What would happen to someone


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What would happen to someone in congress that came out discussing the realities of the black community.
-49% of all murders are 93% black on black
-High crime rate on other blacks
-Most black families are one parent

You'd think this would be welcome but I think all hell would break loose.
What would happen to someone in congress that came out discussing the realities of the black community.
-49% of all murders are 93% black on black
-High crime rate on other blacks
-Most black families are one parent

You'd think this would be welcome but I think all hell would break loose.
Easy Answer!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDyP9zxgCXU]South Park- KISS IT - YouTube[/ame]
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and people would bitch and whine for awhile and everything would return to normal. Somethings just need to be kept on the down low.
So I guess they're the ones that need to pull themselves out of their own mess.

We have to put up with it until they do.

They're breeding quite fast. Likewise we're paying for them. I figure in about 40-70 years all traces of Western Civilization will be, for the most part gone, and we will be run like the Congo. See Detroit for justification of the above comments. The solution? Free Abortions for all who can't afford the child they were impregnated with after a night of hard drinking and clubbing on the taxpayer dime.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOSNI7l0bQ]Detroit City Council hearing adjourned amid shouting match - YouTube[/ame]
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Matthew, if you're going to continue spewing your racist hate - at least add some CONTEXT.

In the wake of George Zimmerman's acquittal, some are putting the blame on violence in Black communities.

I’ve written here, and elsewhere, that “black-on-black crime” as a specific phenomena isn’t a thing. Yes, the vast majority of crimes against African Americans are committed by other African Americans, and yes, black men face a higher murder rate than any other group in the country. But those facts are easily explained by residential segregation and proximity—people commit crimes against those closest to them—and the particular circumstances of many black communities, which are marred by concentrated poverty and nonexistent economic opportunities.

“But what’s the big deal?”, you might ask. “Why can’t we use ‘black-on-black crime’ as a shorthand for these particular problems?” The answer isn’t difficult. Violent crime in hyper-segregated neighborhoods doesn’t happen because the residents are black. Their race isn’t incidental—the whole reason these neighborhoods exist is racial policymaking by white lawmakers—but there is nothing about blackness that makes violence more likely. Focusing on the “black” part of the equation takes this violence out of the realm of policy, and into the world of cultural ills. “Black-on-black crime” describes apathology—a social abnormality—that can’t be fixed by political action. “Those people are just that way,” and as such, we should leave them to their devices, and defend ourselves if necessary.

More: Why the Phrase "Black-on-Black Crime" Suggests Inherent Criminality
Matthew, if you're going to continue spewing your racist hate - at least add some CONTEXT.

In the wake of George Zimmerman's acquittal, some are putting the blame on violence in Black communities.

I’ve written here, and elsewhere, that “black-on-black crime” as a specific phenomena isn’t a thing. Yes, the vast majority of crimes against African Americans are committed by other African Americans, and yes, black men face a higher murder rate than any other group in the country. But those facts are easily explained by residential segregation and proximity—people commit crimes against those closest to them—and the particular circumstances of many black communities, which are marred by concentrated poverty and nonexistent economic opportunities.

“But what’s the big deal?”, you might ask. “Why can’t we use ‘black-on-black crime’ as a shorthand for these particular problems?” The answer isn’t difficult. Violent crime in hyper-segregated neighborhoods doesn’t happen because the residents are black. Their race isn’t incidental—the whole reason these neighborhoods exist is racial policymaking by white lawmakers—but there is nothing about blackness that makes violence more likely. Focusing on the “black” part of the equation takes this violence out of the realm of policy, and into the world of cultural ills. “Black-on-black crime” describes apathology—a social abnormality—that can’t be fixed by political action. “Those people are just that way,” and as such, we should leave them to their devices, and defend ourselves if necessary.

More: Why the Phrase "Black-on-Black Crime" Suggests Inherent Criminality

No, there is nothing about blackness that makes crime more likely. There is a lot about "black culture" that makes crime more likely. Every culture has their quirks. Some are more violent than others. A few, are extremely more violent than others. Blacks blame their plight on whites. Calling it black on black crime shows that they have no one to blame but themselves without specifically telling them that. Any other way may provoke and aggressive reaction in the culturally black alpha male that can only lead to you getting hurt, losing your job, or being profiled a racist.

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What would happen to someone in congress that came out discussing the realities of the black community.
-49% of all murders are 93% black on black
-High crime rate on other blacks
-Most black families are one parent

You'd think this would be welcome but I think all hell would break loose.

Depends on which congress critter was discussing it,

If said creature had a "D" behind it's name:
  1. all the hyper-partisan Republicans would jump up and down and scream "race baiting!"
  2. all the hyper-partisan Democrats would fall all over themselves licking it's boots
  3. pointless partisan arguments would ensue between 1 & 2
If said creature had an "R" behind it's name:
  1. all the hyper-partisan Democrats would jump up and down and scream "racism!"
  2. all the hyper-partisan Republicans would fall all over themselves licking it's boot
  3. pointless partisan arguments would ensue between 1 & 2

In either case everybody else would just ignore them or interpret what was said based on their own internal evaluation of its merits.
Hey Matthew, you ever notice how your threads are filled up with racist drivel?
Written by bigots? You ever notice that?

Probably not. Why you OBSESSED with black people Matt? Weird dude. Give it up. You ain't better than anybody and sure as fuk have no idea about how to resolve their problems.
What would happen to someone in congress that came out discussing the realities of the black community.
-49% of all murders are 93% black on black
-High crime rate on other blacks
-Most black families are one parent

You'd think this would be welcome but I think all hell would break loose.

They'd probably be accused of misusing statistics to advance their racists beliefs like you are.
What would happen to someone in congress that came out discussing the realities of the black community.
-49% of all murders are 93% black on black
-High crime rate on other blacks
-Most black families are one parent

You'd think this would be welcome but I think all hell would break loose.

What would happen if someone pointed out that:

-95% of all racists use statistics to support their racist beliefs

What would happen to someone in congress that came out discussing the realities of the black community.
-49% of all murders are 93% black on black
-High crime rate on other blacks
-Most black families are one parent

You'd think this would be welcome but I think all hell would break loose.

What would happen if someone pointed out that:

-95% of all racists use statistics to support their racist beliefs


Got to hate those racist statistics. Want more proof that numbers are racist? Look at the inner city of Chicago's student math test scores. You know you may be on to something? Perhaps if we did away with math we could have a more just society.
What would happen to someone in congress that came out discussing the realities of the black community.
-49% of all murders are 93% black on black
-High crime rate on other blacks
-Most black families are one parent

You'd think this would be welcome but I think all hell would break loose.

What would happen if someone pointed out that:

-95% of all racists use statistics to support their racist beliefs


Got to hate those racist statistics. Want more proof that numbers are racist? Look at the inner city of Chicago's student math test scores. You know you may be on to something? Perhaps if we did away with math we could have a more just society.

Why do you keep regurgitating statistics? You don't need to justify your racism.
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

Sounds like it's time for you to do some introspection there, Zeke. I don't think anyone here has claimed that all white people are nice.
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

Nothing moves slower than a white male cashier at a grocery store.

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