What say you

Is this FBI background check thorough and comprehensive?

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He made wild accusations with no evidence, spewed conspiracy theories, and suffered several crying jags. And these strike you as qualities you want in a judge?

Many a person has endured that kind of stress, and more, without turning into a quivering mass of emotional jelly.

I wonder how he will react on the bench if a plaintiff throws his questions back in his face the way he did to the Senators on the committee.
Oh, dear....He's an actual human being with relatively normal emotional responses...The horror!

Klobuchar is a fucking intellectual lightweight...Her line of questioning was worthless and irrelevant.....She deserved to have her smarmy shit thrown back in her face.....Ditto with the sanctimonious confirmed molester Booker.

When he's on the bench, it's beyond unlikely that any of the shysters appearing before him will be trying to assassinate his character, so the likelihood that we'll ever see this again is zero.
Investigations in general are usually lacking.

Rob Porter had a wife who filed and EPO against him. He was staff secretary at the White House. While the FBI may not have done a check on it, surely the Secret Service should have and not allowed this serial wife abuser anywhere near the President much less the sensitive information he may have held. PS: Kav had the same job under Bush.

For a thorough investigation you need a set up like Captain Mueller has; a staff of competent individuals who know what questions to ask and the authority to drill as deep as you need to drill. And you need time.

Kav's investigation is for a job; he's had it done six times already. Whatever the investigation entails; nothing has been found before that is disqualifying.
are you saying the fbi sucks?
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.

Am I correct in my inference that you are opposed to the Separation of Powers, and support a one party system is of benefit to our Republic?

Do you believe Grassley's suppression of documents was appropriate? Do you believe McConnell's nonfeasance was appropriate? Do you believe Trump&Co., has been transparent and honest?

Were you proud of your president's mockery of Dr. Ford?

Go patriot act!
Fuck our rights!
Go big govt!
You just quoted the history of the Democratic party, at least Obama's Modern 'Fundamentally Changed' America.

Obama and his criminal Gestapo illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC justices...used a weaponized IRS to target Americans legally opposing his re-election...stripped Americans of their Right to Due Process and assassinated them with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.

STFU, lil' biased, hypocritical, unstable snowflake.
Obama obama obama
Geez louise
Obama sucks
Kavfefe sucks
Grow a pair dude. Damn
I'M SORRY - Does poking holes in your bullshit with fact and history cause you discomfort, lil' snowflake?! :p
You know, it doesn't matter what topic it is...we could be talking about corn flakes, you come into every topic with your diarrhea of the mouth to scream something about Hillary.

Do you beat off to her picture several times a day, or what?

This is a topic about Bart O'Kavanaugh. Try to get a grip, mm-kay kiddo?

"Hillary pissed on my corn flakes and got away with it!"
Because if it's ANYTHING that should cement his reputation, it's a reference from that statist thug jackass! Did you even think before you clicked on "post reply"?
Absolutely. I am just pointing out that before Schumer joined the 'Kavanaugh is an unqualified rapist' propaganda bandwagon, Chucky was one of Kavanaugh's biggest fans and how the Democrats will turn on / use anyone or anything if doing so might give them political benefit.
...and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.
How fascinating that you didn't have an issue with the completely unveiled hate for Republicans and the U.S. Constitution by Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
Silly question considering it hasn't ben made public.

Wrong. The FBI did not do an investigation, they did exactly what they were authorized to do. Now I'm beginning to wonder about the integrity of this institution, did they follow policy, were they told who to interview and no one else?

The reality is, we will one day know. The Freedom of Information Act - unless the GOP repeals it - may uncover the cover up.
was there an agreement on a set scope? it's all you have to answer to. yes or no? do you have any integrity or honor to answer?
I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe

Interesting, I personally don't know anything about his judicial record or deportment, I do know he will become the 5th vote on the Supreme Court, and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.

McConnell and Grassley have done a disservice to democracy. Their theater of the absurd fooled no one!
He is a big govt stooge. I am sure you can understand that.
75% of our SC bench doesnt belong there. The SC is nothing more than a partisan circle jerk

And now it's a "conservative" circle jerk not a democratic circle jerk like the one that took place in the Oval office Under bill Clinton. Flowers , Brodderick , Lewinsky how many others We will never know, Thanks Hillary and now go away/
The hypocrisy of the Dumbocrats in display once again
So let’s talk about PizzaGate. No, I’m not saying there’s any credibility in that absurd conspiracy theory. But what I am saying is that if Democrats and liberals are really serious about believing every allegation of sexual assault, then the FBI needs to drag Hillary Clinton and John Podesta (and pretty much every Democrat) into a dark room and interrogate them under harsh overhead lighting. And the video of those interrogations should be recorded and published online for my unending amusement.
If Dumbocrats believe EVERY allegation should be taken seriously and investigated to the fullest extent, it's time to issue subpoenas to Hitlery Clinton, John Pedophile, I mean, Podesta, and company!

Commentary: If Dems are serious about believing sex allegations, then let’s look at PizzaGate again
I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe

Interesting, I personally don't know anything about his judicial record or deportment, I do know he will become the 5th vote on the Supreme Court, and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.

McConnell and Grassley have done a disservice to democracy. Their theater of the absurd fooled no one!

Maybe he knows them. Do you ? I don't know the Clintons personally but I know he got head in the WH and Hillary defended him. It seems they would probably do anything to keep the guy who formed the Prosecution of Bill and his subsequent Impeachment from rising to the highest Court Brett knows them and dislikes them just like the rest of us and was direct in his assessment of what was going on . behind the scenes. CONFIRM, CONFIRM . CONFIRM 51 times

It's payback for Garland.
Go patriot act!
Fuck our rights!
Go big govt!
You just quoted the history of the Democratic party, at least Obama's Modern 'Fundamentally Changed' America.

Obama and his criminal Gestapo illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC justices...used a weaponized IRS to target Americans legally opposing his re-election...stripped Americans of their Right to Due Process and assassinated them with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.

STFU, lil' biased, hypocritical, unstable snowflake.
Obama obama obama
Geez louise
Obama sucks
Kavfefe sucks
Grow a pair dude. Damn
I'M SORRY - Does poking holes in your bullshit with fact and history cause you discomfort, lil' snowflake?! :p
There are no holes and you all you did was talk about something else.
Grow a pair dude. Damn
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
who really cares? if you still expect anyone believe it was about a woman who had no desire to testify and not delaying the confirmation then you are just trying to see who you think you can still keep playing.

His partisanship ALONE are grounds to disqualify him
so is this impeachable offense? if so, then let's look at the number of votes from the SCOTUS on conservative issues brought to them. let's see who is actually partisan. LOL. dude, you have no idea on anything.
I didnt believe the accusations. At least the one by ford. I have no doubt he showed his penis to women. Thats pretty much normal with kids. Just like chicks showing their tits.
I do not want him confirmed. That is only because of his judicial record.
Fuck Brett Kavfefe

Interesting, I personally don't know anything about his judicial record or deportment, I do know he will become the 5th vote on the Supreme Court, and his thinly veiled hate for The Clinton's and Democrats in general makes him unfit to don the robe on the SC, the Court of Appeals and a trial court anywhere in the U.S.

McConnell and Grassley have done a disservice to democracy. Their theater of the absurd fooled no one!
Hating the Clinton's is precisely what makes him fit, if indeed he ever expresses such a sentiment.

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Most importantly, Kavanaugh gets approved soon, and sworn in. But even better, Dems lose 3 to 4 seats in the Senate and gain only 10 to 12 in the House in November all because oh this crap.

The lingering question will be, did they learn from this?

I’m hoping they will, but I doubt it.
I think Democrats will lose alot of seats in both houses. There will be a huge backlash for this despicable stunt they pulled.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
what was the requested scope? My vote would be -- did the fbi complete the requested scope? yep. I find it appalling someone agrees to something and then after agreement is reached changes the parameters. That is the definition of a leftist. PERIOD!

A gentlemen's agreement is a most respected offering. to violate that agreement makes the violator the fool.
BTW, I find it hilarious the MSM is calling it a compromise with the dem leftists. So, was the agreement with them if we run the fbi investigation and nothing is found you vote yes? Did they agree to that? if not, then there is no compromise, just a delay. I feel like I'm in a deja-vu moment everyday with the left.

The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President, who mislead the public by his claims noted here:

Trump says FBI is not limited in Kavanaugh background investigation
There are no holes and you all you did was talk about something else.
Grow a pair dude. Damn
Perhaps you need to READ my post this time, lil' snowflake:

You just quoted the history of the Democratic party, at least Obama's Modern 'Fundamentally Changed' America.

'Obama and his criminal Gestapo illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC justices...used a weaponized IRS to target Americans legally opposing his re-election...stripped Americans of their Right to Due Process and assassinated them with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.'

One does not need to 'grow a pair' to acknowledge your monumental, hate-driven hypocrisy and over-inflated partisan bias.

GROW up.
The investigation authorized by The President just completed is being released at the moment. What say you.
what was the requested scope? My vote would be -- did the fbi complete the requested scope? yep. I find it appalling someone agrees to something and then after agreement is reached changes the parameters. That is the definition of a leftist. PERIOD!

A gentlemen's agreement is a most respected offering. to violate that agreement makes the violator the fool.
BTW, I find it hilarious the MSM is calling it a compromise with the dem leftists. So, was the agreement with them if we run the fbi investigation and nothing is found you vote yes? Did they agree to that? if not, then there is no compromise, just a delay. I feel like I'm in a deja-vu moment everyday with the left.

The process was not an investigation, it was a background check with guidelines limited by the President, who mislead the public by his claims noted here:

Trump says FBI is not limited in Kavanaugh background investigation
dude I asked you a question and it's obvious you have no intention to answer it. you now have no credibility to the subject. I will repeat, an agreement was reached, to perform a one week investigation with a set scope. That's it. To bark in here about anything else is just more whining from a group who has been butthurt for two years now. fk off then.

Answer my question or shut up.

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