What 'type' of Caucasian should vote Democrat...haven't Dems completely exposed themselves as the party committed to bringing whitey down?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
If we are supposed to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
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If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)

Any white that votes for Democrats is an idiot. That is not an endorsement for Republicans. They count on it. The Democrats hate the white people. The Democrats hate our culture; they hate the foundational principles upon which this country was built; they despise the Bill of Rights... except the part that guarantees they can bitch about everything under God's green earth. The Democrats play race politics and they blame all their failures in life on the white race.

Blacks, for the most part, lend credibility to white supremacist claims of racial superiority - or a least race differences. It was the Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th Amendment under the pretext of making black people and whites "equal." In REALITY, the 14th Amendment nullified the Bill of Rights and eliminated unalienable, God given Rights in favor of privileges to be doled out by Uncle Scam. So, Republicans aren't very smart either. But, the point here is that after the Republicans went to bat for the black people, the blacks paid them back by joining the Democrats. The rich elite play the non-whites like a well tuned fiddle and the people who have been brainwashed into thinking government will give them something for free - which includes a lot of white women, have become useful idiots for the "Democratic Socialists" (a subtle way to say commie lite.) Any white who votes for Democrats votes against every principle their ancestors fought, bled and died over in their quest for Liberty.
If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican, because they get the white racist vote? Had a guy on here yesterday think trump was reallly going to be pulling the the "black" vote, even though all the polls show he hasn't lived down his comments about good people on both sides after that white supremacist ran down that young white girl who was peacefully protesting the presences of the KKK and the armed white supremacists. Whose vote are you trying to attract to the Republican party, the KKK vote? You got it dude. Relax. Unlikely your question will attract normal Democrats or Independents. Might even repel some white Republicans.
If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)

Any white that votes for Democrats is an idiot. That is not an endorsement for Republicans. They count on it. The Democrats hate the white people. The Democrats hate our culture; they hate the foundational principles upon which this country was built; they despise the Bill of Rights... except the part that guarantees they can bitch about everything under God's green earth. The Democrats play race politics and they blame all their failures in life on the white race.

Blacks, for the most part, lend credibility to white supremacist claims of racial superiority - or a least race differences. It was the Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th Amendment under the pretext of making black people and whites "equal." In REALITY, the 14th Amendment nullified the Bill of Rights and eliminated unalienable, God given Rights in favor of privileges to be doled out by Uncle Scam. So, Republicans aren't very smart either. But, the point here is that after the Republicans went to bat for the black people, the blacks paid them back by joining the Democrats. The rich elite play the non-whites like a well tuned fiddle and the people who have been brainwashed into thinking government will give them something for free - which includes a lot of white women, have become useful idiots for the "Democratic Socialists" (a subtle way to say commie lite.) Any white who votes for Democrats votes against every principle their ancestors fought, bled and died over in their quest for Liberty.

Just amused at your rant against race politics...while you blatantly play race politics!

If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican, because they get the white racist vote? Had a guy on here yesterday think trump was reallly going to be pulling the the "black" vote, even though all the polls show he hasn't lived down his comments about good people on both sides after that white supremacist ran down that young white girl who was peacefully protesting the presences of the KKK and the armed white supremacists. Whose vote are you trying to attract to the Republican party, the KKK vote? You got it dude. Relax. Unlikely your question will attract normal Democrats or Independents. Might even repel some white Republicans.

"Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican"
Aren't you always telling us that minorities should be voting Democrat? Is that racist?
Didn't 95% of blacks vote for the Kenyan...was that racist?
If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican, because they get the white racist vote? Had a guy on here yesterday think trump was reallly going to be pulling the the "black" vote, even though all the polls show he hasn't lived down his comments about good people on both sides after that white supremacist ran down that young white girl who was peacefully protesting the presences of the KKK and the armed white supremacists. Whose vote are you trying to attract to the Republican party, the KKK vote? You got it dude. Relax. Unlikely your question will attract normal Democrats or Independents. Might even repel some white Republicans.

Shouldn't whites vote for the party that isn't celebrating the notion of fewer whites?
Vote on our own interests...right? Are you confused?
Trust me, nobody is trying to sell you or the loons shown below.
If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)

Any white that votes for Democrats is an idiot. That is not an endorsement for Republicans. They count on it. The Democrats hate the white people. The Democrats hate our culture; they hate the foundational principles upon which this country was built; they despise the Bill of Rights... except the part that guarantees they can bitch about everything under God's green earth. The Democrats play race politics and they blame all their failures in life on the white race.

Blacks, for the most part, lend credibility to white supremacist claims of racial superiority - or a least race differences. It was the Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th Amendment under the pretext of making black people and whites "equal." In REALITY, the 14th Amendment nullified the Bill of Rights and eliminated unalienable, God given Rights in favor of privileges to be doled out by Uncle Scam. So, Republicans aren't very smart either. But, the point here is that after the Republicans went to bat for the black people, the blacks paid them back by joining the Democrats. The rich elite play the non-whites like a well tuned fiddle and the people who have been brainwashed into thinking government will give them something for free - which includes a lot of white women, have become useful idiots for the "Democratic Socialists" (a subtle way to say commie lite.) Any white who votes for Democrats votes against every principle their ancestors fought, bled and died over in their quest for Liberty.

Is there any way you could hold the bottom part of that white hood above your mouth when you speak? When your mouth is covered like it is, it's hard to make out what you are saying.
If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican, because they get the white racist vote? Had a guy on here yesterday think trump was reallly going to be pulling the the "black" vote, even though all the polls show he hasn't lived down his comments about good people on both sides after that white supremacist ran down that young white girl who was peacefully protesting the presences of the KKK and the armed white supremacists. Whose vote are you trying to attract to the Republican party, the KKK vote? You got it dude. Relax. Unlikely your question will attract normal Democrats or Independents. Might even repel some white Republicans.
The democratic Party is the Progressive Socialist Party using racism and bigotry and all the rest to blur their goals. The Repub Party helped them. Trump is the final person to slow this down. It is a joke to even walk by Independence Hall and other colonial buildings as we celebrate something that died many years ago.
If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican, because they get the white racist vote? Had a guy on here yesterday think trump was reallly going to be pulling the the "black" vote, even though all the polls show he hasn't lived down his comments about good people on both sides after that white supremacist ran down that young white girl who was peacefully protesting the presences of the KKK and the armed white supremacists. Whose vote are you trying to attract to the Republican party, the KKK vote? You got it dude. Relax. Unlikely your question will attract normal Democrats or Independents. Might even repel some white Republicans.

Shouldn't whites vote for the party that isn't celebrating the notion of fewer whites?
Vote on our own interests...right? Are you confused?
Trust me, nobody is trying to sell you or the loons shown below.
I understand the dumbass kids (I mean it's kids), but you do have to wonder what the bearded one was doing. Student advisor, maybe? I don't vote that kind of politics because I don't think the point is in any way valid and I do not support people that push that narrative. Not valid and not good for either party.
If we are suppose to vote on our own personal interests why would anybody Caucasian vote for the party that champions and celebrates the notion of 'fewer whites' at every opportunity?
While this is sure to be one that will scare the living piss out of some, I pose this as a very serious question.
Before you get scared, remember, THE FLIP-SIDE OF THIS HAS BEEN ASKED MANY TIMES BEFORE WITHOUT FOLKS SHITTING THEMSELVES...."Why should minorities vote Republican?"

(PLEASE NOTE: If this is too scary please advise...I will edit and re-frame)
Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican, because they get the white racist vote? Had a guy on here yesterday think trump was reallly going to be pulling the the "black" vote, even though all the polls show he hasn't lived down his comments about good people on both sides after that white supremacist ran down that young white girl who was peacefully protesting the presences of the KKK and the armed white supremacists. Whose vote are you trying to attract to the Republican party, the KKK vote? You got it dude. Relax. Unlikely your question will attract normal Democrats or Independents. Might even repel some white Republicans.

"Wow. Is this post saying if you are white, you should be voting for the republican"
Aren't you always telling us that minorities should be voting Democrat? Is that racist?
Didn't 95% of blacks vote for the Kenyan...was that racist?
I am not ever telling you how minorities should vote. Being an Independent, I do not have standing. If you are a minority voter, maybe you do. If you are not, you don't either. Surely you are not so over confident in your own views (knowledge?) that you think you are qualified to educate minority voters from the other side.
Obviously the uneducated are allowed to start threads around here. Hmm. I guess it would surprise you that if you had a room of 9 white voters 4 would be dem and 5 pub.

Pffffft. This white guy ain't pulling the lever for a Democrat, and sure as heck ain't voting for the GOP....like skin for should have anything to do with my vote.
The anti-white racism by the Democrats will cost them the 2020 election as well as many future presidential elections.

I'm pretty sure their anti-whitey mantra cost them the 2016 election as well.
You are the only republican I have seen that thinks it wasn't hillary and possibly Comey. They liked Comey before they hated Comey.
I'm a white, conservative, Constitution-supporting, patriotic Christian veteran man.

Democrats hate me and blame me for everything bad in the world.. They say I vote against my best interests.

I wonder, though, why they believe I'm obligated to vote the party that hates me.

But then, the Democratic Party doesn't care about people as individuals.

They care only about political power. And if they can't rationally convince me to support them (and they can't; they don't do rational), they'll try to shame me into it.

But since I'm not motivated by emotion, their efforts are futile.

And that pisses them off.

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