What's crazier

What's craziest

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I think the craziest thing is believing in the Establishment's paid servants who happen to masquerade as scientists. Democrats have a monopoly on that religion~

And your solution is to cut all funding for science and teach our children to believe in some 2,000 year old book that doesn't do one trillionth as much for humanity as science does.

Don't think people 'cut science' for people's other beliefs, either. People are allowed to believe whatever they like, and the fact that you're not okay with other people accepting it only goes to show how intolerant Democrats are of opinions and beliefs that conflict with their own.

That's the wrong-wing version of “tolerance”. They are very tolerant of that which they find agreeable.

What's crazier?

1. Believing in god? There's no evidence for such! Believe it or not all the evidence, data and the reality of the facts all are against such! Pretty freaking crazy!
2. Believing in Aliens? Well, there's 300 billion stars in our galaxy and some stars have 3-8 planets. We have found about 8-9 planets that could already have such life. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.
3. Well, half a million years ago a huge ape that stood 10-12 feet tall was very real. ;)
4. No evidence to support it but the US government has done some fucked up stuff in history!
5. No evidence for such! Pretty crazy as far as I can tell. Now McCain and some other people in our government did visit and come close to baghdadi,,,so who knows.

I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.

Your beloved "gubermint" leaders are luciferian that worship Moloch at Bohemian Grove. The power elite are 33rd degree and above free masons. Albert Pike's book "Morals and Dogma" is considered the bible of free masonry. Albert Pike was a confederate general and one of the founders of the KKK using free masonry as it's structure....and there is a statute of Pike prominently displayed in Washington, DC...wonder why Sharpton or the Revrun Jesse uh Jackson have never protested this??? OH WAIT! That's because they are free masons as well and part of the "Brotherhood". So it stands to reason that if there is a satan, there is a God....no? There is a God and it's only by HIS grace that shit hasn't hit the fan by now because christians are keeping the faith. We have "white hats" trying to keep the wolf at bay hoping that enough people will wake up and lend a hand. There has been at least THREE false flag events that have been averted by patriots whose names may never be known until the battle is over but they did it for love of country and mankind....FACT.

Yeah, 9/11/01 was a total inside job and it accomplished MANY things for the elites. It shut down SEC investigations into insider trading of the elites, it stopped the investigation into the missing 2.3 TRILLION dollars that Rumsfeld said was unaccounted for on 9/10/11. It allowed the Black Eagle Trust to move 240 Billion dollars in ten year securities with no scrutiny by the SEC since the Fed bank used it's emergency powers to allow trades to go through unabated. It created yet another war that made tremendous profits for the military industrial complex. Did you know that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11?...It was. Did you know that the spying apparatus to collect data on every American citizen was already in place and being used BEFORE 9/11? PATRIOT is an acronym for "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"...what a fucking joke...terrorism that your beloved "gubermint" created. Do you want to discuss the bullshit false flag event that was 9/11? Bring it on...wake the fuck up and learn about what the Hegelian Dialectic is.
"In the beginning there was nothing..." Cosmologists tell us that before the Big Bang there was nothing, then, all the matter in the universe, every last single bit of it, sprang forth from a "singularity" that was the size of a proton.

So, you tell me matthew, what is different between those two stories?

“In the beginning, there was nothing. Then God said, ‘Let there be light!’ There was still nothing, but now you could see it.”
The reason it is so [Matthew]ing insane is because we as a society are so accepting of it, even through it is more insane then the other 4 choices. We give up logic, rationality and hate on science because of it, why? Because we're all brainwashed to believe some 2,000 year old book! Would we do the same to someone screaming about space aliens visiting his room at night or someone that came back from a hiking trip that says he seen big foot? Fuck no. We wouldn't cut science because of these two individuals and we wouldn't give up our rationality. We only accept the holy bible for the same reason as 100 bucks may get the mob after you, but 1 trillion bucks gets you bailed out by the government.

Psalms 53:1:—“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.”

Romans 1:22:“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…”

May the great Laurence Tureaud have compassion on you, Matthew.
What's crazier?

1. Believing in god? There's no evidence for such! Believe it or not all the evidence, data and the reality of the facts all are against such! Pretty freaking crazy!
2. Believing in Aliens? Well, there's 300 billion stars in our galaxy and some stars have 3-8 planets. We have found about 8-9 planets that could already have such life. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.
3. Well, half a million years ago a huge ape that stood 10-12 feet tall was very real. ;)
4. No evidence to support it but the US government has done some fucked up stuff in history!
5. No evidence for such! Pretty crazy as far as I can tell. Now McCain and some other people in our government did visit and come close to baghdadi,,,so who knows.

I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.

Anyone following the AGW cult and/or the far left religion is "craziest effin thing".
What's crazier?

1. Believing in god? There's no evidence for such! Believe it or not all the evidence, data and the reality of the facts all are against such! Pretty freaking crazy!
2. Believing in Aliens? Well, there's 300 billion stars in our galaxy and some stars have 3-8 planets. We have found about 8-9 planets that could already have such life. It isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.
3. Well, half a million years ago a huge ape that stood 10-12 feet tall was very real. ;)
4. No evidence to support it but the US government has done some fucked up stuff in history!
5. No evidence for such! Pretty crazy as far as I can tell. Now McCain and some other people in our government did visit and come close to baghdadi,,,so who knows.

I believe that the craziest effin thing on this list is believing in some all powerful creature and believing in what some 2,000 year old book says.
USMB needs a sad button. There are no words...
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I think the craziest thing is believing in the Establishment's paid servants who happen to masquerade as scientists. Democrats have a monopoly on that religion~

Believing anything from Matthew is a fairly close second-place, I would say.

At least I use science and logic to support my beliefs. ;)
Using the term 'science' loosely, of course. Believing everything the Establishment's servants tell you isn't so much science as it is just being gullible and claiming it's science.
The reason it is so fucking insane is because we as a society are so accepting of it, even through it is more insane then the other 4 choices. We give up logic, rationality and hate on science because of it, why? Because we're all brainwashed to believe some 2,000 year old book! Would we do the same to someone screaming about space aliens visiting his room at night or someone that came back from a hiking trip that says he seen big foot? Fuck no. We wouldn't cut science because of these two individuals and we wouldn't give up our rationality. We only accept the holy bible for the same reason as 100 bucks may get the mob after you, but 1 trillion bucks gets you bailed out by the government.

This is so arrogant, it's beyond sad (making it funny).

A speck like you in a universe we can't comprehend and you say if you can't see, touch, taste, smell or feel it, it does not exist.

Wonder what a dick you would have been about Columbus sailing away from the dock ?
Some guy on the History Channel was touting the Moon was hallow and an alien base was inside last night. Sort of going with that idiot.
1. Belief in a god (s). Well, to me it seems pretty far fetched that some all powerful being exists and controls everything. Not saying one way or another whether such an entity exists. I guess it's not completely out of the realm of possibility (sometimes I think so though). I think "god" is just nature.
2. Belief in aliens. Hmm. Can't say I know this either. I think it's much more likely than the existence of a sky daddy though! Don't forget, an alien does not have to be like us. It could be something like bacteria.
3. Big foot. Well, considering this is a creature that is supposed to live here on earth, yet we have absolutely no corroborating evidence aside from some stories, I am highly doubtful of this one.
4. Crazy.
5. Crazy. If anything, I would think Iran would be behind it, considering they've wanted to get their hands on Iraq's oil fields for a long time.
The reason it is so fucking insane is because we as a society are so accepting of it, even through it is more insane then the other 4 choices. We give up logic, rationality and hate on science because of it, why? Because we're all brainwashed to believe some 2,000 year old book! Would we do the same to someone screaming about space aliens visiting his room at night or someone that came back from a hiking trip that says he seen big foot? Fuck no. We wouldn't cut science because of these two individuals and we wouldn't give up our rationality. We only accept the holy bible for the same reason as 100 bucks may get the mob after you, but 1 trillion bucks gets you bailed out by the government.

Don't think people 'cut science' for people's other beliefs, either. People are allowed to believe whatever they like, and the fact that you're not okay with other people accepting it only goes to show how intolerant Democrats are of opinions and beliefs that conflict with their own.

I take it you are a conservative ;-)? Surely you aren't a fan of Trump? I'm not a fan of Hillary, but Bernie, he was something else in my view. Now that he lost, if I were American, I think I'd be voting for Jill Stein (Green Party).

I am a Conservative, yes. I dislike both Hillary and Trump. I just dislike Hillary even more than I dislike Trump. On the other hand, if Bernie Sanders became President, I'd ask my parents to drop me off in another country. I don't like the idea of the US becoming the Soviet States of America.

I sincerely believe you are unfairly maligning Bernie. Democratic Socialism is nothing like Communism. The Huffington Post did an article about this a few months back...
History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no 'Communist,' and 'Democratic Socialists' are as American as Apple Pie.

On another note, do you like manga/anime? Your icon suggests you may...
I sincerely believe you are unfairly maligning Bernie. Democratic Socialism is nothing like Communism. The Huffington Post did an article about this a few months back...
History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no 'Communist,' and 'Democratic Socialists' are as American as Apple Pie.

On another note, do you like manga/anime? Your icon suggests you may...

Your article is a blog aka opinion piece. The author starts out by defining a communist as someone you murders and imprisons people, so they got it wrong from the beginning. Not to say some communists have done that, but it is not a working definition.
The reason it is so fucking insane is because we as a society are so accepting of it, even through it is more insane then the other 4 choices. We give up logic, rationality and hate on science because of it, why? Because we're all brainwashed to believe some 2,000 year old book! Would we do the same to someone screaming about space aliens visiting his room at night or someone that came back from a hiking trip that says he seen big foot? Fuck no. We wouldn't cut science because of these two individuals and we wouldn't give up our rationality. We only accept the holy bible for the same reason as 100 bucks may get the mob after you, but 1 trillion bucks gets you bailed out by the government.

Don't think people 'cut science' for people's other beliefs, either. People are allowed to believe whatever they like, and the fact that you're not okay with other people accepting it only goes to show how intolerant Democrats are of opinions and beliefs that conflict with their own.

I take it you are a conservative ;-)? Surely you aren't a fan of Trump? I'm not a fan of Hillary, but Bernie, he was something else in my view. Now that he lost, if I were American, I think I'd be voting for Jill Stein (Green Party).

I am a Conservative, yes. I dislike both Hillary and Trump. I just dislike Hillary even more than I dislike Trump. On the other hand, if Bernie Sanders became President, I'd ask my parents to drop me off in another country. I don't like the idea of the US becoming the Soviet States of America.

I sincerely believe you are unfairly maligning Bernie. Democratic Socialism is nothing like Communism. The Huffington Post did an article about this a few months back...
History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no 'Communist,' and 'Democratic Socialists' are as American as Apple Pie.

On another note, do you like manga/anime? Your icon suggests you may...
It doesn't matter what brand is Socialism is being sold, because the core components are the problem. Government control of Private Industry doesn't work, the choice of the people influencing such a powerful government is an illusion. A socialist nation is unbelievably fragile, just ask all of the Socialist Nations that have failed.

Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

Russia struggled for many years on generous loans from other countries, America included, before finally realizing government control of industry has not, can not, and will not ever work. People also keep citing the Socialist Nations that have yet to fail, without realizing they're slowly failing or shifting towards America's capitalism.

Furthermore, the blog post incorrectly defines Communism, so that discredits itself on the spot. It also clearly has no idea what Socialism even is.

Yes, while this character is not from manga or anime, I am into both. Mary is actually from the RPG Maker Adventure Horror game Ib.
The reason it is so fucking insane is because we as a society are so accepting of it, even through it is more insane then the other 4 choices. We give up logic, rationality and hate on science because of it, why? Because we're all brainwashed to believe some 2,000 year old book! Would we do the same to someone screaming about space aliens visiting his room at night or someone that came back from a hiking trip that says he seen big foot? Fuck no. We wouldn't cut science because of these two individuals and we wouldn't give up our rationality. We only accept the holy bible for the same reason as 100 bucks may get the mob after you, but 1 trillion bucks gets you bailed out by the government.

Don't think people 'cut science' for people's other beliefs, either. People are allowed to believe whatever they like, and the fact that you're not okay with other people accepting it only goes to show how intolerant Democrats are of opinions and beliefs that conflict with their own.

I take it you are a conservative ;-)? Surely you aren't a fan of Trump? I'm not a fan of Hillary, but Bernie, he was something else in my view. Now that he lost, if I were American, I think I'd be voting for Jill Stein (Green Party).

Why? No socialist country has ever survived for more than 90 years. All of the Scandinavian country's, save those with oil, are in dire straits.

The United States could have been considered a social democratic country, back when Franklin D. Roosevelt made the "New Deal" reforms. I would argue that the erosion of those reforms is the reason the U.S. is in such dire straits today. Take heart though, it's not just the U.S. that is in these dire straits. Environmentally rapacious trickle down economics is something that is being practiced far and wide and the results are coming in...

The Soviet Union collapsed under it's own weight. That is the very nature of socialist countries.

The soviet union was a communist oligarchy, not a democratic socialist country. The Huffington Post explains the difference in the following article:
History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no 'Communist,' and 'Democratic Socialists' are as American as Apple Pie.

Eventually you run out of other peoples money and then you're screwed.

People are so focused on 'money' and who currently possesses it. What people -should- be focusing on is, who is doing the actual -work- of running the country. Certainly not the rapacious bankers and the other corporate cronies. No, their focus is to leach off of all the -real- workers, like a tapeworm. The general population in essence creates most money from their signatures when they sign loan papers at the bank. The bank is the only entity allowed to literally create money out of these loans. The banks give them newly created money in the form of "credit", which only bankers are allowed to engage in with their vile fractional reserve banking. Anyone else trying to create money in this way or any other way would be charged for fraud. But the "Federal" Reserve (which is controlled by the banks) can -use- this newly created money to buy up bonds, which then turns into actual cash after its maturity date. The following 4 minute video explains it:

The banks, being the source of most new money, naturally can greatly influence large corporations which rely on those loans, which over time has become as rapacious as they are. The following 45 minute documentary on the subject of money creation is more in depth then the previous one:
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At least I use science and logic to support my beliefs. ;)
Using the term 'science' loosely, of course. Believing everything the Establishment's servants tell you isn't so much science as it is just being gullible and claiming it's science.

When wrong-wingers speak of “science”, they do not mean, by that word, the same thing that rational people understand it to mean.

Wrong-wing “science” is an ideology—almost a religion—far less rational than any genuine religion. I guess it's what they use to fill the hole left in their soul by rejecting God,.
At least I use science and logic to support my beliefs. ;)
Using the term 'science' loosely, of course. Believing everything the Establishment's servants tell you isn't so much science as it is just being gullible and claiming it's science.

When wrong-wingers speak of “science”, they do not mean, by that word, the same thing that rational people understand it to mean.

Wrong-wing “science” is an ideology—almost a religion—far less rational than any genuine religion. I guess it's what they use to fill the hole left in their soul by rejecting God,.

Good grief! It is not a religion. IT is just science. Lol. Sorry, but religious folks are pretty whacked out. :D
The United States could have been considered a social democratic country, back when Franklin D. Roosevelt made the "New Deal" reforms. I would argue that the erosion of those reforms is the reason the U.S. is in such dire straits today.

It was those reforms that set America up for the decline that it has been in ever since; that have established precedents by which our government has strayed ever farther from the model defined for it in the Constitution, and ever deeper into corruption and tyranny. FDR may have meant well, but he, alone, has done more to damage this nation than any other President.
Wrong-wing “science” is an ideology—almost a religion—far less rational than any genuine religion. I guess it's what they use to fill the hole left in their soul by rejecting God,.

Good grief! It is not a religion. IT is just science. Lol. Sorry, but religious folks are pretty whacked out. :D

It most certainly is not science, in any genuine sense. It may not be a religion, but it is much more like a religion than it is like genuine science. And if anyone is “pretty whacked out”, it is those who have chosen to reject and rebel against God, and to substitute this false science/religion for genuine religion.

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