Zone1 What is your race?

What is my race? Tour de France, watch it every year. Been a bicycle fanatic ever since I was a kid and figured out that a bike meant freedom. Also, became a bike racer in my mid 20's and was a beast on a bicycle until my mid 30's. People tried me to get into auto racing, but I always thought they were boring.

What is my ethnicity? Depends....................when I enlisted in the Navy back in the early 80s, my birth certificate said "Caucasian", so I checked "white" or "Caucasian' on the forms.

My ancestors however are Norwegian (Grandfather was a full blood Norwegian, and has some notable people in his bloodline), Scottish, German (Grandmother was half and half, and on the Scottish side also has some notable people), and the rest is a mixture of Europe on my father's side. Never got to really know him or spend time with him (mom divorced him when I was 1 1/2), but have been told it's all European.

When asked a question like that, I always tell them it's listed as Caucasian, but also let them know about the Norwegian, German and Scot in me. I'm especially proud of the Scot part, as Robert the Bruce, as well as many members of the Black Watch are in my bloodline.
What is my race? Tour de France, watch it every year. Been a bicycle fanatic ever since I was a kid and figured out that a bike meant freedom. Also, became a bike racer in my mid 20's and was a beast on a bicycle until my mid 30's. People tried me to get into auto racing, but I always thought they were boring.

What is my ethnicity? Depends....................when I enlisted in the Navy back in the early 80s, my birth certificate said "Caucasian", so I checked "white" or "Caucasian' on the forms.

My ancestors however are Norwegian (Grandfather was a full blood Norwegian, and has some notable people in his bloodline), Scottish, German (Grandmother was half and half, and on the Scottish side also has some notable people), and the rest is a mixture of Europe on my father's side. Never got to really know him or spend time with him (mom divorced him when I was 1 1/2), but have been told it's all European.

When asked a question like that, I always tell them it's listed as Caucasian, but also let them know about the Norwegian, German and Scot in me. I'm especially proud of the Scot part, as Robert the Bruce, as well as many members of the Black Watch are in my bloodline.
way to go, laddie-----DOWN WITH THE HAGGIS BAN
What is my race? Tour de France, watch it every year. Been a bicycle fanatic ever since I was a kid and figured out that a bike meant freedom. Also, became a bike racer in my mid 20's and was a beast on a bicycle until my mid 30's. People tried me to get into auto racing, but I always thought they were boring.

What is my ethnicity? Depends....................when I enlisted in the Navy back in the early 80s, my birth certificate said "Caucasian", so I checked "white" or "Caucasian' on the forms.

My ancestors however are Norwegian (Grandfather was a full blood Norwegian, and has some notable people in his bloodline), Scottish, German (Grandmother was half and half, and on the Scottish side also has some notable people), and the rest is a mixture of Europe on my father's side. Never got to really know him or spend time with him (mom divorced him when I was 1 1/2), but have been told it's all European.

When asked a question like that, I always tell them it's listed as Caucasian, but also let them know about the Norwegian, German and Scot in me. I'm especially proud of the Scot part, as Robert the Bruce, as well as many members of the Black Watch are in my bloodline.

Great, you have fish oil in your blood.
I am Caucasian. I had one of those DNA things done, and I have ancestors all over Europe (including for instance, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland). Although I share "57 Varieties" with the H.J. Heinz company, all of those varieties are Caucasian (aka, "white").

Race does exist, right alongside gender and ethnicity. If modern anthropologists had "balls" they could document dozens of actual, measurable differences between and among the races, with the caveat that individuals within those races diverge ALMOST infinitely, so that few conclusions can be drawn about INDIVIDUALS based on their respective races.

And for the record, if I believe that all things considered, Caucasians are superior to other races, based on the historical record and observable facts, that may make me a "white supremacist," but it does NOT make me a "racist," an essential element of which is malice or animus toward other races, which I lack.

So how do you like me now?
Caucasians live in cooler climates. This results in them having to do more in order to protect themselves from the cold. They need warmth, shelter, clothing, etc. in order to survive. Darker skinned people living closer to the equator needed to do less just to survive so they were not as driven to invent, build, and work just to have a safe environment from the weather. This, IMO, does NOT mean darker skin people are any less intelligent it's just that they don't have to waste as much energy just surviving.
What is your race and how did you come to this conclusion?

I’ll start. I am white. I came to this conclusion because my birth certificate says I am white.

Initially I thought I was white because other people said I was or because I looked in the mirror and observed that I was white. I later realized that my observation not the observation of others can be defined with a legal definition. I was in my 30s before I was finally given an answer by a college professor. Your mother has the legal authority to determine your race by whatever she writes on the birth certificate.

Some call us lighten throats, others call us lycanthropes; racist bastards. I prefer Canis Sapiens myself, really.
I am Caucasian. I had one of those DNA things done, and I have ancestors all over Europe (including for instance, England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland). Although I share "57 Varieties" with the H.J. Heinz company, all of those varieties are Caucasian (aka, "white").

Race does exist, right alongside gender and ethnicity. If modern anthropologists had "balls" they could document dozens of actual, measurable differences between and among the races, with the caveat that individuals within those races diverge ALMOST infinitely, so that few conclusions can be drawn about INDIVIDUALS based on their respective races.

And for the record, if I believe that all things considered, Caucasians are superior to other races, based on the historical record and observable facts, that may make me a "white supremacist," but it does NOT make me a "racist," an essential element of which is malice or animus toward other races, which I lack.

So how do you like me now?

In nature vs nurture dichotomy, I've come down soundly on the side of nuture being the better indicator of outcome, provided the right guidance, leadership and resources are applied.

“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. (1930)”​

― John Watson, Behaviorism
440 yard relay. I was the anchor.
Cool. I had speed, or I had stamina, but not both, not in anything. I did swim with the Paducah Swim team back in the late 60s when they (for a year) had the record for the longest continuous swim marathon in the Guinness Book of World Records. That was swimming two-hour blocks back and forth, often twice a day, as a witness counted the laps to make sure everybody stayed above a certain number of repetitions (as they were going for time and distance) for over a week, and they had trouble getting people to volunteer for the after midnight blocks.
Cool. I had speed, or I had stamina, but not both, not in anything. I did swim with the Paducah Swim team back in the late 60s when they (for a year) had the record for the longest continuous swim marathon in the Guinness Book of World Records. That was swimming two-hour blocks back and forth, often twice a day, as a witness counted the laps to make sure everybody stayed above a certain number of repetitions (as they were going for time and distance) for over a week, and they had trouble getting people to volunteer for the after midnight blocks.
That's awesome. I was never a water sports guy, but always have admired the stamina that many world class swimmers possess.
I only learned how to swim because my boxing coach/trainer (who was a former world champion) swore by water training techniques. Truthfully, I can count the times that I've even gotten in the pool in my backyard.

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