Zone1 What kind of Catholic are you?

What kind of Catholic are you?

  • I'm find w/ Vatican II

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  • In the novus ordo but don't accept changes

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  • leaning toward Sedevacantist

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  • the confused kind

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  • SSPX

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  • Who knows where I will end up (of above)

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Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
What kind of Catholic are you?

(Sorry... supposed to say I am FINE w/ Vatican II

I was in the novus ordo for years and years before I realized it is a fake church. The Vatican was taken over 60 years ago (and counting) by communists and liberals, many of whom despised the Catholic Church and wanted to see its downfall. Well, they have seen it... except that... not really, because the True Faith is indefectible.. so says its Founder Jesus Christ who said that the gates of Hell would not prevail against HIS Church (Mt 16:18). [emphasis added?]

Let the freaks have the Vatican... the True Catholic Church, while it is scattered here and there has not been overcome by evil men. I have to say it looks like it has... but looks, as we all know, can be quite deceptive.

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While I respect the Catholic Church for preserving Christianity through the Dark Ages, I find its structure to more resemble a multi-national corporation than vessel supporting people with common beliefs. St. Paul would hardly recognize it.
While I respect the Catholic Church for preserving Christianity through the Dark Ages, I find its structure to more resemble a multi-national corporation than vessel supporting people with common beliefs. St. Paul would hardly recognize it.
Perhaps not the Vatican (and even that's debatable), but bet you anything he would immediately recognize Catholic parishes and all they do.
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While I respect the Catholic Church for preserving Christianity through the Dark Ages, I find its structure to more resemble a multi-national corporation than vessel supporting people with common beliefs. St. Paul would hardly recognize it.
right... better to obliterate all structure and let chaos ensue--to the ends of the earth!

kind of like how the world operated before Christ came... Why not go back to those darkest of all dark ages??

What could go wrong?
While I respect the Catholic Church for preserving Christianity through the Dark Ages, I find its structure to more resemble a multi-national corporation than vessel supporting people with common beliefs. St. Paul would hardly recognize it.
I read awhile back ago that the organization of the Church resembles a monarchy because that was what the model was for governing man at that time, so that's what the Church naturally used. It's quite common for people to do and know what they see. So it makes sense.
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The Church is a monarchy because that is the way Christ set it up.

Got a complaint about the Church? Take it up with Him... just be sure it is the TRUE Catholic Church you are speaking of..

Tht would not be the fake Vatican "church" so called

or you could pray.. and should.. for the REAL Catholic Church to get their Vatican back... or maybe they should just set up their own TRUE Vatican... far from the fake one, preferably...
I'm not Catholic. The Catholics that I know are fine people and I have nothing bad to say about them.
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I'm not Catholic. The Catholics that I know are fine people and I have nothing bad to say about them.
you probably do have something bad to say... but maybe getting along w/ people is more important? I hope not since Jesus said we have to hate our brothers, sisters, parents...

meaning we have to put Him first (and no, I would never say that is always easy..)
you probably do have something bad to say... but maybe getting along w/ people is more important? I hope not since Jesus said we have to hate our brothers, sisters, parents...

meaning we have to put Him first (and no, I would never say that is always easy..)
Jesus said love our neighbors as ourselves. He said love our enemies as well. We don't have approve of what people do. But, we are commanded to forgive all. That's if we put Jesus Christ first.
Jesus said love our neighbors as ourselves. He said love our enemies as well. We don't have approve of what people do. But, we are commanded to forgive all. That's if we put Jesus Christ first.

He said you have to come to him hating your loved ones... not literally hating them but rejecting them if they reject Him (is my take)
From Lk 14:25-33 (Douay Rheims Version of the Bible, Catholic and most reliable version)

And there went great multitudes with him. And turning, he said to them:

26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

27 And whosoever doth not carry his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

28 For which of you having a mind to build a tower, doth not first sit down, and reckon the charges that are necessary, whether he have wherewithal to finish it:

29 Lest, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that see it begin to mock him,

30 Saying: This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

31 Or what king, about to go to make war against another king, doth not first sit down, and think whether he be able, with ten thousand, to meet him that, with twenty thousand, cometh against him?

32 Or else, whilst the other is yet afar off, sending an embassy, he desireth conditions of peace.

33 So likewise every one of you that doth not renounce all that he possesseth, cannot be my disciple.
Similarly, in John, Jesus says-
Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

We are supposed to prefer God to everyone and everything on this earth and strive to obey His will. This leads us to Heaven which is our true home.
I agree. What does that mean to you in practical terms?
I guess the best way to describe how I try to apply this teaching is to always be thinking of God no matter what I'm doing.

For instance, when I answer someone's question, I must stop and consider- do I do it in a way to make myself look good or do I try to do as God would want me to?

I don't always succeed but I try.

What does it mean to you in practical terms?
I guess the best way to describe how I try to apply this teaching is to always be thinking of God no matter what I'm doing.

For instance, when I answer someone's question, I must stop and consider- do I do it in a way to make myself look good or do I try to do as God would want me to?

I don't always succeed but I try.

What does it mean to you in practical terms?
That was an excellent answer. Well thought out and conscientious. I don't believe I can improve upon that. I came from a different angle but I like yours better. My angle was that we have two choices in life. We can worship the created (loving our lives) or we can worship the Creator (loving His ways instead of our ways) because that is what we were made for. And when I use the word worship, it means something different to me than what others - especially atheists - believe but even some Christians as well. To me worshiping God is treating every act I do as a sacred act. It's subliminal. Most people wouldn't even know I was seeing what I do as worship. But your answer is a perfect example of it. You can choose to satisfy yourself or you can choose to worship God by doing what you believe he would want you to do. To me that is a sacred act and it shows that you are thankful and appreciative of the gift he gave you. There is no better way to show you are thankful for receiving a gift then to use that gift. I know from my experiences that when I give someone a gift and see them using that gift I know that they appreciated it.
That was an excellent answer. Well thought out and conscientious. I don't believe I can improve upon that. I came from a different angle but I like yours better. My angle was that we have two choices in life. We can worship the created (loving our lives) or we can worship the Creator (loving His ways instead of our ways) because that is what we were made for. And when I use the word worship, it means something different to me than what others - especially atheists - believe but even some Christians as well. To me worshiping God is treating every act I do as a sacred act. It's subliminal. Most people wouldn't even know I was seeing what I do as worship. But your answer is a perfect example of it. You can choose to satisfy yourself or you can choose to worship God by doing what you believe he would want you to do. To me that is a sacred act and it shows that you are thankful and appreciative of the gift he gave you. There is no better way to show you are thankful for receiving a gift then to use that gift. I know from my experiences that when I give someone a gift and see them using that gift I know that they appreciated it.
I like that- describing it as worship.

It makes me think that the notion of offering our suffering for the good of others ought to be called worship too. I'm going to keep that in mind.
I like that- describing it as worship.

It makes me think that the notion of offering our suffering for the good of others ought to be called worship too. I'm going to keep that in mind.
A lot of people think that worship is for God. I think giving thanks and praise is actually for us. There's something called the happiness advantage. If you pay close attention to what the science tells us how we can train our minds you should see be able to see why giving thanks and praise, confessing our sins and forgiveness (self reflection), random acts of kindness (charity) and prayer (meditation) led to the success of Western Civilization. This is a really good and informative talk that's about 15 minutes and it is highly entertaining. Not everyone can see the connection but I think you will. Let me know what you think.

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