What Would Be So Awful About Overturning Roe v. Wade & Saving Unborn Children's Lives?

What exactly would be so awful or terrible about overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing the states to resume control over the issue, and saving thousands or tens of thousands of unborn babies' lives?

Roe v. Wade was based on junk science, junk law, and on the myth of an epidemic of "back alley abortions." Legalized elective abortion is far more of a stain on our nation's history than slavery was. The number of babies killed by abortion dwarfs the number of slaves who were killed by abusive slaveholders.

If Roe v. Wade were overturned, state governments would retake control of the issue. Some states would legalize all abortion except partial-birth abortion (which is illegal under federal law). Other states would place significant restrictions on abortion. And some states would ban most or all abortions. Undoubtedly, thousands or tens of thousands of babies would be saved from abortion.

If women were really determined to kill their babies for their own convenience (i.e., elective abortion), they could always go to a state where elective abortion were legal.

Debunking the myth of ‘back-alley’ abortions

U.S. Abortion Statistics

Chilean Study Proves that Outlawing Abortion Does Not Lead to "Coat-hanger Deaths"


Science Has Advanced Since Roe v. Wade But Abortion Laws Haven’t

It's a scientific fact: Human life begins at conception

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

When Does Life Begin | Just The Facts
Should pregnant women count twice in the census?
An absolutely idiotic response from an absolute idiot. Why did you even bother to post it?

What gives you the right to decide how many children a woman should have? Or whether now is the right time to even have a child?

No woman’s life has ever been improved by forcing her to have a child she can neither afford, or otherwise cannot care for.

Unwanted children end up in jail. Unwanted children end up as failures in life. A child is entitled to more than an existence. A child is entitled to a family that can care for them and who cherishes him or her. All children should have that. Otherwise they do not thrive.
Who the ruck do you think you are? June Cleaver? I have decided the life you’re living is just going to be too big of a struggle for you to continue. It’s best if we just end your potential suffering. Nobody is going to love you enough, you won’t have as much money as I do, I say we just end it.

Isn’t that your argument?
Want less abortion... How about help with the burden of childcare:

  • Compulsory maternity leave for both parents (Sweden is 13 months with a min of 3 months by both parents)
  • Optional as a right Paternity leave (work four day week for 80% pay)
  • Subsidised Childcare
  • Better Schools
  • Free College
Why the fuck would we pay for two parents to watch one baby? And if you have a kid, why do you expect me to pay for its childcare, schooling, food, medical, housing and then donate clothes and school supplies along with everything. If you have kids, IT is your responsibility to take care of and raise not mine and I certainly shouldn't be forced to pay you for breeding. The world is overpopulated and the stupid are breeding way to much already.

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