Diamond Member
^That's Obama's Version of the Great Seal...
And of course, the Actual Great Seal:
Not unlike his own Presidential Seal that Included his "O", he seems to be Fixated on Symbolism and Modifying MANY of our Institutions, Public and Private, with his "O":
Take the HealthCare Symbol he has been Using, it's a Bastardization of the AMA's Logo:
My Commentary of "Obey Omega" was added, but aside from that it is a Logo Generated by his Organization.
There are also the ones like this:
It seems as if he wants to become Everything for all People.
That "O" Represents him, and was a Primary Vehicle for Advertising him during the Campaign, and has now Made it's Way onto Virtually EVERYTHING he is Pimping.
There is one More... This is when he was Pushing for his "First Latina" on the Court:
The Real Deal:
Apparently he likes the Look of his Logo on the Supreme Court too.
He Marks almost Everything like a Dog...
Why is the Most Symbolism Using National Leader since... Hitler?
It's not up for Debate that he is, but it is Curious.