What the hell happened Truthers?

Just as I expected from a dumbshit like you.. All BS and no substance to back up your fantasy claims. 9-11 was the biggest bunch of BS perpetrated on the nation, and you come here to the conspiracy section, to make fun of people who have facts, and all you have are your stupid retorts and photo bucket funnies....Ha!
Dawgshit101 makes funnies...
Well cocksucker, after reading your last half dozen posts I figure there are only two scenarios in your pathetic life. Either you don't fly anymore or the TSA has their hand up your ass so far you've given up on women.

Here's what's wrong with you idiots. You called us brainwashed (I hate this word. All you cocksuckers use it) SHEEPLE yet almost every post you make has all of the truthers bullshit buzz words. Free fall, resistance, NEVER happened. When you assholes can compare the WTC to ANY OTHER steel framed building BUILT LIKE THE WTC plus have commercial jumbo jets flown into them then I will listen to your "never happened" bullshit. Until then, go fuck yourself. COMPARE!!!!!! Look it up and get back to us, shit for brains.:lol::lol:

Wow you like the word 'cocksucker" Must be a personal favorite of yours as you've heard yourself being called one all your pathetic life.
Look bitch, your lunatic delusions of steel skyscrapers being destroyed in record time by 19 lucky Arabs with 2 planes has been shown to be pure and utter BS, by credible intellectuals.
The OCT has long been proven nearly impossible, as well as many of the events of that day.
You're too stupid to understand the highly impossible odds, or that NIST blames fire as the cause, and doesn't finish explaining things.

Even their tests and scientific data was fucked from the getgo, as you were at birth. How do you like being treated like a sorry little pussy when you fly, feel safer from AL-CIA-DUH after being groped you POS braindead bitch?
credibility .....what the fuck would you know about credibility..
ya we all saw the national geo hit piece...and we all read popular mechanics..I
found it very interesting they had no interest of speaking to any of these fellows
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Just as strange as you found it that people doing historically accurate fact finding on race relations did not talk to Charles Manson???

Just because a whacko or an extremist or some loony tunes weirdo has an opinion, does not mean it has to be taken seriously

so you would consider these people in who served in some of the most sensitive areas in national security, many through multiple administrations
are all whacko and are to be compared to Charles Manson ????
he just said as much....a little slow on the uptake are we?
Still refuse to do your own research Ollie?? It's in your beloved 9-11 Ommission Report. And NIST was charged with explaining what happened, as well as the 9-11 Omission Report, which have been scrutinized and dismissed as not plausible numerous times, even by their own members.
So how is it possible for the massive buildings to NOT provide any resistance, and fall in such short times? Can you site where NIST explains the reasons for NO RESISTANCE?
How about explaining the miraculous passports...what a lucky break that was huh?
Oh and how about the flight school rejects achieving a 75% success rate on their targets...on the same day the military drills were taking place?? It's a wonder these guys didn't win the lottery every day!!

But I guess we can just chalk it up to extreme LUCK, and or prayers answered from Allah...Must have been a bunch of lucky telephone connections on the doomed flights as well....:cuckoo:

If you all can't realize just how much BS you been fed, you're fucking hopeless.

Give me a fucking break. I asked for your 10 second quote because there is no such report.
Where did NIST report zero resistance? Are you still trying to make people believe that the WTC 7 facade = the entire building for 2.25 seconds?

Even a flight school reject can crash.........DUH

Oh and since you haven't a clue, the Military has exercises going on every day. Yes Every single day.

And no I cannot explain the surviving passport. Shit happens. But then you can't explain how the buildings were wired......Or how so many can be kept quiet about their roll in the demolitions or the coverup when our government can't keep a wire tap secret.

Common sense, I've got it.
what nist reported as compared to what the twoofers wish nist had reported:In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.

* That NIST fails to support its key assertion that "collapse initiation" automatically leads to "global collapse".
* That NIST uses the diversionary tactic of describing some events -- such as the airliner crashes -- in great detail, while almost completely avoiding the core question of what brought the Towers down.
* That NIST's report is internally inconsistent, supposing that steel columns were heated to temperatures hundreds of degrees in excess of the maximum temperatures indicated by its steel samples.
* That NIST fails to substantiate its implied claim that its computer models predicted "collapse initiation".
* That NIST fails to even address most of the features of the Towers' destruction that are apparently unique to controlled demolitions.

If NIST's computer models really do show collapse initiation, why don't they disclose those models?

NIST's uses propaganda: the "massive damage caused by the large mass" of the plane is contrasted with the "light steel" of the building. In fact, the steel on a single floor of the tower weighed ten times as much as a 767.

NIST squirms away from the assertion that the 'collapses' of the Twin Towers were progressive collapses. It does this by describing the floor pancaking model (endorsed by earlier versions of the official story, such as FEMA, NOVA, and Eagar) as a progressive collapse, thereby implying that NIST's theory is not a progressive collapse theory.

However, regardless of whether one calls the total destruction of the Twin Towers progressive collapse or something else, it remains true that there is no historical or experimental basis for believing that collapse events near the tops of the towers could progress all the way down the towers' vertical axes to produce total collapses. Lacking such a basis, the core assumption of NIST's theory is unscientific.

NIST implies that the top-down order of destruction of the Twin Towers weighs against the controlled demolition theory. However, as part of a psychological operation, the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers would be designed to support a false narrative of events (that the plane crashes caused the collapses) so of course the events were engineered to have the destruction start around the crash zones.

While NIST cherry-picks a feature of the Towers' destructions that differs from conventional, bottom-up demolitions, it conveniently ignores numerous features that are apparently unique to demolitions, including:

* Rapid onset, accompanied by sounds of explosions
* Radial symmetry about the building's vertical axis
* Consistent pulverization of non-metallic materials
* Total destruction of the building

NIST's mixing of the idea that "missiles were fired at or hit the towers" into its rebuttal of controlled demolition is gratuitous and seemingly designed to discredit the demolition thesis by associating it with nonsense.

Steel-framed high-rise buildings have been felled by severe earthquakes, and in those cases, the buildings were not pulverized and shredded, as the World Trade Center was, but were toppled.

The exact combination of impact-induced structural damage and fire damage was unprecedented, but in some of the examples of fires in steel-framed high-rise buildings the fires were much stronger and long-lasting than in the three WTC towers, and yet didn't even produce serious structural damage in the buildings. Since NIST's theory of the demise of the Twin Towers is essentially a fire theory, the lack of a single example of fire-induced total collapse of a steel-framed building presents a problem for that theory.

The piston theory that NIST advances implies acceptance of the floor pancaking scenario, since the dust jets emerge from parts of the tower whose perimeter walls are still intact. Thus NIST contradicts its own theory, which explicitly rejects the floor pancaking scenario.

There's more to it then the BS strawman arguments that lots of you OCt apologists like to easily knock down. You probably wont read it but here are the points that argue against the

NIST's World Trade Center FAQ
A Reply to the National Institute for Standards and Technology's
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

NIST's FAQ on the World Trade Center
Well cocksucker, after reading your last half dozen posts I figure there are only two scenarios in your pathetic life. Either you don't fly anymore or the TSA has their hand up your ass so far you've given up on women.

Here's what's wrong with you idiots. You called us brainwashed (I hate this word. All you cocksuckers use it) SHEEPLE yet almost every post you make has all of the truthers bullshit buzz words. Free fall, resistance, NEVER happened. When you assholes can compare the WTC to ANY OTHER steel framed building BUILT LIKE THE WTC plus have commercial jumbo jets flown into them then I will listen to your "never happened" bullshit. Until then, go fuck yourself. COMPARE!!!!!! Look it up and get back to us, shit for brains.:lol::lol:

Wow you like the word 'cocksucker" Must be a personal favorite of yours as you've heard yourself being called one all your pathetic life.
Look bitch, your lunatic delusions of steel skyscrapers being destroyed in record time by 19 lucky Arabs with 2 planes has been shown to be pure and utter BS, by credible intellectuals.
The OCT has long been proven nearly impossible, as well as many of the events of that day.
You're too stupid to understand the highly impossible odds, or that NIST blames fire as the cause, and doesn't finish explaining things.

Even their tests and scientific data was fucked from the getgo, as you were at birth. How do you like being treated like a sorry little pussy when you fly, feel safer from AL-CIA-DUH after being groped you POS braindead bitch?
credibility .....what the fuck would you know about credibility..

More then you fuck ball, I didn't get banned and come back as a pussy ass sock puppet.
Besides providing the link to this mysterious 10 seconds, Why don't you tell us how it really happened. In your own words.......

Still refuse to do your own research Ollie?? It's in your beloved 9-11 Ommission Report. And NIST was charged with explaining what happened, as well as the 9-11 Omission Report, which have been scrutinized and dismissed as not plausible numerous times, even by their own members.
So how is it possible for the massive buildings to NOT provide any resistance, and fall in such short times? Can you site where NIST explains the reasons for NO RESISTANCE?
How about explaining the miraculous passports...what a lucky break that was huh?
Oh and how about the flight school rejects achieving a 75% success rate on their targets...on the same day the military drills were taking place?? It's a wonder these guys didn't win the lottery every day!!

But I guess we can just chalk it up to extreme LUCK, and or prayers answered from Allah...Must have been a bunch of lucky telephone connections on the doomed flights as well....:cuckoo:

If you all can't realize just how much BS you been fed, you're fucking hopeless.

Give me a fucking break. I asked for your 10 second quote because there is no such report.
It is said in your beloved 9-11 commission Report.
Where did NIST report zero resistance? Are you still trying to make people believe that the WTC 7 facade = the entire building for 2.25 seconds?
All 3 buildings experienced minimal to no resistance. It is stated by NIST. But no explanation as to WHY.

Even a flight school reject can crash.........DUH
It's not the crashing parts (totally) that are only in question....Duh!

Oh and since you haven't a clue, the Military has exercises going on every day. Yes Every single day.
Not the likes of the many drills on that day, again you want to beleive it was all good ole Allah Luck for the "terrorists" and walk away satisfied,with that BS answer, when so many have spoken out in regards to this?

And no I cannot explain the surviving passport. Shit happens.
See this is what I mean and you just proved it...You take the "oh well" shit happens approach, and leave it at that, then put down others who have the balls and gumption to have a proper explanation, other then "oh well, shit happens".

But then you can't explain how the buildings were wired......Or how so many can be kept quiet about their roll in the demolitions or the coverup when our government can't keep a wire tap secret.
Just because that part can not be explained does not mean the anomalies and lies, and inconsistencies and out right BS of the OCT ARE AUTOMATICALLY EXPLAINED OR BELIEVABLE!
The part about keeping things quiet is BS, as the Manhattan Project was kept quiet with 130,000 people being involved at a cost of 2 billion!
How about dealing with the "why" these inconsistencies happened, and why NIST doesn't make scientific sense, instead of trying to disprove the ENTIRE alternate theories just because we dont know exactly HOW the perps managed to do it all?

We saw what we saw, and people have stepped up and provided proof that the explanations given to us don't make sense scientifically, or physically and goes against the laws of physics, but you want to dismiss what you don't understand, instead of TRYING to understand it, and call people names about it, and then to further hide your ignorance, you say it's not possible by jumping all the way to a part about HOW it could have been wired.

In your view if HOW it could have been wired is NOT explainable, then ALL the things that goes against the above mentioned laws of science ARE explainable!!??

Common sense, I've got it.
Got any left? Use it, and stop inquiring half way through things because you know what you're going to find is exactly what we have been saying all along...
That they lied about the events of 9-11.

Ollie thinking---The law of conservation of momentum is explained away because no one knows exactly how the building was wired, or why no one has confessed?!!! :lol::lol:
Give me a fucking break. I asked for your 10 second quote because there is no such report.
Where did NIST report zero resistance? Are you still trying to make people believe that the WTC 7 facade = the entire building for 2.25 seconds?

Even a flight school reject can crash.........DUH

Oh and since you haven't a clue, the Military has exercises going on every day. Yes Every single day.

And no I cannot explain the surviving passport. Shit happens. But then you can't explain how the buildings were wired......Or how so many can be kept quiet about their roll in the demolitions or the coverup when our government can't keep a wire tap secret.

Common sense, I've got it.
what nist reported as compared to what the twoofers wish nist had reported:In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.

To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.

The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).

The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:

Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.

* That NIST fails to support its key assertion that "collapse initiation" automatically leads to "global collapse".
* That NIST uses the diversionary tactic of describing some events -- such as the airliner crashes -- in great detail, while almost completely avoiding the core question of what brought the Towers down.
* That NIST's report is internally inconsistent, supposing that steel columns were heated to temperatures hundreds of degrees in excess of the maximum temperatures indicated by its steel samples.
* That NIST fails to substantiate its implied claim that its computer models predicted "collapse initiation".
* That NIST fails to even address most of the features of the Towers' destruction that are apparently unique to controlled demolitions.

If NIST's computer models really do show collapse initiation, why don't they disclose those models?

NIST's uses propaganda: the "massive damage caused by the large mass" of the plane is contrasted with the "light steel" of the building. In fact, the steel on a single floor of the tower weighed ten times as much as a 767.

NIST squirms away from the assertion that the 'collapses' of the Twin Towers were progressive collapses. It does this by describing the floor pancaking model (endorsed by earlier versions of the official story, such as FEMA, NOVA, and Eagar) as a progressive collapse, thereby implying that NIST's theory is not a progressive collapse theory.

However, regardless of whether one calls the total destruction of the Twin Towers progressive collapse or something else, it remains true that there is no historical or experimental basis for believing that collapse events near the tops of the towers could progress all the way down the towers' vertical axes to produce total collapses. Lacking such a basis, the core assumption of NIST's theory is unscientific.

NIST implies that the top-down order of destruction of the Twin Towers weighs against the controlled demolition theory. However, as part of a psychological operation, the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers would be designed to support a false narrative of events (that the plane crashes caused the collapses) so of course the events were engineered to have the destruction start around the crash zones.

While NIST cherry-picks a feature of the Towers' destructions that differs from conventional, bottom-up demolitions, it conveniently ignores numerous features that are apparently unique to demolitions, including:

* Rapid onset, accompanied by sounds of explosions
* Radial symmetry about the building's vertical axis
* Consistent pulverization of non-metallic materials
* Total destruction of the building

NIST's mixing of the idea that "missiles were fired at or hit the towers" into its rebuttal of controlled demolition is gratuitous and seemingly designed to discredit the demolition thesis by associating it with nonsense.

Steel-framed high-rise buildings have been felled by severe earthquakes, and in those cases, the buildings were not pulverized and shredded, as the World Trade Center was, but were toppled.

The exact combination of impact-induced structural damage and fire damage was unprecedented, but in some of the examples of fires in steel-framed high-rise buildings the fires were much stronger and long-lasting than in the three WTC towers, and yet didn't even produce serious structural damage in the buildings. Since NIST's theory of the demise of the Twin Towers is essentially a fire theory, the lack of a single example of fire-induced total collapse of a steel-framed building presents a problem for that theory.

The piston theory that NIST advances implies acceptance of the floor pancaking scenario, since the dust jets emerge from parts of the tower whose perimeter walls are still intact. Thus NIST contradicts its own theory, which explicitly rejects the floor pancaking scenario.

There's more to it then the BS strawman arguments that lots of you OCt apologists like to easily knock down. You probably wont read it but here are the points that argue against the

NIST's World Trade Center FAQ
A Reply to the National Institute for Standards and Technology's
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

NIST's FAQ on the World Trade Center
Wow you like the word 'cocksucker" Must be a personal favorite of yours as you've heard yourself being called one all your pathetic life.
Look bitch, your lunatic delusions of steel skyscrapers being destroyed in record time by 19 lucky Arabs with 2 planes has been shown to be pure and utter BS, by credible intellectuals.
The OCT has long been proven nearly impossible, as well as many of the events of that day.
You're too stupid to understand the highly impossible odds, or that NIST blames fire as the cause, and doesn't finish explaining things.

Even their tests and scientific data was fucked from the getgo, as you were at birth. How do you like being treated like a sorry little pussy when you fly, feel safer from AL-CIA-DUH after being groped you POS braindead bitch?
credibility .....what the fuck would you know about credibility..

More then you fuck ball, I didn't get banned and come back as a pussy ass sock puppet.
wow the paranoia is strong with this one...so in your delusional state you believe that I got banned from this site (what was my avatar and title?) and came back ?ahhh....I didn't even know this site existed till July (two months ago) you said what again about credibility...
Still refuse to do your own research Ollie?? It's in your beloved 9-11 Ommission Report. And NIST was charged with explaining what happened, as well as the 9-11 Omission Report, which have been scrutinized and dismissed as not plausible numerous times, even by their own members.
So how is it possible for the massive buildings to NOT provide any resistance, and fall in such short times? Can you site where NIST explains the reasons for NO RESISTANCE?
How about explaining the miraculous passports...what a lucky break that was huh?
Oh and how about the flight school rejects achieving a 75% success rate on their targets...on the same day the military drills were taking place?? It's a wonder these guys didn't win the lottery every day!!

But I guess we can just chalk it up to extreme LUCK, and or prayers answered from Allah...Must have been a bunch of lucky telephone connections on the doomed flights as well....:cuckoo:

If you all can't realize just how much BS you been fed, you're fucking hopeless.

It is said in your beloved 9-11 commission Report.
All 3 buildings experienced minimal to no resistance. It is stated by NIST. But no explanation as to WHY.

It's not the crashing parts (totally) that are only in question....Duh!

Not the likes of the many drills on that day, again you want to beleive it was all good ole Allah Luck for the "terrorists" and walk away satisfied,with that BS answer, when so many have spoken out in regards to this?

See this is what I mean and you just proved it...You take the "oh well" shit happens approach, and leave it at that, then put down others who have the balls and gumption to have a proper explanation, other then "oh well, shit happens".

Just because that part can not be explained does not mean the anomalies and lies, and inconsistencies and out right BS of the OCT ARE AUTOMATICALLY EXPLAINED OR BELIEVABLE!
The part about keeping things quiet is BS, as the Manhattan Project was kept quiet with 130,000 people being involved at a cost of 2 billion!
How about dealing with the "why" these inconsistencies happened, and why NIST doesn't make scientific sense, instead of trying to disprove the ENTIRE alternate theories just because we dont know exactly HOW the perps managed to do it all?

We saw what we saw, and people have stepped up and provided proof that the explanations given to us don't make sense scientifically, or physically and goes against the laws of physics, but you want to dismiss what you don't understand, instead of TRYING to understand it, and call people names about it, and then to further hide your ignorance, you say it's not possible by jumping all the way to a part about HOW it could have been wired.

In your view if HOW it could have been wired is NOT explainable, then ALL the things that goes against the above mentioned laws of science ARE explainable!!??

Common sense, I've got it.
Got any left? Use it, and stop inquiring half way through things because you know what you're going to find is exactly what we have been saying all along...
That they lied about the events of 9-11.

Ollie thinking---The law of conservation of momentum is explained away because no one knows exactly how the building was wired, or why no one has confessed?!!! :lol::lol:
Well truthers....today's your big day

I expect to see tens of thousands of angry truthers on the streets of New York and Washington today. This is your last opportunity to show your clout on a major stage

It should not be hard for you to rally thousands of people who believe the same as you. After all, you have had ten years to gather evidence supporting your theories and convince people of your cause

Ask yourself who wouldn't take to the street when they realized that our very own government engaged in an attack that killed three thousand Americans. Who wouldnt rally in outrage that someone in our government pushed a button to destroy the towers? Who wouldnt scream in outrage that a government agent flew a missile into the Pentagon?

We need all our Truthers out in the streets demanding that the passengers on those flights be freed from captivity. Especially those on the plane that didn't crash in Shanksville

I'm going to turn on my TV now.....can't wait to see all the people protesting our governments involvement in 9-11
Currently listening to the reading of the names of those who were lost ten years ago today...
I'm watching the replay of NBC's coverage from that day.

Sad watching that second plane ram full speed into the corner of the tower, and then watching the floors above it fall towards that corner when the first collapse began.......Once again, freefall straight down thoroughly debunked.

Sad day today.:(
Ok truthers....what happened?

Where is all the outrage? If I had spent the last ten years convinced that someone in my government had pushed a button and killed three thousand people in a pre planned controlled demo, I would be out in the street screaming my outrage and demanding justice

It seems the best truthers can do is post YouTube videos and bogus scientific studies

Are you guys really that shallow? Or is this just a scam?
Unless you live in NYC and even vaguely understand what it is like to live in real high alert and have your city shutdown. STFU.

I just got back from the area. Cops/military everywhere. Places shutdown.

Police state.
Ok truthers....what happened?

Where is all the outrage? If I had spent the last ten years convinced that someone in my government had pushed a button and killed three thousand people in a pre planned controlled demo, I would be out in the street screaming my outrage and demanding justice

It seems the best truthers can do is post YouTube videos and bogus scientific studies

Are you guys really that shallow? Or is this just a scam?

where would you do this screaming ...in the free speech zone ?....certainly not ground zero first responders are not even welcome there..the Jefferson memorial ?...no

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWeF6lwg4aY]RT's Adam Kokesh brutally arrested for dancing at Jefferson Memorial - YouTube[/ame]

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