What sort of man supports abortion?

Again, that isn't the question. The question is if a woman can decide not to have a kid post conception, why is the supposed father precluded from the same choice? Of course this choice has to be made in time for the woman to have an abortion, or not have one.

As I've already stated, at least 10 times on this thread, I'm sure most women keep in mind where their partner stands on the issue, but the final say belongs to the woman because she's the one who has to carry to term, or not carry. If the decision is to keep and raise a child, then BOTH parents owe that child support.

Again, how is that "equal"?

If she wants to carry to term, and the man wants no part of it, why, if his intent is known, should he be responsible against his will?

Are you saying women need special protection from the government?

It's equal because a male would be treated with the same respect to privacy if the situation were reversed. Holy Mother of Gawd.

Before birth, however, the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman. Cf. Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, 497 U. S., at 281. The Court has held that "when the wife and the husband disagree on this decision, the view of only one of the two marriage partners can prevail. Inasmuch as it is the woman who physically bears the child and who is the more directly and immediately affected by the pregnancy, as between the two, the balance weighs in her favor." Danforth, supra, at 71. This conclusion rests upon the basic nature of marriage and the nature of our Constitution: "

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Actually it's not equal, and that's the whole point.

and what you are quoting deals with a couple inside of a marriage, not outside of a marriage, so it really isn't applicable.

The same stands for single women since she's the one who has to carry the baby to term. It's totally applicable. The same rules apply to boyfriends/biological fathers.

The only way to get the kind of equality you desire is to figure out a way where men can carry a baby to term. Once you do that, you will have more control over the outcome of the pregnancy. And once again, I'm all for that kind of equality.

No the way to establish equality is to allow the man the same opportunity to avoid taking responsibility for his actions as the woman enjoys. If the man legally relinquishes his standing as the father of the child, he should bear no responsibility for financial support of the child. In such a situation, both men and women have an equal opportunity to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. The woman has been given plenty of fair warning, she knows she will be on her own with this child and she can have it or not as she sees fit.
Again, how is that "equal"?

If she wants to carry to term, and the man wants no part of it, why, if his intent is known, should he be responsible against his will?

Are you saying women need special protection from the government?

It's equal because a male would be treated with the same respect to privacy if the situation were reversed. Holy Mother of Gawd.

Before birth, however, the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman. Cf. Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, 497 U. S., at 281. The Court has held that "when the wife and the husband disagree on this decision, the view of only one of the two marriage partners can prevail. Inasmuch as it is the woman who physically bears the child and who is the more directly and immediately affected by the pregnancy, as between the two, the balance weighs in her favor." Danforth, supra, at 71. This conclusion rests upon the basic nature of marriage and the nature of our Constitution: "

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Actually it's not equal, and that's the whole point.

and what you are quoting deals with a couple inside of a marriage, not outside of a marriage, so it really isn't applicable.

The same stands for single women since she's the one who has to carry the baby to term. It's totally applicable. The same rules apply to boyfriends/biological fathers.

The only way to get the kind of equality you desire is to figure out a way where men can carry a baby to term. Once you do that, you will have more control over the outcome of the pregnancy. And once again, I'm all for that kind of equality.

No, the way to get equality is for both sides to have an out before and after conception. If the man give notice in time for a legal abortion that he does not want a child, then the woman has the choice to keep it herself or abort it. At most the man would have to pay for the procedure.

So your idea of equality would be to push someone like koshergrl into a forced abortion with the threat of not paying child support if she decides to keep and raise the child? LOL! Good luck with that.

You know, women live longer than men. I'm against that. I think men and women should be able to live as long as the other, however, I have no control over that, just as I have no control over a woman being the only gender who can carry a baby to term.

Men die younger than women because we want to. :lol: It's our last gasp effort for some peace and quiet
keep your pants over your vagina, and you won't have to worry about the consequences. Don't leave birth control up to the man. Get your tubes tied or abstain. It's simple.
You don't even see the simple logic in what I am saying, stupid. Let me put it to you simply:

Women already take main responsibility for birth control:that's why I say men should take equal care, which, 99% of the time, they don't.

Women are the ones who also must bear the responsibility of what happens if the birth control fails: 99% of the time, men don't.

Are you naturally stupid or do you work at it?

Actually in my relationship I'm responsible for the birth control.

and the question isn't about mechanics or who does what, and it isn't about forcing a woman to do anything, its about both parties having choices before and after conception.

or are you saying women require special protection by the government in this case?

This has nothing to do with my intellect, and all about your side not really being for "equality".

Also go fuck yourself for being a condescending twat.
I only condescend because you are worthy of condescension. When the birth control fails, and you conceive, in your womb, and must decide to carry the child to term, and then when it is born, you take the vast majority of the responsibiity for raising it, when your life from the time you are 20 to 40 is forcused almost solely on the welfare of the child, putting your own desires second, then, and only then, things will be equal, only then.

but if the man tells the woman he doesn't want a kid, and she has time to abort if she so chooses, why should he still be responsible if it is her "choice" to keep it after that?
Because that's the chance he took when he knocked her up.

The woman played an equal part in that you know
keep your pants over your vagina, and you won't have to worry about the consequences. Don't leave birth control up to the man. Get your tubes tied or abstain. It's simple.
You don't even see the simple logic in what I am saying, stupid. Let me put it to you simply:

Women already take main responsibility for birth control:that's why I say men should take equal care, which, 99% of the time, they don't.

Women are the ones who also must bear the responsibility of what happens if the birth control fails: 99% of the time, men don't.

Are you naturally stupid or do you work at it?

Actually in my relationship I'm responsible for the birth control.

and the question isn't about mechanics or who does what, and it isn't about forcing a woman to do anything, its about both parties having choices before and after conception.

or are you saying women require special protection by the government in this case?

This has nothing to do with my intellect, and all about your side not really being for "equality".

Also go fuck yourself for being a condescending twat.

Likely story!

keep your pants over your vagina, and you won't have to worry about the consequences. Don't leave birth control up to the man. Get your tubes tied or abstain. It's simple.

All the things I have been arguing about are not really applicable to me, as I am married recently, have been in a committed relationship for 3 years, and for those 3, she has only been on the pill for about 6 months (she had to move her menstruation because in her culture you can't get married if you are having your period).

Other than that, its been condoms the whole way with zero issues.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

I couldn't give two shits about your personal life.

But thank you for bringing the real issue out in the open.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

Thank you for admitting all this is about is you wanting to have control over a woman's body.

Nice twist of what he said. That's not what he said at all. Can you do anything OTHER than cry the same liberal rhetoric?
You don't even see the simple logic in what I am saying, stupid. Let me put it to you simply:

Women already take main responsibility for birth control:that's why I say men should take equal care, which, 99% of the time, they don't.

Women are the ones who also must bear the responsibility of what happens if the birth control fails: 99% of the time, men don't.

Are you naturally stupid or do you work at it?

Actually in my relationship I'm responsible for the birth control.

and the question isn't about mechanics or who does what, and it isn't about forcing a woman to do anything, its about both parties having choices before and after conception.

or are you saying women require special protection by the government in this case?

This has nothing to do with my intellect, and all about your side not really being for "equality".

Also go fuck yourself for being a condescending twat.
I only condescend because you are worthy of condescension. When the birth control fails, and you conceive, in your womb, and must decide to carry the child to term, and then when it is born, you take the vast majority of the responsibiity for raising it, when your life from the time you are 20 to 40 is forcused almost solely on the welfare of the child, putting your own desires second, then, and only then, things will be equal, only then.

but if the man tells the woman he doesn't want a kid, and she has time to abort if she so chooses, why should he still be responsible if it is her "choice" to keep it after that?
Because that's the chance he took when he knocked her up.

The woman played an equal part in that you know
And she has to deal as well.
The fact you ask this question just defies logic. Because it is your sperm. If you hadn't kept it to yourself, then there would be no issue. That's why I say get a vasectomy. You just aren't following the point, probably because it would be necessary for you to think outside your tunnel vision.

yeah well it's your egg. BTW....women are the ones who choose their mates not men. Humans are no different than the vast majority of animals. We strut around like peacocks showing our hot, sexy tail feathers to attract a woman, but it's the woman who says "yes" or "no". Then you have the stones to say "well it's your sperm" as if you women bear no responsibility whatsoever for saying "yes you will do" and sticking your heels toward the sky. You have balls the size of grapefruits.


yeah we have to put up with nine months of you while you are carrying that child and the same 20 years of putting it first in our life. My God you are a worse misandryst than Carla. I didn't think it was possible.
Then you're not very bright.

The only reason both parents are responsible when the man doesn't want the kid is because evidently women need more protection than men when it comes to the law, and more insulation from their own choices. If one wants to argue equality, one is confronted by the fact above.

A woman can have the final say on termination, but forcing the man to accept her choice by government fiat is antiquated, and assumes women need additional help from the government with regards to their choices.

Child support is just that....it's for the child, you boob. The mother and the father are both equally responsible in supporting a child. If a man has custody of that child, he can sue the mother for child support.

If the mother is truly an empowered woman, she should be able to handle it herself if the father want's nothing to do with it, or she can abort it.

Lots of women do handle it themselves with no child support, or very little, and only when the courts are able to hunt him down.

That is not fair to the child when both parents owe that child support.

It's not about fairness to the child, it's about choice. Being aborted surely isn't fair to the child.
There is no child. You want to be logical then understand there is no child: it is an undeveloped fetus.

Well if someone kills the mother of that undeveloped fetus, why do they get charged with two counts of murder instead of one?
It's not about fairness to the child, it's about choice. Being aborted surely isn't fair to the child.
There is no child. You want to be logical than understand there is no child: it is an undeveloped fetus.

Nice mental exercise there to justify killing something off, but it's not going to fly.

Oh, so now you're anti-choice, and only pro-choice when it comes to getting out of paying child support. You are a joke.

Actually I see no reason why abortions should be banned prior to viability, I just think its 1) a shitty thing to do unless therapeutically required and 2) States should be able to ban it if they feel like it.

My views are far more complicated than just "pro-life or pro-choice".

You're pro-control of a woman's body and pro-tantrum when you don't get it.

State bans....ridiculous!

Marty...let me translate this statement into actual English...ahem..."I can't answer your point so instead I am just going to accuse you of trying to control a woman's body and hopefully you will get sidetracked."
Because a father shares equal responsibility in raising that child. The father can indicate his choice, but does not have the final say because it's not his body.

You--My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

But he didn't want it in the first place. If SHE doesn't want it, she has an out. Fairness dictates he gets one as well. Fairness also dictates HE has to make up his mind in time so SHE can have a choice as well.

As soon as you can become pregnant, you will also have that choice. Until then, she has the final say.

That only works for a man wanting a kid and the woman not wanting a kid, and in that, I agree her choice is final. It does not apply when the opposite is true, and she is given the information well before she has to decide abort/not abort.

It doesn't matter if a man wants the child or not, he still owes that child support if the child is born....both parents owe that child support.

Your argument is ridiculous.

My argument is the only one that makes logical sense if you want true equality between men and women.

Marty, you have better chances of getting a Patriots fan to admit Tom Brady knew about the ball pressure than getting these two to understand logic.

Where's Fred, your token friend, to protect you from the scary crowd? LOL!!!

My best man at my wedding was a black man named Fred (I am white). Fred and I are still close. He always said when it came to music I had far too much soul for a white boy. LOL. We both love Earth, Wind and Fire. We would drive to school and sing. We had worked out the harmonies and sang together incredibly. I saw that EWF was playing in our city and I went to Fred all excited and said "we have to go". Fred looked at the venue and said "you can't go".

I was confused and didn't understand. I said "this is our band. We have to go" and he said. "I am sorry you can't go. I can't protect you if you go" Racism goes both ways

It sure did answer the question. No one can force a woman to give birth against her will. Why is that so hard to get through your thick skull?

Again, that isn't the question. The question is if a woman can decide not to have a kid post conception, why is the supposed father precluded from the same choice? Of course this choice has to be made in time for the woman to have an abortion, or not have one.

As I've already stated, at least 10 times on this thread, I'm sure most women keep in mind where their partner stands on the issue, but the final say belongs to the woman because she's the one who has to carry to term, or not carry. If the decision is to keep and raise a child, then BOTH parents owe that child support.

Again, how is that "equal"?

If she wants to carry to term, and the man wants no part of it, why, if his intent is known, should he be responsible against his will?

Are you saying women need special protection from the government?

It's equal because a male would be treated with the same respect to privacy if the situation were reversed. Holy Mother of Gawd.

Before birth, however, the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman. Cf. Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, 497 U. S., at 281. The Court has held that "when the wife and the husband disagree on this decision, the view of only one of the two marriage partners can prevail. Inasmuch as it is the woman who physically bears the child and who is the more directly and immediately affected by the pregnancy, as between the two, the balance weighs in her favor." Danforth, supra, at 71. This conclusion rests upon the basic nature of marriage and the nature of our Constitution: "

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

I know why you can't get this through your head. Your dunce cap is lined with tin foil huh? No one is making a legal argument. Frankly, legal arguments are irrelevant. Law change, the constitution changes, and interpretations of the constitution change. Plessy v. Ferguson constitutionally upheld separate but equal. The Dred Scott decision constitutionally established that blacks were not American citizens. Those laws and decisions changed because someone said "you know what? This is bullshit" and the SCOTUS said "you're right...it IS bullshit".

We are discussing a hypothetical question about basic fairness and equality and you keep bringing up legal decisions and empty rhetoric. You don't speak to the point. You avoid the speaking to the point and re-emphasize your gynocentric, misandric position while claiming you favor equal rights.

Doofus, the reason I keep bringing up that particular legal decision is so you can understand the reasoning behind that decision. The court specifically said why the choice belongs solely to the mother.
You don't even see the simple logic in what I am saying, stupid. Let me put it to you simply:

Women already take main responsibility for birth control:that's why I say men should take equal care, which, 99% of the time, they don't.

Women are the ones who also must bear the responsibility of what happens if the birth control fails: 99% of the time, men don't.

Are you naturally stupid or do you work at it?

Actually in my relationship I'm responsible for the birth control.

and the question isn't about mechanics or who does what, and it isn't about forcing a woman to do anything, its about both parties having choices before and after conception.

or are you saying women require special protection by the government in this case?

This has nothing to do with my intellect, and all about your side not really being for "equality".

Also go fuck yourself for being a condescending twat.

Likely story!

keep your pants over your vagina, and you won't have to worry about the consequences. Don't leave birth control up to the man. Get your tubes tied or abstain. It's simple.

All the things I have been arguing about are not really applicable to me, as I am married recently, have been in a committed relationship for 3 years, and for those 3, she has only been on the pill for about 6 months (she had to move her menstruation because in her culture you can't get married if you are having your period).

Other than that, its been condoms the whole way with zero issues.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

I couldn't give two shits about your personal life.

But thank you for bringing the real issue out in the open.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

Thank you for admitting all this is about is you wanting to have control over a woman's body.

Nice twist of what he said. That's not what he said at all. Can you do anything OTHER than cry the same liberal rhetoric?

That was exactly what he said, it is his quote, you idiot.
Actually in my relationship I'm responsible for the birth control.

and the question isn't about mechanics or who does what, and it isn't about forcing a woman to do anything, its about both parties having choices before and after conception.

or are you saying women require special protection by the government in this case?

This has nothing to do with my intellect, and all about your side not really being for "equality".

Also go fuck yourself for being a condescending twat.

Likely story!

keep your pants over your vagina, and you won't have to worry about the consequences. Don't leave birth control up to the man. Get your tubes tied or abstain. It's simple.

All the things I have been arguing about are not really applicable to me, as I am married recently, have been in a committed relationship for 3 years, and for those 3, she has only been on the pill for about 6 months (she had to move her menstruation because in her culture you can't get married if you are having your period).

Other than that, its been condoms the whole way with zero issues.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

I couldn't give two shits about your personal life.

But thank you for bringing the real issue out in the open.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

Thank you for admitting all this is about is you wanting to have control over a woman's body.

Nice twist of what he said. That's not what he said at all. Can you do anything OTHER than cry the same liberal rhetoric?

That was exactly what he said, it is his quote, you idiot.

His argument is the same lame one as yours. LOL!

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.
As I've already stated, at least 10 times on this thread, I'm sure most women keep in mind where their partner stands on the issue, but the final say belongs to the woman because she's the one who has to carry to term, or not carry. If the decision is to keep and raise a child, then BOTH parents owe that child support.

Again, how is that "equal"?

If she wants to carry to term, and the man wants no part of it, why, if his intent is known, should he be responsible against his will?

Are you saying women need special protection from the government?

It's equal because a male would be treated with the same respect to privacy if the situation were reversed. Holy Mother of Gawd.

Before birth, however, the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman. Cf. Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of Health, 497 U. S., at 281. The Court has held that "when the wife and the husband disagree on this decision, the view of only one of the two marriage partners can prevail. Inasmuch as it is the woman who physically bears the child and who is the more directly and immediately affected by the pregnancy, as between the two, the balance weighs in her favor." Danforth, supra, at 71. This conclusion rests upon the basic nature of marriage and the nature of our Constitution: "

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Actually it's not equal, and that's the whole point.

and what you are quoting deals with a couple inside of a marriage, not outside of a marriage, so it really isn't applicable.

The same stands for single women since she's the one who has to carry the baby to term. It's totally applicable. The same rules apply to boyfriends/biological fathers.

The only way to get the kind of equality you desire is to figure out a way where men can carry a baby to term. Once you do that, you will have more control over the outcome of the pregnancy. And once again, I'm all for that kind of equality.

No the way to establish equality is to allow the man the same opportunity to avoid taking responsibility for his actions as the woman enjoys. If the man legally relinquishes his standing as the father of the child, he should bear no responsibility for financial support of the child. In such a situation, both men and women have an equal opportunity to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. The woman has been given plenty of fair warning, she knows she will be on her own with this child and she can have it or not as she sees fit.

Dear Judge, I would like to be relieved of paying child support of any kind because she refused to have an abortion, and I have the right to demand one...lol.

Next, the Judge teaches you about equal rights. :)
Likely story!

All the things I have been arguing about are not really applicable to me, as I am married recently, have been in a committed relationship for 3 years, and for those 3, she has only been on the pill for about 6 months (she had to move her menstruation because in her culture you can't get married if you are having your period).

Other than that, its been condoms the whole way with zero issues.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

I couldn't give two shits about your personal life.

But thank you for bringing the real issue out in the open.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

Thank you for admitting all this is about is you wanting to have control over a woman's body.

Nice twist of what he said. That's not what he said at all. Can you do anything OTHER than cry the same liberal rhetoric?

That was exactly what he said, it is his quote, you idiot.

His argument is the same lame one as yours. LOL!

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

Just can't stay away from the liberal rhetoric can you. You don't even have the intelligence to understand that you are parroting standard bullshit that only liberals think makes an impact do you? Do you even know what rhetoric is? I am sure you will post a definition after you Google it. I thought rDean had the market on parroting MSNBC and NPR corned. Guess I was wrong. Let me know when an independent thought actually enters your mind...besides "where is the ice cream and are we out of hot fudge?"

"Philippa Taylor is the Head of Public Policy at the Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK. She says, “We have to consider the possibility that perhaps women are not always making choices that they really want to make, as men absolve themselves of their responsibility in decision- making. A choice is no choice if there are not equal (supported) alternatives.”
Men Often Support Abortion More Than Women, And There’s a Reason Why

Men who support abortion typically believe they have the right to coerce women to get abortion.

Men who support abortion don't want to support their offspring.

Men who support abortion believe they have a right to sex with women who aren't in a position to raise a child.

Men who support abortion are generally great supporters of the sex industry in all it's forms.

Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking.

And the industry tells them that they should feel free to tell women what they "want" (abortion) even if the woman doesn't, in order to *help* her make the right decision for *her*:

"You may think it’s better to support whatever she wants, or you may not want to influence her too much. But, it’s important to tell her how you feel...."

And if you are a man and feel morally bereft because you've coerced a woman into killing her baby, get over it: "If you still think abortion is morally wrong, the solution lies in forgiveness--from yourself, from her, from God." Men and Abortion

"Many men favor abortion for their own reason...They want to be able to have sexual relations without bearing responsibility if a child results....
this has always been the chief reason why abortions occur at all. Though pro-abortion rhetoric depicts the decision to abort as a woman's declaration of independence from male control -- an assertion of her 'right to control her own body' -- the reality is usually that she has found herself both dependent on a man and under his control and feels that abortion is a last ugly option."
"The unmarried father used to be "expected to take his share of the responsibility. The decent thing to do...was to offer marriage. Now he need only ask, 'What are you going to do?' The question conveys the message: 'It's not my problem.' Or he may be more blunt, pressuring her to abort or threatening not to support the child if she goes ahead and gives birth."

America's Future -- Why Men Support Abortion "Rights" -- Week of November 3, 1996
What if she is taking care of four or five and can't handle another one? What kind of despicable, disgusting and evil people will force a woman to have an unwanted children but do nothing to help her after it's born. What kind of dirty creeps support the fetus, but walks away from the baby, cutting daycare, school lunches and other things that would help the born. Can you explain these disgusting people?
Your statement is a straw mans argument. You should not have even tried to go there.
Stupid statement.

Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....
All the things I have been arguing about are not really applicable to me, as I am married recently, have been in a committed relationship for 3 years, and for those 3, she has only been on the pill for about 6 months (she had to move her menstruation because in her culture you can't get married if you are having your period).

Other than that, its been condoms the whole way with zero issues.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

I couldn't give two shits about your personal life.

But thank you for bringing the real issue out in the open.

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

Thank you for admitting all this is about is you wanting to have control over a woman's body.

Nice twist of what he said. That's not what he said at all. Can you do anything OTHER than cry the same liberal rhetoric?

That was exactly what he said, it is his quote, you idiot.

His argument is the same lame one as yours. LOL!

My argument is over the inherent disconnect between women screaming for control of their bodies and then turning around and saying men don't have the same control.

Just can't stay away from the liberal rhetoric can you. You don't even have the intelligence to understand that you are parroting standard bullshit that only liberals think makes an impact do you? Do you even know what rhetoric is? I am sure you will post a definition after you Google it. I thought rDean had the market on parroting MSNBC and NPR corned. Guess I was wrong. Let me know when an independent thought actually enters your mind...besides "where is the ice cream and are we out of hot fudge?"

Mr Misogynist, every woman is responsible for the children she bears, and every man is responsible for the children he fathers. That is equality. The second you're able to become pregnant, is the second you will be able to make decisions about your pregnancy. Now, continue your whine fest.
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