What's crazier

What's craziest

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Where are you getting your definition? I just googled communism, this is what it gave me for a definition:
"a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

What you just described is Socialism. To better specify, what you have been told is Communism is not Communism, but Socialism. Communism is defined as a system where there is no government, all people are equal, all people work. Nobody has currency because everyone is given everything equally, and no government is needed because the people do everything they're supposed to all the time. It's an extremist offshoot of Marxism. It has never actually been implemented, because it's impossible.

You can't be paid without currency, and there is no mention of a lack of government. I also googled images for Communism. I got a lot of Russian sickles, but I also got this image, which I think exemplifies what I'm trying to say, namely that Socialism, and in particular democratic socialism, is neither "real world" capitalism nor communism, but something in between:

The image is inaccurate, because Russia was never Communist, they were Socialist. As I explained.

That's only -one- form of socialism, and it's not one that Bernie ever espoused. Wikipedia goes into the different varieties of socialism:
**Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production;[10] as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim at their establishment.[11] Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective, or cooperative ownership; to citizen ownership of equity; or to any combination of these.[12] Although there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.[5][14][15]**
I made the parts bold that echo what I told you. You pretty much told me I'm wrong, then repeated what I said. Social ownership is government ownership, because again, someone would need the power to enforce that system, and that someone owns it. Ownership of equity, as in equality, equal distribution through the government. Those are the core components to that failed ideal, which I explained does not work.
Regulation is -not- the same thing as ownership. Financial markets are regulated, if badly, in the U.S. That doesn't mean the U.S. government owns said financial markets. The irony is that it is the regulations that allow banks, but no one else, to create money out of citizen's signatures, that give banks such a lucrative hold on money.

Correlation is not causation. Just because California has one of the highest costs of living doesn't mean that its slightly higher minimum wage is the reason for it. Early analysis of Seattle's increase in minimum wage found that the impact was minimal:
Early analysis of Seattle’s $15 wage law: Effect on prices minimal one year after implementation | UW Today
And if the Federal government is regulating them poorly, choosing the winners and losers in our market, what makes you think that the government would suddenly do a non-awful job because we gave them power to regulate and control even MORE private industry? The businesses would pay our corrupt government to sabotage their competitors(Continue doing so), nobody wins. The government has already hosed us repeatedly, and the economic system you want gives them even more power to do so. You're trying to solve too much government with even more government.

No, they don't. Robert Reich explains what really happens:
We should be raising the federal minimum to $15 an hour.

Here are seven reasons why:

1. Had the minimum wage of 1968 simply stayed even with inflation, it would be more than $10 an hour today. But the typical worker is also about twice as productive as then. Some of those productivity gains should go to workers at the bottom.

2. $10.10 isn’t enough to lift all workers and their families out of poverty. Most low-wage workers aren’t young teenagers; they’re major breadwinners for their families, and many are women. And they and their families need a higher minimum.

3. For this reason, a $10.10 minimum would also still require the rest of us to pay Medicaid, food-stamps, and other programs necessary to get poor families out of poverty — thereby indirectly subsidizing employers who refuse to pay more. Bloomberg View describes McDonalds and Walmart as “America’s biggest welfare queens” because their employees receive so much public assistance. (Some, like McDonalds, even advise their employees to use public programs because their pay is so low.)**

Source: Robert Reich: 7 Reasons Why the Minimum Wage Should Be Raised to $15 an Hour
This guy has no idea what he's talking about. Federal Aid is a major part of why businesses are paying their employees what they are. It allows them to put less money back into the economy and still reap the same benefits. You should be advocating Federal Aid be abolished entirely, rather than just raising the minimum wage, and allowing Federal Aid to continue this trend. As I said before, businesses pay their employees what they know will be enough naturally, because if they don't, they'll have fewer consumers. Again, businesses do not need regulated, government needs reigned in.

I think words may be getting in our way here. The bottom line of socialist democracy is the notion that we care about our fellow human beings and pay them wages that will allow them to live a decent life without needing to go on public assitance.

People don't need to be babied by the government. Failures should be allowed to fail alone. What you're advocating is for people to be able to work for minimum wage, flipping burgers their entire lives. Succeeding wouldn't be needed anymore, it would hold no incentive, because if you do succeed, your money will just be taken and given to the nation's failures through legalized thievery.

Some government control is good. Everyone knows that. You don't want thieves to be allowed to roam free, do you? And yet, so many seem content to let the thieves on wall street continue to rob everyone else blind.

No, government control is not good, it's what we have right now, and it has allowed the government to become a business that chooses what businesses can succeed, and what can't. We have Wallstreet BECAUSE the government was allowed to control and regulate businesses.
No, I didn't. Worker owned companies is -not- the same thing as government owned companies.

So, basically what Unions do. Bully businesses into paying them top dollar for minimal work. Even then, the government would act as a middle man to oversee this failure of a system.
Why, because you don't believe it has credibility?

No, because they were shown to be taking orders from the DNC, which is advocating expansion of government, which is what you're advocating, against all logic. The Huffington Post just echoes what CNN says.

I think people have largely forgotten that we don't need business executives funnelling most money into their own pockets while the working class go without. We need -workers- are good administrators, not fat cats figuring out how to drain the working class dry.

They're not draining the working class, the businesses don't function without them. There's no circulation, nor expansion without paying employees enough. Then again, if Socialists understood economics, they would not be Socialists.
I don't know enough of what happened during Franklin Roosevelt's time, but I can certainly agree that having the government take over all industry is not a good idea. The idea that workers should all partially own the companies they work for makes the most sense- there is nothing like knowing that you -own- a part of the company you work for to make you feel like it's worth making it do better. The company does better, so do your stocks.
No, it makes literally no sense. The only reason you're even advocating this creed of failure is because you don't understand the Great Depression. Policies like these would only damage the economy, like the Great Depression, and cause businesses to leave for countries with an economic system that makes sense.
No. Science and religion were once one and the same. Western ideology has confused you and others.

Yes, they were. However, around 3000 years ago that started to change. It took a long time though for policies to be created that allowed mankind to make meaningful observations that he was then able to use to advance civilization.
The first advanced civilizations merged religion and science. Look at what the Egyptians did and how they taught the Greeks. To date western civilization has not achieved what the Egyptians did in building those pyramids. The very calendar we use comes from the astronomers of Egypt. They mathematics, sciences, and the very first book all hail from Egypt. All the religions are based on principles first uttered there. Our system of justice also uses the concepts and even the symbols of that great civilization.

I guess you've never heard of the Sumerian Code of Ur, or the Code of Hammurabi, or the Brehon Law of the Celts? All of which are either contemporaneous with the Egyptians or predate them as is the case of the Brehon Law. The problem is you read a single bit of history and ignore all the others that predate your hero's. As far as math go's the Ancient Druids had every bit as good a handle on math as the ancient Egyptians. And, they did it at least 1000 years before the Egyptians figured it out.

Yes I have heard of them. The people in Sumer were Black as well. However the point is that europeans got this information from Egypt not Sumer. Your problem is that you dont seem to be able to follow the point. This isnt about which civilization was oldest. This is about which one is responsible for providing the foundation of the world. Regardless we know for a fact Egyptian writing predates Sumers.

They were? That's funny, where did they all go? How about them Celts, they all black too? The Celtic law predates Egypt and MANY of those laws are still in use today. In fact, the Celtic laws were less barbaric, far less in point of fact than any of the civilizations you are referring to. They even had anti animal cruelty laws on the books that weren't adopted again until this last century. The black civilizations had no concept of animal protection. Period.

No, it is you who is trying to steal other cultures accomplishments.
Some of them are still there but most of them have been killed or mixed with the Arabs. I havent gotten around to studying the Celts yet as I dont care much about european history but it wouldnt surprise me a bit if they were Blacks. I would be interested in seeing what laws the Celts had and how they predated the 2 earliest known civilizations that are even agreed upon by your various white historians. Why dont you post some laws so we can see what civilization had them first. FYI. I cant steal anyones culture just by remarking on the fact that they were Black people. Now if you can prove they were not Black or that they were white that would be an interesting feat.
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What's crazier?

1. Believing in god? There's no evidence for such! Believe it or not all the evidence, data and the reality of the facts all are against such! Pretty freaking crazy!
2. Believing in Aliens? Well, there's 300 billion stars in our galaxy and some stars have 3-8 planets. We have found about 8-9 planets that could already have such life. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.
3. Well, half a million years ago a huge ape that stood 10-12 feet tall was very real. ;)
4. No evidence to support it but the US government has done some fucked up stuff in history!
5. No evidence for such! Pretty crazy as far as I can tell. Now McCain and some other people in our government did visit and come close to baghdadi,,,so who knows.

I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.

Your beloved "gubermint" leaders are luciferian that worship Moloch at Bohemian Grove. The power elite are 33rd degree and above free masons. Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of free masonry. Albert Pike was a confederate general and one of the founders of the KKK using free masonry as it's structure....and there is a statute of Pike prominently displayed in Washington, DC...wonder why Sharpton or the Revrun Jesse uh Jackson have never protested this??? OH WAIT! That's because they are free masons as well and part of the "Brotherhood". So it stands to reason that if there is a satan, there is a God....no? There is a God and it's only by HIS grace that shit hasn't hit the fan by now because christians are keeping the faith. We have "white hats" trying to keep the wolf at bay hoping that enough people will wake up and lend a hand. There has been at least THREE false flag events that have been averted by patriots whose names may never be known until the battle is over but they did it for love of country and mankind....FACT.

Yeah, 9/11/01 was a total inside job and it accomplished MANY things for the elites. It shut down SEC investigations into insider trading of the elites, it stopped the investigation into the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said was unaccounted for on 9/10/11. It allowed the Black Eagle Trust to move 240 Billion dollars in ten year securities with no scrutiny by the SEC since the Fed bank used it's emergency powers to allow trades to go through unabated. It created yet another war that made tremendous profits for the military industrial complex. Did you know that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11?...It was. Did you know that the spying apparatus to collect data on every American citizen was already in place and being used BEFORE 9/11? PATRIOT is an acronym for "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"...what a fucking joke...terrorism that your beloved "gubermint" created. Do you want to discuss the bullshit false flag event that was 9/11? Bring it on...wake the fuck up and learn about what the Hegelian Dialectic is.

Matthew got taken to school major big time by you there.lol
Worst part is that he's probably still going to vote for Hillary.
50+ percent of the voters will too. Get used to it.
What's crazier?

1. Believing in god? There's no evidence for such! Believe it or not all the evidence, data and the reality of the facts all are against such! Pretty freaking crazy!
2. Believing in Aliens? Well, there's 300 billion stars in our galaxy and some stars have 3-8 planets. We have found about 8-9 planets that could already have such life. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.
3. Well, half a million years ago a huge ape that stood 10-12 feet tall was very real. ;)
4. No evidence to support it but the US government has done some fucked up stuff in history!
5. No evidence for such! Pretty crazy as far as I can tell. Now McCain and some other people in our government did visit and come close to baghdadi,,,so who knows.

I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.

Your beloved "gubermint" leaders are luciferian that worship Moloch at Bohemian Grove. The power elite are 33rd degree and above free masons. Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of free masonry. Albert Pike was a confederate general and one of the founders of the KKK using free masonry as it's structure....and there is a statute of Pike prominently displayed in Washington, DC...wonder why Sharpton or the Revrun Jesse uh Jackson have never protested this??? OH WAIT! That's because they are free masons as well and part of the "Brotherhood". So it stands to reason that if there is a satan, there is a God....no? There is a God and it's only by HIS grace that shit hasn't hit the fan by now because christians are keeping the faith. We have "white hats" trying to keep the wolf at bay hoping that enough people will wake up and lend a hand. There has been at least THREE false flag events that have been averted by patriots whose names may never be known until the battle is over but they did it for love of country and mankind....FACT.

Yeah, 9/11/01 was a total inside job and it accomplished MANY things for the elites. It shut down SEC investigations into insider trading of the elites, it stopped the investigation into the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said was unaccounted for on 9/10/11. It allowed the Black Eagle Trust to move 240 Billion dollars in ten year securities with no scrutiny by the SEC since the Fed bank used it's emergency powers to allow trades to go through unabated. It created yet another war that made tremendous profits for the military industrial complex. Did you know that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11?...It was. Did you know that the spying apparatus to collect data on every American citizen was already in place and being used BEFORE 9/11? PATRIOT is an acronym for "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"...what a fucking joke...terrorism that your beloved "gubermint" created. Do you want to discuss the bullshit false flag event that was 9/11? Bring it on...wake the fuck up and learn about what the Hegelian Dialectic is.

Matthew got taken to school major big time by you there.lol
Worst part is that he's probably still going to vote for Hillary.
50+ percent of the voters will too. Get used to it.
You're conveniently forgetting all the people that walked out of the DNC, and likely don't want a lying sack of garbage for President. Likely people who let CNN do the thinking for them aren't in the majority, especially with all of those released emails, and more to come.
What's crazier?

1. Believing in god? There's no evidence for such! Believe it or not all the evidence, data and the reality of the facts all are against such! Pretty freaking crazy!
2. Believing in Aliens? Well, there's 300 billion stars in our galaxy and some stars have 3-8 planets. We have found about 8-9 planets that could already have such life. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.
3. Well, half a million years ago a huge ape that stood 10-12 feet tall was very real. ;)
4. No evidence to support it but the US government has done some fucked up stuff in history!
5. No evidence for such! Pretty crazy as far as I can tell. Now McCain and some other people in our government did visit and come close to baghdadi,,,so who knows.

I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.

Your beloved "gubermint" leaders are luciferian that worship Moloch at Bohemian Grove. The power elite are 33rd degree and above free masons. Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of free masonry. Albert Pike was a confederate general and one of the founders of the KKK using free masonry as it's structure....and there is a statute of Pike prominently displayed in Washington, DC...wonder why Sharpton or the Revrun Jesse uh Jackson have never protested this??? OH WAIT! That's because they are free masons as well and part of the "Brotherhood". So it stands to reason that if there is a satan, there is a God....no? There is a God and it's only by HIS grace that shit hasn't hit the fan by now because christians are keeping the faith. We have "white hats" trying to keep the wolf at bay hoping that enough people will wake up and lend a hand. There has been at least THREE false flag events that have been averted by patriots whose names may never be known until the battle is over but they did it for love of country and mankind....FACT.

Yeah, 9/11/01 was a total inside job and it accomplished MANY things for the elites. It shut down SEC investigations into insider trading of the elites, it stopped the investigation into the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said was unaccounted for on 9/10/11. It allowed the Black Eagle Trust to move 240 Billion dollars in ten year securities with no scrutiny by the SEC since the Fed bank used it's emergency powers to allow trades to go through unabated. It created yet another war that made tremendous profits for the military industrial complex. Did you know that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11?...It was. Did you know that the spying apparatus to collect data on every American citizen was already in place and being used BEFORE 9/11? PATRIOT is an acronym for "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"...what a fucking joke...terrorism that your beloved "gubermint" created. Do you want to discuss the bullshit false flag event that was 9/11? Bring it on...wake the fuck up and learn about what the Hegelian Dialectic is.

Matthew got taken to school major big time by you there.lol
Worst part is that he's probably still going to vote for Hillary.
50+ percent of the voters will too. Get used to it.
You're conveniently forgetting all the people that walked out of the DNC, and likely don't want a lying sack of garbage for President. Likely people who let CNN do the thinking for them aren't in the majority, especially with all of those released emails, and more to come.

Make sure you're here election night pal. Can't wait to rub your nose in it.
After looking at your poll, it seems obvious that the craziest belief is to believe in aliens. Clearly there is no such thing as an alien. Those are fallen angels - demonic beings - not aliens. The reason I vote this no. 1 is impossibility AND crazy - is that the KJV Holy Bible clearly tells us what we need to know in order to identify who these deceivers are! They are fallen angels that will one day be cast down into lake of fire! How crazy is it for people to believe some UFO channel rather than the written Word of God?

The next step could be allowing these fallen angels to advise the world on matters such as "world peace" and what to do with "followers of Jesus Christ," they may even suggest that it is the Believers in Christ who are holding back progress for the rolling out of an "enlightened" New Age! ......could there be anything more dangerous or crazy? ... and yet some folks believe this nonsense...

Is it any wonder that people are so mixed up? Read the Holy Bible!
The reason it is so fucking insane is because we as a society are so accepting of it, even through it is more insane then the other 4 choices. We give up logic, rationality and hate on science because of it, why? Because we're all brainwashed to believe some 2,000 year old book! Would we do the same to someone screaming about space aliens visiting his room at night or someone that came back from a hiking trip that says he seen big foot? Fuck no. We wouldn't cut science because of these two individuals and we wouldn't give up our rationality. We only accept the holy bible for the same reason as 100 bucks may get the mob after you, but 1 trillion bucks gets you bailed out by the government.

Don't think people 'cut science' for people's other beliefs, either. People are allowed to believe whatever they like, and the fact that you're not okay with other people accepting it only goes to show how intolerant Democrats are of opinions and beliefs that conflict with their own.

I take it you are a conservative ;-)? Surely you aren't a fan of Trump? I'm not a fan of Hillary, but Bernie, he was something else in my view. Now that he lost, if I were American, I think I'd be voting for Jill Stein (Green Party).

Why? No socialist country has ever survived for more than 90 years. All of the Scandinavian country's, save those with oil, are in dire straits.

The United States could have been considered a social democratic country, back when Franklin D. Roosevelt made the "New Deal" reforms. I would argue that the erosion of those reforms is the reason the U.S. is in such dire straits today. Take heart though, it's not just the U.S. that is in these dire straits. Environmentally rapacious trickle down economics is something that is being practiced far and wide and the results are coming in...

The Soviet Union collapsed under it's own weight. That is the very nature of socialist countries.

The soviet union was a communist oligarchy, not a democratic socialist country. The Huffington Post explains the difference in the following article:
History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no 'Communist,' and 'Democratic Socialists' are as American as Apple Pie.

Eventually you run out of other peoples money and then you're screwed.

People are so focused on 'money' and who currently possesses it. What people -should- be focusing on is, who is doing the actual -work- of running the country. Certainly not the rapacious bankers and the other corporate cronies. No, their focus is to leach off of all the -real- workers, like a tapeworm. The general population in essence creates most money from their signatures when they sign loan papers at the bank. The bank is the only entity allowed to literally create money out of these loans. The banks give them newly created money in the form of "credit", which only bankers are allowed to engage in with their vile fractional reserve banking. Anyone else trying to create money in this way or any other way would be charged for fraud. But the "Federal" Reserve (which is controlled by the banks) can -use- this newly created money to buy up bonds, which then turns into actual cash after its maturity date. The following 4 minute video explains it:

The banks, being the source of most new money, naturally can greatly influence large corporations which rely on those loans, which over time has become as rapacious as they are. The following 45 minute documentary on the subject of money creation is more in depth then the previous one:

The problem that you have of course is that mankind is governed by self interest. Your utopian ideal while cute, is not born out by reality. The reality is when a group of people is allowed to sit back and take it easy, while sponging off of a small group of producers, those producers eventually get pissed off and stop working. then all get to starve.

And no, it doesn't matter who is doing the work in the long run. That is a Marxist ideal, the reality is there are many people who can do simple work. In fact the majority of the population of this planet can do menial work. Thus, menial work is not particularly valuable. Work that is doable by a small group of people on the other hand, that is valuable.

The problem arises when you get a group of fundamentally not smart people called politicians, who rely on the votes of the ignorant to get themselves in power. Then, they take from the producers and give a bit to the masses while keeping the majority of that which they took for themselves and their preferred minions. FDR was great at taking money from the middle class, those least able to give it, and giving it to his preferred people.

The rich got richer under FDR than at any other time save for the current demagogue obama. That is a fact. Under FDR and his policies, the wealthiest 2% of the population of this country went from controlling 76% of this nations wealth to controlling 90% of the wealth while reducing their overall number to where they are now less than one percent of the population. That is a fact. Under progressive policies the wealthiest become even richer, and the poor stay static (5 trillion dollars spent on the war on poverty and there are more people living in poverty than before the "war" started) and the middle class suffers. That is a fact.

What do you expect from people who sit around watching weird Japanese cartoons? :lol:
What's crazier?

1. Believing in god? There's no evidence for such! Believe it or not all the evidence, data and the reality of the facts all are against such! Pretty freaking crazy!
2. Believing in Aliens? Well, there's 300 billion stars in our galaxy and some stars have 3-8 planets. We have found about 8-9 planets that could already have such life. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.
3. Well, half a million years ago a huge ape that stood 10-12 feet tall was very real. ;)
4. No evidence to support it but the US government has done some fucked up stuff in history!
5. No evidence for such! Pretty crazy as far as I can tell. Now McCain and some other people in our government did visit and come close to baghdadi,,,so who knows.

I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.

As to God, it all depends on how you define it. I'm a Pantheist, Pantheists define God as everything combined. By that definition, everyone believes in God. I also think there's plenty of evidence to support the theory that 9/11 was an inside job :p. As to Israel funding ISIS, I believe there is actually evidence of this. Though I haven't really investigated it myself, a site that I trust has found that there is such evidence and written an article about it:

I also believe there's evidence of Aliens, read some books that support this, and I thought the show "Ancient Aliens" and the documentary "Thrive" were all quite credible. Finally, as to Bigfoot, I don't know. I found an article that claims some scientists have found evidence that they exist:
Bigfoot does EXIST claim scientists after five years of research: See their video

That being said, they seem to be saying that they're within the range of human tallness and hairiness (the hairiness thing would actually be the rarer trait by far).

Where'd you hear about these 10-12 foot apes :p?

Yeah Bigfoot,I have not done any research into,its possible no doubt but as far as i know,there is no solid proof in it.

Yeah, I'm pretty much in the same boat on Bigfoot, but it's interesting to know that 'Bigfoot" atleast -did- exist, in the not too distant past, which lends more credence to the idea that a few might still be with us today.

western civilization had to have something to cling onto and believe in for all the evil that goes on in the world so they clung on to the hope that god exists and that there will be a perfect world someday despite the lack of evidence.

As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, God is just a word, and a rather loosely defined one at that. Pantheists such as myself define God as everything. By that definition, everyone believes in God.

the other three as I just proved have indeed been proved to be factual.

Proved to whom?

Thats what baffles me about you,you are so worried about 9/11 what happened in the past instead of being concerned about the present and the future which is the existence of UFO'S which is something that affects us right now because it is something that is going on right now in the PRESENT.yet you just want to discuss the past and not be concerned about whats going on NOW?

There is a lot of research to back up the theory that 9/11 was an inside job. Thus, it's fairly easy to argue the point without having to do a lot of investigative work oneself, other then some googling. Despite your insistence that I focus too much on 9/11, you're the one whose online name here is literally "9/11 was an inside job" :p. Have you considered changing it? Anyway, I've taking a bit of a break from addressing 9/11, working on a few other threads for a bit.

proved to whom? obviously you did not watch those two videos i posted earlier that nobody has ever been able to debunk that it was a CIA/mossad operation.lol

Its only the people who WONT watch them that it hasnt been proved to.hee hee.

As i have said to you many times before,I was at one time as guilty as you were being obsessed over 9/11 same as you so i chose the user name back then because of my obsession of it back then.

. I moved on though and realised it is just like the JFK assassination,done and over with with no chance of the real killers being brought to justice so i now worry about whats going on NOW.

If i was planning on staying here another ten years like I almost have been posting i WOULD change it but since i only plan to stay a couple more years at the most ,i figure its not worth the trouble.
The United States could have been considered a social democratic country, back when Franklin D. Roosevelt made the "New Deal" reforms. I would argue that the erosion of those reforms is the reason the U.S. is in such dire straits today.

It was those reforms that set America up for the decline that it has been in ever since;

Do you have evidence to support that claim?

that have established precedents by which our government has strayed ever farther from the model defined for it in the Constitution, and ever deeper into corruption and tyranny. FDR may have meant well, but he, alone, has done more to damage this nation than any other President.

Could you explain why you believe that FDR was responsible for these things?

To radically oversimplify a much more complex story than I have time or patience to tell right now, and which is not terribly relevant to this thread anyway…

With his reforms, FDR seized massive, unprecedented powers on behalf of the federal government, far beyond what it was legitimately authorized under the Constitution to exercise. He employed threats, intimidation, and other corrupt means to coerce the courts into going along with his blatantly-unconstitutional usurpations. By doing so, and by the precedents that he thus established, he effectively gutted the Tenth Amendment, and began an avalanche of further illegal usurpations on the part of the federal government that have continued ever since.

Just to give one example, of the sort of damage this has caused.

In the 1910s, there was a very strong movement that wanted to outlaw the production and trade of alcoholic beverages nationwide. It was then clearly and correctly understood that as the Constitution stood, the federal government had no legitimate authority to do so, and that there was only one legitimate way that this prohibition could be put into effect. See the Eighteenth Amendment. About a decade or so later, when the public changed its mind, the same method had to be employed in order to reverse it. See the Twenty-First Amendment.

Prior to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment, the federal government did not have any authority regarding alcoholic beverages, nor does it have any authority, after the passage of the Twenty-First Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment. The federal government didn't have this authority, and the only way it could be given this authority was to amend the Constitution.

Nearly all of FDR's reforms were outside the legitimate scope of federal authority. The federal government has never had the legitimate authority to enact any of it, and the only way the federal government ever could have that authority would be for the Constitution to be amended to give it that authority.

And this creep of ever increasing, illegally-usurped federal powers has continued since then. A very large portion of the activities of the federal government, it has no legitimate authority to conduct, and can only ever be given that authority by amending the Constitution.
After looking at your poll, it seems obvious that the craziest belief is to believe in aliens. Clearly there is no such thing as an alien.

Anyone who lives near our southern border knows better.
Those are "illegal aliens," Bob - not "space" aliens.... big difference.

Yes, but they are aliens, which disproves the claim that “Clearly there is no such thing as an alien.”
No, Bob. A Mexican who crosses our border illegally is not an extra - terestial being nor do they fly in UFO's. They are as human as you and I are. What Matthew calls an alien is in reality a demonic being - a fallen angel. Mexican people are not fallen angels. They are just as human as all the rest of us!
1) Believing in God: Personally I'm an athiest, however since it seems like every person who believes in God has a different view of what God is. For instance, my wife is Catholic and she believes that God from the Bible is the universe and the laws that govern it. I wouldn't call that crazy.

2) Believing in Aliens: I believe that the universe is infinite and eternal. Therefore I believe that there are an infinite number of aliens out there somewhere. Not crazy.

3) Believing in Bigfoot: It's certainly possible, but not scientifically confirmed. There are vast areas of forest that are unexplored where they could be living. And we almost certainly have not discovered every animal on Earth. As recently as the 1920s the mountain gorilla was considered to be a myth. Not crazy.

4) Believing that 9-11 was done by the US government: Totally fucking loony, yet a very common belief. A poll in 2006 indicated that approximately one third of American believed that crazy shit. The Democrats rode the truther wave into control of the House and Senate in 2007. Those people are fucking nuts.

5) Believing that israel is funding the isis!: I don't think they are but I wouldn't call the notion crazy.

Thats because 1/3 of americans did not skip junior high school science classes and understand that the laws of physics were violated that day if you accept the governments version of events that the fires caused the collapse.:lmao:Nor do they ignore what witnesses said that refute the governments findings.lol

The reason there is such a huge controversy in this case and why so many americans are smart enough to understand it was an inside job is the facts of the case dont fit the governments version of events.If the government is LYING as they obviously are,you should be asking yourself WHY? something you obviously never thought of.

you are obviously unaware of bld 7 because bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission nobody has even been able to get around that explosives brought the towers down.

Bld 7 was not hit by an airliner yet it STILL collapsed in the same uniform that the twin towers did which makes no sense in the fact there were other buildings in the area that had far more severe damage done to them and had far more severe fires yet those buildings did NOT collapse.

the only thing loony is people like you who have the warped thinking that because the government says it happened this way then it automatically true despite there is no evidence to back up their claims.:rolleyes:

whats REALLY crazy shit is accepting the governments and medias version of events over what these top experts in their fields who dont accept it.:lmao:

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

thats the same thing as asking your girlfriend if there is something wrong with your car and taking her word that there is nothing wrong with it and it is safe to continue to drive as she tells you over a car mechanic.same thing no different yet thats EXACTLY what you 9/11 apologists do all the time.:rolleyes:

truly amazing that you are open minded that there could be aliens out there but when it comes to 9/11 you are just the opposite.INCREDIBLE.

whats Incredible is you 9/11 apologists believe in THIS loony conspiracy theory of the governments and you say people who believe 9/11 was in inside job are fucking nuts? you should start a comedy club charlie.

To believe in this fairy tale in this link below invented by the government is living in a fantasyland charlie.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
So its hardly surprising that the events of Sept. 11, 2001, have spawned their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is -- sadly -- a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don't even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the U.S. Air Force, the insider trading on airline stocks (linked to the CIA), the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer four planes simultaneously and fly them around U.S. airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the U.S. intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do.

amazing that you consider it a possiblity that there are aliens out there but when it comes to 9/11 being an inside job,you are extremely close minded.INCREDIBLE is just one word that comes to mind.
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...I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.
Key phrase being "I believe". You believe in aliens, but there's no evidence.

Do you believe in multiverses? Other dimensions? String theory? That we could all be holograms?

I'm reminded of both the Cargo Cults that grew out of WWII and Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Just because we misperceive something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This includes what many label "God", "spirituality" or "afterlife".
After looking at your poll, it seems obvious that the craziest belief is to believe in aliens. Clearly there is no such thing as an alien.

Anyone who lives near our southern border knows better.
Those are "illegal aliens," Bob - not "space" aliens.... big difference.

Yes, but they are aliens, which disproves the claim that “Clearly there is no such thing as an alien.”
No, Bob. A Mexican who crosses our border illegally is not an extra - terestial ]sic] being nor do they fly in UFO's. They are as human as you and I are. What Matthew calls an alien is in reality a demonic being - a fallen angel. Mexican people are not fallen angels. They are just as human as all the rest of us!

The statement to which I was responding did not say, “Clearly there is no such thing as an extraterrestrial being.” It said, “Clearly there is no such thing as an alien.”.

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