the millions of illegals breaking into America with your support and blessing?
I don't know and neither do you. Those 300 criminals were not patriots in any sense of the word. The damage that those criminals did to our Democracy can not be understated as you seem to believe. They broke into my Capital to commit murder when they found our elected officials. If you think that this act is ok, then you are no better than them. Nobody who breaks into our country ever had my support and blessing. Where the hell did you come up with that? Apparently, you gave those criminal assholes your support and blessing and you should be ashamed of yourself. If they supported the Dems, you would have had a shitfit.
By the way, most of those scum bags will not be taxpayers for a long while when caught.
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
Let me explain what doesn't work. What doesn't work is Three hundred low-life
criminals breaking into the peoples' house because they think that they entitled to do that.
When possible, they are entitled, without weapons and murderous intent, to enter and enjoy without weapons, not enter and destroy. Six people were murdered by this out of control mob and many beaten. Now the cowards are on the lamb and when caught, will pay one hell of a price because they never considered the consequences of their actions. A bunch of uneducated, imbeciles who were conned by Trump, who knows how to manipulate weak-minded people, and any of you trump supporters who think that this attack on our democracy was justified for ANY reason, fall into this low-life, imbecile, uneducated criminal group.

Because you say so or because intent can and will be proven in court?
So you believe those 300 American taxpayers/ patriots have and will inflict more damage on America and Americans than will the millions of illegals breaking into America with your support and blessing?
I don't know and neither do you. Those 300 criminals were not patriots in any sense of the word. The damage that those criminals did to our Democracy can not be understated as you seem to believe. They broke into my Capital to commit murder when they found our elected officials. If you think that this act is ok, then you are no better than them. Nobody who breaks into our country ever had my support and blessing. Where the hell did you come up with that? Apparently, you gave those criminal assholes your support and blessing and you should be ashamed of yourself. If they supported the Dems, you would have had a shitfit.
By the way, most of those scum bags will not be taxpayers for a long while when caught.
"They broke into my Capital to commit murder when they found our elected officials."
Easy with all the fragile, pussified theatrics, think with a sane mind once, nobody was armed; is it possible the angry patriots just wanted their presence to be known?

"Nobody who breaks into our country ever had my support and blessing."
Prove your credibility, link us to your posts condemning illegal aliens.
What's worse for America and Americans?
What's worse for American democracy?
I'm fascinated by how you reconcile your grievances, how you direct your discontent.
Can you explain how that works please?


" The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants arrested by federal authorities in 2020 had an average of four criminal convictions or charges, according to a year-end report published by the government. In the document Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals it arrested 103,603 illegal aliens last fiscal year with a total of more than 374,000 convictions and charges. Driving under the influence was the most popular conviction or charge at 74,000, followed by drug crimes (67,000), assaults (37,000), sex offenses (10,000), robberies (3,800), homicides (1,900) and kidnappings (1,600). "
You’re curious about how what works? It’s not good for anybody to break in anywhere

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