What killed Americans society's dreams of advancing to a better future during the 2010-2014 time period?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I remember the 2010-2015 as a more optimistic time but a more vapid and materialistic time.

Reality TV was all the rage.

Why did TV become so dumb during that time period?

Society seemed more conformist too. A lot of men were into excessive exercise and the women into extreme dieting. Expressing intellect seemed to be shunned.

It seemed like before 2014 that society thought that people who watched fantasy themed shows and "Battlestar Galactica" were seen as "People who lived in basements" but since "Game of Thrones" and the MCU blew up the stigma seemed to be erased virtually overnight.

It seemed like during that time period society largely stopped dreaming about space travel and the future.

Did materialism distract society from being inspired to work for a futuristic future?

Did conformity stop society from achieving it's intellectual potential?

Was it the 2008 financial crash that caused a lot of American society to struggle?

Or was it all of those factors?
Woke Progressive Leftism backed by a corrupted media. (to a large extent)
But actually, this has been in the cards for a lot longer than the period you mention.

Or that's my take.

Freedom is the unnatural state of human existence for a reason. People are naturally lazy, apathetic and prone to cling tenaciously to their material gains overlooking all other indications things are going wrong....to the bitter end.
So while it seems things are "going wrong", they're actually just reverting slowly back to an authoritarian state where the few control and dominate the many.
That is the eternal plight of sheeple mankind. Add in broad ignorance and reverting back to authoritarianism is inevitable. We see it in China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and a growing number of nation states.
It's also why America is also known as the "Great Experiment in Freedom and Diversity"
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In fairness, China. That was a period of immense expansion on their part and most of the marketshare emanated from America.
I remember the 2010-2015 as a more optimistic time but a more vapid and materialistic time.

Reality TV was all the rage.

Why did TV become so dumb during that time period?

Society seemed more conformist too. A lot of men were into excessive exercise and the women into extreme dieting. Expressing intellect seemed to be shunned.

It seemed like before 2014 that society thought that people who watched fantasy themed shows and "Battlestar Galactica" were seen as "People who lived in basements" but since "Game of Thrones" and the MCU blew up the stigma seemed to be erased virtually overnight.

It seemed like during that time period society largely stopped dreaming about space travel and the future.

Did materialism distract society from being inspired to work for a futuristic future?

Did conformity stop society from achieving it's intellectual potential?

Was it the 2008 financial crash that caused a lot of American society to struggle?

Or was it all of those factors?

Republican obstructionism. Which prevented a record economic recovery, and instead prolonged Americas suffering, in the worst job loss, and home foreclosure crisis since the Great Republican Depression of the 1930's.
Can't say.....Too busy working toward a early retirement.

Odd thing, I never watched any of those shows. About all I remember was the folks on gun sites saying "Choot-Em'" every other post.

LOL....CCI even had "Choot-Em'" ammo.


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