What's Islam done that's so threatening to the US or world?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Jews and Christians invented, used, then tested lots of nuclear weapons.

Jews and Christians have brought about climate change so severe some scientists think we're across the point of no return and doomed.

Jews and Christians are the defacto leaders of the planet and via capitalism ensuring the majority of their peoples in various countries remain enpoverished while a tiny minority get richer and the best of everything.

Muslims have...What exactly? Gotten upset about our dropping bombs on their heads, installing and supporting their oppressive leaders while simultaneously saying how great we are, and how lousy they are for daring to resist us?
Sad is it to see the US finds pride in its military might, be it the US or Germany or other. With your military power you could only nuke the Japanese, which come 3rd to you in term of industrialization. The US faltered in Vietnam, so did France. The Soviet Union lost in Afghanistan. The US after all these years still did not eradicate Al Qaeda, and now they have ISIS before them. These are not even countries. It's time for the US to open their eyes. Their civilization is a real mess.

It does not make any sense that Islam is seen as a threat. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is Islam. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said love for others what you love for yourself. People don't realise what this means. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said good is to preserve your neighbours from harm. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said revere the elders and show mercy to the little ones. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said to be merciful in killing animals, to use a sharp knife so as to alleviate its suffering. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said a good man is a smiling man, smiling to all, greeting them smiling. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said to return the greetings. Make sure you reply loud enough so that he knows you replied to him. This is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and this is Islam. Islam is not a threat, it's a divine mercy and a heavenly light, a heavenly sun.

The regular Muslim is not Islam. The regular Muslim might tell you that when Muhammad(peace be upon him and his family) said to love for others what you love for yourself, by "others", he actually meant other Muslims. If you don't make any effort to differentiate between th pure religion of Islam and the daring and irresponsible Muslim, the loss is your own to say the least; and it does not say much of you.

The Muslims don't care about Isis or General Sissi. They care about Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It is in the name of Muhammad's generosity that the oceans and the clouds went low. It is in the name of Muhammad, it is the light of Muhammad that made flowers to blossom. Let every man do what brings him peace.
Jews and Christians invented, used, then tested lots of nuclear weapons.

Jews and Christians have brought about climate change so severe some scientists think we're across the point of no return and doomed.

Jews and Christians are the defacto leaders of the planet and via capitalism ensuring the majority of their peoples in various countries remain enpoverished while a tiny minority get richer and the best of everything.

Muslims have...What exactly? Gotten upset about our dropping bombs on their heads, installing and supporting their oppressive leaders while simultaneously saying how great we are, and how lousy they are for daring to resist us?

You don't get the point. This is just the silly reasoning of an external arbitrator, and you should realise that you are NOT external.
It is not about who does more evil or who has conquered this or that in the past, as usually thrown up in this never ending stupid discussions.
It is about the fact that a medieval desert "culture" is on its way to overtake our societies from within.
Of course we did that, too, and we still do it.
But, we are we and they are they.
The difference in the meantime is, they still stick to this simple fact, and we lost it, almost completely, lustfully drowning in our self inflicted guilt.
The anti-Islamic rhetoric we're getting in the US is exactly the same crap the Nazis said about Jews in Germany prior to the Holocaust.
The anti-Islamic rhetoric we're getting in the US is exactly the same crap the Nazis said about Jews in Germany prior to the Holocaust.
The anti-Islamic rhetoric we're getting in the US is exactly the same crap the Nazis said about Jews in Germany prior to the Holocaust.

No way is the rhetoric the same, I dont see hatred of Muslims in the US. I dont hate muslims even though I can see the threat. The Nazis totaly dehumanized the Jews and that was preceeded by 100 years of French literature. They hated the jews for no reason other than jealosy.

The problem with Islam is that is is a political system that is not compatible with its host countrys laws. You can see whats happening in Europe cant you? Just do the trajectory and you can see where its going.

As for them being poor and having oppressive leaders. Thats their history. If you want to stop buying oil from them, Im on board, lets drill for more oil ourselves. The Global warming? They turned their ownland into deserts by improper irrigation practices over the centuries and in a sense have created
their own poverty. All that land could be used better like the Israelis are doing with theirs
Jews and Christians invented, used, then tested lots of nuclear weapons.

Jews and Christians have brought about climate change so severe some scientists think we're across the point of no return and doomed.

Jews and Christians are the defacto leaders of the planet and via capitalism ensuring the majority of their peoples in various countries remain enpoverished while a tiny minority get richer and the best of everything.

Muslims have...What exactly? Gotten upset about our dropping bombs on their heads, installing and supporting their oppressive leaders while simultaneously saying how great we are, and how lousy they are for daring to resist us?

The climate bullshit is based on computer models, thats not real science, they have moved many of the temperature sensors into urban areas where the temperature is higher.
and as far as the question of What has Islam done , well they are a very violent religion and have been since invention in about 700 A.D.. They've always been a problem .
The anti-Islamic rhetoric we're getting in the US is exactly the same crap the Nazis said about Jews in Germany prior to the Holocaust.

So if I read your comparison correctly, the US is using anti-Islamic rhetoric to justify some sort of genocide on the Muslims. Is that right? Well sir, that is complete and utter nonsense. All you have to do is look at a world map of Muslim populations to see what Al-Sisi was talking about in his incredibly courageous and accurate speech to the Imams.
Sad is it to see the US finds pride in its military might, be it the US or Germany or other. With your military power you could only nuke the Japanese, which come 3rd to you in term of industrialization. The US faltered in Vietnam, so did France. The Soviet Union lost in Afghanistan. The US after all these years still did not eradicate Al Qaeda, and now they have ISIS before them. These are not even countries. It's time for the US to open their eyes. Their civilization is a real mess.

It does not make any sense that Islam is seen as a threat. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is Islam. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said love for others what you love for yourself. People don't realise what this means. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said good is to preserve your neighbours from harm. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said revere the elders and show mercy to the little ones. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said to be merciful in killing animals, to use a sharp knife so as to alleviate its suffering. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said a good man is a smiling man, smiling to all, greeting them smiling. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said to return the greetings. Make sure you reply loud enough so that he knows you replied to him. This is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and this is Islam. Islam is not a threat, it's a divine mercy and a heavenly light, a heavenly sun.

The regular Muslim is not Islam. The regular Muslim might tell you that when Muhammad(peace be upon him and his family) said to love for others what you love for yourself, by "others", he actually meant other Muslims. If you don't make any effort to differentiate between th pure religion of Islam and the daring and irresponsible Muslim, the loss is your own to say the least; and it does not say much of you.

The Muslims don't care about Isis or General Sissi. They care about Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It is in the name of Muhammad's generosity that the oceans and the clouds went low. It is in the name of Muhammad, it is the light of Muhammad that made flowers to blossom. Let every man do what brings him peace.

Apparently, al Sissi's speech struck a nerve with you. The pin prick of Truth stings a bit, doesn't she?
Jews and Christians invented, used, then tested lots of nuclear weapons.

Jews and Christians have brought about climate change so severe some scientists think we're across the point of no return and doomed.

Jews and Christians are the defacto leaders of the planet and via capitalism ensuring the majority of their peoples in various countries remain enpoverished while a tiny minority get richer and the best of everything.

Muslims have...What exactly? Gotten upset about our dropping bombs on their heads, installing and supporting their oppressive leaders while simultaneously saying how great we are, and how lousy they are for daring to resist us?

They helped topple the Soviet Union... oh, wait...
Delta, you keep posting nonsense threads that indicate that the world you live in is only tenuously connected to reality.

If you, a Jew, were to wander into ISIS territory, just how long do you think you would last?

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