What may happen on Dec. 19th.


the so-called new right is very similar to the founders of this nation.

IOW, they are about 230 years behind the times. Ok, I'll buy that.

IOW, you believe the Constitution is a, so-called, living document and should be adjusted to match the times, and therefore not the basis of the universal rights enjoyed by Americans.

News Flash: The Constitution is living insomuch that there can be Amendments if said Amendment passes each house of Congress by a 66% majority, and approved by popular vote in at least 35 states.

Finally, please enlighten us on what you see that is "behind the times" in the Constitution

So you agree with me that we should not be religiously devoted to what the founders believed,

for example, that the electoral college was a good idea.
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

Are you stupid, a liar or joking? Trump lost the popular vote by over 1.3 million. Calling his victory a landslide is ridiculous. I won't hazard a guess, but I suspect, given his selection of cronies, establishments types and neo cons, voter remorse has already set in with those paying attention.
3 million illegals voted Trump won the popular vote that was legal.
So you agree with me that we should not be religiously devoted to what the founders believed,

for example, that the electoral college was a good idea.
Agreed 100% Let's open up the Constitution to a rewrite. With Citizens United a done deal and Voter ID support on the rise, I'm guessing we could achieve some real "progress" when it comes to who can vote and what their qualifications need to be. Are you game for this or just fucking whining about Hillary losing?
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

Are you stupid, a liar or joking? Trump lost the popular vote by over 1.3 million. Calling his victory a landslide is ridiculous. I won't hazard a guess, but I suspect, given his selection of cronies, establishments types and neo cons, voter remorse has already set in with those paying attention.

As of Saturday (11/19) it's now over 1.5 million and still counting.


According to new figures released by The Associated Press on Saturday, Clinton received more than 1.5 million votes than her Republican rival.
As of Saturday, Clinton had received 63,390,669 votes, while Trump received 61,820,845 votes -- a difference of 1,569,824, according to The AP.

Rounded off to whole numbers, that translates to 48 percent vs. 47 percent.
A day earlier, on Friday, the vote difference was less, with Clinton getting 62,894,931 and Trump getting 61,580,333 -- a difference of 1,314,598, according to The AP.
So how many electoral votes does each have? I'm sure that matters to you as well, right?

Clinton - 232. Trump - 306
What happens on the 19th is the same thing that's happened since the beginning of our republic. Electors vote on the next president officially. But as we already know what their votes are to be, it won't be shocking at all. They will probably all vote as they should.

If they don't I suspect there will be as many electors abandoning Hillary as abandoned ing Trump
When the electoral college meets in a few weeks, I have no doubt that Trump will be confirmed as the 45th president.....and may whatever Gods may be have mercy on us as a nation.

However, there will be a few electoral college voters who will defy their respective states' wishes and change their vote to Clinton.

In the same way that some women, minority groups' members, some gays, etc. have come out backing Trump, the lure of "fame" (or infamy, in some cases) rests with bucking the system.

In other words, if you want to get on some TV show to express your iconoclastic views, buck the trend and you'll be rewarded with some notoriety .
It seems quite a few Hillary electors may vote Trump....that would add to the epic of the election.....
It is what it is..
Agreed. Serenity Prayer.

It is what it is..
Agreed. Serenity Prayer.



Translation: Fuck God, Praise Satan and murderous drug lords.

Thanks for your input and clarification of your beliefs.

Translation.. You love Steve urkel

View attachment 99284

LOL Funny but wrong. Interesting that you didn't deny your post was anti-God.
That is scary as shit, considering that those Mormon families have a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 12 kids per family.
Why is that scare? Blacks have 12 kids from 12 different fathers
Only fucking morons say such moronic broad brush bullshit.

Further proof partisans of both sides have their racist assholes.

Add Bear513 to the list of racists.
No surprise you didn't include WaitingFor2020 on the list.

Hey dipshit I was responding to his bullshit. Funny how you libtards say shit but cant take it. My point was made and you got owned
When the electoral college meets in a few weeks, I have no doubt that Trump will be confirmed as the 45th president.....and may whatever Gods may be have mercy on us as a nation.

However, there will be a few electoral college voters who will defy their respective states' wishes and change their vote to Clinton.

In the same way that some women, minority groups' members, some gays, etc. have come out backing Trump, the lure of "fame" (or infamy, in some cases) rests with bucking the system.

In other words, if you want to get on some TV show to express your iconoclastic views, buck the trend and you'll be rewarded with some notoriety .
One God. Those electors should be fired!!!
When the electoral college meets in a few weeks, I have no doubt that Trump will be confirmed as the 45th president.....and may whatever Gods may be have mercy on us as a nation.

However, there will be a few electoral college voters who will defy their respective states' wishes and change their vote to Clinton.

In the same way that some women, minority groups' members, some gays, etc. have come out backing Trump, the lure of "fame" (or infamy, in some cases) rests with bucking the system.

In other words, if you want to get on some TV show to express your iconoclastic views, buck the trend and you'll be rewarded with some notoriety .
One God. Those electors should be fired!!!
Is that the same thing as lighting matches between their toes when they are tied up?
Hey dipshit I was responding to his bullshit. Funny how you libtards say shit but cant take it. My point was made and you got owned
Not a libtard, so that point right there shows the "45" in your name is your IQ. Your point that "Blacks have 12 kids from 12 different fathers" is ludicrous and ignorant. If you owned anyone, it exists only in your own mind.

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