What is worse racism or black on black crime?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
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My dad (a white American nationalists male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
I agree with you on this, Mary. Black on black crime is just horrific, and is largely ignored by the mainstream media.
Let's talk about the BLM riots. Every single person they use as a victim was just petty criminal . George Floyd? The drug addict? Jesus,nobody's saintly mother got this treatment. The Dumbocrats are beyond cynical on this.

you have to admit----our black brothers and sisters do not become embittered against habitual criminals in their community
White on white crime is higher and millions of acts of racism happen daily. You're a racist and have the nerve to ask to be shown that racism is a thing.
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .

white racism IS a thing. chinese racism is a thing too. Black racism is a kind of lesser sickness in society as a whole because it is a perversity expressed by a minority with lesser impact on the society as a whole. Like the sickness depression which has a natural history including suicide, the associated energy can easily become SUICIDE. The interesting, non-adaptive behavior which is SUICIDE is, sometimes, considered by psycho geniuses --HOSTILITY TURNED INWARD. We see lots of "hostility turned inward"
in black communities. It's nothing new.
White on white crime is higher and millions of acts of racism happen daily. You're a racist and have the nerve to ask to be shown that racism is a thing.

IM2 those professors of "black studies 101" left over from the age of LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS still occupy your brain.
White on white crime is higher and millions of acts of racism happen daily. You're a racist and have the nerve to ask to be shown that racism is a thing.

IM2 those professors of "black studies 101" left over from the age of LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS still occupy your brain.

Wrong. So there is no more sexism either. Rapes don't happen because I have never seen one. This is the logic being used here. rosie you're an ancient old white racist woman. And at this point that's as good as you're going to get. Whites telling people of color that racism doesn't exist is like the fox standing outside the chicken coup telling the chickens he's not hungry. In short, a lie.
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .

white racism IS a thing. chinese racism is a thing too. Black racism is a kind of lesser sickness in society as a whole because it is a perversity expressed by a minority with lesser impact on the society as a whole. Like the sickness depression which has a natural history including suicide, the associated energy can easily become SUICIDE. The interesting, non-adaptive behavior which is SUICIDE is, sometimes, considered by psycho geniuses --HOSTILITY TURNED INWARD. We see lots of "hostility turned inward"
in black communities. It's nothing new.
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
What is the black crime rate Mary?
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
What is the black crime rate Mary?

for very interesting sophistry on "STATS" read DuBois. Of course one could ask Rudy Giuliani who saw great merit in arresting Turnstile Jumpers

why? for purposes of sophistry?
The main sources of racism in the West is Jewish racism against Whitey which results in Whitey students hating themselves. The other less sophisticated racism is Blacks and Browns targeting Whitey for violent crimes.

why? for purposes of sophistry?
For the purpose or disproving racist claims.
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
What is the black crime rate Mary?

for very interesting sophistry on "STATS" read DuBois. Of course one could ask Rudy Giuliani who saw great merit in arresting Turnstile Jumpers
I've read Dubois, you need to go read the UCR's from the past 30 years.
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
What is the black crime rate Mary?

for very interesting sophistry on "STATS" read DuBois. Of course one could ask Rudy Giuliani who saw great merit in arresting Turnstile Jumpers
I've read Dubois, you need to go read the UCR's from the past 30 years.

I lived the UCR's from the past 35 years, right here
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
Black codes were alive and well when your dad got back and he did nothing.
My dad (a white American nationalist male) fought against the fascist in WWII. Liberated Dachau because that's what white male nationalist do. So anyway prove to me White racism is a thing? I am seeing the HUGE black on black crime rate, and white racism pales in comparison .
Black codes were alive and well when your dad got back and he did nothing.

what and where were "black codes" alive and well in the USA after world war II?

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