What To Do With the Jewish People?

In any argument – say, for an example, an argument between children – you want to hear from both sides what’s the root cause of the problem and offer a solution.

Some people say what do we do with the Palestinian people? Well, why not turn that question around and see from their side as if it were possible what to do with the other people, you know, the Jewish people. Since the whole world is presently siding with the Palestinians and going against Israel, I thought, let’s just do what the whole world is doing, ignore Israel's concerns, and adhere only to the Palestinian side, which of course is not an actual side since for a while now there’s been no real Palestinian authority as they’ve been hijacked by terrorists (but let’s not get into that here).

Rather, let’s just ask what Palestinians want from Israel and then, more interestingly, go from there. Obviously, you would suppose, Palestinians want to live in peace just like anybody normally would. But with Israel as their neighbor? Is this what they want?

Maybe, and if that’s the case then you don’t really have a problem, but if they don’t want to live in that area with Israel as their neighbor now you have a problem because Israel is not going to leave.

Now, according to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Palestinians “who support permanent peace with Israel are in the minority.” Also, a recent Gallup poll found that only 24% of Palestinians want a two-state solution. There are more polls and much more responses from Palestinians who claim they do not want a two-state solution, but I'm not going to cite them all here. In fact, you need only watch the worldwide massive protests in support of Palestinians and against Israel and hear “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

That slogan dates back to 1948, but was echoed again in 2012 by a Palestinian terrorist leader who called for resistance, NOT negotiation.

Well, it seems that most Palestinians do not want to live beside Israel and as the sentiment behind that slogan insinuates, prefer that Israel just not exist there at all, because presently from the river to the sea there is a nation there called Israel.

Don't overreact. Remember, we are siding with the Palestinians and imagining that we can give them what they want, which as we’ve seen is all of Palestine and no Israel in their vicinity.

So, now if this were possible, it brings up an interesting question: WHAT TO DO WITH THE JEWISH PEOPLE?

Why does this question sound so familiar?

There are approximately six million Jews in Israel. Shall we move them all to England, to France
to Germany?

Yup, been there, done that. Didn’t turn out so well, at least not for the Jews. But do not be mistaken, just as the holocaust did not happen in a vacuum but within a world war, the new holocaust that people all around the world are salivating for will only happen in the context of World War III. That means the world doesn’t get to nearly exterminate the Jews again without bringing upon itself its own destruction. For some reason, that’s just the way it works. Perhaps it’s divine.

which means, Israel doesn’t have to use all those nuclear weapons it has (enough to obliterate the entire Middle East, if it were as evil as Iran) because when America is gone Israel will still be around and still be protected.

And by the way, if you say protesting Israel and supporting Palestine does not lead to exterminating Jews and WWIII, well, I didn’t even have to say it because it was already being said after October 7 when talk of WWIII echoed here and there and 1400 exterminated Jews splattered throughout the media all in that brief moment when the world felt a smattering of sympathy for Israel’s plight and some people even worried about what more could happen to the Jews if terrorists continued attacking them and other nations got involved. Not so much sympathy anymore. That's the first step.

And this is just the beginning.

It may be a few months, a year, 10 years, but not much longer than that and you will see where this is all leading to.

Don't mean to sound flippant about future horrifying events. As an observer of history, just speaking truth about historical trends and the logical outcome of where we're at.

By 1948 the Zionists had killed over 600 British peacekeepers including Count Folke Bernadotte who had saved 30,000 Jews from the Holocaust.
As usual she doesn’t respond to the subject matter in my previous post đŸ‡źđŸ‡± There were “ peacekeepers “ in 1948?? 😂 Are they the same “ peacekeepers “ who left in 67 just prior to the War?? 😇🧠
In any argument – say, for an example, an argument between children – you want to hear from both sides what’s the root cause of the problem and offer a solution.

Some people say what do we do with the Palestinian people? Well, why not turn that question around and see from their side as if it were possible what to do with the other people, you know, the Jewish people. Since the whole world is presently siding with the Palestinians and going against Israel, I thought, let’s just do what the whole world is doing, ignore Israel's concerns, and adhere only to the Palestinian side, which of course is not an actual side since for a while now there’s been no real Palestinian authority as they’ve been hijacked by terrorists (but let’s not get into that here).

Rather, let’s just ask what Palestinians want from Israel and then, more interestingly, go from there. Obviously, you would suppose, Palestinians want to live in peace just like anybody normally would. But with Israel as their neighbor? Is this what they want?

Maybe, and if that’s the case then you don’t really have a problem, but if they don’t want to live in that area with Israel as their neighbor now you have a problem because Israel is not going to leave.

Now, according to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Palestinians “who support permanent peace with Israel are in the minority.” Also, a recent Gallup poll found that only 24% of Palestinians want a two-state solution. There are more polls and much more responses from Palestinians who claim they do not want a two-state solution, but I'm not going to cite them all here. In fact, you need only watch the worldwide massive protests in support of Palestinians and against Israel and hear “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

That slogan dates back to 1948, but was echoed again in 2012 by a Palestinian terrorist leader who called for resistance, NOT negotiation.

Well, it seems that most Palestinians do not want to live beside Israel and as the sentiment behind that slogan insinuates, prefer that Israel just not exist there at all, because presently from the river to the sea there is a nation there called Israel.

Don't overreact. Remember, we are siding with the Palestinians and imagining that we can give them what they want, which as we’ve seen is all of Palestine and no Israel in their vicinity.

So, now if this were possible, it brings up an interesting question: WHAT TO DO WITH THE JEWISH PEOPLE?

Why does this question sound so familiar?

There are approximately six million Jews in Israel. Shall we move them all to England, to France
to Germany?

Yup, been there, done that. Didn’t turn out so well, at least not for the Jews. But do not be mistaken, just as the holocaust did not happen in a vacuum but within a world war, the new holocaust that people all around the world are salivating for will only happen in the context of World War III. That means the world doesn’t get to nearly exterminate the Jews again without bringing upon itself its own destruction. For some reason, that’s just the way it works. Perhaps it’s divine.

which means, Israel doesn’t have to use all those nuclear weapons it has (enough to obliterate the entire Middle East, if it were as evil as Iran) because when America is gone Israel will still be around and still be protected.

And by the way, if you say protesting Israel and supporting Palestine does not lead to exterminating Jews and WWIII, well, I didn’t even have to say it because it was already being said after October 7 when talk of WWIII echoed here and there and 1400 exterminated Jews splattered throughout the media all in that brief moment when the world felt a smattering of sympathy for Israel’s plight and some people even worried about what more could happen to the Jews if terrorists continued attacking them and other nations got involved. Not so much sympathy anymore. That's the first step.

And this is just the beginning.

It may be a few months, a year, 10 years, but not much longer than that and you will see where this is all leading to.

Don't mean to sound flippant about future horrifying events. As an observer of history, just speaking truth about historical trends and the logical outcome of where we're at.
Let's delve into your ignorance:
Jerusalem was founded in 1000 BC, by the Hebrews. With the exception of the Philistines, most in that region were fairly nomadic. As to who the Philistines were, the most commonly accepted "theory" is that they were of Greek origin, thus having migrated out of Greece.
Anyway, Muhammad was "born" in 571 AD, in Mecca (what is now Saudi Arabia), and founded "his" religion in the 600's AD.
The Muslim claim that they were there first, doesn't match the archaeology and couldn't have since Muhammad didn't come along for centuries.
From 1000 B.C., to present, the Hebrews (Jews) have resided their up to the present.
Control of the region has passed from the Jews, to the Romans, to the Christians, to the Muslims, but the Jews were there from the beginning.
Here's the problem, while Jews, Christians and Atheists can get along there, the major problem is ISLAM! It's Quran teaches all of its followers that once they conquer a territory from the Infidels (non-Believers), it is theirs and should the infidels gain back their own territory in conflict, the infidels are always to be considered as "occupiers" until the land can be taken back by force.
All Jihadists believe this, without exception.
Hypocrites in the US, complain about how the whites are living on stolen land (actually, some of the land was purchased by the government in treaties). That's not to say we didn't steal land and murder a good many American Indians (the name they actually prefer). Anyway, these hypocrites complain about that, but when the Hebrews (Jews) got some of their "original" territory back, those same hypocrites bitch about them getting a "portion" of their territory back.
Because of the Quran's teachings, the Jihadists will NEVER accept this, no matter what peace treaty that is proposed. The Jihadists want it all (and in actuality, all infidels lands and property across the globe) and will always want dead Jews and their land and dead Christians, and their land, and dead Hindus and their land, and dead Buddhists and their land. GET THE PICTURE?!
Do you have any non partisan article for the Arab side?

Does it prove that the Arabs are indigenous to the land and have rights to it as the Kurds do to their land, any and all Nations have to the land taken from them in the Americas by the Europeans who invaded, which is exactly what the Arab Muslims did.


Which is exactly the meaning of the word chosen by Arab and the KGB to name their new nationality.


The Palestinians are the invaders.

The Jewish People are the indigenous rightful owners to the land, and JUST like the indigenous people of the Americas, reclaimed some of their land.

First Nations have been legally reclaiming some of their land in the US. Because they are the rightful owners.

The Jews have legally claimed some of their homeland. 80% was taken away illegally by the British and may never return to Jewish hands, but the Jews will forever have the right to the 20% they have which of course includes Judea and Samaria which are the heart of the Jewish history.

Stay partisan to the Arab thieves.
Do you have any non partisan article for the Arab side?

Does it prove that the Arabs are indigenous to the land and have rights to it as the Kurds do to their land, any and all Nations have to the land taken from them in the Americas by the Europeans who invaded, which is exactly what the Arab Muslims did.


Which is exactly the meaning of the word chosen by Arab and the KGB to name their new nationality.


The Palestinians are the invaders.

The Jewish People are the indigenous rightful owners to the land, and JUST like the indigenous people of the Americas, reclaimed some of their land.

First Nations have been legally reclaiming some of their land in the US. Because they are the rightful owners.

The Jews have legally claimed some of their homeland. 80% was taken away illegally by the British and may never return to Jewish hands, but the Jews will forever have the right to the 20% they have which of course includes Judea and Samaria which are the heart of the Jewish history.

Stay partisan to the Arab thieves.

The Conquests.

As usual she doesn’t respond to the subject matter in my previous post đŸ‡źđŸ‡± There were “ peacekeepers “ in 1948?? 😂 Are they the same “ peacekeepers “ who left in 67 just prior to the War?? 😇🧠

The British withdrew in 1948 when Israel became a state.
There was another case where they took the couple’s INFANT, put it in the oven and killed the parents
When you hear about one, it's a Hamas tactic to appease their sicko view of the world that pays the ultimate price if they aren't satisfied with anything that annoys them. Hate is the Hamas game. Their history is making today's criminal activity worse than yesterday's. :cranky:

total 784 British men, women, soldiers and civilians were killed between the years 1945 and 1948 in an attempt to bring peace and stability to Palestine.
The British, by betraying the Mandate for Palestine, and siding with the Arabs at almost every turn, wanted to keep the 22% of the Mandate for themselves. They had no intention of turning the Mandate into a Jewish State.

Giving 78% of the Mandate to the Hashemite Arabs was the first clue. Making Al Husseini grand Mufti of Jerusalem was the second clue. Expelling Jews from Gaza was another clue. Expelling Jews from Hebron in 1929 after the massacre was another clue. Being on the side of Jordan when Jordan invaded with the other Muslim states the newly independent State of Israel was another clue.

The British were not innocent and they were not peacekeepers, they helped provoke the Arab attacks on the Jews and kept Jews from rightly immigrating to the Mandate during WWII.

The British are honorable, peacekeepers of the world and victims of Jewish aggression. Yeah, sure !!!!
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This conflict has never been about land. If tomorrow all the Jews in Israel converted to Islam, there wouldn’t be a problem. This is about Muslim control, hatred and inability to coexist. Period.
You're in denial about what they've done.
They were trying to kick the British out. The British who decided they were not going to leave and allow a Jewish State to be formed.

The deaths at the Hotel were a horrible unintended occurrence as the Jews had called and warned about what was going to happen. So, no need to keep harping about that.

The British were 1000% wrong in their behavior to that Mandate, and it was only to the non Muslim Mandate they behaved that way. Neither did the French do anything like that with their two mandates. That's rights. Lebanon and Syria were not going to be governed by Jews. Neither was Iraq with the British.

Oh, yes, let us not forget the British not doing anything doing the riots in Iraq against the Jews in June 1941. Forced of habit of expelling Jews?

Let us see the history of England:
1290 The King expelled all the Jews from England
1920 The British expelled the Jews from Gaza
1929 The British expelled the Jews from Hebron
1936 - 1939 The British White Paper cuts the number of the Jews immigrating to the homeland during the Mandate for their Nation
1948 The British take sides with the Jordanians attacking the Jews after Israel declared Independence.

See Surada. Truly see what is what and where is where and especially where the heart of the British Christian government was.

It was NOT with the Jews, regardless of their duty to honor the Mandate for Palestine to its fullest, as they did with Iraq and as France did with Lebanon and Syria.

Keep crying for the poor British who died for a cause they mangled by dishonoring themselves and allowing the Arabs to continuously attack the Jews, while the British helped the Arabs by expelling Jews from most of the Mandate. From TransJordan, from Gaza, from Hebron, and from Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

England, the most colonialist country- still - in the world, decided that Jews did not have the right to rebuild and ACTED to keep the Jews from fulfilling the Mandate.

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