What Would Be So Awful About Overturning Roe v. Wade & Saving Unborn Children's Lives?

Picaro: what are you resisting? A serious conversation among adults?.

Do you know any? Doesn't appear you do know any adults. Why do you think women are too incapable of self-control?

You are full of shit by thinking that human sexuality may be reduced to "self control." "Self contol" among husbands and wives??? Boyfriends and girlfriends?

Please be aware that heterosexual humans engage in intercourse for reasons unrelated to procreation.

Please be aware that female people have eggs inside them and that male people have sperm inside of them that may penetrate the female egg and cause a pregnancy.

Lol you're just an idiot with no rebuttal. we already knew that. Are you the local gang bang Queen or something, just can' say no, ever??? Sex is just uncontrollable and requires just one type of sexual act? Please be aware nobody takes your stupid claim seriously.

You are one sick individual, probably unfamiliar with human life.
Some people seem to be pretending that putting a woman's choice about her reproduction above the state's right to decide for her is "leftist".

Some people avidly avoid admitting throwing her legs open and getting knocked up is the reproductive choice, and refuse to acknowledge that abortion is just murdering the kid after the choice, not 'reproductive choice'.
Since having sex is also a recreation you sound like an idiot.

Since there is more than one way to express sexual interaction, you sound like an idiot faggot who doesn't know how women get pregnant.
I know you are stupid but I thought you would at least know the definition of the word "also"
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.
What exactly would be so awful or terrible about overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing the states to resume control over the issue, and saving thousands or tens of thousands of unborn babies' lives?

Roe v. Wade was based on junk science, junk law, and on the myth of an epidemic of "back alley abortions." Legalized elective abortion is far more of a stain on our nation's history than slavery was. The number of babies killed by abortion dwarfs the number of slaves who were killed by abusive slaveholders.

If Roe v. Wade were overturned, state governments would retake control of the issue. Some states would legalize all abortion except partial-birth abortion (which is illegal under federal law). Other states would place significant restrictions on abortion. And some states would ban most or all abortions. Undoubtedly, thousands or tens of thousands of babies would be saved from abortion.

If women were really determined to kill their babies for their own convenience (i.e., elective abortion), they could always go to a state where elective abortion were legal.

Debunking the myth of ‘back-alley’ abortions

U.S. Abortion Statistics

Chilean Study Proves that Outlawing Abortion Does Not Lead to "Coat-hanger Deaths"


Science Has Advanced Since Roe v. Wade But Abortion Laws Haven’t

It's a scientific fact: Human life begins at conception

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

When Does Life Begin | Just The Facts

And what happens to these unwaned children? Republicans don't want to take care of the poor now? They keep wanting to cut food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare now.

We know the rich & upper middle class will still get abortions. These unwanted babies will be born the poorer people. Are you wuiklling to comnmiut to increase funding that will help take care of these kids?

If men could get pregnant, Walmart would offer abortions at $59.95.

We are noit talking bsbies, we are talking fetuses. Learn the difference.

1. It's not our responsibility to take care of children once they are born it is the parents .

2. Conservatives give way more to charity then liberals...fact and don't confuse charity with taxes , only a child poster does that

3. Once again you prove yourself anti biology a fetus is a baby, it will never be born a lollipop or a dandilion ..

4. Bullshit on that men could get pregnant thing.. news flash some men have faith in God , read the scripture's , have morals and common decency.


1) You are forcing poor women to have babies & now you admit you want to condemn them to a childhood of poor living conditions & hunger. Higher costs thsat you will constantly whine about.

2) Tossing a quarter in the Red Kettle is not enough.

noun: baby; plural noun: babies
  1. 1.
    a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
    "his wife's just had a baby"
    synonyms: infant, newborn, child, tot, little one; More
noun: fetus; plural noun: fetuses; noun: foetus; plural noun: foetuses
  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
4) Men make the abortion laws. You know I am right. Since men contribute to these pregnancies, how about we implant a balloon in their guy & fill it with water in the same way a fetus grows.

Lying inane rubbish. Where are the Evul White Hordes forcing poor women to get knocked up? Why doesn''t the network news have any footage of these mobs racing around impregnating poor women?

Republicans want fewer abortions as they try to legislate making contraception more difficult to get. This is how FUCKING stupid you people are.

You believe that life begins at conception. God reaches down & places a soul as soon as that sperm reaches its goal.

These eggs travel down the tubes & something like 40% or more fail to attach to the wmob wall and are aborted. So God has to take back that soul.

Now, I suspect that God is not some dumbass & would certainly wait to implant that soul. Wouldn't you?

I can understand that if you believe life begins at conception, that you would be against abortion.

But that is only your belief. Some thin it happens when the newborn takes its breath of life. Some say when they are viable outside the womb. Some say when their brain takes over.

So really.
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.
He got those puritan ethics where sex is a duty not an experience.
I really don't understand where this comes from. Why be anti-sexual? We all love, kiss, stroke, caress, have intercourse. This is basic to our human nature. Picaro's ideology is so sick. It is anti-human at the deepest level. He cannot except the human reality.

He reminds me of someone who does not understand that a female human who has given birth to a baby produces milk through her breasts to give her infant nourishment. to sustain its life, as if this fact is somehow deserving of being hidden from peoples' eyes.
Picaro: what are you resisting? A serious conversation among adults?.

Do you know any? Doesn't appear you do know any adults. Why do you think women are too incapable of self-control?

You are full of shit by thinking that human sexuality may be reduced to "self control." "Self contol" among husbands and wives??? Boyfriends and girlfriends?

Please be aware that heterosexual humans engage in intercourse for reasons unrelated to procreation.

Please be aware that female people have eggs inside them and that male people have sperm inside of them that may penetrate the female egg and cause a pregnancy.

Lol you're just an idiot with no rebuttal. we already knew that. Are you the local gang bang Queen or something, just can' say no, ever??? Sex is just uncontrollable and requires just one type of sexual act? Please be aware nobody takes your stupid claim seriously.

You are one sick individual, probably unfamiliar with human life.

You're just a sicko tard parroting rubbish you can never back up.
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.

lol obviously you've never had a relationship, so your attempt to pretend you know 'what goes on between the sheets' is pretty funny and inept. As for 'religion', you actually think Wicca is a religion, so please, spare us yet more ignorant commentaries, at least until you get through 4th grade.
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What exactly would be so awful or terrible about overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing the states to resume control over the issue, and saving thousands or tens of thousands of unborn babies' lives?

Roe v. Wade was based on junk science, junk law, and on the myth of an epidemic of "back alley abortions." Legalized elective abortion is far more of a stain on our nation's history than slavery was. The number of babies killed by abortion dwarfs the number of slaves who were killed by abusive slaveholders.

If Roe v. Wade were overturned, state governments would retake control of the issue. Some states would legalize all abortion except partial-birth abortion (which is illegal under federal law). Other states would place significant restrictions on abortion. And some states would ban most or all abortions. Undoubtedly, thousands or tens of thousands of babies would be saved from abortion.

If women were really determined to kill their babies for their own convenience (i.e., elective abortion), they could always go to a state where elective abortion were legal.

Debunking the myth of ‘back-alley’ abortions

U.S. Abortion Statistics

Chilean Study Proves that Outlawing Abortion Does Not Lead to "Coat-hanger Deaths"


Science Has Advanced Since Roe v. Wade But Abortion Laws Haven’t

It's a scientific fact: Human life begins at conception

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

When Does Life Begin | Just The Facts

And what happens to these unwaned children? Republicans don't want to take care of the poor now? They keep wanting to cut food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare now.

We know the rich & upper middle class will still get abortions. These unwanted babies will be born the poorer people. Are you wuiklling to comnmiut to increase funding that will help take care of these kids?

If men could get pregnant, Walmart would offer abortions at $59.95.

We are noit talking bsbies, we are talking fetuses. Learn the difference.

1. It's not our responsibility to take care of children once they are born it is the parents .

2. Conservatives give way more to charity then liberals...fact and don't confuse charity with taxes , only a child poster does that

3. Once again you prove yourself anti biology a fetus is a baby, it will never be born a lollipop or a dandilion ..

4. Bullshit on that men could get pregnant thing.. news flash some men have faith in God , read the scripture's , have morals and common decency.


1) You are forcing poor women to have babies & now you admit you want to condemn them to a childhood of poor living conditions & hunger. Higher costs thsat you will constantly whine about.

2) Tossing a quarter in the Red Kettle is not enough.

noun: baby; plural noun: babies
  1. 1.
    a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
    "his wife's just had a baby"
    synonyms: infant, newborn, child, tot, little one; More
noun: fetus; plural noun: fetuses; noun: foetus; plural noun: foetuses
  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
4) Men make the abortion laws. You know I am right. Since men contribute to these pregnancies, how about we implant a balloon in their guy & fill it with water in the same way a fetus grows.

Lying inane rubbish. Where are the Evul White Hordes forcing poor women to get knocked up? Why doesn''t the network news have any footage of these mobs racing around impregnating poor women?

Republicans want fewer abortions as they try to legislate making contraception more difficult to get. This is how FUCKING stupid you people are.

You believe that life begins at conception. God reaches down & places a soul as soon as that sperm reaches its goal.

These eggs travel down the tubes & something like 40% or more fail to attach to the wmob wall and are aborted. So God has to take back that soul.

Now, I suspect that God is not some dumbass & would certainly wait to implant that soul. Wouldn't you?

I can understand that if you believe life begins at conception, that you would be against abortion.

But that is only your belief. Some thin it happens when the newborn takes its breath of life. Some say when they are viable outside the womb. Some say when their brain takes over.

So really.

Well, of course it begins at conception. Your lack of knowledge of basic biology is duly noted, and your desperation at avoiding the fact that you are really only interested in making stupid excuses for mindless self-indulgence and lack of self-control necessary for basic human relations. you sociopaths are just pathologically incapable of ever understanding normal behaviors and imperatives, that's all. It's probably related to exposure to particularly sick porn at an early age re your bizarre fantasies about sex and how 'uncontrollable' you believe people are.
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.
He got those puritan ethics where sex is a duty not an experience.
I really don't understand where this comes from. Why be anti-sexual? We all love, kiss, stroke, caress, have intercourse. This is basic to our human nature. Picaro's ideology is so sick. It is anti-human at the deepest level. He cannot except the human reality.

He reminds me of someone who does not understand that a female human who has given birth to a baby produces milk through her breasts to give her infant nourishment. to sustain its life, as if this fact is somehow deserving of being hidden from peoples' eyes.

Yes, we know you don't know where babies come from; your parents or your school health classes haven't covered it yet or told you. you probably get your beliefs from watching a lot of hard core porn, and truly think it's all 'uncontrollable', and the only sex there is involves getting knocked up. It's obvious you're inexperienced and no doubt easily taken advantage of by the older boys and lesbians, and they make you feel 'popular'.
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.

lol obviously you've never has a relationship, so your attempt to pretend you know 'what goes on between the sheets' is pretty funny and inept. As for 'religion', you actually think Wicca is a religion, so please, spare us yet more ignorant commentaries, at least until you get through 4th grade.

Yes, I have had a relationship and you are disgusting to comment upon it. Wicca is a religion, whether you think so or not. Do you think that southern baptist is a religion? Assembly of God is a religion?
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.

lol obviously you've never has a relationship, so your attempt to pretend you know 'what goes on between the sheets' is pretty funny and inept. As for 'religion', you actually think Wicca is a religion, so please, spare us yet more ignorant commentaries, at least until you get through 4th grade.

Yes, I have had a relationship and you are disgusting to comment upon it. Wicca is a religion, whether you think so or not. Do you think that southern baptist is a religion? Assembly of God is a religion?

Really? With a human, or an animal of some kind, like a dog or something? And no, Wicca isn't a religion; you don't know anything about religion, either.
Some people seem to be pretending that putting a woman's choice about her reproduction above the state's right to decide for her is "leftist".

Some people avidly avoid admitting throwing her legs open and getting knocked up is the reproductive choice, and refuse to acknowledge that abortion is just murdering the kid after the choice, not 'reproductive choice'.
Since having sex is also a recreation you sound like an idiot.

Since there is more than one way to express sexual interaction, you sound like an idiot faggot who doesn't know how women get pregnant.
I know you are stupid but I thought you would at least know the definition of the word "also"

Get back to us if you ever manage to have a heterosexual relationship, kid; not likely, we know, but slightly possible.
Off the top of my head I would think women would have a problem with people telling them what to do with their own bodies.
Then they should vote Republican and let the politicians know that.

I remember me warning people the Republicans would do away with abortion and sooo many Republican and people who don't vote said, "oh they won't do that".

Oh yes they will because their base demands it. If they don't try to ban abortion those people won't show up and vote. So even a guy like Trump who probably understands abortion is necessary, would ban it if it would get him re elected.
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.

lol obviously you've never has a relationship, so your attempt to pretend you know 'what goes on between the sheets' is pretty funny and inept. As for 'religion', you actually think Wicca is a religion, so please, spare us yet more ignorant commentaries, at least until you get through 4th grade.

Yes, I have had a relationship and you are disgusting to comment upon it. Wicca is a religion, whether you think so or not. Do you think that southern baptist is a religion? Assembly of God is a religion?

You are a pretty sick individual. Yes. Wicca is a religion. Southern baptist is a religion, as is the Assembly of God.
Some people seem to be pretending that putting a woman's choice about her reproduction above the state's right to decide for her is "leftist".

Some people avidly avoid admitting throwing her legs open and getting knocked up is the reproductive choice, and refuse to acknowledge that abortion is just murdering the kid after the choice, not 'reproductive choice'.

Some people think it's none of your fucking business. I know a girl right now who almost got pregnant with a guy she met on tinder. Of course she fucked up. Of course she's a little hoe. So, are you suggesting every hoe must raise a child? You want that hoe to raise a child?

Don't give me that shit about putting it up for adoption. These women are going to keep it. She would keep it and make the guy who knocked her up suffer for 18 years. All because they wanted to fuck.

Or she could just go get an abortion and make everyone's life easier. The state, tax payers, the baby daddy and her. The only one who would not benefit is the pre human seed. Not a big deal.
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.

lol obviously you've never has a relationship, so your attempt to pretend you know 'what goes on between the sheets' is pretty funny and inept. As for 'religion', you actually think Wicca is a religion, so please, spare us yet more ignorant commentaries, at least until you get through 4th grade.

Yes, I have had a relationship and you are disgusting to comment upon it. Wicca is a religion, whether you think so or not. Do you think that southern baptist is a religion? Assembly of God is a religion?

Really? With a human, or an animal of some kind, like a dog or something? And no, Wicca isn't a religion; you don't know anything about religion, either.

You are a disgusting person and you are a moron. My relationships have been in the heterosexual ballpark, not the of the kind that you seem to have had. Yes. Wicca is a religion, the same as southern baptist religion or assembly of god religion.
Some people seem to be pretending that putting a woman's choice about her reproduction above the state's right to decide for her is "leftist".

Some people avidly avoid admitting throwing her legs open and getting knocked up is the reproductive choice, and refuse to acknowledge that abortion is just murdering the kid after the choice, not 'reproductive choice'.

Some people think it's none of your fucking business. I know a girl right now who almost got pregnant with a guy she met on tinder. Of course she fucked up. Of course she's a little hoe. So, are you suggesting every hoe must raise a child? You want that hoe to raise a child?

Don't give me that shit about putting it up for adoption. These women are going to keep it. She would keep it and make the guy who knocked her up suffer for 18 years. All because they wanted to fuck.

Or she could just go get an abortion and make everyone's life easier. The state, tax payers, the baby daddy and her. The only one who would not benefit is the pre human seed. Not a big deal.

Some people don't give a fuck what you faggots think; you're mentally ill disease spreading pedo-fans, and the pendulum of you scum being indulged in your sicko agendas is swinging back the other way now, so crawl back down into your sewers, daylight is coming and it kills germs like yourself.
Picaro is unfamiliar with the idea that people like, even love each other. I think it's part of whatever religion he adheres to.The rest of us understand what happens after midnight between the sheets. We understand, and we don't snoop.

lol obviously you've never has a relationship, so your attempt to pretend you know 'what goes on between the sheets' is pretty funny and inept. As for 'religion', you actually think Wicca is a religion, so please, spare us yet more ignorant commentaries, at least until you get through 4th grade.

Yes, I have had a relationship and you are disgusting to comment upon it. Wicca is a religion, whether you think so or not. Do you think that southern baptist is a religion? Assembly of God is a religion?

Really? With a human, or an animal of some kind, like a dog or something? And no, Wicca isn't a religion; you don't know anything about religion, either.

You are a disgusting person and you are a moron. My relationships have been in the heterosexual ballpark, not the of the kind that you seem to have had. Yes. Wicca is a religion, the same as southern baptist religion or assembly of god religion.

you pagans are proud of your bestiality, and Democrats love you, so why be embarrassed about what you self-identify as? Asslips isn't, he's very proud of his racist degenerate tendencies. you can be. too.

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