What the hell happened Truthers?

Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic

Being labeled an "anti-Semite" is an honor these days. All it means is someone who is against the Jewish criminal gang that dominates the global power structure. In our Orwellian world, "anti-Semite" and "American patriot" are actually synonymous. Simply accurately describing the most influential faction of the crime gang that sits atop the global power structure, which controls the United States government, media, and banking system, is anti-Semitic according to a lot of people, and that's fine with me. We need to continue to point out that these are the same people who did 9/11, and if that's anti-Semitic, so be it.

Stating these obvious facts is not the most politically correct thing to do, but it needs to be said if we are ever going to regain control of our country and our future. I get e-mail updates from the Anti-Defamation League, and in the latest e-mail I came across this article entitled, "Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later."

Being the raging anti-Semite that I am, I was really interested in this article. In the introduction, the ADL laments the fact that people actually know who pulled off the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB on 9/11:
Mr. Friend's Blog: Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic

Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED
The 800 Pound Gorilla - Israel did 9/11
And as everyone knows, a kerosene fire will not melt chicken wire. :D

Kinda funny but, Nat Geo is having a documentary on the twoofers right now......Everything they put up is being fully debunked....It's friggin' hilarious.

Super Thermite?.....Debunked.
Missile into Pentagon?....Debunked.
WTC 7?............Debunked.
Evidence of controlled demolitions?.....Debunked.
No Plane crashing in Shanksville?......Debunked.
And on and on and on.

And of course, Gage and a few other twoofer "experts" are spittin' and sputterin' along with complete BS, even as the true evidence is thrown straight in their faces.
Kinda funny but, Nat Geo is having a documentary on the twoofers right now......Everything they put up is being fully debunked....It's friggin' hilarious.

Super Thermite?.....Debunked.
Missile into Pentagon?....Debunked.
WTC 7?............Debunked.
Evidence of controlled demolitions?.....Debunked.
No Plane crashing in Shanksville?......Debunked.
And on and on and on.

And of course, Gage and a few other twoofer "experts" are spittin' and sputterin' along with complete BS, even as the true evidence is thrown straight in their faces.

Have they said anything about the missile pod under the wing of flight 175? You know, the plane that was never designed with hard points to carry missiles. And also the missiles were invisible because the pilot didn't see it on his walk-around, and the fuelers, baggage handlers, and ground staff didn't see either.
Kinda funny but, Nat Geo is having a documentary on the twoofers right now......Everything they put up is being fully debunked....It's friggin' hilarious.

Super Thermite?.....Debunked.
Missile into Pentagon?....Debunked.
WTC 7?............Debunked.
Evidence of controlled demolitions?.....Debunked.
No Plane crashing in Shanksville?......Debunked.
And on and on and on.

And of course, Gage and a few other twoofer "experts" are spittin' and sputterin' along with complete BS, even as the true evidence is thrown straight in their faces.

Have they said anything about the missile pod under the wing of flight 175? You know, the plane that was never designed with hard points to carry missiles. And also the missiles were invisible because the pilot didn't see it on his walk-around, and the fuelers, baggage handlers, and ground staff didn't see either.
I missed the first half hour. It was a two hour special. They probably covered it in the first half. It just now ended.

It was just one debunk after another.....The most interesting was the thermite and controlled demolition aspect. and of course the steel beam theories.....All of 'em debunked.

Funniest thing, after listening to this one twoofer expert going on about how regular Thermite would have been enough to cut beams very quickly, Nat geo's experts made a point about regular 4th of July sparklers, which are thermite, and never seem to melt through or even distort the lil' metal rods the thermite is attached too. I laughed my ass off.....Of course, then they went out and tried to cut through a steel beam, far smaller then what was at WTC, with over 150 lbs of thermite......NOTHING!...That sucker burned and burned, and didn't do jack shit to the lil' beam.
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175 pounds of thermite can't burn through a thin steel beam, but a thin layer of painted on thermite can cut through the massive core columns of the WTC? :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhMBjxyH9eg]What National Geographic has to say about thermite and 9/11/2001 - YouTube[/ame]
Kinda funny but, Nat Geo is having a documentary on the twoofers right now......Everything they put up is being fully debunked....It's friggin' hilarious.

Super Thermite?.....Debunked.
Missile into Pentagon?....Debunked.
WTC 7?............Debunked.
Evidence of controlled demolitions?.....Debunked.
No Plane crashing in Shanksville?......Debunked.
And on and on and on.

And of course, Gage and a few other twoofer "experts" are spittin' and sputterin' along with complete BS, even as the true evidence is thrown straight in their faces.

Have they said anything about the missile pod under the wing of flight 175? You know, the plane that was never designed with hard points to carry missiles. And also the missiles were invisible because the pilot didn't see it on his walk-around, and the fuelers, baggage handlers, and ground staff didn't see either.
I missed the first half hour. It was a two hour special. They probably covered it in the first half. It just now ended.

It was just one debunk after another.....The most interesting was the thermite and controlled demolition aspect. and of course the steel beam theories.....All of 'em debunked.

Funniest thing, after listening to this one twoofer expert going on about how regular Thermite would have been enough to cut beams very quickly, Nat geo's experts made a point about regular 4th of July sparklers, which are thermite, and never seem to melt through or even distort the lil' metal rods the thermite is attached too. I laughed my ass off.....Of course, then they went out and tried to cut through a steel beam, far smaller then what was at WTC, with over 150 lbs of thermite......NOTHING!...That sucker burned and burned, and didn't do jack shit to the lil' beam.

9/11: Science and Conspiracy
Next Airing Fri Sep 9 4P

Read more: 9/11: Science and Conspiracy | National Geographic Channel
I love the theory that the planes were really just "decoys" and that some unknown people flew the planes into the WTC..

Oh and then you have those that believe it was all just a hologram...

Of course the majority of those who believe this bullshit are in their teens or early 20's and didn't even see the event unfold.

Hell, I saw the second plane hit on live television.... Thats right - I saw a passenger airplane fly into a tower with my own two eyes and it wasn't a fucking hologram....

Quite frankly that day was surreal, it was almost like a movie... At one point there was thought to me as many as a dozen hijacked jets in the air at one point..... Hell they even closed the local mall (where I had a job interview that day) out of precaution.....

Ha... Some of that shit is something out of a Kevin Smith movie.

Oh and one point that was never made was what happened to all the missing people that were aboard those planes who are obviously missing and whom allegedly didn't make those "fake" phone calls? are they being held at Area 51 with the aliens or did the men in black just wall them?

I mean there are only about 600 missing people....

Oh and not one person involved in any of this has come out to say they were involved in this mass conspiracy which would have taken thousands to pull off..

Not one person out of the thousands who feel remorse?
Oh and this plan was all concocted by Bush???

The guy was only in office for less than a year when this shit happened so tell me how does he concoct such a plan, not to mention the same idiots that claim he did this paint him as a stupid person...

A conspiracy of this magnitude would only take years to concoct...

Not to mention many truthers conspiracies contradict one another....
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The official story is a preposterous conspiracy theory that disagrees with portions of the evidence.

you hit the nail right on the head there.Thats all the government explanation is. a THEORY with no evidence or facts to back it up.the OCTA'S-official conspiracy theory apologists here were all asleep during junior high science classes cause if they werent,they would realise that to accept the 9/11 coverup commissions explanation on the towers,you got to conclude that the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of year no longer applies anymore.:cuckoo:

But the problem is that if that is true, then why didn't the MAJORITY of Physicists shoot this down in 2002?

Why don't those physicists even talk about the distributions of steel and concrete in the towers? When has Steven Jones ever discussed that?

This 9/11 Decade has exposed some fundamental things about wrong science education in this culture. It is like the so called scientists don't really want most people to understand science. They just want them to BELIEVE scientists. I asked Richard Gage about the steel and concrete on every level in 2008. He looked at me like I had grown a second head. His show is just a little propaganda campaign. And he couldn't blow Chris Mohr out of the water in a debate. Mohr is an English major who got a bunch of things wrong.

psikeyhackr - Physics, Psychology and the 9/11 Decade

Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic

Being labeled an "anti-Semite" is an honor these days. All it means is someone who is against the Jewish criminal gang that dominates the global power structure. In our Orwellian world, "anti-Semite" and "American patriot" are actually synonymous. Simply accurately describing the most influential faction of the crime gang that sits atop the global power structure, which controls the United States government, media, and banking system, is anti-Semitic according to a lot of people, and that's fine with me. We need to continue to point out that these are the same people who did 9/11, and if that's anti-Semitic, so be it.

Stating these obvious facts is not the most politically correct thing to do, but it needs to be said if we are ever going to regain control of our country and our future. I get e-mail updates from the Anti-Defamation League, and in the latest e-mail I came across this article entitled, "Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later."

Being the raging anti-Semite that I am, I was really interested in this article. In the introduction, the ADL laments the fact that people actually know who pulled off the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB on 9/11:
Mr. Friend's Blog: Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic

Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED
The 800 Pound Gorilla - Israel did 9/11


The loyal Bush dupes of course wont read that link just like they wont take me up on the challenge to read DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the offical conspiracy theory or read anything here that doesnt go along with their version of events.:lol: this video is another video the Bush dupes wont look at since it exposed the mossad connection.
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This is a pic of Bush,Cheney and Rumsfield all laughing at the official conspiracy theory apologists saying too themselves-Jet fuel,thats a good one.Those stuipd american sheeps bought it hook,line,and sinker.http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...straw-men-and-shills-concerning-9-11-a-4.html

as this pic shows,they are laughing their asses off at them knowing these Bush dupes slept through junior high science classes.
I love the theory that the planes were really just "decoys" and that some unknown people flew the planes into the WTC..

Oh and then you have those that believe it was all just a hologram...

Of course the majority of those who believe this bullshit are in their teens or early 20's and didn't even see the event unfold.

Hell, I saw the second plane hit on live television.... Thats right - I saw a passenger airplane fly into a tower with my own two eyes and it wasn't a fucking hologram....

Quite frankly that day was surreal, it was almost like a movie... At one point there was thought to me as many as a dozen hijacked jets in the air at one point..... Hell they even closed the local mall (where I had a job interview that day) out of precaution.....
I'll never forget that day.......we were prepping that morning for lunch service, and were listening to Mark and Brian on the radio. Those two dudes are nuts, and then all of a sudden they got serious real quick, and started explaining what was going on. At first, like many, we just figured it was an accident. I went downstairs into my office, and turned on the TV, 5 minutes later that second plane appeared briefly and then, WHAM.......I was shocked. All of a sudden all the phones started ringing in the restaurant, family members calling their significant others. My wife called, she works in the Downtown L.A. criminal courts building, and said they were evacuating. I told her just to come home. I went upstairs and told my employees to pack it up, we're going home for the day....I picked up my twin daughters who were a lil' over a year old from the baby sitters, and went home and spent the day watching everything.......Surreal doesn't even explain it.

It's was like going through all the emotions....First shock, then sadness, then incredibly pissed off by the time the night was over.
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Ha... Some of that shit is something out of a Kevin Smith movie.

Oh and one point that was never made was what happened to all the missing people that were aboard those planes who are obviously missing and whom allegedly didn't make those "fake" phone calls? are they being held at Area 51 with the aliens or did the men in black just wall them?

I mean there are only about 600 missing people....

Oh and not one person involved in any of this has come out to say they were involved in this mass conspiracy which would have taken thousands to pull off..

Not one person out of the thousands who feel remorse?
These twoofers are just clowns. Pure and simple, friggin' whackjobs.

And yes, not one person has come forward. Not one missing victim, not one of the thousands who would have had to have been involved in the conspiracy, particularly in the military. These clowns are trying to say that all those military members who would have been involed, would just sit back and let it happen........BULLSHIT!

And lets not even get into the amount of money one could make by exposing such a conspiracy.

Bottom line, the only conspiracy commited that day was between all those who pulled off the attack, PERIOD!
And the Israeli links have been debunked a million times.. Still funny........ I see Jos's link still claims that Daniels Lewin started the hijacking of flight 11 with a gun.... So funny...
This is a pic of Bush,Cheney and Rumsfield all laughing at the official conspiracy theory apologists saying too themselves-Jet fuel,thats a good one.Those stuipd american sheeps bought it hook,line,and sinker.http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...straw-men-and-shills-concerning-9-11-a-4.html

as this pic shows,they are laughing their asses off at them knowing these Bush dupes slept through junior high science classes.

GW laughing at your pic...

Yea that proves a lot - it proves you're a stupid person.......

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