What Netanyahu's Victory Tells Me

No Peace Any Time Soon, but Not Because of Bibi

Palestinians have demonstrated neither the will nor the leadership to sign a deal with Israel.

Of all the idiocies uttered in reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning election victory, none is more ubiquitous than the idea that peace prospects are now dead because Netanyahu has declared that there will be no Palestinian state while he is Israel’s prime minister.

I have news for the lowing herds: There would be no peace and no Palestinian state if Isaac Herzog were prime minister either. Or Ehud Barak or Ehud Olmert for that matter. The latter two were (non-Likud) prime ministers who offered the Palestinians their own state — with its capital in Jerusalem and every Israeli settlement in the new Palestine uprooted — only to be rudely rejected. This is not ancient history. This is 2000, 2001, and 2008 — three astonishingly concessionary peace offers within the last 15 years. Every one rejected.

RIGHT The fundamental reality remains: This generation of Palestinian leadership — from Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas — has never and will never sign its name to a final peace settlement dividing the land with a Jewish state. And without that, no Israeli government of any kind will agree to a Palestinian state.

Read more at: National Review
I think you should really have said "With the Israeli leadership of today"........and why would you say "Stunning Election Victory" when in reality 70% of the population DID NOT EVEN VOTE FOR HIM.....is ridiculous.......it shows your complete bias.siam
Steve, as I said before, there are 25 partys and 70% of the population voted for their partys in order to gain seats in the Knesset. Some partys got 4, 6,10, 13 seats. Bibi's party got 29 or 30 seats to their closest rival's 24. That is a landslide vote. No party has ever gotten 50% of the votes in an election. Please don't make me think you have Palestinian mentality even if you're trying hard to be that.
I don't care who's mentality I have Hoss............LOL........Now the reason The Most Forward Thinking Peoples of the World,Australians have A PREFERENTIAL SYSTEM OF VOTING Hoss is because the WINNING PARTY ALWAYS HAVE OVER 50% OF THE VOTE.......we live in the 21st Century,regrettably you all are living somewhere in the past.....50%+ is the only way........30% of a vote Hoss IS NOT A MAJORITY and therefore not Democratic in a real sense.
Please don't make me think you have an American or Israeli mentality,even though you are trying sooooo hard to be that.

I love ya Hoss but I can see I am going to have to DRAG YOU AND YOUR MENTALITY INTO THE 21 CENTURY........your friend steve
Jeezus! When the top partys get their number of seats then they form coalitions with the smaller partys to get 61 or more seats. Then they can form a government. Why are you being so hard headed?
Where on earth do you find these pics of mirth...steve You have NAILED IT yet again

Who's Steve?
No Peace Any Time Soon, but Not Because of Bibi

Palestinians have demonstrated neither the will nor the leadership to sign a deal with Israel.

Of all the idiocies uttered in reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning election victory, none is more ubiquitous than the idea that peace prospects are now dead because Netanyahu has declared that there will be no Palestinian state while he is Israel’s prime minister.

I have news for the lowing herds: There would be no peace and no Palestinian state if Isaac Herzog were prime minister either. Or Ehud Barak or Ehud Olmert for that matter. The latter two were (non-Likud) prime ministers who offered the Palestinians their own state — with its capital in Jerusalem and every Israeli settlement in the new Palestine uprooted — only to be rudely rejected. This is not ancient history. This is 2000, 2001, and 2008 — three astonishingly concessionary peace offers within the last 15 years. Every one rejected.

RIGHT The fundamental reality remains: This generation of Palestinian leadership — from Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas — has never and will never sign its name to a final peace settlement dividing the land with a Jewish state. And without that, no Israeli government of any kind will agree to a Palestinian state.

Read more at: National Review
I think you should really have said "With the Israeli leadership of today"........and why would you say "Stunning Election Victory" when in reality 70% of the population DID NOT EVEN VOTE FOR HIM.....is ridiculous.......it shows your complete bias.siam
Steve, as I said before, there are 25 partys and 70% of the population voted for their partys in order to gain seats in the Knesset. Some partys got 4, 6,10, 13 seats. Bibi's party got 29 or 30 seats to their closest rival's 24. That is a landslide vote. No party has ever gotten 50% of the votes in an election. Please don't make me think you have Palestinian mentality even if you're trying hard to be that.
I don't care who's mentality I have Hoss............LOL........Now the reason The Most Forward Thinking Peoples of the World,Australians have A PREFERENTIAL SYSTEM OF VOTING Hoss is because the WINNING PARTY ALWAYS HAVE OVER 50% OF THE VOTE.......we live in the 21st Century,regrettably you all are living somewhere in the past.....50%+ is the only way........30% of a vote Hoss IS NOT A MAJORITY and therefore not Democratic in a real sense.
Please don't make me think you have an American or Israeli mentality,even though you are trying sooooo hard to be that.

I love ya Hoss but I can see I am going to have to DRAG YOU AND YOUR MENTALITY INTO THE 21 CENTURY........your friend steve
Jeezus! When the top partys get their number of seats then they form coalitions with the smaller partys to get 61 or more seats. Then they can form a government. Why are you being so hard headed?
Coalitions Hey Hoss,in the end it only means compromise and often one party walks away,it creates chaos,indecision and impossible to govern with a long term agenda......I put it to you....would you rather have your system or 50+% which gives stability.....if it's the later....WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA.steve
Of course Jews hate Zionism.......

Steve those voices in your head aren't Jews. Just because some mentally unstable, alcoholic, Jew hating blowhard gets on the Internet and makes the insane claim that "Jews are against Zionism" doesn't mean jack shit. You are not a Jew nor have you been around Jews. It's pretty obvious you have absolutely no knowledge of what Zionism means and the history of the region.

Sober up and go get yourself a good psychiatrist.

His actual words were "Of course Jews hate Zionism" and the only mentally unstable, alcoholic, Jew hating blowhard making such stupid claims here is - drum roll, please - TheLiq.
Some Jews do and you know it.....Zionism is a scurge.....all Zionists need a Psychiatrist, PERIOD.steve

Yanno, I've read a thousands of thoughtful, factual, personal takes on this subject ... even some from pro-Palestinians but not a single one from you.
No Peace Any Time Soon, but Not Because of Bibi

Palestinians have demonstrated neither the will nor the leadership to sign a deal with Israel.

Of all the idiocies uttered in reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning election victory, none is more ubiquitous than the idea that peace prospects are now dead because Netanyahu has declared that there will be no Palestinian state while he is Israel’s prime minister.

I have news for the lowing herds: There would be no peace and no Palestinian state if Isaac Herzog were prime minister either. Or Ehud Barak or Ehud Olmert for that matter. The latter two were (non-Likud) prime ministers who offered the Palestinians their own state — with its capital in Jerusalem and every Israeli settlement in the new Palestine uprooted — only to be rudely rejected. This is not ancient history. This is 2000, 2001, and 2008 — three astonishingly concessionary peace offers within the last 15 years. Every one rejected.

RIGHT The fundamental reality remains: This generation of Palestinian leadership — from Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas — has never and will never sign its name to a final peace settlement dividing the land with a Jewish state. And without that, no Israeli government of any kind will agree to a Palestinian state.

Read more at: National Review
I think you should really have said "With the Israeli leadership of today"........and why would you say "Stunning Election Victory" when in reality 70% of the population DID NOT EVEN VOTE FOR HIM.....is ridiculous.......it shows your complete bias.siam
Steve, as I said before, there are 25 partys and 70% of the population voted for their partys in order to gain seats in the Knesset. Some partys got 4, 6,10, 13 seats. Bibi's party got 29 or 30 seats to their closest rival's 24. That is a landslide vote. No party has ever gotten 50% of the votes in an election. Please don't make me think you have Palestinian mentality even if you're trying hard to be that.

The self-proclaimed "magnificent" Liq is simply a raging idiot and I mean that with all due respect.
It told me that security and safety were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Really what it tells me is he made a last minute appeal to racism to narrowly save his ass and in doing so showed the rest of the world his true colors
Obviously when you dislike someone you'd be glad knowing something bad happened to him.
That's the right wing Republican Christian way of thinking.

Other Christians don't think like that.

He may not be an American, Republican, but he acted like one. Caught in a money scandal of wildly spending tax payer money, race baiting. Changing his position on a whim. Winning through fear by terrorizing his base. Right out of the GOP playbook.
However, I'd like to see some actual evidence from unbiased sources that the reduction of the Christian Palestinian population is a direct result of "ethnic cleansing" from the Palestinian Muslims. Seems like like such a simple question.

Repetitive demands for "evidence" is a sign of trolling, not a good way to sell the forum when done by a mod.

Dude, if someone makes a claim, they better be prepared to be called on to provide evidence to support it. The constant ducking is noteworthy.

And once should be enough to stop the constant demands for the same links to the same claims. That is ducking by you in the hope the links wont be provided.
Provide some actual facts then showing that Palestinians were responsible for "ethnic cleansing" of Christians - from an unbiased source. Let's avoid youtubes.

Let's stop with the trolling nonsense, since the links I listed showed quite clearly how given the horrendous conditions the gazan christians are living under due to muslim rule and treatment - you're still whining, so let's take a different tack: what "evidence" are you looking for? The gazan christian population has collapsed under hamas rule, so the facts on the ground are clear to those without an agenda.

The links I provided, and even one of your sources indicated that the main reason for the exodus of Christians was a combination of economic, Israel's policies, and Palestinian government mismanagement with high unemployment and lack of opportunities or stability being at the top. You seem to ignore that and continue to whine that it was "ethnic cleansing" by the Palestinian Muslims.

That said, do NOT make the mistake that for a nanosecond I am even remotely concerned with trying to convince you of anything, I am merely calling your bluff, since I do not find you to be a credible poster.

You...a judge of credible posters? :lmao:

A much better judge than you it seems as you are biased in the extreme
Come on Coyote. How many Palestinians ran right over to join ISIS? Not a small number I'm sure.

I'm sticking to the facts. What's going on in Gaza to affect the Christian population and what they have to say about it. Cleansing of ethnic minorities is most certainly going on in ISIS controlled regions - but where is the evidence of that in Gaza? Lack of economic opportunities, unemployment, conflict and instability and no light at the end of the tunnel are driving many out.

Get it right you are sticking to the facts as described by hamas and fatah, much like the Iranian facts about the Jews living there.

Provide some actual facts then showing that Palestinians were responsible for "ethnic cleansing" of Christians - from an unbiased source. Let's avoid youtubes.

I have and you are rejecting them because they go against your brainwashing. The you tube clip was of Christians in gaza talking about how they are treated by hamas, first hamd experience which beats anything produced by monte

And I provided multiple links showing that the main reason for the reduction of the Christians was economic. Youtubes are hard to verify for authenticity or accuracy - it could be the opinion of a small group or it could be widespread. It's like the claim some make that Muslims around the world were "dancing in the streets' when 9/11 happened yet, the reality is the only
"dancing" was by a small group of Palestinians who may or may not have been doing it in exchange for candy depending on which story you read.

Many video's are posted to you tube as a means of storage, some come from credible sources so for you to dismiss them as unverifiable is not acceptable. Unless you want to tell the other members of team Palestine that their links are not acceptable as well. The fact remains the hristians that have escaped for hamas and fatah tell the same story of forced conversions, rapes, beatings, murders and violence, so what do you find so hard to believe in that when the evidence from every Islamic nation is just the same.
I'm sticking to the facts. What's going on in Gaza to affect the Christian population and what they have to say about it. Cleansing of ethnic minorities is most certainly going on in ISIS controlled regions - but where is the evidence of that in Gaza? Lack of economic opportunities, unemployment, conflict and instability and no light at the end of the tunnel are driving many out.

Get it right you are sticking to the facts as described by hamas and fatah, much like the Iranian facts about the Jews living there.

Provide some actual facts then showing that Palestinians were responsible for "ethnic cleansing" of Christians - from an unbiased source. Let's avoid youtubes.

I have and you are rejecting them because they go against your brainwashing. The you tube clip was of Christians in gaza talking about how they are treated by hamas, first hamd experience which beats anything produced by monte

And I provided multiple links showing that the main reason for the reduction of the Christians was economic. Youtubes are hard to verify for authenticity or accuracy - it could be the opinion of a small group or it could be widespread. It's like the claim some make that Muslims around the world were "dancing in the streets' when 9/11 happened yet, the reality is the only
"dancing" was by a small group of Palestinians who may or may not have been doing it in exchange for candy depending on which story you read.

Many video's are posted to you tube as a means of storage, some come from credible sources so for you to dismiss them as unverifiable is not acceptable. Unless you want to tell the other members of team Palestine that their links are not acceptable as well. The fact remains the hristians that have escaped for hamas and fatah tell the same story of forced conversions, rapes, beatings, murders and violence, so what do you find so hard to believe in that when the evidence from every Islamic nation is just the same.

The problem with videos - and I almost always ignore them, is you can't chase down their accuracy like you can the written word. It's very easy to cobble together bits and omit bits to alter the message and context is usually absent.

The remains that you still need to find credible evidence (and, to reiterate your demand - from unbiased sources) that the Christian population was reduced due to the Palestinian Muslims - in otherwords, show a direct causation here. Everything I found indicates long standing economic instability, high unemployment, the effects of the blockade being the primary reason for it.
Provide some actual facts then showing that Palestinians were responsible for "ethnic cleansing" of Christians - from an unbiased source. Let's avoid youtubes.

Let's stop with the trolling nonsense, since the links I listed showed quite clearly how given the horrendous conditions the gazan christians are living under due to muslim rule and treatment - you're still whining, so let's take a different tack: what "evidence" are you looking for? The gazan christian population has collapsed under hamas rule, so the facts on the ground are clear to those without an agenda.

The links I provided, and even one of your sources indicated that the main reason for the exodus of Christians was a combination of economic, Israel's policies, and Palestinian government mismanagement with high unemployment and lack of opportunities or stability being at the top. You seem to ignore that and continue to whine that it was "ethnic cleansing" by the Palestinian Muslims.

That said, do NOT make the mistake that for a nanosecond I am even remotely concerned with trying to convince you of anything, I am merely calling your bluff, since I do not find you to be a credible poster.

You...a judge of credible posters? :lmao:

A much better judge than you it seems as you are biased in the extreme

However, I'd like to see some actual evidence from unbiased sources that the reduction of the Christian Palestinian population is a direct result of "ethnic cleansing" from the Palestinian Muslims. Seems like like such a simple question.

Repetitive demands for "evidence" is a sign of trolling, not a good way to sell the forum when done by a mod.

Dude, if someone makes a claim, they better be prepared to be called on to provide evidence to support it. The constant ducking is noteworthy.

And once should be enough to stop the constant demands for the same links to the same claims. That is ducking by you in the hope the links wont be provided.

In otherwords you can't provide credible links and you are hoping that you and your buddy can obfuscate :lmao:

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