What is the human race coming to?

For one thing, if this guy did clone a human, then he's breaking the law (in the U.S. at least). Secondly, the technocracy has always had a "let's do it just because we can" attitude in all areas of technology, not just DNA research. And they have an uncanny ability to absolve themselves of moral responsibility when things go awry. As long as the larger society keeps buying the gospel of salvation through technology, the abuses will continue.
I disagree. Human salvation is dependent upon the progress of technology. But this must be balanced and tempered with a strong set of values. Technology in an of itself is neutral - a set of tools. The ethics and morals we apply in using these tools makes them beneficial or damaging.

How do you feel about cloning organs from one's own tissue for replacement of diseased ones?

I would love to see that. Then maybe my husband could have a working pancreas again.
Originally posted by wonderwench
But this must be balanced and tempered with a strong set of values. Technology in an of itself is neutral - a set of tools. The ethics and morals we apply in using these tools makes them beneficial or damaging.

My point exactly. Scientists are notorious for denying responsibility for their work after the fact. That doesn't make science per se a Bad Thing. It's rather the amoral attitude of those performing the work, combined with the non-scientific economic incentives for doing it, that practically guarantees they won't choose to restrain themselves.

Originally posted by wonderwench
How do you feel about cloning organs from one's own tissue for replacement of diseased ones?

We're talking about whole persons here, not just organs. I don't have a problem with cloning organs to replace defective organs in the same person they were created from.
Originally posted by wonderwench
I disagree. Human salvation is dependent upon the progress of technology. But this must be balanced and tempered with a strong set of values. Technology in an of itself is neutral - a set of tools. The ethics and morals we apply in using these tools makes them beneficial or damaging.

How do you feel about cloning organs from one's own tissue for replacement of diseased ones?

I would love to see that. Then maybe my husband could have a working pancreas again.
I would not disagree that the ethics we use regarding technology is really the issue. Just because something's possible, doesn't make it beneficial.

Although I sympathize with your husband's plight, I am not in favor of genetic manipulation of any sort. In fact, I think most so-called medical advances are not going to benefit the human race in the long run. There's always a cost to a benefit and I think that the ultimate cost will be too high.
Originally posted by Moi
I would not disagree that the ethics we use regarding technology is really the issue. Just because something's possible, doesn't make it beneficial.

Although I sympathize with your husband's plight, I am not in favor of genetic manipulation of any sort. In fact, I think most so-called medical advances are not going to benefit the human race in the long run. There's always a cost to a benefit and I think that the ultimate cost will be too high.

Moi is right to some extent. We all know that microbes eventually become resistant to available treatments, necessitating the development of new treatments. We may be able to stay ahead of the game for awhile, but nature will always have the final word. A technological breakdown wouldn't just spell the end of our technological way of life, it would most likely bring on plagues of every sort on a scale previously unimagined.
Originally posted by wonderwench

I would love to see that. Then maybe my husband could have a working pancreas again.

Sorry about your husband....If we could do more with stem cell research help could be on the way. Cloning though, I dont know.
I agree with SM, hey we can not even cure the common cold, I just do not think we are ready to fool around with the structure of life, not yet at least !
As far as I know, there has never been any legitimate reason for us to clone an entire person, and I can't really think of one.

I'm not against cloning organs, I think that could be beneficial if the technology is developed well enough.

hey we can not even cure the common cold,

True, we've got so many things now that we could be coming up with more efficient cures for (blindness, HIV, cancer), why do these people keep coming up with these new ways to waste time and money?
nature has been "cloning" since day one. Its called a twin. and I do believe that as far as organs go, that would be OK with safe gaurds in place. complete packages should be left to nature. one of these days some real smart scientist is going to make a break-through and nobody will be able to close the box once opened..pandoras box

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