What's So Bad About Sharia Law?

I think PM Bibi would disagree with you about Jews being a race. Of course they , a mixed race, as Ezra talked a lot about intermarriage, but according to him a race, as see he is secular, and sees Judaism as a tradition, doesn't believe in God.

Who is Bibi as an authority on Judaism if he's "secular and doesn't believe in G-d" as you mentioned? LOL.

And where did he claim that Jews are a race, exactly?

See if your not a Race you don't need a state, I mean the French have France, the Germans , Germany, the Russians Russia, the Jews, Israel,
Some Jews do practice Judaism, anyone can, but it doesn't make them a Jew.
(Personally I don't care) I'm an American who is mainly French. Here is one place:

Benjamin Netanyahu, who has served as Israel's prime minister, frankly regards Jews as members of a racial group. Speaking to a gathering of nearly a thousand Jews in southern California, he said: "If Israel had not come into existence after World War II than [sic] I am certain the Jewish race wouldn't have survived." (Daily Pilot, Newport Beach/Costa Mesa, Feb. 28, 2000, front page)
The Israeli leader went on to exhort his audience: "I stand before you and say you must strengthen your commitment to Israel. You must become leaders and stand up as Jews. We must be proud of our past to be confident of our future." (Similarly forthright appeals by non-Jews to racial-ethnic pride are, of course, routinely condemned as "racist" or "neo-Nazi.")
Echoing Netanyahu, an influential Jewish community paper with a nationwide readership referred to Jews as a racial group. An editorial entitled "Some Other Race" in the March 17, 2000, issue of the New York weekly Forward urged readers to fill out the federal government census form. It goes on to suggest: "... On question eight [of the form, which asks about race], you might consider doing what more than one member of our redaktzia [editorial staff] has done: checking the box 'some other race' and writing in the word 'Jew'."
Jews A Religious Community a People or a Race

Wow. I actually had never seen that before. Thanks.

But on the flip side, I guess Bibi considers the hundreds to thousands of Bnai Menashe and Kaifeng Jews- mongoloid resembling Jewish communities from NE India/China respectively who apparently have genealogy tracing back to the lost tribes- as part of the Jewish "race", given his Likud administration has sponsored their Aaliyah over the last few years. LOL.

What's so startling about that? Jews are indeed a racial group. Who is surprised by this?

I am, for one. Do Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Ethiopian, Indian, Chinese, and Russian Jews all look similar?


Agreed- but if Jews viewed themselves as a race then how could they accept converts?

Based on all of the research and rabbinical positions I've read, Jews are a nation and ethnoreligious community.

Three points:

1.) Jewish views on race are for them to work out. There are follow-on effects from accepting or rejecting reality.
2.) The issue of converts. Jewishness could simultaneously be about race and non-race in exactly the same way that a man can declare himself to be a woman because that's how he sees himself. Everyone else sees that the guy is a dude and has the equipment of a dude but we're supposed to pretend he's a woman.
3.) The race issue can be concentrated or diluted over time depending on Jewish positions on the sisue of conversion. If they launch a big recruiting drive in India and China and recruit 10 million people in Judaism in each country, then they've diluted the racial aspect of Jewishness. That still leaves a group of people, and their descendents, who we used to identify as Jews but now we'll just call them something else or by pervasive intermarriage they'll be erased from the spectrum of human biodiversity.
Listening to Christians on the news trying to get Christian interpretations of religious laws into civil law (homosexuality, abortion, women's rights, etc.) I can't help but wonder why if they want that they'd oppose Sharia. Isn't Sharia religious law based on Islam, and isn't Islam almost entirely based on Judaism just like Christianity? You'd think if Christians want religious law in civil law they'd welcome Sharia law. If it's really about pleasing God, and not just seizing power for themselves, you'd think Christians would welcome anything that gets God's law into civil law. And Sharia stands a much better chance of doing that than Christianity.

Did you see the 60 minutes piece last night on that radical Islam guy living in Great Britain? He goes around London or whatever part he lives and tells men to stop drinking in the park, women to stop wearing short skirts and he's encouraging jihad. Said to be responsible for over 500 or 15000 people going to the middle east to join the fight.

They are a great example of what is wrong about religion. Even if 99% of us agree to live and let live, some other stupid religion might come around and say either convert or die.

Sorry Christians, they're one of yours. They believe in god too, just like you. See how crazy they/you are? You're just not as crazy. Luckily the people who wrote the bible weren't waring and persecuted by Muslims and Jews or maybe the writers of our holy scripts would have decided that either you're with us or against us, just like the muslims did 500 years ago. See how religion can be radicalized? The entire notion we must admit one day is a fantasy and anyone who believes it enough to want to impose it on others should be dealt with.

And Christians, take "or you'll go to hell" out of your vocabulary and maybe we'll take you a lot more seriously.
Listening to Christians on the news trying to get Christian interpretations of religious laws into civil law (homosexuality, abortion, women's rights, etc.) I can't help but wonder why if they want that they'd oppose Sharia. Isn't Sharia religious law based on Islam, and isn't Islam almost entirely based on Judaism just like Christianity? You'd think if Christians want religious law in civil law they'd welcome Sharia law. If it's really about pleasing God, and not just seizing power for themselves, you'd think Christians would welcome anything that gets God's law into civil law. And Sharia stands a much better chance of doing that than Christianity.
Christianity isn't based on Judaism. Christianity is the following of Christ. Islam is satans religion.
Listening to Christians on the news trying to get Christian interpretations of religious laws into civil law (homosexuality, abortion, women's rights, etc.) I can't help but wonder why if they want that they'd oppose Sharia. Isn't Sharia religious law based on Islam, and isn't Islam almost entirely based on Judaism just like Christianity? You'd think if Christians want religious law in civil law they'd welcome Sharia law. If it's really about pleasing God, and not just seizing power for themselves, you'd think Christians would welcome anything that gets God's law into civil law. And Sharia stands a much better chance of doing that than Christianity.

I have no problem with Sharia law so long as it is voluntary, at least in this country. If enough people want to pass a law based upon Sharia, that is ok as well. So long as it falls within the Constitution.
It doesn't.
Listening to Christians on the news trying to get Christian interpretations of religious laws into civil law (homosexuality, abortion, women's rights, etc.) I can't help but wonder why if they want that they'd oppose Sharia. Isn't Sharia religious law based on Islam, and isn't Islam almost entirely based on Judaism just like Christianity? You'd think if Christians want religious law in civil law they'd welcome Sharia law. If it's really about pleasing God, and not just seizing power for themselves, you'd think Christians would welcome anything that gets God's law into civil law. And Sharia stands a much better chance of doing that than Christianity.

I have no problem with Sharia law so long as it is voluntary, at least in this country. If enough people want to pass a law based upon Sharia, that is ok as well. So long as it falls within the Constitution.
It doesn't.

Yes, it does. As much as any other religious doctrine does.
12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?

A supposed Christian claiming that the OT and NT were written by "men and all their minds", while conveniently not saying a word about the Qu"ran?

You're a Muslim. Exposed. Back to the madrassah you go!

Of course the Quran is from the Babylon Talmud and NT stories. But God did not write it, not the God I believe in, but there were some very inspirational people who penned some verses and parables.

Penelope-------you never read the babyonian Talmud and you never read the Koran-----maybe you got told some stories from the NT ----assuming you went
to sunday school ----(a Christian thing)-----but other than that-----your evaluation of the Koran and Babylonian Talmud is absurd-----since you never read either. Why are you to intent on making a fool of yourself.. For the record----I read a few of the books of the Talmud, also ---the Koran and the OT and the NT-----I assure you------your statement is idiotic.

what statement is idiotic. I am well read in the Ot and NT and read much of the Quran and Talmud. so what statement is idiotic?
Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?

A supposed Christian claiming that the OT and NT were written by "men and all their minds", while conveniently not saying a word about the Qu"ran?

You're a Muslim. Exposed. Back to the madrassah you go!

Of course the Quran is from the Babylon Talmud and NT stories. But God did not write it, not the God I believe in, but there were some very inspirational people who penned some verses and parables.

Penelope-------you never read the babyonian Talmud and you never read the Koran-----maybe you got told some stories from the NT ----assuming you went
to sunday school ----(a Christian thing)-----but other than that-----your evaluation of the Koran and Babylonian Talmud is absurd-----since you never read either. Why are you to intent on making a fool of yourself.. For the record----I read a few of the books of the Talmud, also ---the Koran and the OT and the NT-----I assure you------your statement is idiotic.

what statement is idiotic. I am well read in the Ot and NT and read much of the Quran and Talmud. so what statement is idiotic?

The statement "jews go by the Babylonian Talmud" ---is idiotic---it has no
meaning What does "go by the Babylonian Talmud" mean? The statement that that you seem to be making "the Koran comes from the Talmud"------is even more idiotic-----can you provide an example of the part of the Koran that
"comes from the Talmud"----------since you claim to know having done so much
reading of the books in question?.
What books of the Talmud did you read?
This from a muslim

And in the future you may refer to me as "Master". ...... :cool:
Not under any circumstance. Your master is satan. My master, jesus, already defeated him. Good luck satan worshiper.

You do realize how ignorant that makes you sound.

God and Allah are different names for the same being. God's "true" name isn't even "God".

I would not go so far as to claim that "allah" and "god" are different names
for the same being------there is actually some controversy amongst meccaist
pigs in some countries as to whether or not -----Christians in some meccaist countries should be allowed to use the term "allah" ----for the "god"----which
Christians recognize as THE GOD -------in any case----discussions that bat
semantics around are kinda silly
Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?

A supposed Christian claiming that the OT and NT were written by "men and all their minds", while conveniently not saying a word about the Qu"ran?

You're a Muslim. Exposed. Back to the madrassah you go!

Of course the Quran is from the Babylon Talmud and NT stories. But God did not write it, not the God I believe in, but there were some very inspirational people who penned some verses and parables.

Penelope-------you never read the babyonian Talmud and you never read the Koran-----maybe you got told some stories from the NT ----assuming you went
to sunday school ----(a Christian thing)-----but other than that-----your evaluation of the Koran and Babylonian Talmud is absurd-----since you never read either. Why are you to intent on making a fool of yourself.. For the record----I read a few of the books of the Talmud, also ---the Koran and the OT and the NT-----I assure you------your statement is idiotic.

what statement is idiotic. I am well read in the Ot and NT and read much of the Quran and Talmud. so what statement is idiotic?

The statement "jews go by the Babylonian Talmud" ---is idiotic---it has no
meaning What does "go by the Babylonian Talmud" mean? The statement that that you seem to be making "the Koran comes from the Talmud"------is even more idiotic-----can you provide an example of the part of the Koran that
"comes from the Talmud"----------since you claim to know having done so much
reading of the books in question?.
What books of the Talmud did you read?

Penelope----we are STILL waiting for you to tell us which books of the
Talmud you have read-----btw---in what language did you read them?
This from a muslim

And in the future you may refer to me as "Master". ...... :cool:
Not under any circumstance. Your master is satan. My master, jesus, already defeated him. Good luck satan worshiper.

You do realize how ignorant that makes you sound.

God and Allah are different names for the same being. God's "true" name isn't even "God".

Allah is satan. God told Moses his name, I AM. I still love it when non believers and satanists try to teach me about my faith. Go away little girl.
Quote tags fixed.
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Why would you assume that I am a nonbeliever or a Satanist?

"I am" is an English phrase. English didn't exist back then.

I AM not here to teach you about your faith even though I AM

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