What story on tv, movie, etc. made you cry the most?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
After repressing my emotions much of my life, tears flow easily now, and quite frequently. Cute puppy or kitty commercial often is all it takes. But I never lost control until the end of "Seven Pounds." I cried liked I've never cried before, heaving wracking sobs, the works. And it felt GREAT! :)
Well, THIS is embarrassing, but it was during General Hospital, when Max got her cousin's heart. Tony said good-bye to his daughter, and then went and listened to her heart beating in her cousin Maxie's chest.

My daughter and I were damn near hysterical.
Weekend at Bernie's.

When they were towing him behind the boat, thunking his head against the buoys, I laughed so hard the tears were inevitable.
A good friend passed this ESPN segment along to me a few years ago.

If this doesn't make you cry with joy, you ain't human.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCSzysu_flY]Josiah Vierra has Progeria that makes him prematurely old but he still wants to play baseball - YouTube[/ame]
"Old Yeller" made every eight year old boy cry

didn't make me cry...

for me, even at that age, it was a fuckin' tedious and boring movie...

by the time the kid shot the dog, my attention was elsewhere...

but then again, I've always been borderline autistic 'r ADD 'r whatever...
I haven't seen Old Yeller, but I have read the book and I bawled at the end.

Movie that makes me cry every single time? Love Story.
From the "Dragonlance" series, the first book has one of my favourite metaphors for faith. Always having gravitated to fantasy gaming or novels because the gods there really do exist (heh) stuff like this can set off the water works in me.

Some context first. In the series, the gods of good, evil, and neutrality after sending a mountain of rock crashing into the world hundreds of years ago turned away from everyone. Since then, false religions worshipping false deities have sprung up everywhere. But the true divine healing and blessings are still absent from the world. Until 'Goldmoon' 'rediscovers' them and becomes a cleric of the old goddess of healing:

..."Maybe not." Tanis smiled. "Goldmoon is a cleric. She can heal him."

"Perhaps, perhaps not," Maritta said skeptically. "I wouldn't want to
chance it. We shouldn't excite Elistan with false hope. Let him die in

"Goldmoon," Tanis said as the Chieftain's Daughter came near. "This
man wants to meet you." Ignoring Maritta, the half-elf led Goldmoon
over to Elistan. Goldmoon's face, hard and cold with disappointment
and frustration, softened as she saw the man's pitiful condition.

Elistan looked up at her. "Young woman," he said sternly, though his
voice was weak, "you claim to bring word from ancient gods. If it
truly was we humans who turned from them, not the gods who turned from
us as we've always thought, then why have they waited so long to make
their presence known?"

Goldmoon knelt down beside the dying man in silence, thinking how to
phrase her answer. Finally she said, "Imagine you are walking through
a wood, carrying your most precious possession-a rare and beautiful
gem. Suddenly you are attacked by a vicious beast. You drop the gem
and run away. When you realize the gem is lost, you are afraid to go
back into the woods and search for it. Then someone comes along with
another gem. Deep in your heart, you know it is not as valuable as the
one you lost, but you are still too frightened to go back to look for
the other. Now, does this mean the gem has left the forest, or is it
still lying there, shining brightly beneath the leaves, waiting for
you to return?"

Elistan closed his eyes, sighing, his face filled with anguish. "Of
course, the gem waits for our return. What fools we have been! I wish
I had time to learn of your gods," he said, reaching out his hand.

Goldmoon caught her breath, her face drained until she was nearly as
pale as the dying man on the cot. "You will be given time," she said
softly, taking his hand in hers.

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