What were YOU like as a teenager??

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

Well, for me............I had an old Ford Torino, so I had wheels. I was a mall rat for sure. Loved being at the malls. Spent time a 6 Flags Over Texas when I could afford it. Went to see movies. Bummed around with a few friends here and there. Really liked artsy stuff. I was big into ceramics and making things from junk I found laying around where ever I was.

If I wasn't in my car, I was on my bicycle. I was rarely in the house in my free time. Hated being inside actually. Love just roaming around, seeing things, going places around the metro area. After High School, I got into going to downtown Dallas at night and roaming around.
There were still some places open 24/7 in downtown. There was a water display that shot out of the ground. Parents would bring their kids to this plaza to play in the water display. I did it myself a few times. It was nice, quiet, and safe then.

What were you like as a teenager?
Town East Mall 1970s

Hey what movie is this clip from it looks familiar. As a teen I was a depressed, scared, follower. That old saying "looking to belong" suited me to a T. I was about as impressionable a kid as one might be. Sports was a bit of a saviour for me. Thank the Lord social media didn't exist then, I wouldn't have survived.
As a teenager I was a beer drinking, cigarette and pot smoker with a very fast Plymouth. I bought a house when I turned 18 with my pot money. I had a blast, got thrown out of high school and as fate would have it ended up in the Marine Corps with a friend whose bright idea it was to go in on the buddy plan. H e never showed up. So when the recruiter showed up to pick me up on that morning in November in 1980, I went anyway and "that made all the difference." I seen him 22 years later at Lowes. He should have went in with me on the buddy plan.
I was hell on wheels. Did not see much of malls. They were to far away. Saw a lot of farm girls naked. Played a lot of baseball ⚾ Was on the high school basketball team but baseball was my true love. Chased a lot of chickens and cows. Saw a lot of corn. Lots and lots of corn fields around me. My county was so flat we had to build a big pond that we used the dirt to build a sledding hill. Worked for my dad's surveying and engineering company on the survey crew. Bailed hey. Did some hunting and some fishing. Dated a girl whose family was a blue grass band. Went to a lot of blue grass festivals with them. Was not to fond of blue grass but it was worth it to hang out with my girlfriend. Drank a lot of beer. Occasionally smoked some weed. Had a 72 Nova. I was not into cars as much as my peers. I was more fond of boats. Had a parasail. Spent a lot time parasailing and skiing on Grand Lake. Went up and walleye fished lake Erie with my grandfather when I could. Had a good time. I would do it again if given the chance.
I was an enigma to most. The most open pothead/hippie/slacker in school but I made very good grades and my teachers loved me. I was famous for sleeping in class and yet being able to correctly answer when the teacher woke me up and asked me a question. I breezed through HS high and with minimal effort and still made the honor roll. Then I went to work.
Ummmm. Lemme ask around. I don't remember much about it. Wasted. Lotsa scars. Good athlete.Loved fighting. Loved FAST. Hunted and fished a lot. Did the Appalachian trail at 16.
It'll take a while. Most of my buds are dead. That was a hell of a long time ago.
Ummmm. Lemme ask around. I don't remember much about it. Wasted. Lotsa scars. Good athlete.Loved fighting. Loved FAST. Hunted and fished a lot. Did the Appalachian trail at 16.
It'll take a while. Most of my buds are dead. That was a hell of a long time ago.
The whole Appalachian trail?
Hey what movie is this clip from it looks familiar. As a teen I was a depressed, scared, follower. That old saying "looking to belong" suited me to a T. I was about as impressionable a kid as one might be. Sports was a bit of a saviour for me. Thank the Lord social media didn't exist then, I wouldn't have survived.

Thats Humphrey Bogart and Edward G Robinson if I'm remembering correctly.
I have no idea what movie that is though.
I was every one's worst nightmare. I Was as mean as a snake bite. I was a walking collection of knives, straight razors and razor blades. I went out every night, in Oakland, looking for a fight. I was totally out of control. School was a waste of my time. I once beat a girl unconscious because I didn't like the way she said hello.

The police brought me home night after night until my hapless parents decided that I should get a husband to control me. At 15 I married, beginning the beating and torment of this unfortunate soul.

But I grew out of it.
Well, for me............I had an old Ford Torino, so I had wheels. I was a mall rat for sure. Loved being at the malls. Spent time a 6 Flags Over Texas when I could afford it. Went to see movies. Bummed around with a few friends here and there. Really liked artsy stuff. I was big into ceramics and making things from junk I found laying around where ever I was.

If I wasn't in my car, I was on my bicycle. I was rarely in the house in my free time. Hated being inside actually. Love just roaming around, seeing things, going places around the metro area. After High School, I got into going to downtown Dallas at night and roaming around.
There were still some places open 24/7 in downtown. There was a water display that shot out of the ground. Parents would bring their kids to this plaza to play in the water display. I did it myself a few times. It was nice, quiet, and safe then.

What were you like as a teenager?
Town East Mall 1970s

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I was the proverbial ugly duckling, so i usually stayed home or biked (non motor) to the bowling alley to play a few games or play pinball. But once i turned 18, it was like a whole new me, got tan, had my hair feathered, went out with a lifeguard who was number 1 academically in her class. I worked as a short order chef for a year, then Service Merchandise as a electronics salesman. Went to bars, drank lots of beer, danced, at 20 ended up in the Air Force. The rest is history.

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I was the proverbial ugly duckling, so i usually stayed home or biked (non motor) to the bowling alley to play a few games or play pinball. But once i turned 18, it was like a whole new me, got tan, had my hair feathered, went out with a lifeguard who was number 1 academically in her class. I worked as a short order chef for a year, then Service Merchandise as a electronics salesman. Went to bars, drank lots of beer, danced, at 20 ended up in the Air Force. The rest is history.

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Now THAT is what I'd call a "typical teenager".

I was more of a loner. Not many friends, but had a few. We all had our own personal hangouts, but we all did stuff once in a while.

My sister was 5 years younger than me, and she was getting pre-teen antsy.......so I'd take her to the movies sometimes or the arcades.........she LOVED Centipede. Even taught her to drive.

Other than that, I had a pretty much dull existence by anybody elses standards.

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