Diamond Member
Clearly the answer is a multi-hub Light Rail corridor, more carbon neutral housing, and universal Pre-K education..
Too flippant? Yeah.. Here's a better answer..
We can't and shouldn't "fix it".. The time for us to make a POSITIVE difference has long past us by. And everyone of the major International bodies, Western and Arab govts -- including the U.N. and the G20 FAILED MISERABLY to prevent the worst humanitarian crisis of our age.
Aleppo is no longer a city. It's a rubble pile and a killing zone. You cannot address Aleppo unless you define a useful role in supporting restoration of govt control in Syria. And a plan to help that govt --- fight terrorists and extremists.
We should kiss Assad ass and apologize for stoking the fires. And then ASK HIM and Putin -- what they need to destroy ISIS (and the other 39 radical Islamist militias) and restore a govt. And we should aid the neighboring states in creating Safe Zones until that happens. End of the Aleppo story..