What Was Behind The Obama/Biden Administration's Move To Integrate The Suburbs?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is what happens when you force people to live with each other when they don't want to:

The key is to set the stage for race-riots in places where whites live.
First....take their guns so they can't defend themselves.....what could possibly go wrong????

Then create a situation that produces a crowd of angry blacks in their neighborhoods....and wait for the fun to begin.

Meanwhile the perps who caused this disaster will be living in their ivory towers surrounded by walls and protected by armed guards.
I live in a very diverse town; a virtual rainbow of highly successful people, both stinking rich and upper-middle class.

The riff-raff are priced out, no matter what social nonsense the feds may try to impose.
This type of mindset is leading to starvation in Africa
Blacks have murdered scores of white farmers and taken their land.

This has been going on in several countries in the African continent as well.
After murdering them and taking their land Zimbabwe wants the white farmers to come back and feed them.

And they have been using COVID as an excuse to free prisoners from their jails.
Many became repeat offenders.

This is why they want to take our guns.
I live in a very diverse town; a virtual rainbow of highly successful people, both stinking rich and upper-middle class.

The riff-raff are priced out, no matter what social nonsense the feds may try to impose.
Obama was using HUD to plant poor black families in rich neighborhoods.
They are willing to pay alot just to put generational welfare cases next to white families in gated communities.
The Obama administration was, I feel, very frank.

It felt that we must do everything possible to move toward neighborhoods that are diverse.

And since many people are less than enthusiastic about such a move, the Obama administration found an idea in order to encourage people to do so: Put low-cost housing in the middle of suburbia so that everyone can get to know one another. Then, it is reasoned, we will become one big happy family of people of various backgrounds.

(I have read that Mr. and Mrs. Obama have recently bought a lovely new house. I assume that nearby is low-cost housing.)
I live in a very diverse town; a virtual rainbow of highly successful people, both stinking rich and upper-middle class.

The riff-raff are priced out, no matter what social nonsense the feds may try to impose.
Obama was using HUD to plant poor black families in rich neighborhoods.
They are willing to pay alot just to put generational welfare cases next to white families in gated communities.
This social engineering bullshit is going on everywhere. In the name of diversity, they are putting low cost housing in higher income neighborhoods and have been for years. I guess they figure if you break up the slums and spread them out that is the answer. SMH. Just make all neighborhoods unsafe in the name of safety and diversity.
I live in a very diverse town; a virtual rainbow of highly successful people, both stinking rich and upper-middle class.

The riff-raff are priced out, no matter what social nonsense the feds may try to impose.
My black neighbor who is very well off, doesnt want to see the "projects" forced upon him again, he worked hard all his life, saved and invested in his future, just so he could move away from that shit...
This is what happens when you force people to live with each other when they don't want to:

The key is to set the stage for race-riots in places where whites live.
First....take their guns so they can't defend themselves.....what could possibly go wrong????

Then create a situation that produces a crowd of angry blacks in their neighborhoods....and wait for the fun to begin.

Meanwhile the perps who caused this disaster will be living in their ivory towers surrounded by walls and protected by armed guards.

This is no accident--they are trying to cause chaos and race/economic wars within the populace. It has nothing to do really with wanting blacks to live in suburbs---its more about gaining power when the chaos ensues. Hitler's nazis did the same chit with the sa and ss---then the nazis killed off Rohm (I think was his name) and all of his upper leadership in the SA. The SA was like antifa/blm now--meant to bully and street fight normal people, the SS was like the corrupt largely mormon FBI is now just very German looking, mostly catholic, bigger, more the chosen ones and certainly not gay. Eventually Hitler and the SS killed off the dumber more blindly street violent SA heads by the hundreds (it wasn't like they weren't mostly gay but hey they made useful idiots and like dems do with blacks now---really didnt like their gay SA members) eventually an SD came in to play but I haven't research them fully yet as their real purpose and what happened to them.

I do hope you dimwitted dems understand that socialists look at groups of people as groups to manipulate and control until they longer need them and then they do kill useful idiots off who are no longer useful or are a hinderance to them later on. It looks like our new masters are going to be the chinese and well they have had alot to say about miniorities especially blacks over the years.
I live in a very diverse town; a virtual rainbow of highly successful people, both stinking rich and upper-middle class.

The riff-raff are priced out, no matter what social nonsense the feds may try to impose.
Obama was using HUD to plant poor black families in rich neighborhoods.
They are willing to pay alot just to put generational welfare cases next to white families in gated communities.
This social engineering bullshit is going on everywhere. In the name of diversity, they are putting low cost housing in higher income neighborhoods and have been for years. I guess they figure if you break up the slums and spread them out that is the answer. SMH. Just make all neighborhoods unsafe in the name of safety and diversity.

That's the thing. We don't HAVE low-cost housing, save for some Section 8 apartments on the outer rim.
This is what happens when you force people to live with each other when they don't want to:

The key is to set the stage for race-riots in places where whites live.
First....take their guns so they can't defend themselves.....what could possibly go wrong????

Then create a situation that produces a crowd of angry blacks in their neighborhoods....and wait for the fun to begin.

Meanwhile the perps who caused this disaster will be living in their ivory towers surrounded by walls and protected by armed guards.

They want full conquest and control of all the $$$ that cones from it !!
Soon you will be hearing rap music at 3 am
This is what happens when you force people to live with each other when they don't want to:

The key is to set the stage for race-riots in places where whites live.
First....take their guns so they can't defend themselves.....what could possibly go wrong????

Then create a situation that produces a crowd of angry blacks in their neighborhoods....and wait for the fun to begin.

Meanwhile the perps who caused this disaster will be living in their ivory towers surrounded by walls and protected by armed guards.

They want full conquest and control of all the $$$ that cones from it !!
Soon you will be hearing rap music at 3 am



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