What To Do With the Jewish People?

Abraham did not receive any of the land that he was shown by God. He purchased a small plot to bury Sarah his wife on, but did not receive more than that.
that's a great point! It isn't relevant to anything that I said, but good for you for feeling brave enough to interject a completely irrelevant idea.
They were told to kill all the Canaanites and their livestock. Read your Bible.

Not all, only those who want to war.

Islamists only appeal to authority of books they didn't read?
I'm telling you what the rules of war are in the Koran. Very different concept from killing all the Canaanites and taking their land.

Remember Canaan? It was controlled by Egypt.

Does Hamas act according to the rules of war in Koran?
Haven't you read the Bible?

That's your problem, I have.

As far as I've seen your posting, your default position is to smear Jews regardless of the thread topic
by appealing to the lowest prejudice, and your knowledge of any subject is comparable to the
Koran's knowledge of Jewish writings, i.e. laughable bits of populist rumors and slogans.
In any argument – say, for an example, an argument between children – you want to hear from both sides what’s the root cause of the problem and offer a solution.

Some people say what do we do with the Palestinian people? Well, why not turn that question around and see from their side as if it were possible what to do with the other people, you know, the Jewish people. Since the whole world is presently siding with the Palestinians and going against Israel, I thought, let’s just do what the whole world is doing, ignore Israel's concerns, and adhere only to the Palestinian side, which of course is not an actual side since for a while now there’s been no real Palestinian authority as they’ve been hijacked by terrorists (but let’s not get into that here).

Rather, let’s just ask what Palestinians want from Israel and then, more interestingly, go from there. Obviously, you would suppose, Palestinians want to live in peace just like anybody normally would. But with Israel as their neighbor? Is this what they want?

Maybe, and if that’s the case then you don’t really have a problem, but if they don’t want to live in that area with Israel as their neighbor now you have a problem because Israel is not going to leave.

Now, according to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Palestinians “who support permanent peace with Israel are in the minority.” Also, a recent Gallup poll found that only 24% of Palestinians want a two-state solution. There are more polls and much more responses from Palestinians who claim they do not want a two-state solution, but I'm not going to cite them all here. In fact, you need only watch the worldwide massive protests in support of Palestinians and against Israel and hear “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

That slogan dates back to 1948, but was echoed again in 2012 by a Palestinian terrorist leader who called for resistance, NOT negotiation.

Well, it seems that most Palestinians do not want to live beside Israel and as the sentiment behind that slogan insinuates, prefer that Israel just not exist there at all, because presently from the river to the sea there is a nation there called Israel.

Don't overreact. Remember, we are siding with the Palestinians and imagining that we can give them what they want, which as we’ve seen is all of Palestine and no Israel in their vicinity.

So, now if this were possible, it brings up an interesting question: WHAT TO DO WITH THE JEWISH PEOPLE?

Why does this question sound so familiar?

There are approximately six million Jews in Israel. Shall we move them all to England, to France…to Germany?

Yup, been there, done that. Didn’t turn out so well, at least not for the Jews. But do not be mistaken, just as the holocaust did not happen in a vacuum but within a world war, the new holocaust that people all around the world are salivating for will only happen in the context of World War III. That means the world doesn’t get to nearly exterminate the Jews again without bringing upon itself its own destruction. For some reason, that’s just the way it works. Perhaps it’s divine.

…which means, Israel doesn’t have to use all those nuclear weapons it has (enough to obliterate the entire Middle East, if it were as evil as Iran) because when America is gone Israel will still be around and still be protected.

And by the way, if you say protesting Israel and supporting Palestine does not lead to exterminating Jews and WWIII, well, I didn’t even have to say it because it was already being said after October 7 when talk of WWIII echoed here and there and 1400 exterminated Jews splattered throughout the media all in that brief moment when the world felt a smattering of sympathy for Israel’s plight and some people even worried about what more could happen to the Jews if terrorists continued attacking them and other nations got involved. Not so much sympathy anymore. That's the first step.

And this is just the beginning.

It may be a few months, a year, 10 years, but not much longer than that and you will see where this is all leading to.

Don't mean to sound flippant about future horrifying events. As an observer of history, just speaking truth about historical trends and the logical outcome of where we're at.
This is really a denial of Freedom of Religion since if I choose to become a Jew , you make claims on me that are on no other person's conscience We are where we are because in two world wars NOBODY effectively brought natural law into the discussion.
Surely you know the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Article 18​

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Maybe the horror you foresee has been there for ages and every time we back to from affirming those unalienable rights the future payback gets worse. SO if you are right, it seems to me you are wrong. Nothing has changed. The first case of religious persecution in history was also against The Jews. See book of Maccabees
That's your problem, I have.

As far as I've seen your posting, your default position is to smear Jews regardless of the thread topic
by appealing to the lowest prejudice, and your knowledge of any subject is comparable to the
Koran's knowledge of Jewish writings, i.e. laughable bits of populist rumors and slogans.

The Christians also borrowed from Jewish writings.

Abomination of desolation" is a phrase from the Book of Daniel describing the pagan sacrifices with which the 2nd century BC Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanes replaced the twice-daily offering in the Jewish temple, or alternatively the altar on which such offerings were made.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Abomination of desolation - Wikipedia
This is really a denial of Freedom of Religion since if I choose to become a Jew , you make claims on me that are on no other person's conscience We are where we are because in two world wars NOBODY effectively brought natural law into the discussion.
Surely you know the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Article 18​

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Maybe the horror you foresee has been there for ages and every time we back to from affirming those unalienable rights the future payback gets worse. SO if you are right, it seems to me you are wrong. Nothing has changed. The first case of religious persecution in history was also against The Jews. See book of Maccabees

Religious persecutions by the Jews?

Are you talking about the forced conversion of the Edomites?
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What? Palestinians think the whole world is siding with them and against Israel? Well maybe in the antisemitic countries, but certainly not in America.

Thus, I reject your premise. Most decent people side against HAMAS terrorists and what those savages did to innocent Jews three weeks ago, so the question should still be: what to do with the Jew-haters?
How about we here in America leave the Jewish people alone, The political hate is killing us.
How about we here in America leave the Jewish people alone, The political hate is killing us.
I’d be for that. You think I like that my shul needs to hired armed military to protect us at our Chanukah events, and that a friend of mine had to walk by a bunch of Arabs yelling “Death to Jews!?”

It’s all germinating from the liberal universities, so let’s start there:

1) Any Arab caught in an anti-Israel rally screaming to genocide the Jews is IMMEDIATELY deported.

2. The Ivy presidents who refused to condemn the calls to kill Jews should all be fired.

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