What we know and don't knot about Charlottesville


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
What we know:

1. White Nationalists had a right to march.

2. Counter demonstrators tried to stop them.

3. Violence ensued.

4. A car crashed into several people, killing one person and injuring others.

5. A State Trooper helicopter crashed, killing two State Troopers.

What we don't know:

1. Which side physically initiated the violence.

2. The circumstances of the car crash.

3. The circumstances of the helicopter crash.

Do you care, or is your mind already made up?
This has been coming for some time. The Left has gotten away with violence, intimidation, and disruption to the point where otherwise uninvolved citizens are standing up and saying "Enough!"

And the Lefturd media calls them radicals and any other derogatory terms they can come up with.

The left can burn vehicles and retail outlets at will. Yet, let the Right stand up for itself, and you'd think the end of the world has come upon us.

It's gonna get worse.
What we know and don't knot about Charlottesville...

The whole thing threw me for a loop. Can't wrap my head around it. Almost feel morally bound. It seems like the solution would be cinch, but it's knot..
What we know:

1. White Nationalists had a right to march.

2. Counter demonstrators tried to stop them.

3. Violence ensued.

4. A car crashed into several people, killing one person and injuring others.

5. A State Trooper helicopter crashed, killing two State Troopers.

What we don't know:

1. Which side physically initiated the violence.

2. The circumstances of the car crash.

3. The circumstances of the helicopter crash.

Do you care, or is your mind already made up?
Add near No. 2 the counter protesters also had the right of lawful assembly.
This has been coming for some time. The Left has gotten away with violence, intimidation, and disruption to the point where otherwise uninvolved citizens are standing up and saying "Enough!"

And the Lefturd media calls them radicals and any other derogatory terms they can come up with.

The left can burn vehicles and retail outlets at will. Yet, let the Right stand up for itself, and you'd think the end of the world has come upon us.

It's gonna get worse.

White Supremacists marching is not the right standing up for itself, unless you think all those on the right are racist assholes like these idiots.
What we know:

1. White Nationalists had a right to march.

2. Counter demonstrators tried to stop them.

3. Violence ensued.

4. A car crashed into several people, killing one person and injuring others.

5. A State Trooper helicopter crashed, killing two State Troopers.

What we don't know:

1. Which side physically initiated the violence.

2. The circumstances of the car crash.

3. The circumstances of the helicopter crash.

Do you care, or is your mind already made up?
How DARE you inject reason into this!

Senator Ted Cruz @SenTedCruz

I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism.

9:27 PM - Aug 12, 2017
Add near No. 2 the counter protesters also had the right of lawful assembly.

Lawful assembly is subject to time and place restrictions on public property. That is why they should have gotten a permit. And even if they did, an assembly to prevent others from exercising their Constitutional rights is inherently unlawful.
What we know:

1. White Nationalists had a right to march.

2. Counter demonstrators tried to stop them.

3. Violence ensued.

4. A car crashed into several people, killing one person and injuring others.

5. A State Trooper helicopter crashed, killing two State Troopers.

What we don't know:

1. Which side physically initiated the violence.

2. The circumstances of the car crash.

3. The circumstances of the helicopter crash.

Do you care, or is your mind already made up?
How DARE you inject reason into this!

You aren't being sarcastic. And that's as sad as it gets.
[Here come a lot more you won't see in the Lame Street Media]


Stop Lying, There was Plenty of Leftist Violence in Charlottesville @ Stop Lying, There Was Plenty of Leftist Violence in Charlottesville

The bottom line in all this is that the leftist rally was not remotely peaceful. It had, at best, sizable contingents of violent people. And the sooner the media stops repeating its lies about a peaceful rally, the better.

There was plenty of leftist violence that day. And the media, which glamorizes Antifa, bears its share of the blame for the outcome.

Reverend Franklin Graham on Charlottesville

Shame on the politicians who are trying to push blame on President Trump for what happened in Charlottesville, VA,” the outspoken evangelist wrote. “That’s absurd.”

What about the politicians such as the city council who voted to remove a memorial that had been in place since 1924, regardless of the possible repercussions?” he continued, referring to the statue of Robert E. Lee that was put forth by organizing groups as the impetus for the demonstration.

How about the city politicians who issued the permit for the lawful demonstration to defend the statue?” he added, getting specific about the blame. “And why didn’t the mayor or the governor see that a powder keg was about to explode and stop it before it got started? Instead they want to blame President Donald J. Trump for everything.”

More @ Rev. Graham Issues Brutal Response to Charlottesville... Libs Furious

White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter – Occupy Protester @ REPORT: White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter – Occupy Protester

This Video Shows Violence From Antifa In Charlottesville @ WATCH: This Video Shows Violence From Antifa In Charlottesville

MSM, Democrats, And Police Continue To Award Antifa Thugs A 'Rioters Veto' @ MSM, Democrats, And Police Continue To Award Antifa Thugs A 'Rioters Veto'

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