What Liberal News Sources Aren't Telling You About the IG Report


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
As expected, the liberal news outlets are in full spin and distortion mode about the Justice Department's IG report on the FBI's Russian-collusion-Trump investigation. If anyone bothers to read even just the report's executive summary, one finds that the report is hardly an exoneration of the FBI and the FISA memo. Liberal news sources such as the New York Times and Washington Post, not to mention CNN and MSNBC, have pounced on the finding that the investigation was not politically motivated, but they have ignored virtually everything else in the report because the report documents, among other things, that the FISA memo was full of lies.

Here are just a few of the negative findings in the report:

However, as we describe later, as the FBI obtained additional information raising significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting, the FBI failed to reassess the Steele reporting relied upon in the FISA applications, and did not fully advise NSD or 01 officials. (p. vi)

. . . the FBI did not press Steele for information about the actual funding source for his election reporting work. Agents also did not question Steele about his role in a September 23, 2016 Yahoo News article entitled, "U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump advisor and Kremlin," that described efforts by U.S. intelligence to determine whether Carter Page had opened communication channels with Kremlin officials. As we discuss in Chapters Five and Eight, the FBI assessed in the Carter Page FISA applications, without any support, that Steele had not "directly provided" the information to Yahoo News. (p. vi)

We found that the FBI did not have information corroborating the specific allegations against Carter Page in Steele's reporting when it relied upon his reports in the first FISA application or subsequent renewal applications. (p. viii)

. . . absent corroboration for the factual assertions in the election reporting, it was particularly important for the FISA applications to articulate the FBI's knowledge of Steele's background and its assessment of his reliability. On these points, the applications advised the court that Steele was believed to be a reliable source for three reasons: his professional background; his history of work as an FBI CHS since 2013; and his prior non-election reporting, which the FBI described as "corroborated and used in criminal proceedings." As discussed below, the representations about Steele's prior reporting were overstated and had not been approved by Steele's handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures. (p. viii)

As more fully described in Chapter Five, based upon the information known to the FBI in October 2016, the first application contained the following seven significant inaccuracies and omissions:

1. Omitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an "operational contact" for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;

2. Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steele's prior reporting had been "corroborated and used in criminal proceedings," which overstated the significance of Steele's past reporting and was not approved by Steele's handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;

3. Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a "boaster" and an "egoist" and "may engage in some embellishment" and (2) [redacted in report]

4. Asserted that the FBI had assessed that Steele did not directly provide to the press information in the September 23 Yahoo News article based on the premise that Steele had told the FBI that he only shared his election-related research with the FBI and Fusion GPS, his client; this premise was incorrect and contradicted by documentation in the Woods File- Steele had told the FBI that he also gave his information to the State Department;

5. Omitted Papadopoulos's consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like Wikileaks in the release of emails;

6. Omitted Page's consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in August 2016 that Page had "literally never met" or "said one word to" Paul Manafort and that Manafort had not responded to any of Page's emails; if true, those statements were in tension with claims in Report 95 that Page was participating in a conspiracy with Russia by acting as an intermediary for Manafort on behalf of the Trump campaign; and

7. Included Page's consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in October 2016 that the FBI believed supported its theory that Page was an agent of Russia but omitted other statements Page made that were inconsistent with its theory, including denying having met with Sechin and Divyekin, or even knowing who Divyekin was; if true, those statements contradicted the claims in Report 94 that Page had met secretly with Sechin and Divyekin about future cooperation with Russia and shared derogatory information about candidate Clinton.

None of these inaccuracies and omissions were brought to the attention of OI before the last FISA application was filed in June 2017. Consequently, these failures were repeated in all three renewal applications. Further, as we discuss later, we identified 10 additional significant errors in the renewal applications. (pp. viii-ix)​

Of course, one can wonder how the IG could document all these omissions and misrepresentations but yet conclude that politics did not play a role in the investigation. Anyway, again, the above are just a few of the damning, negative findings in the report. One would have to be practically blind to read the entire report and conclude that it exonerates the FBI's investigation. You can find the report here: https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf.

The Federalist website has published a good article that summarizes most of the key negative findings in the report: IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled with Lies.

Finally, it's worth mentioning, since most liberals have ignored this, that earlier this year the IG harshly criticized James Comey's conduct as FBI Director:

The Justice Department’s IG Delivers a Scathing Rebuke of Ex-FBI Director Comey
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Every media outlet has paired the news that there was no witch hunt with the news that Carter Page's FISA warrants were lacking.

Since Page wasn't working with the Trump campaign at the time, it's a matter of civil liberties being trampled for an individual.

The investigation was without political bias.

Womp Womp.
As expected, the liberal news outlets are in full spin and distortion mode about the Justice Department's IG report on the FBI's Russian-collusion-Trump investigation. If anyone bothers to read even just the report's executive summary, one finds that the report is hardly an exoneration of the FBI and the FISA memo. Liberal news sources such as the New York Times and Washington Post, not to mention CNN and MSNBC, have pounced on the finding that the investigation was not politically motivated, but they have ignored virtually everything else in the report because the report documents, among other things, that the FISA memo was full of lies.

Uh, guy, that pretty much describes every warrant ever issued to any law enforcement agency. What is a warrant? A warrant is a list of what you suspect you MIGHT find if you are allowed to look.
As expected, the liberal news outlets are in full spin and distortion mode about the Justice Department's IG report on the FBI's Russian-collusion-Trump investigation. If anyone bothers to read even just the report's executive summary, one finds that the report is hardly an exoneration of the FBI and the FISA memo. Liberal news sources such as the New York Times and Washington Post, not to mention CNN and MSNBC, have pounced on the finding that the investigation was not politically motivated, but they have ignored virtually everything else in the report because the report documents, among other things, that the FISA memo was full of lies.

Uh, guy, that pretty much describes every warrant ever issued to any law enforcement agency. What is a warrant? A warrant is a list of what you suspect you MIGHT find if you are allowed to look.

Don't confuse them with facts.
I would say Christopher Steele should testify in front of the Senate, so we can get to the bottom of it,

he claims 70-90% in the dossier is true, I for one believe Tramp and Russia were involved for a long time, and colluded with them.

The FBI agent falsely asserted Page’s relationship was “outside scope” of the investigation because it dated back to when Page lived in Moscow from 2004 to 2007.

“This representation, however, was contrary to information that the other agency had provided to the FBI in August 2016, which stated that Page was approved as an ‘operational contact’ of the other agency from 2008 to 2013 (after Page had left Moscow),” the IG report stated.

FBI Didn't Tell Surveillance Court That Carter Page Was ‘Operational Contact’ For CIA With ‘Positive Assessment’

I believe they had every right to FISA him.
As expected, the liberal news outlets are in full spin and distortion mode about the Justice Department's IG report on the FBI's Russian-collusion-Trump investigation. If anyone bothers to read even just the report's executive summary, one finds that the report is hardly an exoneration of the FBI and the FISA memo. Liberal news sources such as the New York Times and Washington Post, not to mention CNN and MSNBC, have pounced on the finding that the investigation was not politically motivated, but they have ignored virtually everything else in the report because the report documents, among other things, that the FISA memo was full of lies.

Uh, guy, that pretty much describes every warrant ever issued to any law enforcement agency. What is a warrant? A warrant is a list of what you suspect you MIGHT find if you are allowed to look.

"Full of lies" = "every warrant ever issued to any law enforcement agency"?

Interesting world you live in there.
Every media outlet has paired the news that there was no witch hunt with the news that Carter Page's FISA warrants were lacking.

Since Page wasn't working with the Trump campaign at the time, it's a matter of civil liberties being trampled for an individual.

The investigation was without political bias.

Womp Womp.

Did you not read the OP? The FISA warrants were not just "lacking": they were based on information that the FBI knew or had good reasons to suspect was false. And what about the other irregularities documented in the report.

I have yet to see or read a liberal news report on the IG report that even comes close to adequately discussing the serious issues with the FBI's investigation and FISA application that the report documents. Perhaps you could cite one for me?
I would say Christopher Steele should testify in front of the Senate, so we can get to the bottom of it,

he claims 70-90% in the dossier is true, I for one believe Tramp and Russia were involved for a long time, and colluded with them.

The FBI agent falsely asserted Page’s relationship was “outside scope” of the investigation because it dated back to when Page lived in Moscow from 2004 to 2007.

“This representation, however, was contrary to information that the other agency had provided to the FBI in August 2016, which stated that Page was approved as an ‘operational contact’ of the other agency from 2008 to 2013 (after Page had left Moscow),” the IG report stated.

FBI Didn't Tell Surveillance Court That Carter Page Was ‘Operational Contact’ For CIA With ‘Positive Assessment’

I believe they had every right to FISA him.

You can "believe" collusion all you want, but Mueller couldn't find evidence of it, even with virtually unlimited time, money, and power. How are your information gathering abilities greater than his were?
Uh, guy, that pretty much describes every warrant ever issued to any law enforcement agency. What is a warrant? A warrant is a list of what you suspect you MIGHT find if you are allowed to look.

Uh, Ugg, go learn how to read before you post on an Internet board. Are you going to address a single fact presented in the OP? Or, are you going to pull your usual stunt of replying with irrelevant drivel that suggests you either didn't read or didn't understand the arguments and facts you are pretending to address?
The FBI withheld information from the FISA court that they felt was damning to their case and may prevent them from getting the warrant. That is all you need to know about whether or not they had a motive. if they were truly just trying to get to the bottom of things, they would release all information, but they merely wanted to get Trump. They were acting as prosecutors against Trump vs investigators. It is obvious to anyone who doesn't have TDS.
Charlemagne will put a end to this mess, bring back Charlemagne.
Every media outlet has paired the news that there was no witch hunt with the news that Carter Page's FISA warrants were lacking.

Since Page wasn't working with the Trump campaign at the time, it's a matter of civil liberties being trampled for an individual.

The investigation was without political bias.

Womp Womp.

Did you not read the OP? The FISA warrants were not just "lacking": they were based on information that the FBI knew or had good reasons to suspect was false. And what about the other irregularities documented in the report.

I have yet to see or read a liberal news report on the IG report that even comes close to adequately discussing the serious issues with the FBI's investigation and FISA application that the report documents. Perhaps you could cite one for me?

Every newspaper and every cable news outlet has told the entire story.

Meanwhile, your lying president and his lackey Barr have done nothing but lie about that report since the minute it dropped.

No political bias. No spying on the campaign. No witch hunt.

You assholes couldn't be honest if your life depended on it.
The FBI withheld information from the FISA court that they felt was damning to their case and may prevent them from getting the warrant. That is all you need to know about whether or not they had a motive. if they were truly just trying to get to the bottom of things, they would release all information, but they merely wanted to get Trump. They were acting as prosecutors against Trump vs investigators. It is obvious to anyone who doesn't have TDS.

No. Page wasn't with the campaign at the time. They were working on investigating Page. No political bias. The found NO POLITICAL BIAS.

The REAL progressive Jimmy Dore exposes the hypocrisy. The FBI lied. Lying is standard operating procedure in the Imperial Capitol on the Potomac. Lying works on some Americans every time, as this thread proves.
The FBI withheld information from the FISA court that they felt was damning to their case and may prevent them from getting the warrant. That is all you need to know about whether or not they had a motive. if they were truly just trying to get to the bottom of things, they would release all information, but they merely wanted to get Trump. They were acting as prosecutors against Trump vs investigators. It is obvious to anyone who doesn't have TDS.

You already assigned motive to the agents in your first sentence. The IG report stated they could not determine the motive, whether it was intentional or whether it was simply error. It's hard for me to believe it was simply error, but if any of these agents are going to be prosecuted for it, the DOJ needs to do better than "hard for me to believe" and reach a higher bar.
These rehearsed prewritten press releases have been made and sitting there for a long long time.

It is outright treason and I have said if there aren't arrests on a mass scale (there should be executions starting with Brennan) then our country is dead.

Here, let me clarify. Our country is dead. We allow it to happen cause most of us are gutless cowards. Then again, if we do offer the slightest of resistance then we are attacked incessantly. Attacked physically and every other way. So, it will indeed take courage to offer the type of resistance it will take to bring a reckoning to these traitors.

Feudalism is around the corner. Middle class leftists will be getting what they deserve. The conservative middle class, I feel very sorry for.
Lying works on some Americans every time, as this thread proves.
traditionally so....

"Full of lies" = "every warrant ever issued to any law enforcement agency"?

Interesting world you live in there.

I'm a realist, man. Cops think everyone is guilty, and they lie all the time.

Hey, in Chicago, we had the wonderful LaQuan McDonald Case, where seven cops swore out statements that McDonald was lunging at Officer Van Dyke, and lo and behold, a tape showed up where he was doing no such thing.

Frankly, the behavior of the FBI was kind of tame in this case... given what they had a reasonably good suspicion might be going on.
These rehearsed prewritten press releases have been made and sitting there for a long long time.

It is outright treason and I have said if there aren't arrests on a mass scale (there should be executions starting with Brennan) then our country is dead.

Here, let me clarify. Our country is dead. We allow it to happen cause most of us are gutless cowards. Then again, if we do offer the slightest of resistance then we are attacked incessantly. Attacked physically and every other way. So, it will indeed take courage to offer the type of resistance it will take to bring a reckoning to these traitors.

Feudalism is around the corner. Middle class leftists will be getting what they deserve. The conservative middle class, I feel very sorry for.

Oh, boo.hoo.hoo.hoo..

Let's be clear. the people said NO to Trump, we made him president anyway, and every day he proves the people got this right.

Trump isn't a king. People have a right to disagree with him, and when he does something corrupt, someone should call it out.

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