What is wrong with progressives?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I try to understand where the left is coming from - I really do. But this nonsense about "progressing" is just maddening. First of all, they never say what they want to progress TO. What is progress for them? Communism? Socialism? Nazism?

In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution. Time magazine (ie Obama magazine) just wrote a huge article about how the Constitution is no longer relevant. The US Constitution is the world's only PERFECT document. It's perfect because it guaranteed our freedoms. Because it guaranteed it would keep government SMALL and out of our lives. And most of all, because it recognized it's own imperfections and built in a process to edit it when necessary. How exactly do you "progress" past perfection - I guess that's why progressives won't define what they are trying to progress to? Because answering with Communism, Socialism, or Nazism would have a negative effect on their "progress".

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance - no "progress" can be made beyond these propositions!!!!
True Progressives are responsible for us progressing to a global economy and offshoring and Ninja home loans. 6 year car loans, etc.

Real conservatives would have fought all of those changes.

but then if left to the conservatives we would still be a colony of England.
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In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution.

I don't know of any progressive group that is attacking the Constitution. If you want to provide some examples, we can discuss those.

As for what "progressives" are progressing to, I could ask the same thing about "conservatives". What are you trying to conserve?

I have never thought of progressives as heading to a certain goal. Sure, some of them maybe, but as a whole, no. But that doesn't mean there isn't a direction. Think of it like the pioneers who were heading west. They didn't have an exact location, but they new a better life headed west. It's pretty much the same for progressives.
I try to understand where the left is coming from - I really do. But this nonsense about "progressing" is just maddening. First of all, they never say what they want to progress TO. What is progress for them? Communism? Socialism? Nazism?

In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution. Time magazine (ie Obama magazine) just wrote a huge article about how the Constitution is no longer relevant. The US Constitution is the world's only PERFECT document. It's perfect because it guaranteed our freedoms. Because it guaranteed it would keep government SMALL and out of our lives. And most of all, because it recognized it's own imperfections and built in a process to edit it when necessary. How exactly do you "progress" past perfection - I guess that's why progressives won't define what they are trying to progress to? Because answering with Communism, Socialism, or Nazism would have a negative effect on their "progress".

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance - no "progress" can be made beyond these propositions!!!!

I wonder how many slaves would have agreed with it's perfection?
I try to understand where the left is coming from - I really do. But this nonsense about "progressing" is just maddening. First of all, they never say what they want to progress TO. What is progress for them? Communism? Socialism? Nazism?

In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution. Time magazine (ie Obama magazine) just wrote a huge article about how the Constitution is no longer relevant. The US Constitution is the world's only PERFECT document. It's perfect because it guaranteed our freedoms. Because it guaranteed it would keep government SMALL and out of our lives. And most of all, because it recognized it's own imperfections and built in a process to edit it when necessary. How exactly do you "progress" past perfection - I guess that's why progressives won't define what they are trying to progress to? Because answering with Communism, Socialism, or Nazism would have a negative effect on their "progress".

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance - no "progress" can be made beyond these propositions!!!!

I wonder how many slaves would have agreed with it's perfection?

The slaves were freed 146 years ago.
It is because of the Constitution that slaves did eventually become free.
I try to understand where the left is coming from - I really do. But this nonsense about "progressing" is just maddening. First of all, they never say what they want to progress TO. What is progress for them? Communism? Socialism? Nazism?

In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution. Time magazine (ie Obama magazine) just wrote a huge article about how the Constitution is no longer relevant. The US Constitution is the world's only PERFECT document. It's perfect because it guaranteed our freedoms. Because it guaranteed it would keep government SMALL and out of our lives. And most of all, because it recognized it's own imperfections and built in a process to edit it when necessary. How exactly do you "progress" past perfection - I guess that's why progressives won't define what they are trying to progress to? Because answering with Communism, Socialism, or Nazism would have a negative effect on their "progress".

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance - no "progress" can be made beyond these propositions!!!!

I wonder how many slaves would have agreed with it's perfection?

The slaves were freed 146 years ago.
It is because of the Constitution that slaves did eventually become free.

And if the Constitution, when drafted, guaranteed "our" freedoms, who is "our"?
I try to understand where the left is coming from - I really do. But this nonsense about "progressing" is just maddening. First of all, they never say what they want to progress TO. What is progress for them? Communism? Socialism? Nazism?

In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution. Time magazine (ie Obama magazine) just wrote a huge article about how the Constitution is no longer relevant. The US Constitution is the world's only PERFECT document. It's perfect because it guaranteed our freedoms. Because it guaranteed it would keep government SMALL and out of our lives. And most of all, because it recognized it's own imperfections and built in a process to edit it when necessary. How exactly do you "progress" past perfection - I guess that's why progressives won't define what they are trying to progress to? Because answering with Communism, Socialism, or Nazism would have a negative effect on their "progress".

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance - no "progress" can be made beyond these propositions!!!!

I wonder how many slaves would have agreed with it's perfection?
I bet they hate that 13th Amendment.
I try to understand where the left is coming from - I really do. But this nonsense about "progressing" is just maddening. First of all, they never say what they want to progress TO. What is progress for them? Communism? Socialism? Nazism?

In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution. Time magazine (ie Obama magazine) just wrote a huge article about how the Constitution is no longer relevant. The US Constitution is the world's only PERFECT document. It's perfect because it guaranteed our freedoms. Because it guaranteed it would keep government SMALL and out of our lives. And most of all, because it recognized it's own imperfections and built in a process to edit it when necessary. How exactly do you "progress" past perfection - I guess that's why progressives won't define what they are trying to progress to? Because answering with Communism, Socialism, or Nazism would have a negative effect on their "progress".

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance - no "progress" can be made beyond these propositions!!!!

I wonder how many slaves would have agreed with it's perfection?
I bet they hate that 13th Amendment.

So, the "perfect" document only had to be amended 13 times before it guaranteed "their" freedoms. Got it.
I try to understand where the left is coming from - I really do. But this nonsense about "progressing" is just maddening. First of all, they never say what they want to progress TO. What is progress for them? Communism? Socialism? Nazism?

In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution. Time magazine (ie Obama magazine) just wrote a huge article about how the Constitution is no longer relevant. The US Constitution is the world's only PERFECT document. It's perfect because it guaranteed our freedoms. Because it guaranteed it would keep government SMALL and out of our lives. And most of all, because it recognized it's own imperfections and built in a process to edit it when necessary. How exactly do you "progress" past perfection - I guess that's why progressives won't define what they are trying to progress to? Because answering with Communism, Socialism, or Nazism would have a negative effect on their "progress".

If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance - no "progress" can be made beyond these propositions!!!!


A perfect document, that has had to be be amended 27 times (17 not including the bill of rights) since the Constitution was ratified. One of those Amendments takes rights away from ordinary citizens. That's progress.
In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution.

I don't know of any progressive group that is attacking the Constitution. If you want to provide some examples, we can discuss those.

As for what "progressives" are progressing to, I could ask the same thing about "conservatives". What are you trying to conserve?

I have never thought of progressives as heading to a certain goal. Sure, some of them maybe, but as a whole, no. But that doesn't mean there isn't a direction. Think of it like the pioneers who were heading west. They didn't have an exact location, but they new a better life headed west. It's pretty much the same for progressives.

I can answer that - conservatives are trying to conserve the United States, the US Constitution, and everything that was perfect until the rise of Marxism and Communism (now adopted by the progressives).

As far as "heading west" - sorry, but if you don't know where you are heading, you can't possibly "know" that a better life exists in that direction. You can HOPE that a better life exists, but you can't possibly KNOW because you don't know where you're going, thus you don't know what is there. I think you just actually answered for me the problem with progressives (and thank you, seriously, because I've been scratching my head on that for many years). They blindly believe something else is "better" without ANY idea of what "better" is or a plan to get there. That explains the endless stupidity of their legislation. If you have no plan where you're going, of course you're going to recklessly create legislation that takes you in any direction - include a direction of tyranny, oppressoin, and poverty.
In their attempt to "progress", they are now attacking the US Constitution.

I'm still wondering what progressive group is supposedly attacking the Constitution.

Well, lets start with the progressive controlled CONGRESS under Nancy Pelosi when they pissed all over the US Constitution and passed an Obamacare bill that allows the federal govenrment to grossly over step their authority. From there, the list is endless. The Center for American Progress, Open Society Institute, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Health Care for America Now, Economic Policy Institute, Project Vote, Progressive States Network, Free Press, Media Matters, Sojourners, Amnesty International, and the Tides Foundation to name just a few. There are literally thousands more.
I want a country that keeps Americans free from the tyrany of others.

What the conservatives want is the same thing I believe.

They have just been convinced by the people who seek to own our government lock stock and barrel that they are protecting Americans from tryanny from the very institution that is designed to protect them.

How can you love our constitution and yet hate the very instrument that allows us to protect that constitution?

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