What may happen on Dec. 19th.

Are you stupid, a liar or joking? Trump lost the popular vote by over 1.3 million. Calling his victory a landslide is ridiculous. I won't hazard a guess, but I suspect, given his selection of cronies, establishments types and neo cons, voter remorse has already set in with those paying attention.

Well someone fell into the trap
i deducted all of the illegal / dead people votes,,,I came out with Trump winning by 5 to 10 million votes

Please file a complaint with the new AG come January, listing by name each dead person who voted so they can be dug up and interviewed, and each illegal's name and address so they can be arrested and taken to the border and kicked out. A True and honest patriot would do no less.

That is what trump.is gonna do, and why your side is so afraid, they lose millions of illegal votes.q

Yeah, sure we're afraid, I personally feel the fear when all of Utah's 4 million uncounted votes come in for The Donald.

Utah's official population is just barely under 3 million people, but Governor Gary Herbert's office said it believes the state has already surpassed that mark. Official census figures estimate Utah's population at 2,995,919 as of July 1, 2015.

That is scary as shit, considering that those Mormon families have a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 12 kids per family.
Well someone fell into the trap
i deducted all of the illegal / dead people votes,,,I came out with Trump winning by 5 to 10 million votes

Please file a complaint with the new AG come January, listing by name each dead person who voted so they can be dug up and interviewed, and each illegal's name and address so they can be arrested and taken to the border and kicked out. A True and honest patriot would do no less.

That is what trump.is gonna do, and why your side is so afraid, they lose millions of illegal votes.q

Yeah, sure we're afraid, I personally feel the fear when all of Utah's 4 million uncounted votes come in for The Donald.

Utah's official population is just barely under 3 million people, but Governor Gary Herbert's office said it believes the state has already surpassed that mark. Official census figures estimate Utah's population at 2,995,919 as of July 1, 2015.

That is scary as shit, considering that those Mormon families have a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 12 kids per family.
Why is that scare? Blacks have 12 kids from 12 different fathers
If you don't like the system, work to change it for FUTURE presidential elections.

These electors need to follow through with their duty. Anything else is traitorous.
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

What? Are you kidding me?

Clinton 48.0% - 62,523,126
Trump 47.0% - 61,201,031

You can do elementary math, right? She's going to win the actual vote count by 2,000,000 by the time this is done.

2016 presidential election results

The problem with that is, the goal is to reach 270 electoral votes, REGARDLESS of how many popular votes it takes to get there.

Your vote conclusion is simplistic and doesn't take into consideration the FACT that if the goal was to simply receive the most popular votes, the campaign strategy would be much different and therefore would likely have a different outcome.

You must be a millennial.
Yeah, sure we're afraid, I personally feel the fear when all of Utah's 4 million uncounted votes come in for The Donald.

Utah's official population is just barely under 3 million people, but Governor Gary Herbert's office said it believes the state has already surpassed that mark. Official census figures estimate Utah's population at 2,995,919 as of July 1, 2015.
Praise the Lord! FINALLY! A LWer who understands why we need voter ID and more enforcement of voting. "We, the People" need to have 100%, not 99.9, but 100% confidence that our voting system is secure and honest.

Thanks for joining the ranks of those who think our voting system is insecure and needs updating.

Good for you. You than admit The Congress needs to pass and fund a law defining what is a legal ID and not leave something so important to individual states which work to suppress the vote. Let's extend Voting from the first Friday in November at 0600 on the West Coast, and keep the polls open from 0600 on Sat., Sun and Mon, and until 1800, and close them at 1600 Eastern Time on Tuesday.
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

What? Are you kidding me?

Clinton 48.0% - 62,523,126
Trump 47.0% - 61,201,031

You can do elementary math, right? She's going to win the actual vote count by 2,000,000 by the time this is done.

2016 presidential election results

What the fuck still peeing in your pants she won the popular vote from a bunch of poor uneducated blacks in los Angeles?
If you don't like the system, work to change it for FUTURE presidential elections.

These electors need to follow through with their duty. Anything else is traitorous.

Your ignorance is noted. Read the COTUS, there is no duty to vote for the candidate who won the popular vote in the State the elector represents.
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

What? Are you kidding me?

Clinton 48.0% - 62,523,126
Trump 47.0% - 61,201,031

You can do elementary math, right? She's going to win the actual vote count by 2,000,000 by the time this is done.

2016 presidential election results

What the fuck still peeing in your pants she won the popular vote from a bunch of poor uneducated blacks in los Angeles?

Add Bear513 to the list of racists.
That is scary as shit, considering that those Mormon families have a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 12 kids per family.
Why is that scare? Blacks have 12 kids from 12 different fathers
Only fucking morons say such moronic broad brush bullshit.

Further proof partisans of both sides have their racist assholes.

Add Bear513 to the list of racists.
No surprise you didn't include WaitingFor2020 on the list.
When the electoral college meets in a few weeks, I have no doubt that Trump will be confirmed as the 45th president.....and may whatever Gods may be have mercy on us as a nation.

However, there will be a few electoral college voters who will defy their respective states' wishes and change their vote to Clinton.

In the same way that some women, minority groups' members, some gays, etc. have come out backing Trump, the lure of "fame" (or infamy, in some cases) rests with bucking the system.

In other words, if you want to get on some TV show to express your iconoclastic views, buck the trend and you'll be rewarded with some notoriety .
You thought he would be stopped in the primaries.

You thought he would be stopped at the convention.

You thought he would be stopped at the election.

Now you think he will be stopped by the Electoral College.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Because I am.

Trump is going to be our President on January 20th. Get used to it.

You are stuck in stage 1 of The 5 stages of loss and grief.

"It's possible he'll be hit by a meteor!"
When the electoral college meets in a few weeks, I have no doubt that Trump will be confirmed as the 45th president.....and may whatever Gods may be have mercy on us as a nation.

However, there will be a few electoral college voters who will defy their respective states' wishes and change their vote to Clinton.

In the same way that some women, minority groups' members, some gays, etc. have come out backing Trump, the lure of "fame" (or infamy, in some cases) rests with bucking the system.

In other words, if you want to get on some TV show to express your iconoclastic views, buck the trend and you'll be rewarded with some notoriety .
You thought he would be stopped in the primaries.

You thought he would be stopped at the convention.

You thought he would be stopped at the election.

Now you think he will be stopped by the Electoral College.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Because I am.

Trump is going to be our President on January 20th. Get used to it.

You are stuck in stage 1 of The 5 stages of loss and grief.

"It's possible he'll be hit by a meteor!"
Why do you think the Democrats rigged their own nominations to nominate such a deplorable candidate?
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

What? Are you kidding me?

Clinton 48.0% - 62,523,126
Trump 47.0% - 61,201,031

You can do elementary math, right? She's going to win the actual vote count by 2,000,000 by the time this is done.

2016 presidential election results

What the fuck still peeing in your pants she won the popular vote from a bunch of poor uneducated blacks in los Angeles?

Add Bear513 to the list of racists.

It is what it is..
how can 500 or so people decide who is the president? what about the other 120 Million people who voted and gave Trump a landslide?

What? Are you kidding me?

Clinton 48.0% - 62,523,126
Trump 47.0% - 61,201,031

You can do elementary math, right? She's going to win the actual vote count by 2,000,000 by the time this is done.

2016 presidential election results

What about all of the millions of absentee ballots that will never be counted?
It is what it is..
Agreed. Serenity Prayer.

for all we know, Hillary may have registered a million crickets in California as democrats,,,i mean, they always show up at her rallies in the masses,,,,right?

the so-called new right is very similar to the founders of this nation.

IOW, they are about 230 years behind the times. Ok, I'll buy that.

IOW, you believe the Constitution is a, so-called, living document and should be adjusted to match the times, and therefore not the basis of the universal rights enjoyed by Americans.

News Flash: The Constitution is living insomuch that there can be Amendments if said Amendment passes each house of Congress by a 66% majority, and approved by popular vote in at least 35 states.

Finally, please enlighten us on what you see that is "behind the times" in the Constitution

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