The Upside Down World of the Deep State


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

To summarize for those who have a difficult time with circumlocution: There has been a shitload of people coming to our southern border, attempting to get into the country and claiming to be "refugees." Many of them are families, with children. The word "refugee" doesn't mean anyone who wants to come here "for a better life." There are strict limitations, and 99% of those "families" coming here have no legal right to come in on refugee status, so their applications will be correctly and properly REJECTED, thus requiring that they go back where they came from[!].

At the same time, it is not appropriate to keep small children with adults in any sort or detention because it is inevitable that some of those children will be mistreated, or worse. So when these families come to the border, the U.S. government takes the children separately, holds them temporarily in "cages," and shortly places them with presumably-Spanish speaking volunteer families in the U.S., pending resolution of their parents' applications for refugee status.

Then, when the parents' application is inevitably rejected, they are deported (as they should be), and the process begins of trying to re-locate the kids - assuming that they are actually the children of the adults who brung them here, and that's not always the case. But because many, if not most, of the aforesaid volunteer families are ALSO illegally in the country, it is difficult to find them.

So there you have it. The Deep State (as manifested by the linked AG report) believes that the U.S. government should turn over every rock in the country to re-find these kids, and TO RE-UNITE THE FAMILIES IN THE United States[!], even though neither the parents nor the kids have any legal right to be here.

What is wrong with this picture? If you cannot see it, you must be a Leftist.

And remember, when "we" note that the Left is for "open borders," it is always said that that is not true. Is this not a case of advocating for Open Borders?
What is wrong with this picture? If you cannot see it, you must be a Leftist.
I'm not a "leftist" and no pejorative hyperbole will change that-

All men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no caveats in the word all- there are no caveats in the word pursuit- there are no caveats in the any of the words, matter of fact- if you cannot see the hypocrisy of the statist what does that make you? Liberty and justice for all means what? Oh, I know, the only good Indian is a dead Indian- Manifest Destiny-

The picture you're painting is very narrow relying on law vs moral- they rarely meet- supporting law over moral makes you what?

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